Chapter 94: Department of Law and Politics

The term "bloodsucker" refers to a general category of creatures that feed on blood for sustenance, among which those that feed on human blood are called vampires.

Most vampires are Dead Apostles, belonging to the acquired bloodsucker category, and most of them are transformed from humans.

Their origin is called the True Ancestors, the original Dead Apostles, totaling twenty-seven in number.

Undoubtedly, bloodsuckers are the enemies of humanity.

As the two major factions of humanity, the Mage's Association and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre have both established specialized organizations to hunt down bloodsuckers.

The Mage's Association has the Chorus, while the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has the Burial Agency.

Li Xiang knows about the Burial Agency because he knows one of its members, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg.

She is known by another more well-known name in the FGO storyline, Sessyoin Kiara.

The same person from a different timeline.

Probably the twisted taste of mushrooms.

When humans are strong, she chooses to be the enemy of humanity, and when humans are weak, she becomes the savior.

In the world line where Li Xiang is, it is currently a stage of human decline.

So Sessyoin did not fall, but became a savior, specializing in hunting down bloodsuckers.

In short, bloodsuckers are very strong.

Astarte being able to become a member of the Chorus proves her strength.

After finishing breakfast, Li Xiang left the fox spirit at home and took a double-decker bus to the Department of Mineralogy.

He had taken the same bus when Astarte was still with him.

The morning in London was still not clear, with a faint mist in the air.

The smell of greasy fish and chips permeated everywhere.

Li Xiang ate German cuisine at the Clock Tower and British cuisine at the Clock Tower.

Both can be considered culinary deserts.

Speaking of British cuisine, Li Xiang can only think of looking up at the stars, also known as "Hell's Chant," which no one dares to eat.

The bus stopped and three more passengers got on.

Li Xiang noticed that one of them was dressed very strangely.

She was wearing a black cloak, black shorts, black stockings, and seemed to be wearing a gray hooded coat underneath.

Apart from that, her appearance was completely hidden, she kept her head down, completely hiding under the hood.

Li Xiang thought of a term, social anxiety disorder.

Because he could tell that this girl really disliked contact with people, even on a crowded bus, she tried to create her own separate world.

This person looks a bit familiar.

Li Xiang didn't rashly go up to say hello.

After a while, the girl got off the bus.

It was Sla Street.

Li Xiang recognized the nearby buildings.

Because he had seen them in the books introducing the twelve disciplines of the Clock Tower.

This is the territory of the modern magic department.

So that was Gray?

She is the product of Morgan Le Fay's attempt to resurrect Artoria.

She can be called a vessel, so she has the face of Takeuchi, cough cough, no, Artoria's face.

Li Xiang got off the bus at the Department of Mineralogy.

The periphery of every Academy City is protected by a boundary field, which ordinary humans cannot perceive except for magicians.

Occasionally, there are guys with high "spiritual vision" who accidentally intrude.

After being discovered by the Department of Law and Politics, their memories are erased and they are sent away.

Li Xiang arrived at the classroom.

Professor Carse explained Louis' situation to all the students beforehand.

Everyone's reaction was quite indifferent.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre next door has a single faith, but the Mage's Association has all sorts of beliefs, a mess.

As long as they don't cause harm in normal times, no one cares.

Of course, because of the existence of the Department of Law and Politics, the beliefs of ordinary magicians are actually more normal.

Those who are too mysterious will be dealt with.

"It's such a pity."

Li Xiang's former desk mate turned around and said.

His name was William Dunlap, dressed in casual white attire.


Li Xiang sighed and said, "I didn't expect him to be that kind of martyr."

Although he and Louis were not close friends, they had a good conversation.

Louis willingly committed suicide for the sake of the Theological Society, which was truly unexpected for him.

"Perhaps this is the power of faith."

William's eyes were deep, and he took out a folded note from his pocket and handed it to Li Xiang, saying.

"The Extraterrestrial Association?"

Li Xiang opened it and asked, "Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings?"

"Why not?" William smiled lightly and said, "Maybe God himself is an extraterrestrial being."

"I'm not interested."

Li Xiang returned the note to him and said, "I'm currently worried about advancing to the next rank."

William wasn't angry either and said, "You can find me anytime."

Kashu knocked on the door and walked up to the podium.

Today's class was "Magic Inscription: Birth and Restoration."

"Due to the continuous decline of mystery, modern magicians have created magic inscriptions in order to preserve the mystery and pass it on to the next generation."

"The original magic inscriptions were fragments of fantasy seeds or magic ritual attire buried inside the magician's body, but this would cause rejection and it would take several generations to counteract this rejection. Because it was too painful, this method is no longer used by magicians."

"Nowadays, magicians adopt the method of transplantation from a magic inscription of a prestigious magic family, so they can use it without spending too much time."

"There are two special professions related to magic inscriptions, one is the Tuning Lawyer, who can suppress the side effects of magic inscription transplantation, and the other is the Restorationist, who can repair damaged magic inscriptions."

"These two professions are quite rare. If you are fortunate enough to embark on this path, it can be said that it will change your destiny. Many prestigious magic families like to recruit such magicians as in-laws."

Li Xiang secretly added the last sentence, which didn't sound like a class, but more like an advertisement.

After class, he spent 10 pounds to temporarily rent a magician training room.

He wanted to test his new type of magic.

The reason he didn't go to the public training ground was because he had already successfully modified it.

After obtaining the Seven Aperture Linglong Heart, he was like Lucy, the heroine in "Lucy," played by Scarlett Johansson.

His brain had undergone significant development, and he had an unimaginable understanding of various knowledge.

Li Xiang formed the seals in the order of 巳, 未, 申, 亥, 午, 寅.

His magic circuit was opened when he formed the first seal, and a large amount of magic power surged out, flowing through his body to his throat, and finally gushed out at the end of the sixth seal.

A fist-sized orange fireball flew out.

Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!

There was no doubt that the magic was successful, but its power was like when Uchiha Sasuke first learned the Great Fireball Technique.

What's more, Li Xiang felt that more than half of his magic power had been depleted.

In a way, it was within his expectations.

Because his attribute was indeed not high.

Magic power was two, but physical strength was twenty-one.

This path was a bit crooked.

It seemed that in the future, he could only be a magician with a sword.

Li Xiang touched his chin. Anyway, his idea was not a problem.

Next, he needed to write a thesis.

Li Xiang planned to write several more, taking it slow, setting a small goal first, to advance to the next rank.

Jumping straight to the top in one step would be dangerous, as his own strength couldn't keep up.

After leaving the training room, he went to the Department of Law and Politics.

Hmm, clock in for work, then slack off.

This job was simply perfect.

But as soon as he entered the office, Li Xiang sensed that something was wrong.

"Captain Alan, what happened?"

"The Law and Politics Department launched an operation last night to surround the survivor who had dealings with Jelant, but his strength was astonishing, and we suffered heavy losses."

Alan said with a pained expression, "There were three law enforcement teams participating in the operation, and our fourth team lost three members."

Li Xiang instinctively looked up and indeed saw three empty seats in the office.

He didn't know how to comfort the captain.

Although he had only been on the job for a few days, his colleagues were all nice.

"Has the culprit been caught?"

Li Xiang asked again.


Alan shook his head and said, "But don't worry, Captain Haya Ling has invited a monarch to help, and I believe he will be apprehended soon."

"A monarch?"

Li Xiang was somewhat surprised, "Would a monarch get involved in something like this?"

"Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't."

Alan explained, "But this monarch is quite special. He is extremely skilled in deduction, and he owes a large debt, and the Law and Politics Department is the wealthiest organization."

"Are you talking about Monarch Elmero II?"

Li Xiang asked upon hearing the familiar description.


Alan nodded and said, "That's him."

"Can I help?"

Li Xiang thought for a moment and asked, "I'm quite curious about the monarch and would like to see for myself."

"I understand your thoughts, but you better not have too high expectations."

Alan showed an indescribable expression and said, "This monarch is completely different from what you imagine."

Li Xiang understood what he meant.

Weber appeared to be a monarch on the surface, but in reality, he was just a gaming otaku.

Compared to the other eleven monarchs, he seemed like a husky mixed in with a pack of wolves.

"If you're interested, come tomorrow morning at nine. Our fourth team will conduct an investigation at the scene with the monarch."

Alan said again.

The culprit has already left and is unlikely to return.

And with a monarch present, there is basically no danger.

That's why Alan let Li Xiang go along.

"Thank you, Captain."

Li Xiang returned to his seat.

He turned on his computer and prepared to write his paper.

The title was "The Possibility of Changing Magic Chanting to Magic Sealing."

In this paper, he proposed six possibilities, all of which were incorrect.

But one of the possibilities was not far from being correct.

The Clock Tower always encouraged everyone to create new theories and systems of magic, even if they were wrong, as long as they were bold enough, they would be appreciated.

It was quite easy for Li Xiang to pass this paper and obtain the lowest rank.

After all, it was the first rank.

Under normal circumstances, all magicians who graduated from the Basic Science Department could at least pass the lowest rank or become the eldest son of the second rank.

The third rank opening was relatively difficult.

Usually, there had to be a significant contribution.

For example, Toudoumaru Rikka, who saved the world, also obtained an opening.

Of course, he was a special case, hiding his true achievements.

Li Xiang finished writing the paper, and it was already dusk.

After checking it twice and confirming that there were no problems, he printed it out.

There were a total of five pages.

Not too many, not too few.

Li Xiang turned off the computer and left the office.

The sky was filled with clouds resembling flames.

The daytime mist seemed to have disappeared, allowing him to clearly see the tall buildings in the sunlight.

Li Xiang returned to his villa and found his two senior sisters waiting for him to have dinner.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late today."

"It's okay."

Astati picked up her chopsticks and said, "It's common in the Faculty of Law and Politics. You'll get used to it."

"I actually lost track of time while writing my paper."

Li Xiang smiled apologetically and asked, "Who should I submit this paper to?"

"If it's a paper for promotion, you should submit it to our advisor, Jie Chuzi. She will provide some suggestions."

Astati paused for a moment and looked at him, saying, "If you don't mind, I can take a look at it after dinner."

"Of course, no problem."

Li Xiang agreed readily.

After dinner, Astati picked up the paper and sat on the sofa to read it.

Li Xiang sat across from her and noticed that she was dressed somewhat differently today.

She was wearing a women's suit.

A black coat on the outside and a white shirt on the inside.

She exuded a rare sense of handsomeness.

In a different world, there would definitely be many beautiful women willing to be in a relationship with her.

Li Xiang had some strange thoughts flash through his mind.

Astati looked up at him and said, "Interesting imagination, although none of them are correct, the promotion is more than enough."

"Then I don't have to worry anymore."

Li Xiang said with a smile.

"There's an underground magician auction in a week. Are you interested, junior brother?"

Astati returned the paper to him and suddenly asked.

"An auction?"

Li Xiang raised an eyebrow.

It seemed that auctions were a classic design in any world.

But he had never seen a magician auction before.

"Yes. They usually auction magic materials, magic equipment, magic elixirs, and some miscellaneous things like treasure maps."

"It's a good opportunity to broaden my horizons."

Li Xiang nodded and accepted her invitation.

Astati stretched and said, "Junior brother, see you tomorrow. I'm going to take a shower."

Li Xiang put away the paper and saw Zanghu run out.

It seemed to be afraid of Astati and usually wouldn't appear at the same time as her.

"When are you going to take me out to play?"

The upright walking Zanghu leaned against the coffee table, propping up its chin with its front paws, and said, "I've seen all the flowers and plants around here, there's nothing new to play with."

"Then I'll take you to the auction."

Li Xiang suddenly thought of its appraisal skill. Maybe he could find something at the auction.


Zanghu fell silent for a moment and asked, "Why do you always like to be with a human who can kill you at any time?"

"Are you talking about Astati?"

Li Xiang was taken aback and said, "She won't kill me."

"Humans just like to court death."

Zanghu sighed and said, "Well, I'll also risk my life to accompany a gentleman and go out to see the world."

Li Xiang didn't know how to respond.

He put the paper back in his room and took a shower in the bathroom.

When he came out, he happened to meet Astati who had just finished washing up.

She was wearing a panda pajama set, her face flushed, looking quite cute.

It seemed like she had soaked in the bath for too long.

After greeting her, Li Xiang returned to his room.

Early the next morning, he went to the Botany Department and submitted his paper to Jie Chuzi, then went to the Faculty of Law and Politics.

Four thousand words, end of the first chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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