Blackstone Cemetery.

This was once the site of a war between the two great empires of humans and orcs.

That meat grinder-like war caused countless deaths here.

Today, bones are exposed and weeds are overgrown.

I don't know when.

A centaur tribe occupied this place.

On the barren land, rock camps were slowly built.

It looks ancient and wild.

This is an uninhabited, desolate and desolate area.

But today, in this mass grave, a large group of uninvited guests came.

On the ground, there were densely packed grinning zombies.

They looked weird.

Some had empty hands, while others had roadblocks and iron barrels on their heads.

Some held flags and iron rods in their hands.

There were even huge iron gates. What was extremely out of tune with these hideous zombies was that a group of beautiful white deer were also mixed in.

Finally, Fang Hao riding on Ji Yue.

Walking side by side with Po Jun, whose brows were filled with a fierce aura, in the camp, three thousand elite Centaur warriors were facing the zombie army from a distance.

The individual combat power of the Centaur warriors was very strong.

They were more than two meters tall.

The upper body of a human was covered with iron armor and the arms were strong; the lower body of a horse had flying manes and hard hooves!

Serving as the vanguard were two thousand fat and strong Centaur pioneers.

Holding giant axes and spears, they were the vanguards of the charge.

Behind them were one thousand Centaur archers holding giant iron bows.

Behind this entire Centaur army, there were nearly one hundred Centaur wizards who were constantly casting witchcraft to enhance the combat power of the warriors in front.

Behind the Centaur wizard, there was a Centaur who was three meters tall.

He was the Khan of this Centaur tribe, Giant Axe Saroo.

""Blake, do you know these monsters?"

Saru asked a centaur wizard beside him who was dressed in a special way.

To be precise,

Blake's profession was a centaur death summoner, an extremely powerful centaur wizard.

He mastered the skill of [Ancestor Soul] and had the forbidden spell-level skill of resurrecting the centaur ancestors!

"I don't know. But according to my guess, these zombies are probably the product of undead magic!"

Blake's tone was filled with fear and shock!


Hearing this, Saru could no longer remain calm.

Undead magic?!

This kind of magic, which has long been listed as an absolute forbidden technique by all major forces, why would it suddenly appear here!

"Khan! Look, there seem to be two human figures behind these corpses!"

With the help of the wizard's eye,

Blake found the figures of Fang Hao and Po Jun in the back.

"Undead magic?! Could these two humans be necromancers?"

Saru felt as if a huge devil's claws had grabbed his throat.


Any necromancer is a sinful heretic that all forces on the continent must wipe out!

The undead magic they study involves plague, corpse transformation, ossification, corrosion, poison and so on.

All of them touch the forbidden zone of life!

Their existence is often a symbol of an extinction disaster.



Fang Hao's eyes turned cold.

After a low roar, thousands of zombies rushed forward frantically!

On the other side

""Roar! Centaur warriors, crush the heads of these zombies with your iron hooves!"

Saru had to control his emotions and gave the order to attack.

"hiss hiss——"

The Centaurs raised their necks and neighed, bloodshot eyes all over their huge eyeballs.

The next moment, under the effect of the [Bloodthirstiness] cast by the wizard, countless iron hooves kicked and stomped, causing the earth to tremble and the wind and dust to swell!

""Swish, swish, swish!"

The vanguards of both sides have not yet clashed.

The scorching arrows of the Centaur archers have already fallen!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!……"

The huge arrow with a flaming tip exploded as it hit the zombie's body.

"Wow wow wow……"

The scorching flames burned on the zombies one by one.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a blazing sea of fire!

At the same time, the Centaurs also rushed over fiercely!

""Puff, puff, puff!!"

The battle axes and spears were swung.

Cold light flashed and the air was torn apart.

Fang Hao, who was far away, saw this scene and couldn't help but be slightly moved.

The fighting power of this Centaur Legion was really terrifying!

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