Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1012: Fight each other

Kane suddenly chose to leave because the soldier bees found some creatures that were completely outside his expectations-humanoids.

Ms. Death ’s message to him included distorted humans, silicon-based organisms, inorganic puppets, but no humanoids.

Kane did not think it was Ms. Death who deliberately concealed the existence of humanoids.

One is because it is stupid to do that.

Second, because of the location of these humanoid bugs and the status quo of war with the guards of the metropolis, he realized that most of these creatures are also outsiders who have only recently arrived. As for fishing along the way, it is still as clear as his purpose. , It is not clear.

"Respect that the form is similar to humans? This setting is really stupid. Most of them are the soy sauce creatures involved in the early works of Marvel creators ..."

Kane hadn't connected these insects to the annihilation group in the negative space.

Mainly because these insects are slightly different from the annihilation in his memory.

The annihilation swarm in Kane ’s memory is an annihilation swarm after becoming a negative space overlord. There is a very important point here, that is, someone brought the spores on the Terenus mother star into negative space, thereby making the annihilation The technology of the swarm is advancing by leaps and bounds, thus laying the foundation for hegemony.

In this abandoned Marvel multiverse, the history of many parallel universes is severely distorted, including the annihilation of the Terena spores that appeared here.

These annihilation insects have evolved in the direction of humanoid form, which represents a kind of self-confidence. It is considered that this form is the most present type of intelligent race in the universe. It is the life in the natural evolution series with brain evolution as the core. The classic case of morphology.

Then used it as a template, hoping to accelerate the overall rate of intelligence rise of the ethnic group.

Kane did not know these hidden feelings, but analyzed from the perspective of the prophet beyond the Marvel Universe, and felt that this deliberate existence of human form should be the trend of great humanism that appeared in the original world at the end of the 20th century or even earlier A product born under the influence.

Anyway, the characteristic of the advantage of the number of insects is actually reflected.

Happens to be because the Super Metropolitan Control Bureau has a wanton production advantage in the area where there is a nano-network cloud, it is able to build troops on the fire, and it is also very good at weighing down people.

So, when Kane arrived, the two sides were already fighting.

Kane observed it secretly for a while, and felt a little bored.

Both sides have very old tactics and relatively simple arms. One is a flying unit and the other is a ground unit.

Swarms are beetle-like coleoptera flying insects and humanoid warriors in the form of mantises.

Control Bureau is the aircraft + eviction.

Unlike the expellers that Kane had seen before, this type of expellers is larger, and the ‘dirty braid’ on his head is not a launching grid, but a laser.

Is often a few lasers gathered at one point, and cuts for 1-3 seconds, even if it is moving at high speed, it can also calmly attack.

The long-range weapon of the mantis is the spike.

Compared to the semi-fusion weapon of the repeller, the weapon used by the Mantis is biological, but it has more tool independence. It is a mode of a backpack and a launcher, which makes Kane easily think of adding Tralin machine gun, as well as the chain and supply box.

Kane also found that the stings were hard and brittle, and they could explode. Their power was comparable to ordinary grenade.

Although the shooting frequency is not high, but it also exceeds 100 shots per minute. All mantis people use such weapons, and the firepower is still quite fierce.

But both sides have sharper main weapons. Specially equipped soldiers can be understood as heavy infantry with the dexterity of individual soldiers and vehicle-level mobility.

Interestingly, both sides have a similar style in this regard, and are both fighting bodies of hero-like units.

The special warrior on the side of the swarm looks like it is wearing an artistically treated carapace outfit. It is very beautiful. Even the well-informed Kane can be inspired by the collection impulse, which shows that it is true Is in line with human aesthetics and Kane's eyes.

And the special control soldiers of the Central Control Bureau, on the contrary, are more distinctive, the body is skeletonized, but it is not a skeleton, but a sharp edge, at first glance is a weapon.

For example, two legs, like a long and narrow folding knife, the waist is a slightly curved metal lumbar spine, connected to the pelvis below.

The pelvis does not contain any organs, but a translucent and shiny energy device like a crystal ball.

The upper body is not a rib-like design, but a breastplate structure, and even a shoulder armor integrated with the breastplate.

The head is a highly realistic human head, complete with features and exquisite.

Overall, the specially equipped warriors of the Central Control Bureau are weird and precarious, and let people know at a glance that they are weapons.

The special outfits of the two sides are fighting, which is much more gorgeous than the battle of the tanks. The mass fighting of various soldiers and various explosions have completely reduced the background of their confrontation.

They often borrow from flying in the sky to running in the ground, can become temporary pedals, or shields, throwing objects.

Frequently grabbed a nearby gun when he was hitting, or when the weapon was smashed and thrown.

Whether it is a fight or a white-blade battle, both sides have good performances, and they are all high-explosive, high-tech, fast and swift types, so they are very good-looking, plus they are many-to-many, and they are also catching and fighting. Horizontal or more complex interactions are therefore a visual feast.

It is because of this that Kane just watched a few minutes away, otherwise it was only BIUBIUBIU between each other, he was afraid he would not bother to come.

Although this dazzling fight is stimulating, it is also aesthetically tiring to watch too much.

And the overall combat mode, in Kane's view is very Low, after all, he is a plastic energy department, cannon party. It is believed that bombing and bombing are the most direct and effective means of warfare. Like white blades or something, there are certain preconditions, such as infiltration and explosive environment, which are the only choices of fighting methods.

Anyway, if it was him, even if he did n’t know that the control bureau had the ability to produce and deploy combat power at any time in the area, he would immediately organize long-range artillery strikes instead of sending troops to play human tactics after the confrontation was clear.

This is not to say that the cost of making soldiers is low, it does not matter which tactics are used, but the basic law of the battlefield. It has always been simple, practical, effective, and it is the battlefield model.

Kane estimated the situation slightly, and felt that the swarm was in the upper hand.

The main reason is that the weapons of the swarm are more powerful. The volley fire network is simply an invisible crusher. Wherever the fire is covered, it will be cleared wherever the expellers ca n’t survive the blow of this kind of devastating storm.

Relatively, the long-range strikes of the expelers are also fierce, with a very high lethal rate, but the firepower is really a lot worse than the opponent.

Street fighting may be more venomous and more efficient, but the big corps is just facing the front, but it is difficult to form an effective fire suppression.

After analysis, Kane believes that if it is not the interior of the super city, although it is relatively wide, it still has the characteristics of complicated terrain, and the expellers may have been pushed past A by the swarm.

The general situation is unfavorable, and the performance of the hero units has also been somewhat affected.

But Kane paid attention to the succession production of both sides.

The Control Bureau has built more special soldiers behind the front, and there are new weapons that have not been used before. Although it has not yet been used, it has caused Kane to have an instinctive horror.

This is a divine intuition reminding him that such weapons might hurt him or even kill him.

On the side of the swarm, it seems that there is the idea of ​​the Japanese decisive weapons. Kane found that one after another BOSS-class weapons that are unique enough, even with unique characteristics, are being delivered. I do n’t know if these bugs took the opportunity to treat this as an opportunity. A test field for trial-made weapons was made.

In general, after a quick and comprehensive analysis, Kane found that even if he enters the market now, there is no way to pretend to be a third party.

Is mainly due to lack of energy, the background is not thick, unable to hold this kind of big scene.

Kane felt that since there was no power to control the situation or lift the table, let's be a spectator.

Using the skills of metal druids, he built a self-propelled multi-function factory in the corner and left.

Like every advent, he now lacks time.

As long as there is enough time, his self-propelled multifunctional factory called Metal Lair will grow to be more powerful than the two sides fighting now.

Of course, he does not expect that moment will really come within his mission time. This is nothing more than a preventive arrangement, which is beneficial to him and allows him to have more choices about the arrangement in the event of an accident.

In addition, he personally ran this trip, mainly to deploy more powerful observation devices. Because here has become a variable.

In case the situation deteriorates rapidly, it is likely to affect the whole situation. He hoped that he would be able to obtain real-time intelligence of the war in a timely manner, and it would be better if he could intervene in the course of the war if necessary.

For example, stab in the back to stop the progress of the swarm.

After all, he is very aware of the characteristics of the swarm battle. Once he gains a clear advantage, it is easy to form a **** trend, which may cause the control bureau to use the nano network cloud to create soldiers, which is not as fast as the swarm.

He has discovered that the manufacture of soldiers by the Central Control Bureau, especially the specially equipped soldiers, requires additional or special materials, and cannot be completely obtained on the spot.

This is the limitation.

After the deployment of the metal nest, Kane teleported directly to the deepest point before sneaking into the core.

The only limitation of his current use of teleportation is that it must be a step on, including the area explored by soldiers. Unknown areas cannot be transmitted.

Kane knows that those bugs are vicious competitors, no matter what their purpose is, it will not be a good thing for the super city.

For him, it is the safest to get the original body of the nano-network cloud before the damage of the bug reaches a certain level. After all, due to the urinary nature of the designer of the super city, the Control Bureau mostly has a self-destruction process, even if The change program did not start. When faced with a crisis of annihilation, no one said badly what kind of perverted hidden program will be activated. In such cases, it is spectator or happy, but it is not good to try it for yourself.

So we have to hurry up in time.

But even so, Kane still keeps the state of sneaking in as far as possible not to disturb the Control Bureau.

Mainly, he is worried that the logic control ability of the AI ​​of the Central Control Bureau is more sand sculpture. He regards his soldiers and the bugs that are currently fighting it as one, or associates, then it is possible to activate the higher-level alert state in advance. Not so good.

Sneak, discern the way, go down, 6 hours passed unconsciously.

Kane didn't feel boring along the way, because in addition to looking at the scenery, he was able to watch the war record.

As he concluded from the previous analysis, the swarm gradually gained an advantage and further consolidated.

At the beginning, they were not as convenient as they were on the transportation of soldiers, but by the constant sacrifices and the suppression of the firepower formed by the queuing shots, they withstood the fierce impact of the soldiers of the Central Control Bureau and advanced a little .

As a result, gradually got back.

At this time, a large number of worker insects appeared. They shredded the biological ships on the surface of the city and even in space, thus quickly building insect nests.

Obviously, the space environment is still too evil for these bugs. Their development and expansion have certain requirements for the environment.

This is good news for Kane.

If his swarm is here, he can use another way to start the confrontation of large units from space, and pull the super city layer off like an onion, which can destroy the nano network cloud to a certain extent. More importantly, all the materials are taken away, and there is no way for the Central Control Bureau to obtain materials on the spot.

Fortunately, although these invading bugs have achieved interplanetary navigation, their technology and tactics are still relatively primitive. Or maybe it is because you want to completely occupy and transform the super city.

Anyway, this mode of struggling to fight against each other is a mode of warfare that relatively destroys the overall pattern and is inefficient.

Is conducive to achieving his goal.

Although it is estimated that the AI's computing power will not be overwhelmed, the inclination of resource allocation will still affect the strength of the interception force.

Soldier bees have discovered that ~ ~ has special transportation puppets to deliver materials to the sector where the swarm is located. Obviously this is the logistics operation of the Central Control Bureau and is busy building a stronger defense line.

Kane also learned the construction mode of the Central Control Bureau.

Perhaps to reduce energy consumption, they are not all built on nano-network cloud. Instead, the engineering behemoth first establishes the framework.

These monsters are like a MCV base car. After arriving at the location, they undergo a series of expansions and deformations. A large number of engineering robots are like ants nests filled with water. In order to further expand the group of monsters, they are usually of obvious dismantling nature, and finally they will also be put on board and become part of the framework.

Then came the nano-network cloud generation. There were energy storms everywhere. In the vast light and fog, a new cluster of huge facilities appeared like that, it felt like adding flesh and blood to the skeleton of the giant.

This construction model of the Central Control Bureau made Kane look familiar, and after a little thought, he discovered that the insects that seem to attack the super city are similar in the process of building the nest, except that one is inorganic material and the other is organic material. There is also the fact that insects have such a force as the nano-network cloud, but are replaced by the ultra-high-speed proliferation of organisms.

"It's interesting, could it be that the bugs are playing the set that steals the teacher and then tries to be blue?"

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