Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1036: Hua Minggui

Robert ?? Hammer is an old bird in the special service, but he was shocked by what he saw and heard.

The degree of evil and filth revealed by this small farm is extraordinary. He has handled cases for more than 20 years. This extraordinary event has been counted with one hand, and each of them is a big case with far-reaching and heavy inside information.

He also understood the reason why Zhao Wenrui clearly faced the bad situation but was strong and even arrogant.

Of course, whether the evil here is really wiped out by Zhao Wenrui needs to be confirmed.

"Understandable and not difficult."

Understood Robert's intention, Zhao Wenrui was very happy, he said to Mike: "Take off the glasses."

Mike took off his glasses, and Robert and Neve naturally paid attention to Mike wearing glasses, and then found that there was no pupil or iris at all, only a deep black.

"His!" Robert inhaled subconsciously.

Neveu exclaimed: "Black sorcery !?"

"The ghost. Someone wanted to poison me, but made me blessed by misfortune, and awakened the power of the bloodline. My good friend came to the hospital to kill his mouth. I can't treat him lightly."

Under the influence of the culture of the dynasty, Robert naturally knows about ghosts and servants for tigers, and can also understand the sayings of ‘the blessing of disasters’ and the irony of ‘ca n’t be treated lightly.

He only remembered that Marquis Zhao had the blood of the heavenly dynasty, but he was able to get some additional preferential treatment for this one, not to mention the mysterious power of the Eastern blood.

After maybe ten hours, he should salute ‘Sir! "Where can you easily handle it?"

Nif also realized that she was afraid of revenge and hopelessness, and awakened the transcendental of the mysterious blood of the East, which means more noble than the ordinary Tianchao people.

If this Marquis ?? Zhao intends, I am afraid that he will soon go to Star City to live.

Star City refers to the deep-sky satellite city, located at Lagrange Point between the Earth and the Moon. The population is 320 million.

In this world, the heavens have entered the era of stars, and are called aliens by people from many other countries.

Looking at the starry sky, it is natural to look down on the flies camp dogs of other human beings still struggling in the gravity well, so they are detached and amazing.

Apart from the Celestial Empire, the most powerful economic and military federal people, looking at the Celestial people, generally look like the Arming people of the earth looking at the lighthouse people, looking up and full of envy.

And the Eastern bloodline transcendence is the superior among the people of the heavenly dynasty, and the life is precious, so ...

Zhao Wenrui quickly tasted the taste of "Huaminggui".

To tell the truth, vanity was very satisfied once. Especially after the relevant person confirmed that he had no problem in reading and writing Chinese characters, the standard of Chinese speaking, and the Chinese culture was also authentic, the relevant files immediately changed from Chinese to Chinese.

You have to know that this Chinese descent is only Marquis ?? It took Zhao Feijin to take the exam. Marquis ’memory shows that for him, this qualification is not easier than the university entrance examination, and it is not a pheasant university, but In addition to academics, Ivy League performances such as social practice classes are also required.

As for naturalization and green card, there is basically no existence. Even those top talents, such as famous scientists and others, must have outstanding contributions, so they can get the green card. As for naturalization, if you ca n’t make yourself a heavenly pass, then you have to You can only be naturalized if you have a major invention contribution for the explosives award, otherwise you will have a green card for a lifetime.

The Chinese represent the nationality of the dynasty. In addition to the unrecognized pretense that the world pretends to persecute the pretense of the country, even the federal government recognizes the dual nationality of the dynasty and the country.

With Tianchao nationality, visa-free or landing visas are available all over the world, and there are various preferential policies. In the Federation, even if it ’s not just a housewife, it can be hired as a consultant by virtue of the convenience brought by the nationality of the Celestial Empire to receive a decent salary.

And the extraordinary person like Zhao Wenrui, who is willing to serve for the Federation, is the owner of the nationality of the dynasty, which simply means that he can be superior anywhere.

Therefore, after he joined the special affairs department, he became the inspector directly, skipping the probationary detective, the detective, only need to have time to fill up a few professional training courses.

And his file, the level of confidentiality is also directly raised to as much as 7 levels, which is at the same level as the members of the Federal Parliament and members of Parliament. His family lived in a community patrolled by special guards. The bad things in the past, including the black police and being killed by poison, were helped by somebody.

Even Cathy moved directly to work as a manager in a bank under the Capital Federal Reserve System.

The job that Cathy sought for years, and he did not hesitate to dedicate herself to the fat-headed leader, that's it, and it's better. After all, the federal also has an iron rice bowl, and the banking system has no iron rice bowl than the banks under the Federal Reserve.

Has a car and a house, and directly becomes the upper middle class, the welfare is so good.

Zhao Wenrui, who enjoyed this kind of treatment with Huawei for the first time while traveling across the world, was naturally very happy, very proud, and a little excited and excited.

Cathy, with an upset mood, lowered her eyebrows and began to please him.

It wasn't so deliberate until he didn't need to divorce, and even wept with joy.

"In the end, it was just an ordinary woman with low ideals." Zhao Wenrui thought.

He is not a good man, or a beast.

Plus Cathy is a fresh woman with a wife label, and Cathy's good changes in life and work are indeed brought by him, so there is no psychological burden to enjoy. Ears and ears have been grinding for a few days, and they have such a meaning of love and concubine love.

"So, man, it's actually good to be vulgar." On the morning of the fifth day, Zhao Wenrui and Cathy completed the 'Morning Exercise', leaning comfortably on the bedside, smoking a pipe, and tasting the changes these days .

‘Ding Ding Dong! "The bell sounds from his cell phone.

Zhao Wenrui frowned and moved from the west coast of California to the east coast. With a new job and a new life, the Special Service hopes that he will tell Byyebye that this is exactly what he wants.

Therefore, only one person knows the new phone code, that is his new boss.

Picked up the phone and looked, it really was.


"Sir, my name is Marquis ?? Zhao ..."

In less than a minute, Zhao Wenrui hung up the phone.

Cathy climbed up his body and said lazily: "Isn't there a 15-day vacation?"

"I am afraid that the remaining 10 days will be moved to the future. The work of the Special Service Bureau is obviously not as beautiful as it seems."

"Is there no danger?"

"There are still dangers, but I am strong enough."

Cathy's eyebrows were full of flair, and he pointedly said: "It's very powerful, I have taught it."

Detective patted on his plump buttocks, Cathy rolled aside under the quilt, Zhao Wenrui got up and dressed.

Half an hour later, Zhao Wenrui, who was dressed in a Tang suit and appeared spirited and capable, appeared in an office of the Special Bureau.

Tang suit is naturally influenced by the culture of the heaven and became popular in the world. It is known as the armor of the modern warrior.

It's just that this Tang suit is not a cardigan (clear), nor is it a so-called Chinese stand-up collar (Europe and Japan are applied earlier than our country), but a right-hand collar.

The collar is the intersection of left and right. When you go up and down, the right side is left on the top, so that the left lapel is pressed to the right.

Tian Dynasty respects the left, and the Taoism of the local sect of the Tian Dynasty called Zuoyang Youyin, so the left is the top, and the left presses the right.

However, in modern times, there have been many changes in clothing. In the past, the wide robe and big sleeves were only seen in large-scale sacrifices and the like. Now they are short clothes. There are straps, straight materials, shoulder pads, and uniform effect, not the old-fashioned loose.

Zhao Wenrui bought clothes during the break. After understanding these styles, it was easy to adapt. It also **** the flowing brown and black hair that was originally hanging from the shoulders. Although the eyeballs were gray-blue with the mother, the three-dimensional facial features and the delicate yellow skin of the Orientals had points, and the temperament was also good.

But he will soon need to change to a professional combat suit. The white female leader of the aunt class did not learn the subtlety and elegance of the Eastern style. He told him straight away that he had obtained the task and went to the West Coast to deal with the case related to the farm case he had suffered before.


Zhao Wenrui said, "Is there no one dead in the special service? How did you handle the case without me? I have been transferred here, this guy has to fly more than 2,000 kilometers to the west coast?"

Of course, as a person with a normal IQ, he would not complain about this in person. After all, he does n’t really care about any cases. Since you do n’t mind receiving it, complaining about Mao ’s empty space is annoying? Didn't the boss think about these problems?

So he was very happy, ‘YesSir! 'It's up.

His new chief did not intend to explain it to him. After explaining a few precautions, he sent him.

In the afternoon, he took a military plane from a nearby air force base to the west coast, and there was a team of sturdy pan heads. Looking at each one calmly, calmly, and chatting freely, it is obviously a veteran with no actual combat experience.

Moreover, the equipment is more sophisticated than SWAT, high-fiber combat uniform, composite module armor, special multi-bag combat vest, known as the AA-12 automatic shotgun of the king of melee. In addition, there are such things as black donkey hooves, black dog blood, and cow tears. It can be regarded as opening the eyes of Zhao Wenrui, and said: "What a foreign country's moon is really rounder, is it worthy of God? You false believers!"

Of course, the reappearance of the exorcism of the heavenly dynasty can't get rid of the fact that they are cannon fodder. Only one mortal is enough to fight the extraordinary.

Zhao Wenrui looked at them as if they didn't care, and they didn't know whether they were born with rough nerves or had not been taught by reality.

In addition to these younger brothers, there are three colleagues, two agents, and one inspector.

And his level of inspector Willis are barely considered extraordinary.

According to Willis himself, he came from the church and belonged to the training process, experienced trial and error and stepped into the ranks of the awakening.

But Zhao Wenrui thinks that he is actually a demon hunter like Geralt who has completed the grass trial.

Extensive experience and strong combat ability, this is Willis's longboard, but the force is still worse than his extraordinary person who awakened the power of the bloodline.

The two agents are ordinary people, and they are both women. They are his partner with Willis.

The partner is a woman, not the Special Affairs Bureau, taking into account the mix of men and women, work hard. It is this world that believes that women have more advantages than men in the field of demagic (mortality).

The main advantage is reflected in the mental strength. It is said that they also receive professional training. Women's tolerance and resistance to the extraordinary blows of confusion and control are generally higher.

In addition, there are specialized technologies that can make women become male plug-in batteries.

Zhao Wenrui almost laughed when he learned the specifics.

The heart said: "This is really a typical crooked monk with a monk's misunderstanding? Actually, he used the majestic method of the" Ding Furnace "with the crooked way of the Eastern evil gate. The mating and enchantment have the same tunes, and unabashedly went to the way of “going to bed can be used as playthings, getting out of bed can be used as cannon fodder”. What about those feminists? Where are they all dead? This can also be tolerated? "

But anyway, the true status of first-line mortal female detectives is the consumables above and below this hound, read as a partner, write a concubine, and officially pay to help the concubine of the confinement.

Zhao Wenrui also made some jokes because of this weird way of looking like a traditional method, but actually more like welfare relaxation. Robert Hammer ’s report made the Special Service think that Mike was his furnace, for which he was amazed that the extraordinary blood of the heavenly dynasty is sharp, and the road of balance between yin and yang can be subverted.

Zhao Wenrui was disgusted a little, and explained it not long ago, so the partner arrangement was late, and it was the first time to meet today.

It looks okay, with big hips, big skeleton, big waist and thin legs, big ocean horses, and blond hair. It is said to be of pure Aryan origin. It is 21 years old this year, which is the best age for a woman of this race. The ethnicity is relatively early maturing, some cooked before the age of 25, after 30 years of age began to develop into the bucket waist aunt.

It's okay just to be pleasing to the eye, even if you take advantage of the name. He didn't want to be associated with his lower body as soon as he mentioned his extraordinary career.

The military aircraft is not comfortable, and the seat is hard and noisy. Sitting for a few hours, you can fully experience what it means to be tired.

Arrived at the destination in the evening, but there is no rest time and meal time, take the helicopter directly to the front line.

The specific place is the farm where Zhao Wenrui killed the witch.

Why is it here?

The reason is also simple. This is the only safe area in the whole area where no evil occurs.

It is precisely for this reason, although Willis is the leader of the support team, but the person in charge here is more enthusiastic and respectful to Zhao Wenrui.

Obviously, this business is also respected by the strong. The person in charge here thinks that Zhao Wenrui is good enough, and the cleaned place is afraid to come back again. In addition, in accordance with the principle that foreign monks can read the scriptures, Zhao Wenrui is more respected and trusted as the Eastern bloodline, and the person in charge even called him the Heavenly Master.

"It's good reputation, just call me my name."

Zhao Wenrui made a brief polite agreement with the other party, and gave up the dominance to Willis.

This made Willis very useful. At the same time, he also voted for Taobao Li's initiative to close up with Zhao Wenrui. There is something to discuss, but I don't know because of the old comrades who have cooperated many times.

The first priority is naturally to understand the case. The person in charge prepared to eat. The four people chatted while eating. The pot heads were naturally separated from them, and the food was far better than theirs.

Zhao Wenrui bite the meat and steamed buns, drank the meat of the sheep, and it was unexpectedly authentic, instead of being modified according to the federal sweet and sour mouth. This made Zhao Wenrui proud again, and said: "Even eating habits are based on heaven. Going on, this is the compulsion of the central state of all nations. "

As for the case, it is simple and simple. Robert ?? Hammer and Neve ?? Campbell is equal to Zhao Wenrui aftermath.

After Zhao Wenrui got rid of the evil on the farm, he patted his **** and left, but Robert and Neve need to sort out the veins of the future, and then enter the file.

And as Robert conjectured, the farm involved was indeed an unusually large case, and it was deeply involved. The hanging corpses of the farm tool house and the wreckage of the basement are just the tip of the iceberg, and the rotten orchard is the big head. Then the bottom is simply the pit of tens of thousands of corpses. The initial estimates of the bones are more than 2,000!

This is simply a Holocaust, and it can't be done by a witch occupying a farm. This farm is probably the burial site of some evil organization.

Cases naturally need to be investigated, and in order to collect information, Shudun Town, to which the farm belongs, has become the first stop.

Then there is no more, and Robert and Neve are missing.

And they are not the only pair of missing special service partners. Three pairs have disappeared in Shudun Town. No traces are left.

Especially the third pair, who disappeared in broad daylight, had a pot-shaped head similar to HRT (special warfare elite under the FBI hostage rescue team), accompanied by the sheriff and police officer in the town. The usual cornering person disappeared.

The special bureau naturally did not give up, let the pot lid head spread out to find people, and the result was that until the night, the pot lid heads disappeared one after another.

Willis frowned as he listened, and the food was gone.

Mainly among the missing persons, there are Willis who thinks he is better than him, and he is panicking, especially now that it is night, which is the time when the eerie limit reaches for his hand.

However, the Special Service Bureau sent them over a thousand miles to support? Don't you know that the longer you drag on, the less hope you have of rescue? So words like ‘take action after dawn’, do n’t say it early.

Zhao Wenrui eats very sweet, mainly authentic taste, can not help but evoke the feeling of homesickness, there is a different kind of satisfaction.

"Zhao, what do you think?" Willis remembered that he had a colleague, so he asked.

Zhao Wenrui swallowed the last bit of sheep offal in three or two ~ ~ took two napkins and wiped his mouth, said: "I think the possibility of turning the door is very high. The essence is the same as that used by magicians to hide. This type of revolving door is similar, but the style should be higher. "

The person in charge answered, "Please tell me more."

"I have said in the process of demagnetization here that the fog and waves obstruct the road, the fog creates the atmosphere, and the dense fog covers the area. The three conditions can be unified into one statement. Ability. There are certain domain characteristics within the enchantment. If you combine it with the town, you can create a Lishi. "

Zhao Wenrui also said: "I suspect that many people buried in the rotten orchard were also murdered by some people in order to create a special boundary."

The person in charge asked: "Marquez, is this boundary that you are talking about similar to Dongtianfudi, or is it half plane?"

"I'm afraid it's not that stable. I think it's a peculiar space opened up by a foothold and using evil methods. If it is horizontally related to the information about the witch I'm exterminated, it can be understood as a miniature evil netherworld, rotting. , Bloody, withered, twisted. "

"If so, do you have a solution?" The person in charge asked again.

"Yes, just kill all the people involved." Zhao Wenrui said with a smile, showing neat and white teeth ...

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