Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 9 You Don't Even Call Me Godfather

Chapter 9: You Won't Even Call Me Godfather

If we were to rank Uchiha Itachi's priorities, the top spot would not be occupied by Sasuke, but by Konoha.

In the original story, Commander assisted in the defection and secretly implanted the Distinguished Heavenly Gods within Uzumaki Naruto's body.

Once his younger brother attempts to seek revenge on Konoha, he will inevitably clash with Uzumaki Naruto, triggering the activation of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods, forcibly altering Sasuke's will.

So Li Xiang's question is not a problem for him.

Even if it means paying an unbearable price, he will choose to save Konoha.

"What do you mean by crisis?" Uchiha Itachi asked.

Uchiha Itachi originally thought that the biggest crisis for Konoha was the Uchiha clan, but according to Li Xiang, it seems to be related to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He couldn't understand.

"As I said, the Hokage has betrayed Konoha, and his will of fire has become problematic," Li Xiang took a bite of rabbit meat and said, "The will of fire is not meant to eliminate outsiders."

Uchiha Itachi gradually calmed down and asked, "Who are the outsiders?"

"You're so smart, don't you know what I'm talking about?" Li Xiang spread his hands and said, "The outsiders are us."

"But... the Hokage..." Uchiha Itachi hesitated.

He felt that Li Xiang's words were too far-fetched.

Because from his personal perception, Sarutobi Hiruzen had wholeheartedly dedicated himself to Konoha, and there was no possibility of betrayal.

"Everything has two sides," Li Xiang understood from his past experience that Sarutobi Hiruzen had a way of harvesting the trust of children.

Undeniably, when he said it, it was genuine, but he failed to put it into practice.

Especially in dealing with the Uchiha clan, he appeared indecisive.

"He only sees the positive side and assumes that the negative side is still the same," Li Xiang pointed to the rabbit leg on the bonfire and said, "The top is uncooked, but the bottom is burnt. Do you know why you can't see the other side on the Hokage?"

Uchiha Itachi silently looked at the rabbit meat in front of him.

At this moment, his mind was blank.

Li Xiang raised an eyebrow.

It was clear that Uchiha Itachi was hesitant and undecided.

He realized that he had overlooked another question.

Shisui's death had a deep impact on Uchiha Itachi.

But that hadn't happened yet.

Uchiha Itachi was far from being the person he would become three years later.

He still had a long way to go.

Although Li Xiang was trying his best to persuade him not to go down this path.

"What should I do?" Uchiha Itachi regarded Li Xiang as Shisui in that moment.

He saw him as a friend he could communicate with, and also as a teacher who could give him guidance.

"You should ask yourself, not me," Li Xiang put down the rabbit leg, crossed his arms, giving him the impression of a godfather.

He thought of a phrase, "You won't even call me godfather."

"What is your goal?"

"To protect Konoha," Uchiha Itachi answered without hesitation.

"Whose Konoha?" Li Xiang asked again.

"Everyone's Konoha," Uchiha Itachi still didn't hesitate.

Influenced by Shisui, their thoughts were actually quite similar.

They hoped that everyone in Konoha could live in harmony.

"You already know the answer, don't you?"

"..." Uchiha Itachi fell silent for a moment, his intelligence quickly grasping Li Xiang's words.

If we compare Konoha to a ship, the Hokage is the captain.

If the captain has a problem and instead goes to repair the ship, it is undoubtedly a case of putting the cart before the horse.

"Now I can tell you about my conversation with Shisui and why the Hokage betrayed Konoha," Li Xiang smiled with satisfaction.

Talking to intelligent people doesn't require much effort.

Of course, another important reason is that in the hearts of Uchiha Itachi and Shisui, Konoha comes first, not the Hokage.

Uchiha Itachi listened attentively.

Ten minutes later, he pondered, "So Shisui's actions at the Konoha Police Department yesterday were for this purpose."

The method is quite extraordinary.

Li Xiang truly lives up to his reputation.

It's unconventional, but effective.

"If the Anbu are tracking us, it proves that Hokage-sama truly does not want to see this change. Whether it's the Konoha Police Department or Shisui, he wants to maintain the status quo."

Li Xiang still has one more thing to explain.

Sarutobi Hiruzen may plan before taking action, but Shimura Danzō won't.

If he can use Yamato to assassinate the Third Generation, he can naturally use Root to assassinate Li Xiang and Uchiha Itachi.

Among the higher-ups in Konoha, the Hokage is undoubtedly the one who most desires the Uchiha clan's demise.

Because he has coveted the Sharingan for far too long.

He believes that after obtaining the Sharingan and having Hashirama's cells, his power will increase enough to become Hokage.

And the facts have proven his intentions.

In the original work, after Uchiha Itachi reported the rebellion, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked him to delay, but Danzō used Sasuke's life as a bargaining chip and ordered him to exterminate the entire clan.

"I will have Shisui interrogate the four Anbu behind us, and we will continue with our mission as usual."

Li Xiang continued.

Shisui has the Mangekyō Sharingan and can easily modify the memories or subconscious of the Anbu.

He and Uchiha Itachi won't be exposed, and Shisui will also obtain the attitude of Sarutobi Hiruzen that he desires.

Everyone has a bright future.

Uchiha Itachi doesn't know what Li Xiang is thinking, but he believes in Shisui.

The two of them continue on their way.

After a while, they enter the mysterious valley.

As they expected, there is no one there, only a note found at the designated location.

"Leave behind 200,000, and you can leave."

Li Xiang smiled.

These kidnappers are quite professional.

Uchiha Itachi took out a storage scroll and poured out the money directly.


Li Xiang tugged at the corner of his mouth.

He doesn't even have one-tenth of the wealth.

Uchiha Itachi's show-off behavior reminds him of a certain wealthy Second Generation from his previous life.

What Li Xiang hates the most is showing off wealth, especially when it's not his own.

Ahem, let's get back to the point.

"We'll proceed on two fronts."

Li Xiang spoke, "Leave a clone behind to wait for the kidnapper who comes to collect the money, while we split up and search according to the route you've planned."

Uchiha Itachi nodded, as he had the same idea.

The two of them acted separately.

But it didn't take long for the clone to send back a message.

They immediately met up and followed the kidnapper to their hideout.

"They're too impatient."

Li Xiang shook his head, thinking they were dealing with professionals, but it turns out they couldn't wait.

Perhaps spreading out 200,000 ryo was too grandiose.

"There's a problem."

Uchiha Itachi's gaze froze as he surveyed the mountain peak, which was only about thirty meters tall.

"It's too quiet."

Li Xiang gripped his katana.

As expected, Danzō took a simple and brutal approach.

An ambush.

In the next moment, a black downpour fell from the sky.

Shuriken attacked indiscriminately.

Li Xiang flicked his wrist, creating an impenetrable wall of blades in front of him.

The shuriken were all deflected.

Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath, and with the twisting heat, a massive fireball shot straight towards the direction the shuriken came from.

At the same time, his eyes flickered with a crimson color, and three tomoe slowly rotated.

"Three Jōnin. I'll deal with the two on the left, and you handle the one on the right."

Uchiha Itachi remained calm.

Although he knew that defeating three Jōnin with Li Xiang wouldn't be an easy task, they couldn't afford to fail here.

Li Xiang barely nodded.

He knew his own limitations. Dealing with one Jōnin was already quite challenging, so he wouldn't try to share the burden with Uchiha Itachi.

But he wasn't particularly panicked either. As long as Shisui arrived, they would be safe.

(End of this chapter)

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