Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1018: I'm so hard

It is obviously not difficult to leave the Kingdom of Katyn from the Holden area. After all, this is a border land, or the kind of land is barren and sparsely populated, and there is not enough border on the border to guard the border soldiers.

However, Zhao Wenrui did not go westward to the slave line of neighboring countries, but went north into the vast mountains.

If the shadow plane gives him a sense of intimacy on his own farm, then the wilderness is like a township where the market is located. Although he ca n’t catch the market several times a year, there will still be species after years. Different from other people.

Like many people of the same age, Zhao Wenrui, whose mental age is not small, has become more deeply and restrained, but also more delicate and rich.

It ’s really a different feeling to taste ‘youth does not recognize sadness’ at the current age. Zhao Wenrui feels that compared to his passion when he was young when he was surging when he was surging, he now feels more like a trickle stream, small but lasting, even if it freezes in winter, there are clear traces.

So with a lot of emotion in mind, Zhao Wenrui embarked on the road to the north.

He felt that the word "gui" was still appropriate.

Although the real situation is only after leaving the year, from farming at home to farming in neighboring provinces other than the province where the home is located, during this period, it triggered something that is not big or big; but He still felt that there was such a feeling of being away from home.

However, the fact soon proved that this emotion is superficial and even hypocritical. Because when he set foot on the land of God's Death Land again soon, he couldn't stand it.

It was like the sister-in-law's sister-in-law in memory, who became a Russian aunt at the waist of the bucket.

Zhao Wenrui found that he could no longer bear the ubiquitous maliciousness of the godly wasteland, the unabashed hunger for vitality and spiritual energy, it was like waking up on the sofa at midnight, and then facing the harsh and harsh The snowflake screen TV is average, very annoying.

Of course, the characteristic "Devil's Grab" is also indispensable: like the telepathy, the strange devil's claw sounds directly in the mind of the human, the shadow of the devil's claws is walking on the rhythm, catching towards the campfire, if it is The campfire was arrested ...

Zhao Wenrui also received it. In order to get rid of these shadow claws, in the past, he used the san value to drop violently, all the way hard, and he shrank into darkness.

But this approach, from a certain perspective, is more like taking the initiative to bribe spiritual energy to the claws of the shadow to make it stop. After all, the drastically lowered san value can be regarded as a deep loss of mental energy.

Now naturally there are better countermeasures. After all, as long as he is willing to practise farming, then professional growth is definitely not a level upgrade.

That's just the most obvious and obvious part, and the part that works silently, that is, the overall improvement of professional knowledge.

The supplementary lessons have alleviated to a certain extent the problem of depth and breadth caused by the frustrating upgrades at the beginning.

The benefits are often reflected in the details.

Like this Shadow Claw, he can even consume some power and bind it, and at a critical moment it can be used as a stimulant for the Shadow Demon combined with the Soul of Pain.

He already knew the essence of the shadow claw, which was a twisted divine power, and with his current power, he was unable to wipe out or transform this extraordinary power.

But it can be restrained, and consume a certain amount of power every day.

Once this power is released and used against the Soul of Pain, it will cause the Soul of Pain to lose spiritual energy and cause it to explode in pain, thereby achieving the purpose of temporary rage and enhancing combat power.

But even with such a profitable plan, even if he had planned to see the sanctuary under the ground in Huishan City, and he harvested some crystals of resentment, he finally chose to leave.

He couldn't bear the erosion of the world at all times. He found that the stronger the person, the more severe the harassment on the land.

Unless the power can overwhelm the distorted divine power of the wasteland of the gods, yet the world can not tolerate the soul that controls such a majestic power.

So this land is simply the place of the curse of the transcendental. The curse is given by God, and there is more than one. They have merged with the heaven and earth to a certain extent after the death, thus forming this special curse.

Re-southward and re-enter the reckless mountains in the snowy night.

Zhao Wenrui and his puppet slaves escaped from the shadow plane.

Human habits are not so easy to change, and the shadow druids are amphibians, and the shadow plane is not a livable environment, so if you can, Zhao Wenrui still prefers to camp in the real world, just like a conventional submarine floats The water surface is generally ventilated.

His current home is five carts, 24 skull beasts, 60 shadow demon, and some strange creatures as regular reconnaissance units, often accompanied by around him, for his motivation.

For example, ghost-faced owl, ugly face, rotten feathers, it is easy for people to misunderstand as undead creatures, but it is not. After being tamed, he is very obedient and smart enough. The only problem may be wildness.

This problem actually exists in all wild animals, but the animals that accompany him are eroded day and night by the power of shadow, have a certain tendency to blacken, and appear more brutal and fierce.

Regarding the concept of "wildness", Zhao Wenrui has not yet fully adapted.

The main reason is still his personal problem.

He is a city man who grew up in modern society. Before participating in the extraordinary adventure, the three views have been basically shaped, and affected by environmental factors including various intuitive and non-intuitive education, there is a certain degree of influence on the wilderness. Cognitive bias.

It's like a lot of exposure to darkness through film and television dramas or novels, and I feel that the beautified violence and darkness and blood are cool, very personal and very normal.

Of course, there are differences in degree. After all, the deity also watched the life series of Beye in the past, and participated in some outdoor activities involving the wilderness. This humanity avatar has the memory of the soldiers made by C. Kane with the deity ’s knowledge during the reincarnation. I know more than ordinary people in the city.

But this is still not enough. What is lacking is transcendental, which is referred to by modern Orientals as "wilderness".

It can be said that the wilderness seen by modern people has basically been tamed by humans.

In modern times, there are no terrestrial areas on the earth that humans have not been involved in. Many wild animals, in order to adapt to the objective environment where human beings are dominating on the earth, began to change the law of work and rest, and even learned how to survive by selling cuteness.

This is also the main meaning of the concept of "Honghuang", which distinguishes the truly wild nature from the bird-scented nature familiar to modern earth.

At the same time, it also distinguishes between true wildness and the so-called wildness that people are familiar with.

Zhao Wenrui has been troubled by the "wildness" for a period of time after taking up the Druid because of the past experience of modern people and people.

Later, he thought of some short stories that were inextricably linked to it, and gradually realized the difference.

The short story is roughly divided into two points in time.

1 was when he was young. He remembers that urbanization was far behind. Not to mention the suburbs, even the urban areas, there were dirt roads everywhere, and desolate and empty areas, such as the warehouse area of ​​a factory, the corner of a school.

At that time, there were still some strange things around. Of course, it was nothing to do with the climate. It was nothing but frightening and sick, at most it was crazy, and once detailed, it could often be explained by science.

But I have to say that this kind of naughty things, combined with the remote deserted house, left him with an extraordinary concept of ‘barren’.

This concept was basically lost in the following years. One is because young people tend to be rude and unwilling to ponder over and over again, but are easily attracted to fresh and exciting content, such as falling in love, or playing video games.

Another thing, things that happen around you and become familiar with them are always easily overlooked. For young people, those nagging things are just like people from mountain villages who have no feeling about the activity of "traveling". They really don't pay much attention to it unless they hit evil.

But in fact it is not, let alone not sure if there is, even if there is, in the context of people's progress, this is also a small probability situation, which is about the level of the big prize in the welfare lottery. Don't think about it as an ordinary person.

What really turned this concept out again was that he became more and more accustomed to thinking about it.

This is the second time point, after adulthood.

At the right time, even a lot of arable land has been taken up by the trend of urban expansion, not to mention any abandoned factory buildings, that is money, and people like money, and no one thinks that they have too much money.

The numerous buildings, the most popular, and the green space can only go to high-end communities or botanical gardens. They are all exquisite artificial scenery, and there is no wilderness.

But the rise of the Internet allows people to sit at home and see the world.

So Zhao Wenrui saw the scenery of other countries, mainly lighthouse countries. Worship of the strong is an instinct engraved in human genes. Even the country learns and imitates all kinds, not to mention individuals.

Of course, as a self-confident person, he is not fanatical in this respect, but just wants to understand. This includes culture, customs, and some anecdotes of gods and gods.

In addition to checking the information available on the Internet in this regard, another one is through the American drama. Drama comes from life. Although the story of the American drama is fake, many monster settings and even paragraphs come from folklore adaptations, not from the screenwriter's brain. It's not that you can't figure it out, but to quote folklore and be more grounded, which is easy to resonate with the audience.

The key point that Zhao Wenrui focuses on is not how bizarre stories and monsters are scary, nor is it to prove the existence of strange things. Rather, it is to compare the commonality of Chinese and foreign strange legends.

More in-depth, it is through understanding the background of such strange stories to better understand the concept of ‘barren’.

The results did sum up some rules, such as the vastness of the land and the sparse population, the lack of sufficient tools, and the feeling of being lonely and powerless in the face of nature ...

In short, ‘barren’ at some point equals to ‘panic’, and then basically scare yourself.

So why panic? Because wild.

Untamed, unordered, with low control, and even lack of understanding.

Therefore, wildness and wildness are closely connected, representing the other side of nature that people do not know, are difficult to predict, and cannot be evaluated.

In ancient times, the proportion of this unknown part was higher, so it seemed more "barren" and more mysterious, such as malaria, and diseases such as dengue fever and malaria that were common in tropical jungles.

In an extraordinary world like the universe of the Great Star Realm, the "desolation" is more severe in the eyes of human beings, because of the combination of extraordinary powers with animals and plants, and because of the transformation of the dead and dead gods and their followers.

Since nature is such a ‘barren’, what kind of ‘wild’ method should a Druid fully embrace nature?

In the native world, the druids originated from the early Celts, and the sacrifice of the living was one of the rituals they used to please nature. Using vegetation, animals, and insects in nature to deal with the enemy is also their main research content.

They are even anti-civilization and anti-human, because they find that the way of heaven is more than enough to make up for it, so if there is more meat and less grass, they will kill meat, otherwise they will kill grass. The key concept is' balance 'In order to balance, if there are too many people, and it harms the balance between supply and demand in nature, it will kill people.

This is not a matter of opinion, but it is not related to good, but it is certain.

In the extraordinary world, this feature has been intensified. After all, the existence of extraordinary power itself has increased the intensity and intensity of various struggles.

To sum up, Zhao Wenrui gradually realized that the druid's wildness was more cruel and cruel than he originally thought. It's a joke to think of the druid as an environmental gardener who loves animals and has strong professional skills.

For human beings, true nature is not lovely at all, but is murderous, dangerous and wild.

Correspondingly, Drew ’s wild nature also has such characteristics, not just dirty, tattered, earthy and animal feces and sweaty smell of Adubo.

So what is the wild state of the darker shade of Druid than ordinary Druids?

Zhao Wenrui said that the details are not clear, but there are still some big concepts.

I have to say that it really made him that way, he could not accept it. This is like the werewolf he remembered. It should be a dare to love and hate, a brave enough, usually self-discipline, and a heroic presence in war, rather than crazy bloodthirsty, even if you are not hungry, you want to kill and taste killing pleasure monster.

He felt that this was not his fault, but a distortion of the relevant information that had been repeatedly instilled in the past.

In a saying: the ideal is full, the reality is skinny.

Druid is such a battle.

Before taking office, he firmly believed that, between man and beast, the druid was more human, and the sign was that he could think rationally.

Now, he realizes that the "pure taste" Druid is more biased towards the beast. He is a natural tool. It can also be understood as being successfully brainwashed by Heavenly Dao, and striding on the road of "all for balance".

Of course he can be a non-mainstream Druid, he still has this freedom. But just like pan-believers who do not believe in God ’s teachings, they do n’t get the care of God ’s father. Praying for spiritual experience often requires looking at the mood of God at that time. To be a non-mainstream, you must have a consciousness that is much inferior to the mainstream.

He has gold fingers, which has greatly improved this embarrassment, but from the root point of view, he belongs to an unbelieving God who wants to benefit from God. God is not a silly businessman but a smart businessman. welcome. This is ultimately a problem, and it will gradually become more prominent as the level increases.

In addition, 16-level professionals already need to warm up the law, to pave the way for the legendary road.

Generally speaking, the law chosen by the warfighter is always closely related to the attributes of extraordinary power he masters, so he roughly said that he should take the path of shadow. As for which law is the main one, he can slowly filter.

But now, he has problems with unstable beliefs and even a tendency to betray the way of nature, and the choice of shadow laws seems a bit dead. In case the future changes, there is no place to cry. But according to this non-mainstream attitude, the door of the legendary Druid will never be opened to him.


Especially in the background of the wild mountains, nature repeatedly showed him the true look of wildness with details, which made him feel upset. It's like facing a group of parents who are nagging about the importance of learning all day long in middle school.

And in the dark ~ ~ by indirect means, c Kane, who made a lot of efforts to promote such a situation, gave a smirk.

A strong will has never been achieved overnight. Zhao Wenrui's most needed class is actually this aspect.

Now, his series of doubts have shaken the fundamentals of the extraordinary battle. The situation can be said to be very bad. After all, the extraordinary power is his happy and happy, and the survival of the support and dependence, without these, he is just a day. If you ca n’t keep going, you will be killed by ordinary people.

So, do you die after choosing freedom, or do you surrender to the rules and live alive?

And then again, he had a reason not to face choices and to avoid mixed life.

The wilderness is too cold, the city is very warm, the piston movement is very cool, drink and relax, and then use some mental hallucinogens, half a dream and half awake, what do you think ...

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