Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1041: Elemental well

The plane landed in Glendale, Montana, and then needed to drive to the place of the incident, where it was a reserved area, located at the junction of Montana and North Dakota.

"Why don't you fly over?"

"Reserved area, many things are inconvenient." William replied.


But I do n’t know if it ’s for the disgusting Native Indians, there is still a real need. The team ’s main car actually uses the Paramount Marauder, Knight XV, this mechanical masterpiece that can compare the Hummer to a child, as long as If the male hormone content is normal, there is nothing to dislike.

Zhao Wenrui finally chose Dongfeng Iron Armor.

Is not purely because of feelings, but the appearance of this plane's Dongfeng armor is not a Hummer imitation, but an ORV with a brand than the Paramount Marauder, which has first-class anti-mine anti-ambush performance.

Of course, the best overall performance is Knight XV, which belongs to the top SUV, not a pure off-road vehicle. Even at its price, it was William's car, and Zhao Wenrui still had water in his eyes, so he didn't try to rob it.

The three main vehicles were surrounded by the conventional armored explosion-proof vehicles of the Special Service Bureau, and they drove on the No. 94 road to the destination.

Along the way is full of desolation and bleakness, lack of goodness and arrogance. This is the main theme. The reserved area is, of course, poor mountains and bad waters. Could it be a land of ill-effects?

Has passed the two rural towns of Weibo and Yates, and the boundary between the north and south states of Montana and North Dakota is not far away.

In this country with little history, there is basically no story of repeated struggles between state boundaries, so many sections are horizontal and vertical, and this section is a typical representative.

Specifically speaking, it is a highway, with Montana on the left and North Dakota on the right. Both sides are farmland, because they belong to the reserve area, and it does not matter if they cross the state.

Follow the road to the north, drive until there is no road, and have to go north. This will show the effect of the off-road vehicle afterwards. The wilderness snowfield, which is still advancing, does not need to change to snowmobiles or something.

At this time, the team was no longer running around, Zhao Wenrui saw a thick smoke plummeting into the sky from a distance, the closer the distance, the more spectacular.

But the problem is that today the wind is very strong, at least there are also 6 levels, the broken snow is swirling, also known as the white hair wind, the wind at high altitude will only be greater, in this case the smoke column is straight, which is obviously supernatural of.

At a closer distance, I saw the flame under the thick smoke, like a lava eruption, the flame has a strong sense of material, sprayed to a very high height, and then it was quickly plasmad and produced a lot of smoke .

Zhao Wenrui looked at his mouth and said, "What is this special element well?"

Element Well is an extraordinary version of the oil field. Zhao Wenrui has not seen it before, but he has related memories after blackening.

This is very likely to be an element well with dual elements of fire and earth. It is undoubtedly a gospel for the users of the extraordinary power of these two attributes, and the extraordinary persons of the attributes of water and wind will feel uncomfortable just by approaching this area.

He naturally does not matter, the power of darkness is compelling. Blood quality is also a non-element type, but a compound extraordinary power with soul as the core, darkness as the mystery, and blood as the carrier. Only the technical bonus is not comparable to ordinary extraordinary power.

Of course, the disadvantages are not without, the technical requirements are high, it is not easy to generate, and the difficulty of control is also very high. This is still only one aspect.

Like plastics, it cannot be well recognized by the extraordinary system because of the synthetic properties is the main problem. For example, it is easy to leave traces, and it is not compatible with the extraordinary materials produced by nature, etc.

He also used Qu Gao's blood quality system to look like a person because of the position of the gods and the power of darkness, and it was another matter.

From his awakening to the present, he has obtained three pieces of soul fragments, one in Shudun Town, and the other two pieces through the special bureau.

The special affairs bureau does not know the value of the soul fragments, but just collects this light golden, translucent glass-like substance as a rare and extraordinary material.

Turned out to be relatively easy for him to use for alchemy.

With this large piece of awakening consciousness inherently, the present degree of completion of the soul is 27%, and the three pieces bring about 7%. At this pace, the prospect is obviously more optimistic than he expected.

And the collection amount of more than a quarter of the total completion has brought a significant strength increase. Compared with when he was awake, he is now much stronger.

In terms of physique, if we say that 48 hours after waking up is the level of an Olympic athlete, now it is the level of a level 10 warrior, which is the quality level of elite level warriors with flesh-and-blood strength.

And the blood quality system make him a compound power warrior similar to Paladin, Swordsman, and similar.

Interestingly, as far as the types of spells are concerned, he is not a secret system, but a holy system.

Sacred law system is plainly a system of divine power, and he is no exception. His **** is a variant of the power of darkness-dark source blood.

This system is a straightforward explanation of his relationship with the Dark Force after being blackened. The Dark Force is his father, and his father ’s model is essentially the same as the natural force in the past. They are all for extraordinary power. Endorsement of the attributes of the world, not allegiance to a certain will.

Had to say that as he deepened his understanding of the blood quality system, he gradually fell in love with this system, which was not previously available when using the dark system.

Don't look at him because of the old factors, he has mastered many practical and powerful dark skills, but in fact he has always been puzzled. And he also knows that the path he takes is extremely dangerous. When he repays it, he ca n’t do it even if he takes his life. It may be like the painful soul used by him when he created the shadow demon. Things that go against your heart until consciousness completely collapses.

So he loves and fears the dark power and the skills from the old branch. Survival aversion and prevention have to be mastered as much as possible in order to save energy and reduce the rate of erosion.

Moreover, he also clearly felt that as the erosion deepened, he became more and more irrational, arrogant, irritable.

There is a nightmare brought to him by the old support.

The power of darkness saves him from having to sleep, but the old support factor makes him need to take a nap from time to time. As long as he takes a nap, basically he will enter a nightmare. It's hard to say, just go with your eyes open, but it will leave deep fear.

He naturally knew that this was all a problem. And it's a terrible problem. After all, as a person with a soul, dreaming itself is a manifestation of uncontrolled consciousness.

Since he used the blood quality system, this kind of problem has not appeared again. He himself felt that his state of mind was getting better. Although the skills of the blood quality system are not as tyrannical as those of the dark system, but to think about it from another angle, sometimes such a thing as power is not the greater the better, it is enough.

In this world, the blood quality system is absolutely sufficient. Although the Dark Department is more powerful, it is also costly. Now he remembered the side effects of using the power of darkness when he just woke up, and he was worried. It was really the feeling of drinking thirst to quench thirst.

And now, another feeling that made him feel palpitations hit his heart. It is the eruption of the element well that is too strong, forming a ripple of extraordinary power fluctuations within the range.

This kind of fluctuation can be far more terrible than a gust like wind, at least at the level of the explosion shock wave, but the performance is different.

'S effect on mortal things is rapid infestation, while it is a big and irrational blow to extraordinary things or extraordinary things.

Zhao Wenrui saw that William in the No. 1 car hadn't issued an order, and after all he couldn't hold it back. More and more, he issued an order on the communication channel: "Attention, the hunting group's vehicles go back 1km to standby. Repeat, the hunting group's vehicles go back 1km to standby. "

As the No. 3 commander of this operation, Zhao Wenrui did have command over the pot heads, but the priority was lower than Yushen Zongjie and William.

Yujin Zongjie then took this small outfit and compared, "Group B, follow the column!"

Under the influence of the Chinese style, the alpha and beta of the Greek alphabet are not popular in this world. Instead, the sayings such as A, B, B and D are very popular. Federals are also proud of the Chinese language that can pull a few words.

Instead, Zhao Wenrui felt uncomfortable, even embarrassed, and turned his head to think about it, only to find out that he was actually more or less brainwashed by foreign culture.

The three groups of A, B and C, each group of two cars, 10 people, planing the driver, is a standard tactical group, the hunter is their title, and the "pot head" is just a nickname Zhao Wenrui casually according to the hairstyles these people are accustomed to .

When the predator of the imperial sect, led his direct group, Zhao Wenrui took out a potion of potion and directly slammed it on the front window of the car.

Suddenly, the water-blue brilliance overflowed and easily penetrated to the outside. Extraordinary energy has the ability to change the characteristics of atoms. The molecular structure of ordinary matter is the same as the screen, so the penetration effect is extremely strong.

But if you really change the molecular structure, or atomic properties, it will consume a lot. This means that, in most cases, the erosion of extraordinary power will take a long time.

But like the situation at hand, the energy of the fire element is so high, the erosion process will be very fast, and there will be a critical point, once crossed, it will form a snowball effect.

Zhao Wenrui's shot was to suppress the infection of the vehicle caused by the surging power from the element well.

Aqua blue light quickly completed a layer of coating on the surface of the vehicle in a self-leveling manner.

This is a must, after all, extraordinary energy has a natural advantage over ordinary substances in terms of penetration. As is the case now, it can be said that when erosion begins, ordinary substances are fully immersed in extraordinary energy in molecular units.

Therefore, comprehensive protection is the only way to prevent breaking through the critical point of erosion.

Yujin Zongjie's understanding of extraordinary power is far less profound than Zhao Wenrui. He thought he had his own way, like a slash-opener, the followers behind would be more relaxed.

As a result, the two armored explosion-proof vehicles in Group B drove forward for a while, and they suddenly got rid of the situation.

The car immediately behind the predator, like charcoal in a high-temperature environment, suddenly deflagrated, the steel melted into molten iron, and the people inside were directly fried like shelled raw eggs in the microwave state, and the ammunition was Like firecrackers, ping pong blasted.

The other one is fully petrochemical, just like being stared at by Medusa, the color of the rock dust swept away, and then the car and the people became stones.

If you look closely, you will find that it is actually quite exquisite. The vehicle becomes metal ore, the person becomes charcoal, and the chemical fiber is asphalt-like soft stone.

The existence of inertia made the Lie train and the stone car continue to move forward for a while, and then poked into the soil to stop, all of them were deformed, and they looked very terrible.

At the same time, the outer shell of Knight XV covered a layer of holy white light.

Zhao Wenrui can only say that it is less than the last moment that the energy saving ratio without shielding is considered to be successful. Even if it is two seconds later, Cavaliers XV must choose one of bonfire and stone.

As for the Paramount Marauder, with only a semi-circular shield, he expected the wind-sliding head to get his due revenge, and the lava-like spread started from behind, and soon passed by a third.

Suddenly, a sharp knife shone from the Marauder's car, and then the Marauder was cut vertically into two pieces, just like it was cut with a laser.

Immediately, Mikisuke Mizuke, like a big blue bird, leapt out. His very retro and gorgeous samurai armor was wrapped in blue light and could not be seen clearly.

The spoiler who was split in two quickly melted into a pool of hot molten iron, and the same end came with the furnace of Yushen Zusuke, a petite and pleasant girl, or a baby face, not long ago, youthful, Now it is burning charred bones, and finally I am afraid that there will be no ash left.

But it must be admitted that Yushen Zongjie's sense of breaking the game is still okay. At least he thought of it with William and him. He knew that at this time, he could only advance with a courage of blood, and he could not retreat. The situation deteriorated further.

What happened to their party was of course an emergency.

The previous report received only said that he was beaten in ambush and suffered heavy casualties due to the discovery of unusual extraordinary passages and torture with the indigenous extraordinary.

The church has a lot of wounded people. Running on this big desert beach will only be chased and killed one by one, so I chose to stick to the source.

Before Zhao Wenrui and his party came, the special service bureau had dispatched the closest hunters to support. Of course, they did not expect them to complete the rescue, but they used modern weapons to help them stand firm.

As a result, the indigenous transcendents were fierce. The helicopter flying high shots could not be seen at all, and the flying low shots were shot down directly. So it didn't help much.

As for the communication, depending on the eruption of this element well, it is impossible to be able to contact, and it has been interrupted long ago.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui and his party actually entered the state of war when they were close to the incident, but they were all the best in the special bureau. The situation in front of them was not too complicated, so there was still a simple tacit understanding, and William The rider Knight XV rushed to the fore in silence, which was an attitude in itself.

Zhao Wenrui estimated that William was actually the same idea as Yushen Zongsuke, and he expected himself to make a wave cutter, and other vehicles were paddling behind.

It's just that Yushen Zongjie was not as calm as William, and he didn't grow up with him. He opened the shield early, and the wrong thinking was backfired.

Also, William's control of the elemental wave is so ordinary. He may have some experience in coping with it himself, but from the perspective of the pot lid, some considerations are insufficient.

In fact, to resist the erosion of extraordinary energy, human spiritual field is also very important.

Do n’t look at the five drivers in the armored explosion-proof vehicle, the comprehensive mental field is simply no better than an extraordinary person. What's more, the mental fields of 5 different individuals cannot be calculated as 1 + 1 + 1, even devout believers with the same faith can't count that way. The Holy Spirit, which is thought to have the same frequency as God, must have a percentage ( (Generally more than 80%) Then add up, this is the difference between individuals, after all, there are no two identical independent souls of wisdom in the universe.

Therefore, the pot lid heads will finish the egg first.

He also can't look down, knowing that no more orders can be given, 30 pot lid heads will be dying.

The result was that Yusong Zongjie died ten times in a mouth, and the typical one was incompetent, killing the three armies.

Yujin Zongjie is still rushing towards the elemental well, faster than the car.

William drove over, approaching the rear door, and Yusuji Sosuke jumped into the car.

Zhao Wenrui naturally knows that William's approach is correct. If there is an appliance, the power of the appliance is consumed first. Human power is the root of solving the problem.

But when he saw that Yushen Zongjie was not pleasing to his eyes, he couldn't help but sullen his heart: "Rotten comradeship."

The closer to the element well, the stronger the power of the extraordinary wave. Even from invisible to tangible, the golden and red light merges into a bright orange-gold, distorting the air, forming a rippling, diffuse wave, which looks very beautiful, but also extremely deadly.

Knight fifteenth has become a sharp blade on the whetstone, light and splash, like a meteor flying fast.

Dongfeng Iron Armor is still the same as before. The water-blue plating layer is full of light, which makes people feel cool at first glance.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui is not easy, after all, he is now 27% soul completeness, which is 100%, but it is only a demigod spirit that has not changed for a long time, and it is low as a human avatar. It is also the power of darkness The erosion is so bad, if not relying on the efforts of the black witches in the digging treasure hall to absorb the essence of the soul guard, then the black witches hunted around, and there were a few pens. He was afraid of the soul strength of a senior magi It ’s not as good as it is all supported by the force of the gods.

Therefore, soul strength has always been his weakness. And in this defensive force field, he can pay for the defensive energy through a special potion, but to control this energy, he must have his own spiritual power.

Finally, the lack of technical support makes him perform much better than William. Like William, it seems to be brilliant. In fact, it is already the end of a strong crossbow.

Moving forward, Knight XV has changed from a meteor to a comet, like a torch with a strong wind, and the trails behind are long and spectacular.

Dongfeng Iron Armor also has a magical appearance, white gas trails, blue flying stars.

Finally arrived, and all three got out of the car.

William glanced at Dongfeng Iron Armor, which was still in good condition, and asked Zhao Wenrui aloud, "Can you let Martha avoid your car?"

Martha is William's furnace. Zhao Wenrui glanced at the languid Martha, knowing that William had just enchanted himself, and said: "You are really driving and` `driving", you are a bad old man, bad drops! "

Detective took Martha, wrapped it with energy film, and stuffed it into Dongfeng Iron Armor.

The situation in front of him, even the steel pocket can't help. Although Zhao Wenrui did not invest less, the growth rate of Gangdou could not be compared with him, and besides, he belonged to recovery, not growth.

"Thank you." William sincerely thanked.

Zhao Wenrui saw that William was very sincere, apparently having feelings with his furnace, unlike a certain king, standing there with a face that had just eaten shit, and did not forget to take a look.

"I owe me a good bottle of wine." Zhao Wenrui said so.

Human debt is very difficult to repay, he gave William a preferential price.

William also understood the meaning of Zhao Wenrui, saying: "I really have a good bottle of wine from Lake Avalon."

Zhao Wenrui disdain: "What's so good about the fairy's footwash in the lake? Drink it and drink the queen's bath water, such as Yaochi fairy wine."

Of course, these can be discussed later, to do the business first, he pointed to the element well, "If you let this eruption stop for three minutes, can you finish the seal?"

"90 seconds!" William said with certainty.

Zhao Wenrui nodded and walked towards the element well.

Is almost one hundred meters, which is equivalent to traveling against the shock wave formed by the continuous explosion of 1 ton of TNT, and has the sense of both standing and standing in the eruption crater, of course not talking about audiovisual, but talking about perception.

Zhao Wenrui also had to be serious.

The blood content of ordinary adults is about 8% of body weight, while Zhao Wenrui is 12%, which is more in line with the concept of "water bag" than ordinary people.

Nowadays, 70% of the blood is precipitated, that is, the solute is lifted from the solution, and it appears in a crystalline state. Like sweat salt, it is arrayed on the skin surface in the form of powder, as a medium of extraordinary energy transfer.

Seen from the surface, Zhao Wenrui's body was covered with a layer of blood, the innermost was scarlet, and the outermost was bright white. The white bright light looked over the clothing and armor, just like a layer of plating on the surface of the armor Optical film.

And at his feet, the red light formed the shape of the root mace of the tree roots, and every step of the way, it was deeply inserted into the earth to prevent it from being blown away.

Just stepped closer with his waist and strong energy fluctuations. When the last few steps, he pulled out a short knife with a blade length of more than 20cm from his waist, swinging from the bottom to the top.

‘Oh! ’

The left arm was shoulder-shouldered, leaving only a layer of leather connected to the sleeve fabric.

He calmly inserted the short knife into the sheath, then tore the left arm with no bleeding from the wound, and threw it towards the element well.

The arm was rolling in the air, and after the clothes were out of protection, they were transformed into bursting fire butterflies in the energy shock at the first time, while the arm turned into a blood mist in the red light, and then spread out. Blood Curtain ~ ~ changed to the element well.

The eruption of the element well is a cone-shaped spray pattern with the main direction upward. The blood curtain is covered and it is blown up at once. However, the edge of the blood curtain is completely sagged downward, so it becomes a rapid bulge Scarlet balloons.

Seeing the blood curtain getting thinner and thinner, they have become translucent, and the edge finally fell to the ground, and then the red ring-shaped light wave spread on the earth, dyeing a large piece of black land to red.

With the stability of the support, the blown blood curtain also changed, shrinking in all directions, and gradually formed crystal cluster-like crystals with sharp angles, and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Elemental energy crystallization.

Zhao Wenrui uses the extraordinary force from the plasma state to the solid state condensation process to suppress the eruption.

This is undoubtedly quite compelling, the plasma state to the gas state to the liquid state, and then to the solid state, which can complete the condensation so efficiently, the technology is not generally strong.

This is the special effect brought by the blood quality of the muscles and muscles, these muscles are already equivalent to the super energy simple battery converter. Blood quality is synthesized and stored by them.

And such processing and storage naturally have an upper limit.

Zhao Wenrui roughly calculated the amount of eruption per unit time of the element well, and thus had a three-minute estimate.

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