""Roar, roar, roar!!"

On the other side, under the command of Gortat, a 20,000-man tiger and leopard cavalry launched a charge from the flank at the zombie army rushing from the ground.

These tiger and leopard cavalry were all wearing white magic armor and holding magic knight guns.

The speed of the war horses they rode under their crotches was greatly increased under the effect of magic.

The most troublesome thing about the barbarians on the grassland is their mobility that comes and goes like the wind.

However, the mobility of these tiger and leopard cavalry can be compared with the most elite golden wolf knights under the barbarian Khan.

The famous tiger and leopard army has defeated countless barbarian warriors skilled in archery and horsemanship, and destroyed countless barbarians. The tribe of the Tiger Leopard Cavalry is the most elite cavalry ranked NO.1 in the Penglai Empire.

The 20,000-strong Tiger and Leopard Cavalry troop plunged into the leading army of Iron Bucket Zombies like a sharp knife.

Their extremely sharp magic knight guns, with the fighting spirit of the knights, the powerful force of the charge, and the properties of armor-breaking and sharp. They easily broke through the hard iron skin of the Iron Bucket Zombies and pierced into their bodies.

The combat power of this Tiger and Leopard Cavalry troop is extremely amazing.

For a while, the numerous Iron Bucket Zombies could not stop their pace of advancement.

They could only let them continue to kill the Iron Bucket Zombies one by one until they were exhausted.

At this time, 10,000 cavalry zombies hidden in the iron barrel zombie army launched an attack on the tiger and leopard cavalry.

Each cavalry zombie was wearing armored zombies' armor and holding knight's lances.

They rode tall and strong zombie war horses, looking majestic.

When the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Corps, Gortat, saw this scene, he couldn't believe it!

What's going on? Even zombies have cavalry?!

These terrifying cavalry zombies hid in the iron barrel zombie army, using the lives of the iron barrel zombies to offset the charge of the tiger and leopard cavalry.

Then they moved from both sides at high speed and waved their swords. With a long spear, he easily cut off the legs of the horses of the Tiger and Leopard Corps.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalrymen whose horses' legs were cut off fell off their horses one after another, and were then covered by countless barrel zombies, and soon only a pool of blood remained.

The magic armor on their bodies had amazing defensive power, which could provide auxiliary magic such as giant strength and agility.

It could also activate a magic shield to resist magic attacks and arrows.

However, at this time, it was not advanced enough to resist the attacks of the minions of the barrel zombies.

Not long after, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry finally came out.

However, they also lost a lot of weight under the siege of the barrel zombies and cavalry zombies.

20,000 people entered, but only 2,000 people came out.

When fighting zombies, there are basically only deaths and no injuries.

The more than 10,000 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were all killed.

At the same time, they also achieved rich results.

At least more than 10,000 Iron Bucket Zombies died at the hands of their magic knight guns.

However, their attempt to split the Iron Bucket Zombie Corps was a complete failure.

If they charge again, I am afraid that this Tiger and Leopard Cavalry unit with glory and history will not even have a seed left.

""Ten Thousand Drums of Thunder Formation!"

Under the leadership of the palace grand mage, Leok,

5,000 mages from the Thunderbolt Mage Corps jointly released a powerful 14th-level magic.

Thunderclouds rolled in the sky, and huge thunder elements leaped in it.

Then, countless huge magic lightnings similar to swords and halberds rumbled to the ground. Countless zombies in the range were all blasted into charcoal.

At the same time, under the guidance of Leok, with the magic power of the 5,000 Thunderbolt magicians, they continuously released various powerful magics.

Thunderbolts that can penetrate the conductor, magic flames that can burn everything, huge wind blades that tear everything apart; ice cones that keep falling from the sky and can easily penetrate hard iron skin; countless sharp rock spikes emerge from the ground.

Countless magics appear one after another. In the zombie army.

Large groups of zombies died under such bombardment, and the zombies that survived by chance were easily killed by the magic mechanical puppets that served as meat shields and barriers.

After the Swift Mage Corps joined the battle, the human army, which was originally in danger, became impregnable again.

After releasing powerful attack magic.

The Swift Mage Corps adjusted for a while, and continuously released auxiliary magic such as weakness, gravity, and slowness to weaken the combat effectiveness of the zombie army that continued to pour in.

You know, releasing attack magic consumes a lot of energy.

No matter how strong the Swift Mage Corps is, it is impossible to release attack magic all the time.

How to ensure that the power of magic is maximized in war is also a science.

About seven miles away from the battlefield is a small hill. 50,000 catapult zombies and pitcher corps.

After adjusting the position, countless boulder shells and plant shells were fired instantly.

The all-over artillery fire instantly shot at the land-based magic mechanical puppets that were blocking the front of the Blood Blade Corps.

The magic runes on the more than 300 magic mechanical puppets lit up, and a huge magic shield enveloped them.

Countless long-range artillery fire bombarded the white magic shield, which immediately made the white magic shield uneven and almost collapsed.

A thousand professional warriors immediately risked being attacked by zombies, and rushed to those magic mechanical puppets with the replaced high-level magic beast crystal cores.

However, when they just ran in front of those magic mechanical puppets.

Countless long-range artillery fire flew again in the distance, one after another. They kept bombarding the magic shields formed by the magic mechanical puppets.

Finally, they tore open the shields of the magic mechanical puppets and blew all of them into pieces.

The huge explosion also involved the human warriors around them and easily tore them into pieces.

Without the obstruction of the magic mechanical puppets, the human warriors could not resist the rapid advance of the dense and life-threatening zombie army, and were soon ruthlessly overwhelmed.

As a result, the human warriors did not even have the chance to retreat.

The warriors of the Blood Blade Legion in front were still struggling to hold on, preventing the zombie army from harming the magicians and magic crossbowmen in the back.

At this time, in the sky, countless long-range artillery fire flew again, shooting unstoppably at the Swift Mage Legion led by Leok.

""Boom boom!"

The surging artillery fire fell on the magic defense shield above the Xunting Mage Corps.

The huge magic power running in the magic circle could not be released smoothly.

The huge magic backlash made the magicians feel stuffy in the chest, sweet in the throat, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. They could not use magic for a short time.

Without the support of magic, the soldiers of the Blood Blade Corps standing in front were quickly torn to pieces by the terrifying zombie army.

The dark corpse tide was aimed directly at the human center where Lolafede was.

In the sky, countless boulder shells and plant shells flew out at short intervals.

The target was the magic mechanical puppets in the human army that posed the greatest threat to the zombie army, as well as the Xunting Mage Corps and other magician troops.




One magic mechanical puppet after another... The puppets were destroyed by long-range artillery fire.

The Swift Mage Corps had to continuously release defensive magic to protect itself and could no longer provide magical assistance to human warriors.

Without the assistance of magic, and the destruction of the magic mechanical puppets, the Tiger and Leopard Corps could only shrink its formation and barely resist the attacks of the Goron Giants and Cavalry Zombies.

However, it was surrounded by an endless army of zombies.

When the Blood Blade Corps was torn to pieces by the zombie army.

And tens of thousands of ramming car zombies appeared in the zombie army.

They kept rampaging and crushing the densely-packed Tiger and Leopard Corps.

Even the elite of the Tiger and Leopard Corps were in despair.

But none of these men with extremely high honors surrendered, and they died quickly on the battlefield.


""Ah! No, don't!"

At the back of the central army tent, a young-looking intermediate magician couldn't help but let out a desperate cry when facing the rampaging zombie that pounced in front of him.

However, the rampaging zombie would not have any mercy on any cries for help or begging for mercy.

Its claws chopped into the opponent's shoulder blade without any hindrance amid the young man's howls.

The hot blood flew out instantly, and the strong and sticky fishy-sweet smell rushed straight into the nose and filled the air everywhere.

Beside the young magician, there was a middle-aged magician companion.

A few hours ago, this middle-aged magician was like a father to this young man whose future was full of light in his eyes. They had breakfast together and had a pleasant conversation with Ming's child.

But at this moment, �� was covered in the child's blood. He was so scared that he sat down on the ground, his heart beating uncontrollably.

The sticky touch of the blood flowing slowly from his face, and the feeling of being sucked into his nasal cavity with his breathing, made his stomach cramp, and then he vomited all his breakfast with a"vomit".

However, the rampaging zombie in front of him let out an excited roar from his throat, stretched out a thin tongue, and licked the blood around it with great enjoyment.

At the same time, its claws tore rapidly, and the young magician whose shoulder blade was split by it turned into a pile of hot meat in an instant.


It was not known whether it was because of extreme fear or because this young child, who was like his own child, had died tragically in front of him, causing him to become hysterical.

The middle-aged magician's eyes turned red the moment the piece of meat fell to the ground, and he roared in grief and indignation:

"Die! Die!"

A blazing explosive bomb instantly appeared in his hand.

He almost used all his strength to blast the bomb out, hitting the terrifying zombie in front of him.


He blasted the rampaging zombie away.

But what he never expected was that two more zombies flew over from behind the rampaging zombie.

Zombies were everywhere, jumping over the wooden wall and flying in, as well as large numbers of magicians falling down and being torn into pieces.

""Here they come, the zombies are coming!"

Someone shouted first, and all the soldiers in the three phalanxes of the Steel Shield Infantry were shocked.

The soldiers guarding the central army camp were the soldiers of the Steel Shield Legion! The infantry captain of the first phalanx stood at the front of the team.

He felt sweat overflowing from his palms holding the shield, and his breathing was heavy under the heavy helmet.

Through the helmet, he saw one ferocious zombie after another, like mad wild dogs, jumping on the magic mechanical puppets, tearing and biting them randomly.

Soon, the magic mechanical puppets that lost control fell down one after another.

And those ferocious and roaring zombies , and immediately cast a bloody and violent gaze at them.

The moment a rampaging zombie aimed at him, the infantry captain felt a chill down his spine, and all the pores on his body stood up.

He wondered with a numbing feeling in his heart, what kind of horrible creatures are these zombies?

How could there be such a brutal and bloodthirsty species in the world, even the undead that represents death cannot compare to them.

But now, he can no longer think too much.

There is no obstruction from the magic mechanical puppets.

Those zombies are like uncontrollable beasts, howling and roaring, with their terrible mouths full of sharp teeth wide open, rushing towards their three infantry phalanxes.

"" Raise your shields! Get ready!"

The infantry captain shouted to his companions around him, and the heavy-armored infantrymen around him immediately shouted and raised their shields. The soldiers had just finished their preparations when the zombie tide hit their shields like a huge wave. The heavy impact made the infantry captain choke several times before he calmed down a little.

He even suspected that what hit his shield was not a zombie of the same size as a human, but a wild elephant!

""Hiss! Roar~"

From the beginning of the attack, his ears were filled with the harsh metallic sound of the zombies' claws tearing the shield, as well as the roars filled with the smell of blood.

He could clearly see the zombies clinging to the edge of the shield. In the gaps between the teeth of the terrifying mouth, there were still a few pieces of bloody red meat that had not been swallowed. This made him feel disgusted and hateful.

These zombies were eating the brains of his companions!

"All infantrymen, listen up!"

The infantry captain's heart gradually surged with anger, and he roared and ordered:

"Draw the sword! Push forward! Stab!"

He exerted force suddenly, pushed forward with his shoulder against the shield, and then drew his sword and stabbed straight


The feeling of the sword full of fighting spirit piercing through the zombie's body was transmitted to his hand through the sharp sword.

This thick and refreshing feeling greatly increased his confidence.

This set of shield strike and straight piercing movements seemed simple but very practical. In the past few days, he insisted on practicing it 1,000 times every day, which was also the main reason why he could become the infantry captain.

"Brothers, let's kill all these zombies!"


The shouts and shouts from the soldiers around him made the infantry captain more confident in his belief that their Steel Shield Corps would not lose.

Just as he was fighting bravely, a black figure suddenly flew up into the sky from the tide of corpses.

Before he could react, a black broadsword slashed out at a lightning speed, with an extremely tricky angle, passing over the shield from high above and piercing his throat.


The infantry captain's throat was cut by the knife, and he was nailed to the ground.

At the last moment when he was about to lose consciousness, he saw a man with a cruel smile on his lips. He held a big knife in one hand and stepped on his dying body with one foot, splashing the blood on it.

The infantry captain would never know until his death that this cruel man was the leader of the countless iron barrel zombies in front, Disha!

On the other side of the infantry phalanx.

The violent zombie general E Lai, who was at the same level as Disha, held two heavy and solid bone-breaking sticks in his hands, like a god of war, and rushed into the infantry phalanx alone.

The two sticks rose and fell, with great force and heavy power. Wherever they passed, the heavily armored infantry were all blown away, and no one could delay him even a step.

On the other side, the balloon zombie general Tiangang, holding a Tiangang crossbow, shot an arrow through the head of the last movable magic mechanical puppet.

Then he moved. It flashed like a dark arrow, rushing straight at the flying troops still fighting in the air.

The sickle-bone zombie army, led by Hook, was under a desperate suicidal attack. The griffin knights and dragon eagle knights of the Tiger and Leopard Regiment had long been in danger, and had only been barely coping until now.

But at this moment, with the addition of Tiangang, balloon zombies, and seagull zombies, it was like a leaf of duckweed in the wind and rain, falling into endless fighting and chaos.

Below the fierce battle in the sky, the ramming car zombie general, Lu Li, led a 50,000-strong ramming car zombie army.

It was like countless container trucks, rushing headfirst into the three major square formations composed of steel shield infantry.

The whole scene was full of devastation and wailing everywhere.

Lolafide, standing in the center of the central army battalion commander, had a pair of old eyes full of vicissitudes and despair, and his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a big hand. The pain made him tremble all over, his throat was numb, and he couldn't speak.

""General Lolafede, hurry up, think of a way, the soldiers can't hold them back!"

On the other side, the court mage Leok was also feeling weak, and his hand holding the staff began to tremble.

Before Lolafede could speak, a feeling of powerlessness instantly spread throughout his limbs.

At this moment, there were zombies everywhere, wailing and war everywhere, and the situation had become uncontrollable.

But why was it like this, why did they lose so tragically, how could he, the great general of the empire, Lolafede, and the three elite legions of the empire, be forced to this point by these ugly zombies?

Anger, unwillingness, weakness and powerlessness, all mixed into a complex feeling, transmitted to his heart.

"General Lorafede! The Blood Blade Corps is finished! Commander Gafandi has been killed, and the soldiers of the Tiger and Leopard Corps are about to collapse."

"Those zombies are coming here, General, let's retreat quickly!"

An adjutant walked into the command post and said anxiously to Lolafede

"General Lolafed, we no longer have any hope of winning this war. To be responsible for the empire, we, the Swift Mage Corps, must go first!" said Leok.

Lolafed's heart skipped a beat, his head felt dizzy, and he fell to the ground.

He thought it was over, it was all over...

The screams of the soldiers and the shouts of the enemy filled his ears.

At this moment, even the archers and magicians were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

The blood on the ground gathered into countless streams, and there were pieces of meat and limbs everywhere. All of this strongly impacted his heart.

He knew that everything was hopeless. He was heartbroken. He took out a white magic scroll from his arms and slapped it on the ground with trembling hands.

He murmured to himself,"I'm sorry, brave soldiers."

Leok quickly gathered all the magicians he could.

After ordering his adjutant to destroy all the information, Lolafide also came to the designated location with several of his personal soldiers.

The wind was howling, and all the human soldiers were struggling to survive.

At this time, the situation was over.

Lolafide looked at all this with vicissitudes of life in his old eyes, and then he hardened his heart, pressed the white magic scroll in his hand on the ground, and activated the magic engraved on it.

In an instant, pure white light enveloped his whole body, and the ground began to bloom with a circular magic circle with a diameter of three or four meters, centered on the magic scroll.

The pure magic energy, like a transparent film, instantly dispelled the bloody aura and miserable wailing around.

This attracted the attention of Fang Hao in the distance.

"Hmm? Is this... a teleportation array?"

Fang Hao looked at Lolafeed who was casting the spell through the detector with great interest.

He remembered seeing this kind of array and magical aura before, and thought that this famous general was going to abandon his subordinates and escape first?

But this is also normal, who in the world doesn't work for himself?

The space around Lolafeed began to fluctuate, and the white magical aura, like a transparent bubble, completely enveloped him and Leoke and others beside him.

He looked around with guilt.

The soldiers of the three elite regiments and the magicians he brought were still struggling to death surrounded by countless zombies.

The reason why they haven't given up is entirely because of him, the spiritual leader.

He knew this very well, but in the face of death, he finally chose to live.

"Yo? The famous general Lolafed and the court mage Leok are actually going to abandon their subordinates and escape alone? Your subordinates are being slaughtered every second, are you not moved at all?"

Fang Hao's voice spread directly to every corner of the battlefield.

Lolafed's face suddenly turned pale. In the white magic halo, he lowered his head and said nothing, his eyes full of panic.

But the soldiers on the entire battlefield were in an uproar. Their minds completely fell to the bottom. Some even stood there in despair, allowing the zombies to slaughter them.

Some soldiers around Lolafed questioned their leader loudly like crazy, and then rushed to the teleportation array where he was in a panic.

These soldiers were eager to leave this terrible hell, the farther away from the zombies around them, the better, but there was a circle of invisible energy around the array, separating all people and objects around it.

As for the panicked soldiers around him, Lolafed remained indifferent except for his expression full of guilt.

"Haha, Lolafed! Run away, take your fear and cowardice with you, and flee back to your capital. No matter where you flee to, no matter what resistance your empire wants to make, I, Fang Hao, will be the eternal nightmare of all the rebels!"

Fang Hao sneered like a devil, and his cold and ruthless voice spread throughout the battlefield.

All the panicked soldiers had cold limbs. The voice from the necromancer Fang Hao was like a terrible nightmare, forcibly corroding their nerves, causing the little fighting spirit in their hearts to dissipate again.

Especially the zombies around, after sensing the master's intention, they raised their heads and roared to the sky. The deafening roar made the air tremble, and also further aggravated the weakness and fear in the hearts of the soldiers, making them fall into despair and unable to extricate themselves. Lolafed

's heart was beating like a drum, and he looked around with wide eyes. , fearing that the terrible necromancer would suddenly kill him.

Fortunately, Fang Hao did not appear in front of him until the end, and his tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

After a bright flash of white light, Lolafed and Leok disappeared completely.

Fang Hao sneered disapprovingly. Lolafed actually used the precious teleportation scroll, and he was in the center of the human soldiers. Even if he wanted to destroy it, it would be too late.

Anyway, the other party is just a general.

It doesn't matter if he escapes now, let him spread the fear of his force to the human world.

It will belong to me sooner or later!

"My, we are abandoned!"

"It's over. It's all over."

"I don't want to die!"

With Lolafede's escape and the top leaders of the three elite regiments almost dead, the remaining soldiers have all fallen into the abyss of despair.

The griffin knights and dragon eagle knights, who were already few in number in the sky, turned around and fled.

They were very fast. After sacrificing the lives of many companions along the way, some griffin knights and dragon eagle knights still escaped.

After breaking through the human central army command post, the zombie army attacked from the front and back, easily wiping out the stubborn remnants of the Tiger and Leopard Legion.

Then, they pounced on the remnants of the Steel Shield Legion, which was relying on the remaining sky-type magic mechanical puppets and the terrain to resist.

Like making dumplings, the remnants of the Steel Shield Legion were also easily defeated.

At this point, the center of the battlefield also fell into chaos. People's hearts had long been scattered, and almost all those who could escape were fleeing.

Fang Hao watched all this coldly, and everything was over.

The soldiers who had no fighting spirit were no different from slaughtering livestock or ants when they were slaughtered. It didn't make much sense.

"Listen, abandoned humans, your lives are in my hands. Now, you only have two choices, surrender or perish!"

Fang Hao's voice blew into the entire battlefield like a cold wind, and into the hearts of every soldier.

Countless zombies also began to roar ferociously, as if they wanted to repeat the absolute choice of"surrender and destruction" in every corner of the battlefield.

This entire battlefield, which was large enough to integrate millions of people fighting each other, was very vast and bleak.

Human soldiers and defensive formations have been forced into a very small area. The human war group, which originally had more than one million people, now has less than one-sixth of the remaining number.

In the face of fear and the desire to survive, these humans have completely lost their honor and dignity, and have dropped their weapons, knelt on the ground, and surrendered to the zombie army.

Zombies have unparalleled absolute discipline in executing their master's orders.

As long as humans put down their weapons and kneeled on the ground, they avoided the ruthless slaughter of zombies.

Therefore, in just a few minutes, no human on the entire battlefield was willing to resist.

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