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"Your Majesty, are we going to send troops to attack?"

Mengna looked into the distance with her eyes slightly tightened, her tone full of fierce murderous intent, and said:

"The enemy has already conquered the western city of Tarot! Who knows how many lives have been lost! Although they are human beings... we elves cannot just sit back and watch!"

"Now, Saruman's remnant of the dead has appeared near Tarot City again, and there is no guarantee that the two necromancers will not collude with each other. If so, our Crescent Continent will set off an unprecedented disaster!"

"They did not harm the civilians in Tarot City, and they did not harm our elf captives.……"

"Maybe it's really like what the princess said, the other party is really not a necromancer!"

The archdruid Adams Jonah, like a kind old man, has an old and peaceful voice.

"Elune is the goddess of nature's favored one, she will not lie to us. According to her, the necromancer not only has countless zombie armies, but also countless plant armies."

"These plants seemed to be gifts from the goddess of nature, and the necromancer had even caused the goddess of nature to descend."

The Elf King nodded, his tone was somewhat flat, making it impossible to tell his true thoughts and ideas.

"Your Majesty, Her Royal Highness the Princess has probably been deceived and bewitched by the other party!"

"How could a necromancer who is accompanied by undead zombies possibly trigger the miracle of the holy and noble goddess of nature to descend!"

Behind the Elf King, Irene Mona's eyes were burning, and she said anxiously:

"According to the intelligence sent so far, the necromancer has stationed most of his troops in the human Tarot City."

"The defense forces in the Bailu Forest and Shangluo Mountains behind it must be weak!"

"That is the base of the enemy's (chg) power development. As long as we capture it, it will definitely have a great impact on the enemy. At that time, the land of White Deer Forest will definitely return to the hands of our elves."

"After that, we will cooperate with the humans and will definitely be able to wipe them out!"

"Mona, you are too naive.

Adams shook her head and said:

"Judging from all the information, this force is developing very rapidly. We don't know how strong it is. Our magic reconnaissance owls can't enter their territory at all.

"If we rashly launch a war without fully understanding the enemy's strength, how many outstanding elven warriors will die!"

"What's more, I heard that the other party has magic that can transfer the army in a short time. Even if the defense in the White Deer Forest area is really weak, the opponent's real main force can be mobilized in a short time!"

"If we fail to destroy it, we will be the scapegoats for the war."

"Teacher Adams, I think you are getting less courageous as you get older. Now is a good opportunity to send troops to defeat the enemy. Are you going to give up a good opportunity to wipe out this undead force just because of cowardice?"

Mona said excitedly, facing Adams Jonah.

"Irene Mona, please pay attention to your tone and words. War is not as simple as you think!"

Adams's eyebrows were a little more angry, and his tone was raised.

"It is precisely because of you conservative druids that we elves are now in decline!"

Mona still did not give in. She believed that only a strong fighting force could bring back the glory of the elves.

"What did you say? Will a reckless war bring prosperity to our elves?"

Adams slammed his staff heavily on the ground, his anger increasing. He believed that a reckless war would lead the elves into the abyss.


The Elf King shouted in frustration, and then stopped the quarrel between the two.

Adams and Mona, two leaders with completely different opinions, glared at each other. They stood respectfully behind the Elf King, waiting for the decision of their respected king.

In fact, the things that the two of them could not agree on were also the things that bothered the Elf King.

Although the two of them kept silent, the Elf King's mind became more complicated.

He looked at the Moon Goddess Bow in his hand, then looked up at the moonlight above his head, and sighed slightly.

Just when the Elf King was hesitating, Adams behind him received a magical message from the reconnaissance owl in front.

After reading it, he couldn't help but report to the Elf King in surprise:

"Your Majesty, the other side actually defeated Saruman's undead forces... It is said that Saruman also summoned the shadow of the Lord of the Underworld at that time."

"However, the opponent killed the shadow of the Lord of the Underworld.……"


"How is this possible!"

Everyone present suddenly widened their eyes at this moment

"Their power is far beyond our imagination. Even Saruman, who defeated the human empire army, was defeated by them."

"Moreover, he even killed the phantom of the Lord of the Underworld that the Necromancer believed in. I'm afraid his identity is really worth discussing."

"I will not let my people be put in danger. Let's withdraw for now. I hope what Elune said is true.……"

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