Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1030: Shelling

Energy will not disappear, only transformation and transfer.

With the passage of time, under the fiddling of Zhao Wenrui, the water element orb changed from an elemental cloud to an elemental beam of light, just like the legendary ascending ladder, which directly connected the earth and the sky.

This thing is not just a landscape, but also a weapon.

Zhao Wenrui took the water element orb as his support, and signed a simple contract with a water element elf in a dry inner plane, allowing him to provide services for him while enjoying the power of high purity water element.

For example, the field force field.

This force field will hang a negative BUFF to the non-water element affinity units in all areas, depending on the strength of the force field.

For example, it is mainly to prevent high-speed intrusion and the effect of opening the space door.

High-speed rushing will cause a huge resistance effect such as rushing into the deep sea, and if the space door is opened, the probability of collapse is greatly increased.

Therefore, the army of crusade can only be opened in a magnificent way, just head on, there is no way to engage in surprise attacks and beheading.

In fact, inside the crusade army, there were also calls for the collapse of Zhao Wenrui's team, and once became the mainstream.

The reason is also simple, and the enemies at this level of Zhao Wenrui are torn to the front, there must be death and injury, and it is not easy for everyone to climb to a high place.

Wait for two reasons for the collapse of Zhao Wenrui's team:

1, Zhao Wenrui's method of taking Gaota Town was too rude, and he would be bitten back.

2. Running a town requires materials, and as long as there are such teams out of town to buy and buy, one will be killed and the other will be unable to play anymore.

So the town of Gaota not only **** Zhao Wenrui, but also became a burden on him, which is actually quite good, otherwise he became Zhao Ranpao, fearing that everyone who is interested in killing him will have a headache.

So there was a period of peace with each other.

The senior officials of the crusade think that Zhao Wenrui is consuming, while his own side has the advantage of having a national power behind him. It is mobilized and prepared. The two sides will grow and fall, and the gap will become larger and larger. Finally, the thunder strikes, decent KO.

Of course they are not blind. Although the force field created by Zhao Wenrui can shield observations in a general sense, there is a **** behind them.

Zhao Wenrui is still naturally unobservable, but they can know through the gods that Zhao Wenrui has set up a high-level plane fishing and processing one-stop system, and the overall combat power has increased significantly over time.

So they came. No matter how much he lives, he will have to fulfill the task assigned by the **** dad.

The crusade army has three giants, and Quig, who has nearly ten combat powers including the Royal Knights of Bybosa, invited him. No matter the background, personal power, or team power, they can only accompany the last seat.

The general manager of the treasure digging team, Aris, who has been in the sanctuary for 15 years, can only be located in the second seat. The most powerful speaker is Conce. Although it is only in the sanctuary, he became famous a hundred years earlier than Aris. What's more important is that Dad is powerful, a long-lasting ancient **** with the prestige of slaughtering a shrine.

And the same as those who brought in the game, Aris invested the most, only the artifact brought two pieces. There are more than one hundred devotees dedicated to the coming of angels.

This is a real one-time consumable, and qualified devotees must be not only fanatics, but also innocent aspirants, because only innocent souls can better integrate with angels to control the surging after the advent the power of.

"Everyone, this time, we once again unify our understanding, attack the town of Gaota, and destroy Hannibal. It is not a military project of a decisive battle nature, but the solicitation of an evil and mysterious force, which requires us to be patient. A series of battles that have been vigorously annihilated through the continuous weakening of the forces against the enemy ... "

The crusades met at the meeting, and the powerful people gathered together. Baibosa has not had such a prosperous lineup in fifty years. No matter who wins or loses in this battle, it will be a big event named by Shi Shu.

While the leaders of the military were meeting, the Magic Engineering Corps was doing all it could to build.

In addition to using a lot of prefabricated parts, various types of magic power machinery and equipment like modern construction, there are also high-end architectural magic.

The node is set up, and then the energy flow weaves a 3D network within the category of the node.

Followed by, the mud and sand were like a backwater waterfall, rumbling upwelling and filling, and then condensed into sandstone in the large-scale effect of turning mud into stone, and then strengthened into granite.

This structure is much stronger than reinforced concrete, because the internal energy network will not fail after construction, but will continue to maintain, making the extraordinary energy penetration blessing, integrated with granite, the protection ability is amazing, even if It is nuclear weapons, as long as it is not directly pressed by the plasma fireball, it can be carried.

The crusade army showed the strength of the super tyrants. The fortresses were built together in eight directions. It was just a day and night. The eight huge fortresses that were 100 meters high had been capped, and this was just the base. The crusades will continue in the following days. Cover up layer by layer until it rises over 300 meters high tower town.

Zhao Wenrui remembers that in ancient times, there was a war weapon called a siege tower. It could in turn stand tall and shoot arrows at the city wall. It could also set a springboard on the wall and use its own structure to build a stair-climbing passage for transporting combat power to enemy cities.

The eight fortresses in front of you mean something like a siege tower.

Of course, the crusades are not prepared to build a springboard with a length in kilometers, but intend to set up weapons such as magic cannons to start bombardment.

In the words of Aris: "Hannibal has the water element orb, and we have three other elemental orbs. It is more expensive than Hannibal."

Indeed, if such an algorithm is used, Zhao Wenrui is really being beaten.

The problem is that the main characteristic of the old dominators is not to unreasonably drop the San value, but to devour the universe.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui, who has the characteristics of the old supporters, can actually confidently say to the crusades: Although the sense of taste has still not been completely restored, the discussion on gluttony and energy conversion efficiency is **** compared to me.

The crusade forces have not yet obtained this important information, and they are advancing the progress of the war according to their own plans and rhythms.

The engineering magical armor has completed the deployment of the 800mm caliber train gun 35 kilometers away. They came a step earlier than the crusade and were outside the scope of Zhao Wenrui's observation.

Now that the crusade is in place, extraordinary means like laser sighting assisted positioning systems are used.

‘Boom! The earthquake shook, the cooling water boiled instantaneously, and turned into white gas. The train-type platform of the giant artillery also slipped out of the track by tens of meters due to the reaction force.

A 7.1-ton shell projected through the air, whistling and flying towards the target.

During the flight, the shell's own magic system releases the force of the wind element and makes fine adjustments again and again. So although the shell had no fixed wings, it flew very steady.

Wait for the last voyage, the shells were like air bubble torpedoes, with the force of the wind element, they made a conical air bubble, which wrapped around the projectile and burst into it.

Obviously, the technical personnel of the crusades wanted to use this method to counter the deceleration effect of the water elemental force field.

‘Boom! 'The deceleration effect of the force field is still activated. The transparent air shows obvious ripples, which are the three-dimensional ripples caused by the bullets entering the water, like the famous stunt lens' bullet speed', but the conduction is faster and the unit time The inner range is even brighter.

Thus, a layer of depression effect is quickly formed, as if a hard object is pushing against a layer of tough paper, and at the beginning, a cone-shaped depression was created on the paper. The further back, the smaller the kinetic energy and the resistance The larger, from the side, the depression is no longer an acute angle, but an obtuse angle.

However, the crusade against the army laboriously obtained the train guns, but it was more than that.

Seeing the loss of kinetic energy, the shell had a new change, directional blasting, and then spewed out the warhead from the inside.

Such an operation is done by energy-guided human control.

Just after the projectile burst into the force field area, an energy stream was ejected from its tail, accelerating and advancing, and forming an energy trajectory.

And before this trajectory is destroyed by the energy of the water element force field, for the controller, it is the available communication channel. Thus, at a critical moment, human-controlled injection and artillery shell firing.

The quality of the shells fired by the shells has dropped from 7.1 tons to less than 1.2 tons.

The shape of this shell has the meaning of a triangular pyramid + rotor blades, that is to say, the ribs are not straight, but spiral.

The edge blade will continuously spray the optical flow from the top of the tip to the tail, thus forming the spiral propulsion effect of the rotorcraft. Make the projectile burst into the bit.

But the force field is still functioning, and the efficiency is strong, the shells are like drilling on the ground, and the resistance is huge.

‘Click! 'After the projectile burst into the section for a while, the outer shell burst again, exposing the delicate mechanical equipment inside, like a small transformer, this equipment deformed in the air, and then flew off, like a metal giant claw, in a bang Medium force hit the ground.

This giant claw is more than 100 meters away from the outer wall of Gaota Town!

But the crusade said that it was basically enough to break into this distance.

The real blow came from above the sky, like a space-based particle cannon, a bright, oblique beam of light that cuts through the sky, even in the daylight, is also very striking, and the point of this light is just that huge Metal claw.

The light source shining from the top of the metal claw is the guide, just like the attraction between the positive and negative points. In this way, the high-energy beam from the sky hits diagonally through the tower town.

This is a kind of **** light tower weapon.

C The Scarlet Legion under Kane ’s commander faced the blockade of this heavy equipment not long ago when he captured a certain kingdom of God. It is regarded as the advanced version of the Holy Cannon.

In order to deal with Zhao Wenrui, God will not hesitate to move out such weapons.

Of course, they will not directly attack the target of the material plane at the cost of violating the law, but they can get out of the dead like a cyber hacker using a meat machine to commit crimes.

After all, it is not only C Kane who is doing such a profitable thing like digging the tomb of the gods. And letting the deceased bear the blame helps to further reduce the possibility of recovery.

Sometimes the gods are like the ultra-deluxe version of Voldemort. No one knows how much possibility it has created, even if it is dug, it does not necessarily die. But if it is rejected by Heavenly Path (the law of the universe), then there would have been a chance, and it has become almost nothing.

As to whether the blame will be investigated, Tiandao has no intention, only with result theory, like now, it will only record who the divine power violates the law and directly fire on the main material plane.

Or to put it another way, a direct shot of divine power will trigger a powerful transcendence, go back to the source of divine power and not be interrupted or weakened by the interference of time, space and other factors.

But in any case, as a miserable master, Zhao Wenrui's slap is considered to have suffered.

Baicheng was obliquely penetrated by a large hole with a diameter of more than 200 meters and a length of 1.6 kilometers. This does not include the shock effect of the secondary range.

Although the overall structure of Baicheng is quite strong, and the Mogao Grottoes are not likely to collapse, the internal damage is still quite large, and the black guard production line has also been damaged to a certain extent, and a call gate has been damaged.

For Zhao Wenrui, the summoning gate is more valuable than the black guards of the two hundred men. The main reason is that the collection of rare materials is not easy. The reason why he can build eight summoning gates back and forth is mainly due to the fact that Quigg did not It's not enough time to take away the inventory.

Before the specific losses were counted, the second bombardment from above the sky began.

Was still struck by the Shenguang Tower, and the landing point was still the receiver at the other end of the train cannon, but the position of the Shenguang Tower was moved, so the angle of incidence became larger.

‘Boom! ’

Is a huge cylindrical channel formed in Baicheng.

The internal damage was further increased, and it was linked with the damage of the first shot ~ ~ Among them, the most serious damage was the internal facilities between the two shots.

After shooting, a large amount of material is melted and transformed, mixed with shock waves, forming an invisible plasma high-temperature wave, violently venting its destructive power.

Followed by the third bombardment.

After this attack, more than 60% of the area inside Baicheng suffered various degrees of damage, at least one-third of which was almost completely erased.

No professional observation equipment is needed, and the crusades can see the terrible scene only with the naked eye.

Now Baicheng is like a kiln that has just successfully ignited. A lot of air waves, fireworks and hot ash are pouring from different levels of terraces, aircraft landing pads and other portals, making it easy to imagine the inside. How 'hot' the situation is.

Standing on the top of the fortress in the north of the fortress, put down the telescope and smiled and said: "Okay, the greeting is considered to have been hit, I believe that Hannibal has left an unforgettable impression." Said, folded. Take the lead to the stairs.

Behind Kongsai, Aris, Quigg and others followed each other in turn, looking at Consai with awe and envy.

The ancient **** represented by Kong Sai was not a Baibosa deity, but he enjoyed great prestige both inside and outside the circle. This meeting has given people a feeling of being "famous rather than meeting".

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