Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1022: X Demigod System

Enjoy the cleaning service of the smart and fragrant tongue, and was served neatly dressed. Zhao Wenrui sat down to drink two hot drinks and moistened his throat, and then he saw the deacon with breathlessness in his expression.

"We are in big trouble!" The deacon saw Zhao Wenrui look disapproving, and still had a leisurely drink there, and suddenly there was a lot of light, and his tone was a lot harder: "You, come with me personally."

Zhao Wenrui smiled, knowing that the other party was afraid that he would not try his best in the event, otherwise according to the personages he showed these days, there was nothing directly related to whether he could solve the problem in the first line.

After all, he is doing the job of an alchemist. With alchemy drugs with huge side effects, it makes the coolie more durable and at the same time it is more tame.

It's just that the alchemy medicine he produced is cheap for the engineering project department, which is about 30 people, which is cheap and good.

In his view, the deacon asked him to solve the problem, it was basically that this goods was under a strict disciplinary system, and he was instinctively trying to conceal the cover under the severe punishment system.

I have to say that this kind of leadership with limited insight, shallow eyelid, and gambler psychology is really unlucky, helpless, or unconsciously paid for his stupidity and greed with injury and death.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui will not be wronged.

With time, he has passed the most difficult period of fatigue without any worries, and now at least on the surface, he has the power to lift the table.

So it's hard to get the executives of such a project branch to spend their time and dedication to complete.

He directly pointed out the question and said: "If it is a big situation, report it in time, is it safer to ask an expert to take action? I heard that there are a few people who have the ability to eat casual meals over there."

Deacon laughed in his heart: "Then it seems that I am very incompetent, and have no responsibility at all?"

Still has to deal with it properly, after all, Zhao Wenrui has to work hard. "It's all temporary solicitors who don't necessarily work hard, but most of the conditions are there."

Zhao Wenrui said: "'Solicitation', that's why you are so kind to beautify the pit abduction."

He was there in Hewandi, but he naturally knew how the project department had “solicited” the scattered strangers, and he did n’t know that it was the characteristics of Youton. It is the former, but some of the information he obtained points to the latter.

Although on the surface, there are free transcendences active in Bybosa, it is really difficult to define the degree of freedom. The long point of the dog chain is also a kind of freedom.

Seeing the deacon and the deceitful, Zhao Wenrui was too lazy to be that wicked. Anyway, for him, it is profitable both inside and outside. Letting those coolies die, it does not reduce his WeChat, but he can arbitrarily attribute some people to his slavery.

The only troublesome problem is that every area of ​​the world seems to be deeply or shallowly involved in the plunder of mental power and the loss of San value.

And this has an impact on immortality. After all, the wisdom of immortality is also based on the spirit, and as long as it is a spiritual body, it is affected by the mental power spell.

It ’s just that many immortals, or wild immortals, are like chaotic creatures of lunatics. From the perspective of bystanders, the level of bloodthirsty madness is not high, and the difference is not particularly large. Sin without the ability to avoid.

But as an undead dominator, he hopes to be smart and loyal under his command. The most taboo thing is to be fooled and unable to move, and the San value is just such a negative effect. It will even re-wild the immortal cooked.

If you jump out a few high-end evil spirits or something, it is even more likely to seize control, play civil unrest or even counterattack, so there are risks.

And when he came this time, he also had the opportunity to solve this problem.

This self-confidence comes from a discovery after his blackening.

Said shamelessly that he found his ‘jack’ to be a woman ’s bounty. You can play even high difficulty such as "Please turn around", not to mention the basic skills that can be big or small, long or short.

Of course he didn't know that this was a change caused by the old dominator factor in the bloodline, and he didn't even think deeply about why this happened.

It was not that blackening had made him rough, but that he was lazy and unwilling to delve deeper. There is a little bit of unbearable meaning here.

After all, he can clearly compare his self-willed depravity. It is nonsense to say that he feels nothing about it.

But to say how regretful, it is even more nonsense. He even thought: "This is true blackening, knowing the fall, but not ashamed, but okay."

In any case, the new discovery made him realize that his series of bizarre encounters have a certain relationship with his bloodline. After all, this body is in the Marvel universe, maybe it ’s an unawakened variant, or when A member of the alien race is also unknown.

Since it is so cold, even the power of darkness says that affinity is affinity, then does it mean that his flesh and blood have a special effect?

May wish to try.

So he felt that through the dark blood ritual, it might be possible to solve the hidden dangers of the slave's control.

Zhao Wenrui followed the deacon, through layers of guards, to the front line of the excavation field.

The accident site has become an extremely dangerous place now. The radiant wind is like a high-power blower blowing black smoke, constantly squirting from the chiseled crack, ordinary people standing at the tuyere, it will be blown in less than 1 minute Fly ash into the coke.

This is not at the forefront, but only one of the several channels with strong radiant wind currents.

Zhao Wenrui did not talk nonsense. He waved his hand directly. Since there was a team of numbness and turbid eyes, the brute force rushed up, working hard against the radiant wind, and blocking the opening with rocks and mud.

These are all people whose vitality is about to be exhausted. More importantly, their souls have also been eroded, and they are completely merging with flesh and blood. It is this fusion, plus one of the effects of Dali Pills, that makes them like extraordinary The so-called absorption of free extraordinary power is nothing but dark.

So when they die, they will become black figurines instead of ordinary soulless skeletons or zombies.

Of course, the achievement of the black figurines is not so simple, for example, those with more religious beliefs will not work.

After all, with regard to the ownership of the soul, Zhao Wenrui ’s dark method with demigod qualities still cannot compete for a more professional **** of faith.

Fortunately, the fugitives who can come to the Survival District of Udon are mostly unbelievers, or they have a complicated past, and their beliefs are a mystery. Therefore, the long-term investment of Daliwan is basically guaranteed.

And this leak accident indeed looks vicious.

Even if you wear a full set of leather with special paint on your body, you will not be spared.

And the kind of death that blows away the spirits and blows into fly ash is really a bit tragic. Before the death, he will still suffer the ultimate pain, which is simply a purgatory punishment.

Therefore, even if it is forced to die, no one is willing to go.

This is the main reason why the deacon went to ask Zhao Wenrui for help.

The management of the engineering project department is very clear what means they use to drive the public to achieve their goals.

So the monitoring of the coolie is three-dimensional and very strict.

It can be said that the main force of the project department is used for supervision.

Against this background, Zhao Wenrui's sale of Dali Pill was naturally soon discovered and followed.

Although Zhao Wenrui's approach resulted in a result that was benign to the project department, some relevant personnel conducted research.

The result of the research is black sorcery. With the power of the dark curse, squeeze the spiritual flesh, get a good state for a short time, and eventually die tragically.

From the perspective of the project department, it doesn't matter at all whether these prisoners will end up deadly. After all, deaths have occurred along with the progress of the project. According to headquarters statistics, there are dozens of ordinary coolies that die every day, and there is a trend of intensifying.

The project department attaches great importance to the effect of "good in a short time". This is tantamount to Zhao Wenrui helping them to squeeze the coolie more thoroughly, so as to maximize their effectiveness.

So Zhao Wenrui sells Dali Pill, you can have it.

The management of the project department is also not stupid, and does not think that Zhao Wenrui sold Dali Pill out of sympathy for the prisoner's coolie, nor simply to be the boss of the prisoner and improve the quality of life.

They tolerated Zhao Wenrui because Zhao Wenrui's benefits were real, and they were confident enough to restrain Zhao Wenrui.

Of course, their self-confidence is a bit blind, and it is not their fault to say that, after all, when they asked the legendary strong to secretly evaluate, Zhao Wenrui was in a precarious trough period after the apostasy. The state was indeed not good at that time, that is, 10 The level of the early stage.

Although he is an elite above level 10, he also has strengths and weaknesses. Zhao Wenrui got a chaotic system and had no appreciable comments. The management thought he was a nomad.

Is right, Zhao Wenrui's golden finger is indeed something that C Kane himself tinkered with. There is no whole Marvel universe, let alone any well-known system, it is indeed wild enough.

But there is obviously a lack of vision here, not knowing the fallacy of the superior, so Zhao Wenrui successfully passed the dangerous period.

Up to now, even if the management wants to investigate again, it is impossible to find out why.

The old branch gene has already been activated, combined with the trace of divinity that Zhao Wenrui had, making it a demigod, and it is a very powerful original **** demigod, which is more independent than the old gods and ancient gods. Say the **** of faith bound to the universe system of the Great Star Realm.

Now Zhao Wenrui is at least a face-level existence of the old branch, similar to that of the scarlet thorn lord that Kane deity killed at the end of the dark HP universe in 1853.

It's just that accumulation is not enough, and the degree of integration is not high enough.

From the deformed body to the old branch, Zhao Wenrui still has a long way to go, and must undergo at least a dozen transformations.

Even so, it is not easy to spy on the true content.

The old dominators are veteran overlords of the endless multiverse, and the technical system is rich and perfect, which naturally includes how to protect the swaddling self. This is also a major reason why their avatars can invade various multiverses and secretly develop.

Zhao Wenrui passively activated this technology BUFF, of course, at a price.

Zhao Wenrui also felt vaguely.

It's just that he has broken the jar a bit.

When a person gives up his original intention and gives up the vertical contrast and restraint of his personality, he does n’t mind what he will become in the future, so he does n’t worry so much.

Some people call this self-sufficiency, some people call it natural, and Zhao Wenrui wants to express his attitude with a memorable Hong Kong film line: The most important thing is to be happy when people live.

Has gone through all kinds of hardships and realized his dreams, which can indeed get a huge amount of pleasure value, so refreshing to fly.

But Zhao Wenrui couldn't wait, he couldn't bear it. He needed some short and pleasant pleasures, even superficial ones.

For example, if you have a good meal, you can get tired of watching the pretty girl ......

It turned out that he was not so vulgar, but his experience in recent years decided that he was a little bit of a soldier's complex, ascetic was too long, and the vulgar became beautiful.

And in a deep sense, his memories are false and have not really been experienced. In other words, the authenticity in the memory is not wrong, but his temperament has changed. He used to like pure and now he likes to sao, and those in the memory can no longer be satisfied.

He used to think that he used to be a fool, and he paid a lot of attention to the wrong key points.

This dissatisfaction means forgetting the memory.

People will always remember those unforgettable ones, and what they are willing to remember.

Because the former is profound enough, it passively triggers and recalls repeatedly.

The latter is willing to remember from time to time because it is pleasant.

Therefore, the blackened Zhao Wenrui has selectively forgotten some memories. This reorganization and filling of the memory bank will allow him to break away from Kane's line of thought faster.

These, C Kane naturally observed, and expected.

For C Kane, the relevant gains are still okay, for example, the old branch gene is looking for the dominant and demon in Zhao Wenrui, it is a good reminder.

Not to mention the specific changes, it is of great help to analyze the operation of the old branch genes, to study the way the soul changes, and so on.

It's just that the price hurts C Kane. Even if he left enough backdoors in advance, Zhao Wenrui had the force of the old branch and wanted to spy, it was not so easy.

Zhao Wenrui still couldn't detect that he was someone's mouse, but he knew that his impulsiveness had grown, and the "Ruyi gold hoop" was a concrete manifestation.

Of course, there are other things, such as the mysterious side knowledge that spontaneously emerges as the system is repaired and rebuilt.

The original golden finger is finished, but the road to heaven is no more, and now it can continue to grow like a warlock by tapping the inherited knowledge in the bloodline.

Even, out of habit, Zhao Wenrui restored the original golden finger's chart style with a constant spell mode.

He now has a weird supernatural title. Although he does n’t even have a title, he knows that this one is stronger by comparing it with Shade.

What is above the hero? The answer is forthcoming.

So he became confident and determined again.

Far away, he watched the drudgery of those clogging holes quickly enter into destruction, and there was no wave in his heart.

Although it involves specific restrictions, persecution, concealment and lies, Lu chose it by himself. He also warned in advance that the price was high, even if the big head was repaid after death.

He felt that this was enough, enough to explain to himself.

And the deacon beside Zhao Wenrui is another feeling.

The power of radiant wind is terrible. Looking at the effect, it is like working in a high-temperature furnace without an open flame. The surface of the special protective leather coat is greasy and greasy, as if being burned.

Then the leather coat became obviously brittle and cracked.

Then, the soot is continuously sprayed from the broken parts, just like the effect of burning pig skin with a hot red iron strip. Just looking at it, everyone knows that the person is suffering from inhuman pain.

This is also a half-strange puppet, ordinary people in this pain, I am afraid there is no way to work?

Thinking of this, the deacon glanced at the expressionless Zhao Wenrui.

Wondering how to improve each other's intimacy.

After all, this accident has made him realize that there are still many situations where he needs to repeat this kind of dead-class operation, and he is only capable of performing such extraordinary operations on hand.

Two people, one after the other, finally spontaneously plugged with stone masonry to seal the passageway.

Then the caster comes on stage.

The spellcaster's technique of turning mud into stone blends the earth and stone at the entrance of the passage with the surrounding rock wall and ground.

Even if the work is completed in stages.

Deacon called 4 mystic masters to cast spells at the same time, thus speeding up the construction.

Rao is so, the casters have suffered a lot from the operation, and they need to drink alchemical potions to neutralize the residual radiation on their bodies, mainly to offset the negative erosion of consciousness in the radiation wind.

With a similar process, and sealed three channels, this wave of leakage crisis is considered to be temporarily curbed.

Is indeed temporary. The caster stated that the stone wall is being eroded by the radiant wind and cannot be blocked for too long.

The original stone wall can be sealed for a long time, not because the stone wall is strong, but because there should be a seal formation on the inner wall. Now that the circle has been destroyed, the situation will only worsen over time.

The consultant looked at the coolness of the last wave of dry plugging work. The protective leather coat had stuck to the flesh and blood, forming a kind of burnt ulcer effect.

"Retreat first." He said so.

Originally, he also wanted the coolies to perform more complex tasks, such as investigating the internal situation of the most cutting-edge gap.

Now he changed his mind. He felt that Zhao Wenrui's previous suggestion was pertinent. It was up to him to hold it. It was justified to report it in time. Moreover, he now thinks that the emergency response is doing well.

However, his superior did not think so.

"Go and blow up the mouth again ~ ~ The bigger the better, let the evil forces drain. Also, if you encounter such special circumstances in the future, don't make good claims."

The deacons who are counted can only sigh. Fortunately, although he made a mistake, he didn't need to pay for it with his life. As for the worthless sacrifices of more than 30 coolies in the eight waves before and after, the prisoners' lives are nothing more than that.

There is no need to send out the dead. In order to let the radiant wind vent, the deacon has specially made people renovate the passage, and expand the vertical shaft and ventilation channel to strengthen the circulation efficiency.

Then, in a loud noise, the blockade was blown up again.

The radiant wind raged, and the entire cave system gradually became a death tunnel with radiation contaminants everywhere.

The result is in such a background, the deacon received a new order: quickly seal!

The essence of radiant wind is caused by a special gas leakage, which plays an important role in creating a special environment.

Once the special environment is lost, it is likely that the project department will not get the key items, which will make the ultimate goal fail!

The deacon suddenly felt that the whole person was not good, and then the superior moved his mouth and the subordinate ran a broken leg. Obviously, he could not blame the unprofessional chaotic command of the leader. He could only lead him to Zhao Wenrui.

But he didn't know that when blocking the entrance of the channel, Zhao Wenrui had already started to explore the treasure ...

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