Elite troops are elite troops.

Not long after, the Blood Blade Corps and the Steel Shield Corps, a total of nearly 300,000 imperial troops, divided into three groups and rushed towards Tarot City!

The Steel Shield Corps was responsible for the attack on the main gate of Tarot City.

The symbol of the soldiers of the Steel Shield Corps is the huge steel shield that everyone holds!

The night sky is densely covered with wizard eyes arranged by reconnaissance mages.

At the same time, hundreds of griffin knights are flying in the sky for inspection.

It is worth noting that in the sky.

A kind of magic mechanical puppet with wings on its back and holding a three-meter giant magic bow and arrow appeared.

They are covered with magic runes all over their bodies, and they are five meters tall. Various wind magic runes are engraved on their wings. They look like an air fortress!

There are not many of these sky-type magic mechanical puppets, only 50.

They hold giant bows, and the wings behind them are shining. Gusts of wind lift them up and fly in the sky.

This kind of sky-type magic mechanical puppet is the trump card of the Penglai Empire, the latest developed magic war weapon.

Only the Steel Shield Corps has equipped it, and the rest of the places, even the Blood Blade Corps and the Tiger and Leopard Corps do not have a single one.

On the battlefield, the combat power of these sky-type magic mechanical puppets is definitely not inferior to that of a master with level 11 energy.

And on the ground, there are also 200 land-type magic mechanical puppets holding giant shields.

They are seven meters tall, with countless magic runes painted all over their bodies, and are lined up in neat formations, striding towards Tarot City like tanks.

Soon, the human army arrived at their predetermined attack position.

At this time, Tarot City was completely motionless.

Only the scorch marks on the city walls showed that Tarot City had been bombarded by magic heavy artillery a few days ago.

"Report to the legion commander, no energy fluctuations were found nearby!"

The reconnaissance magician team sent in advance quickly reported the news.

The legion commander of the Steel Shield Legion, Kuros, waved his hand.

Soon, 500 huge carriages wrapped in canvas slowly moved forward.

After the canvas was removed, the magic heavy artillery in the carriage was revealed.

50 land-based magic mechanical puppets, holding huge shields, quickly formed a small steel fortress, guarding the magic heavy artillery in the rear.


Kuros shouted.

Soon, 500 dazzling white lights shot out and instantly attacked Tarot City, destroying everything that stood in their way.


However, just when Kuros thought that the walls of Tarot City were about to be blown up, a huge magic light curtain suddenly appeared, covering the entire Tarot City.

When the energy collided, the magic light curtain began to tremble violently, and even showed signs of collapse.

However, after the energy dissipated, the magic light curtain still existed firmly.

"What is this... Could it be that they have mastered the empire's magic defense system?!"

Seeing this, Kuros couldn't help but be shocked!

Of course, the one who released the magic light curtain in the city was the White Radish Army organized by the White Radish Lady Mu Bai.

However, the 500 magic heavy artillery of the human army, with their combined power,

I'm afraid that even the original advanced spiritual crystal magic defense system of Tarot City would find it difficult to hold on.

""Magic heavy artillery, charge; magic mechanical puppets, launch the attack!"

Seeing this, Kuros immediately gave the order.

At that moment, the remaining 150 land-based magic mechanical puppets rushed towards Tarot City in a neat formation.

Behind those magic mechanical puppets, there were 10,000 magic crossbowmen holding magic crossbows and wearing magic armor.

Behind the magic crossbowmen, there were 10,000 warriors holding magic swords and wearing magic armor.

At the same time, there were many magicians in the back.

For these thousands of magic crossbowmen and warriors, they were blessed with various auxiliary magics.

Soon, after arriving at the attack range, a group of magic mechanical puppets launched a large-scale magic bombardment against the crumbling magic light curtain.

The magic crossbowmen in the rear also continuously shot out magic arrows burning with raging magic flames from the gaps.

At the same time, the long-range siege equipment behind Kuros, such as catapults and mobile magic arrow towers, also launched a swift attack.

On the other side, the corn and coconut cannons of that day also appeared on the walls of Tarot City.

However, because the human army was advancing in multiple directions, only 100 corn cannons and 100 coconut cannons were dispatched to the main gate at this time. Not only in quantity, but also in terms of power, the corn/coconut cannons were not as powerful as the enhanced magic heavy artillery that could burst out energy comparable to level 12.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!

Corn cob missiles and coconut missiles were aimed directly at the advancing land-based magic mechanical puppets.

"Humph, do you think you have magic defense?"

Kuros snorted coldly, and then ordered a group of magic mechanical puppets to open the magic shield on their chests.

The energy bombardment continued.

Not long after, 500 magic heavy artillery were fully charged and once again spewed out deadly flames!

"Not good!"

Seeing this, Mu Bai couldn't help but turn pale.


After the smoke from the explosion cleared, the magic defense that the White Radish Army had painstakingly built up collapsed completely!

Moreover, the walls of Tarot City collapsed, exposing several huge holes.

"Humph, Tarot City is indeed empty inside! Gafandi, this time I will attack Tarot City first!"Gafandi and Kuros, one has been fighting with the orcs for many years, and the other has been fighting with the barbarians in the grassland for many years.

Although they are both commanders of the empire's elite legions, their relationship is not harmonious, and there are even some conflicts between individuals and families.

Gafandi was born a civilian, and with his numerous military exploits and the support of the emperor of the empire, he managed to become the commander of the Blood Blade Legion with great difficulty.

Gafandi was born a noble, and his path to promotion was smooth, but his own strength was only at the level of the ninth level.

When the two sides were studying in the Command Department of the Imperial Royal Magic and Martial Arts Academy, there were considerable disagreements.

The conflict between the two has continued to this day, and they would ridicule each other every time they met.

Just as the Steel Shield Legion led by Kuros was advancing.

In mid-air, a dozen floating reconnaissance magicians discovered the situation

"Report, there is a deep hollow under the ground in front of Tarot City! A large number of plants are buried inside!"

"Humph, a mere trick. Send earth magicians to seal them up for me!"

However, just as dozens of magicians chanted magic spells and began to fill up the underground hole, the reconnaissance magicians who were performing earth perspective suddenly screamed in panic.

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