Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 81 The Raptors Cross The River

Chapter 81: Fierce Dragon Crossing the River

The Kasel Academy was engulfed in gunfire.

The teaching buildings near the parking lot, especially the strongholds of both sides, were bombed to pieces.

Although they didn't completely collapse, Gu Dalian couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

"These guys are really audacious! If they had chosen my class, I would have taught them a lesson!"

Gu Dalian said as he took out his binoculars.

He first looked at the S-level Lu Mingfei, who was crucial to his lifelong professorship.

At this moment, he was following behind Chu Zihang, occasionally taking shots, which was quite worrying.

If it weren't for Principal Ang's absolute authority in his heart, Gu Dalian would have doubted whether he had misjudged the rankings.

Lin Jianglong was S-level, while Lu Mingfei was only A-level.

Soon, he shifted his gaze to Lin Jianglong.

Gu Dalian believed that when Lu Mingfei's language spirit awakened, he would return as a king like lightning.

But for now, let's see how the experts operate.

Li Xiang approached the Student Union stronghold through a narrow passage.

But he quickly stopped and leaned against a marble pillar.

The intense gunfire was affecting his sound positioning.

However, his vision had also been enhanced after his language spirit awakened.

At this moment, there were three people on his left.

They were wearing deep red combat uniforms, which stood out even in the dusty environment.

He himself was wearing a black combat uniform, which was equally difficult to hide.

Li Xiang extended his arm and fired three shots in succession.

The gunshots didn't sound abrupt in the chaotic environment.

The three people almost instantly fell down.

Li Xiang continued walking forward and, as he passed their bodies, suddenly looked up.

He saw a girl hanging from the ceiling lamp.

After making eye contact with him, she was startled and instinctively pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out, and she lost consciousness, falling straight down.

Li Xiang and she almost simultaneously fired their guns.

But she couldn't dodge on the ceiling, while he could.

Li Xiang caught her body and placed her on the ground.

Although falling wouldn't kill her, she might have broken some bones.

The disappearance of the four people didn't alert Li Xiang.

In this chaotic environment, it was possible to "die" at any moment.

Caesar couldn't have expected that someone would dare to infiltrate alone.

Even Chu Zihang would only come out with a bayonet when there were only one or two people left in the battle.

Li Xiang turned towards the vicinity of the Student Union stronghold.

At a corner, he suddenly accelerated.

Bullets hit the wall behind him.

Li Xiang turned around and discovered a young man crouching in the corner.

He was lying on the ground, pretending to be dead, but the gun in his hand was now aimed at Li Xiang.

However, a dark figure smashed into his head.

Before losing consciousness, the young man saw clearly what it was—it was actually a pistol.

The force was so strong that he suspected the other person had used a language spirit.

"Don't underestimate a ninja who has survived in the ninja world. Not only are my hands accurate, but my feet are as well."

It's actually very simple.

While Li Xiang was paying attention, he casually kicked the gun that someone dropped on the ground, hitting the young man.

He immediately crouched down.

The biggest problem appeared in front of him, how to enter the headquarters of the Student Union?

There were crowds of people at the entrance of the teaching building, and there were also a large number of firearms.

Charging head-on would definitely not work, his body wouldn't be able to withstand it.

Li Xiang felt his way to the back of the teaching building.

The walls were all smooth tiles.

Without being able to activate the power of language, it was almost impossible for anyone to climb up.

But even so, Li Xiang also discovered four people guarding the rooftop.

No, there should also be snipers lying down.

As the headquarters and the highest point of the rooftop, it wouldn't make sense not to have snipers deployed.

Li Xiang hesitated for a few seconds, then immediately took out four objects similar to stones.

They were special bullets made by the equipment department at Chu Zihang's request.

In simpler terms, they were called "throwing cannons," a type of firecracker that he liked to play with during the Chinese New Year when he was a child.

As long as they were thrown forcefully on the ground, they would explode.

Li Xiang swung his arms left and right, and the four bullets hit perfectly.

His training in throwing ninja tools came into play again.

The sniper on the rooftop was suddenly startled.

But he didn't notice where the bullets came from while lying down.

Li Xiang took out a pair of gloves.

Similar to Wolverine's iron claws.

His body moved on the wall like a gecko.

"Oh my god!"

Goodrian, holding a telescope, couldn't help but exclaim.

As a professor, his eyesight was good.

He could tell that Li Xiang wasn't acting recklessly, but came prepared and had trained.

If he didn't know about his family's situation, Goodrian would have suspected that Li Xiang came from a family of dragon slayers, just like Caesar, trained from a young age.

"Damn! Why isn't he an S-class? Otherwise, it would be a piece of cake for me to capture him as my lifelong student."

Goodrian was full of dissatisfaction.

Although Principal Anghe told him that after graduating from the S-class training, he would be promoted to a lifelong professor at the academy, he was somewhat unsatisfied at this moment.

Li Xiang reached the rooftop, leaped and landed accurately on the sniper.

The poor guy didn't even have time to say a word before being knocked unconscious by the tremendous impact.

Li Xiang didn't show his head, he bent over and let the rooftop wall block him.

There were a bunch of sniper rifles outside.

If he was taken out by his own people, it would become a comedy.

Especially Vice President Su Xi, her sniper skills were only slightly worse than his.

Li Xiang went down the stairs.

When he was a sniper before, he already knew that Caesar's command center was on the second floor.

It had a certain height to observe the surroundings, but with their level, they could also jump out of the window and escape safely at any time.

And this teaching building had five floors.

Li Xiang encountered resistance on the fourth floor.

But he didn't hide, because there was nowhere to hide.

The hallway is too narrow.

When the two sides met, the members of the Student Union were all shocked.

Anyone who sees an enemy in their own territory would have the same reaction.

But it gave Li Xiang some time.

He casually threw a grenade.

"What the f*ck! Get down! Get down!"

Although someone was shouting, it was useless.

The group of people were all "killed" by the grenade.

The specially made grenades from the Equipment Department didn't have real killing power, but at such a close distance, it would still make them very uncomfortable.

They would probably have to lie down for a few hours afterwards.

The sudden explosion woke up the others.

Caesar instinctively looked up and asked, "What's happening on the fourth floor?"

But no one replied.

The people present were not fools, and they immediately understood that something had happened.

"I'll go take a look."

Chen Motong pulled out her Colt pistol from her waist and said, "You command, I'll go where it's most suitable."

She was the vice president and an A-level hybrid, although she didn't have an awakened spirit, she was still second only to Caesar in the Student Union.

Caesar nodded and said, "Be careful."

In the distance, Chu Zihang and Su Su exchanged glances.

They didn't remember sending someone to forcefully charge into the Student Union headquarters.

Even Chu Zihang himself wasn't sure about it.

"Lin Jianglong!"

Su Su suddenly said.

Chu Zihang immediately asked on the intercom, "Lin Jianglong, are you in the Student Union headquarters?"

After receiving a positive reply, he thought for a moment and then ordered, "Assault team, attack!"

The assault team was also known as the suicide squad.

Originally, it was supposed to be used later to charge through the parking lot and head straight for the headquarters.

The young man in charge of the assault team accepted the order and roared without hesitation, "Charge! Charge! Charge!"

Nearly thirty people rushed towards the parking lot at high speed amidst the gunfire.

The pressure on the Student Union suddenly increased.

Caesar's face darkened.

Chu Zihang's behavior further confirmed that someone had infiltrated their rear.

For him, it was a disgrace.

His name was Caesar, and he wanted to surpass the great Caesar.

But that great emperor was an unparalleled military strategist in Rome, shining with dazzling glory.

And he couldn't even handle a small Lionheart Society.

Li Xiang had already reached the third floor and saw Chen Motong, also known as Nono, in the hallway.

She was wearing a deep red combat suit and had a red ponytail.

"Why is it you?!"

Chen Motong couldn't help but ask.

Before this, she had imagined that it might be the cold Chu Zihang or her best friend Su Su.

But she didn't expect it to be Lin Jianglong, who had just entered school and hadn't even attended a class.

It happened to be the first day of school.

No matter how talented he was, he had never been on the battlefield.

Not to mention that he was only A-level.

Chen Motong didn't hesitate and immediately started shooting.

In front of him, there was no distinction between men and women.

Even though Chen Motong was the goddess of the Cassell Academy, it had nothing to do with him.

In just a few seconds, half of the personnel were eliminated.

Chen Motong regained her senses and also started shooting without hesitation.

But Li Xiang disappeared in an instant.

She lost her target and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Where did such a big person go?

Then a smoke bomb exploded.

Li Xiang drew his sword.

This smoky environment made him excited.

Because he was a genius from Kirigakure!

Silent assassination technique.

He was no worse than Zabuza.

"Damn it!"

Chen Motong only heard the sound of heavy objects falling around her, but she couldn't see anyone at all.

It was as if Li Xiang had turned into an invisible ghost, killing madly.

A few seconds later, the sound stopped.

Chen Motong's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The noisy environment was now completely silent.

She brought seven people, but they were all dead now.

The excessive silence made her, who was usually fearless, a little nervous.

Chen Motong tightened her grip on the knife.

The gun was no longer effective in the smoke.

In the next moment, a flash of light appeared before her eyes.

She instinctively raised her hand.

But she was too late.

With a loud bang, her body was thrown and crashed into the wall by a tremendous force.

Li Xiang showed no mercy and hit her forehead with the hilt of his sword.

Chen Motong immediately fell down.

At this moment, the smoke cleared.

Li Xiang heard Caesar's voice coming from Chen Motong's intercom.

He bent down and picked it up.

"Nono, how is it over there? Nono?"

"I'm not Nono, let me reintroduce myself, I'm called Lin Jianglong, the dragon of the fierce dragon."

Li Xiang smiled slightly and replied, "As for your girlfriend, she has unfortunately perished."

A few seconds later, Caesar, with his golden hair resembling a wild lion, rushed up.

His face was filled with anger.

3000 characters, second update

(End of this chapter)

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