Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 86 The Seven Deadly Sins: Arrogance

Chapter 86: Seven Deadly Sins - Pride

The deciphered map was sent to the driver's cabin, and then passed on by Mans to Li Xiang, Ye Sheng, and Jiudeya Ji.

Li Xiang didn't have time to watch.

In the water, he moved like a snake, avoiding the dragon servant's giant claws in a perilous manner.

The black shiny claws landed on the bronze wall, immediately emitting a piercing and uncomfortable sound.

But it was soon drowned out by the dragon servant's roar.

Li Xiang was experienced in dealing with such colossal creatures.

No matter which world, humans are easily helpless against things that are dozens of times larger than themselves.

But Li Xiang had dealt with tailed beasts and summoning beasts in the Shinobi world.

A fifteen-meter dragon servant was nothing more than a primary school student in front of them.

In addition, the height displayed by Susanoo far exceeded it.

After dodging the giant claws, Li Xiang effortlessly plunged his katana into the wall.

Using the force, he flew up, detached the blade from the wall, twisted his body in the air, and firmly gripped the hilt with both hands, fiercely stabbing towards the dragon servant's head.

After activating the Blood Rage skill, his physical abilities further improved.

He felt a feeling comparable to that of a Chunin.

Li Xiang was quite familiar with it.

He didn't lose control of his strength due to the surge in his physical abilities.

At the same time, Li Xiang gained a new ability, which was the ice-blue glow on his katana.

He found that it could enhance ordinary weapons.

Li Xiang couldn't help but think of the Noble Phantasm of the Mad Knight Lancelot, Knight of Owner.

The effect was that anything touched by both hands could become a Noble Phantasm, giving it a certain amplification.

And the dragon blood he obtained came from Yōran (Fairy Knight Lancelot).

The katana pierced through the dragon servant's dragon scales.

Blood flowed.

The dragon servant became even more frenzied due to the intense pain.

Li Xiang didn't have time to stabilize himself and was thrown out.

His agile figure adjusted its position in the air, kicked off the wall on the other side, and then landed steadily.

"A bit troublesome."

Li Xiang noticed that his katana was stuck about ten centimeters deep and couldn't go any further.

But for a giant beast with a fifteen-meter body, ten centimeters was like scratching an itch.

After all, his new ability was to amplify weapons.

If the weapon was lousy, no matter how much it was amplified, it couldn't reach the level of a divine artifact.

Forcing it would also damage the weapon.

It was like equipment amplification in Dungeon Fighter Online (DNF), where the first ten levels of enhancement were relatively easy, but each subsequent level had a higher chance of destruction.

Li Xiang thought of the Seven Deadly Sins.

But where exactly was this set of alchemical weapons hidden?

According to reason, the bone vials of the Dragon King Norton were all here, so there was no reason for the Seven Deadly Sins to be even more precious.

Li Xiang's thoughts flashed by.

The dragon servant's tail came crashing down like a black thunderbolt.

Without thinking, he dodged to the left and then stabbed back.

Suddenly, Li Xiang felt his katana trembling slightly in his hand, as if some power was bursting out from within it.

The next moment, the dragon servant let out a painful roar.

Li Xiang's pupils couldn't help but contract.

The tail that was hit was unexpectedly bleeding heavily.

This is simply impossible.

It's a critical hit!

Li Xiang finally understood his new ability.

It comes from Yao Lan's second skill, Fairy Dancer, which increases the chance of critical hits and deals double or even multiple damage.

Coincidentally, her first skill is called Dragon Heart, which can enhance attack, defense, HP, and MP in all aspects.

So, it means that her Spirit Language has advanced to the second level due to the blood rage.

In the future, it should be renamed Spirit Language - Fairy Dancer.

Li Xiang narrowed his eyes and, taking advantage of the moment when the Dragon Knight screamed in pain, thrust his samurai sword like a burst of firecrackers.

In the air, they formed a continuous pattern, like a spider web ready to hunt.

Although it appeared too small compared to the Dragon Knight's massive body, there are disadvantages to being big.

That is, it is slow.

After the blood rage, Li Xiang's speed further increased.

If he were to fight Caesar now, he was confident that Caesar wouldn't even be able to touch a single strand of his hair.

The Dragon Knight instinctively raised its huge claw to block.

Clang, clang, clang, the sound rang out.

Li Xiang's sword danced on its claws like a pedicure knife gone wild.

The Dragon Knight couldn't help but scream.

Most of the attacks were useless, but three or four out of ten times, they broke through its skin and penetrated deep into its flesh.

A few seconds later, Li Xiang retreated, took a breath, and the Dragon Knight's blocked right claw was already covered in blood.

As the blood continued to spread.

Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji, who were previously ready to strike, finally seized the opportunity to grab the brass can.

The Dragon Knight heard the movement and quickly turned around, immediately furious. It raised its head and spewed out a flame-like dragon breath.

Since Li Xiang had split its flames earlier, it hadn't used them again. But now, facing two little mice, it couldn't hold back anymore.

Li Xiang moved.

He appeared in front of Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

So fast that they both thought it was an illusion.

"You guys run according to the map."

Li Xiang swung his sword.

The roaring flames split apart again and quickly submerged in the flowing water.

Jiu De Yaji suddenly remembered something and said, "There's a box under the bronze can, it might be the Seven Deadly Sins you mentioned earlier."

Li Xiang nodded slightly and confronted the Dragon Knight.

At this moment, it was crazily chasing Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji, like a wild horse without reins.

Its strength was terrifying, reaching the Ultimate level.

Golden flames burned fiercely in Li Xiang's eyes.

He jumped onto the Dragon Knight's head, and his entire body's bones made a loud crackling sound.

"Die for me!"

Li Xiang stabbed with all his strength.

Luck played a role.

Critical hit!

Sprays of dragon blood splattered all over him.

He had already taken off his diving suit earlier, and it was impossible to fight the Dragon Knight while carrying the weight.

The talent of the water monkey allows it to briefly live in water.

The Dragon Knight, due to intense pain, crashed directly into the wall on the other side at high speed.

In an instant, the earth shook.

Li Xiang threw away the broken samurai sword in his hand and, like a swordfish, instantly appeared in the previous location of the bronze jar.

Sure enough, there was an alchemical black box in the pit.

He remembered the switch that Lu Mingze mentioned in the original work.

He found a groove above the box.

With a click, the mechanism inside popped out, and seven swords appeared in front of him.

From the horse-cutting sword, straight-edged sword to the short sword, everything was there.

Almost all of them were the most classic famous swords from around the world.

Li Xiang drew out Arrogance.

Because this was an octagonal Han sword.

About one meter long, the blade shimmered with cold light, exuding a majestic aura.

Without any hesitation, Li Xiang saw the Dragon Knight charging towards him.

He leaped high.

The Han sword began to tremble with his movements.

A golden light illuminated the surrounding waters.

Li Xiang felt the heartbeat of this sword.

It was born to slay dragons.

Li Xiang released the Han sword in mid-air, then flew back and kicked, causing the Han sword to fall.

But he caught up with it at an even faster speed, grabbed it with both hands, and then stabbed down.

The hard dragon scales were easily pierced, and the flesh, as tough as bronze, was penetrated, and blood gushed out like a waterfall.

Li Xiang's clothes were stained red.

He wiped his face and pulled out the Han sword.

The blood on the blade was gone in a few seconds, leaving it as smooth as before.

Li Xiang couldn't help but praise, "What a great sword!"

Under his feet, the Dragon Knight gradually stopped struggling, its life fading away, leaving only the image of this blood-soaked young man.

At this moment, on the water's surface.

Mans had a gloomy expression.

"Since Lin Jianglong faced the giant beast, we have lost contact with him."

Beside him, the first mate said with a pale face, "Ye Sheng and Jiudeyaji haven't replied either."

Mans clenched his fists, his voice trembling, "They will be fine!"

"But if they don't come out soon, the oxygen will soon be depleted."

The first mate said again.

It was like an arrow piercing Mans' heart.

His head spun, trembling, he took out a lighter and lit a cigar.

After taking a deep breath, it had no effect at all.

Just then, two people emerged from the water's surface.

It was his capable subordinates, his two favorite students, Ye Sheng and Jiudeyaji.

The cigar fell on the deck, and Mans roared, "Save them! Save them quickly!"

Several people immediately jumped into the water and pulled them out.

Under the threat of the Dragon Knight, Ye Sheng and Jiudeyaji, carrying the bronze jar, burst out with unprecedented speed, not looking back, only knowing to move forward.

Because they knew someone was desperately behind them.

There is no time to contact Mans.

"Where is Lin Jianglong?!"

Mans noticed that someone was missing.

"He is still fighting the dragon."

Ye Sheng took off his diving suit, disregarding his appearance, and lay on the ground, panting loudly.

Jiu Deya Ji did almost the same thing.

They exhausted their bodies in just over ten minutes.

Not fainting was already a testament to their strong will.

"I'm going down!"

Mans wildly tore off his captain's uniform, wanting to change into a diving suit.

But the first mate stopped him, shouting, "Captain! That's a dragon!"

"I killed dragons!"

Mans pushed him away, angrily saying, "I came here to kill it! Now my student is fighting it down there, and you want me to just leave?!"

The water surface rippled again.

Li Xiang, wearing a diving suit, laughed and said, "Professor Mans, you're still strong as ever. I heard your energetic voice from far away."

Everyone on the deck was stunned.

They really didn't expect Li Xiang to survive.

"Hey, don't just stand there, come help me. I'm carrying a very heavy box."

Li Xiang complained.

After the violent bloodshed, his body became extremely weak.

Being able to swim out proved that his EX luck was not fake.

Mans jumped directly into the water.

Immediately, two crew members in a lifeboat arrived in front of Li Xiang.

"The Seven Deadly Sins."

Li Xiang took off his diving suit and opened the box, revealing seven swords.

Since he couldn't bring them back to the main world, he generously didn't keep them for himself.

Mans glanced at them, then turned to him and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Li Xiang shrugged and said, "Look at me, do I look like something's wrong?"

"Whether something is wrong or not is not for you to decide!"

Mans waved his hand, and two burly men in white coats held Li Xiang, starting to examine him.

"I killed that dragon. Remember to salvage its body, it should be useful."

"What did you say?!"

Mans shook off the two doctors, grabbed Li Xiang's shoulder, and asked, "You killed it?!"

"Thanks to the Seven Deadly Sins."

Li Xiang explained, "If it weren't for them, I would have definitely died inside."

Mans remembered what he said when he deciphered the dragon text earlier. The Seven Deadly Sins were alchemical swords forged to slay the other seven First Generation species of the four great sovereigns.

Killing a dragon servant seemed reasonable.

Wait, seven First Generation species?!

Mans's pupils trembled.

Weren't there only four great sovereigns? How come so many have appeared?

End of Chapter 3000.

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