Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1051: All things weapon

Zhao Wenrui led his team south and walked a straight path. From afar, he saw the other end of the large steel bridge in front. Someone was moving, and the terrain was farther away, forming a high platform, just like a high ground. Pingding low mountain.

"This place Renault chose is not bad."

If there are few people, it is necessary to fight skillfully. Renault obviously did the same. Guarding the bridge first, then guarding the high ground, the terrain is very favorable.

But what most admires Zhao Wenrui is that Renault knows that it is better to block than to sparse, and there is no such thing as a dry bridge. But in the early stage, through various advantages, a little consumption of Zerg's combat power, so that they always feel that hope is ahead, but they can never taste, I really want to let Zerg take some time to pile up the number, Rangers one Waves may be tragic.

"I'm Jim Reynolds, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Wenrui started early in the morning, and tried to contact him relentlessly, without mentioning the specific content. Jim Reynolds had been chilling each other, and finally he was annoyed and opened the dialogue.

"My name is Ethan Horton, Lieutenant Emperor. I searched and rescued my brother nearby. By the way, I collected some information. I hope to rub some tickets. I don't know if there is a seat for the Rangers."

"Of course there are empty seats, but I can't believe you, what do you say?" Jim Reynolds kicked the ball to Zhao Wenrui with some suffocation.

"It's not difficult to do, North Bridge and West Bridge, during the bridge maintenance phase, my brother and I are responsible for the North Bridge. You are the boss, you say you can't withdraw, we will die here. Wait until the high platform, we are in front, you are in After that, support + war supervision. When we finally boarded the ship, we all abandoned the gun. One of these items was not observed, and the ticket was invalid. "

Jim Renault did n’t expect that the other party would be so cruel to himself and himself, so he almost said: ‘Please call me cannon fodder! 'It's up.

"What do you call your name?"

"Ethan Holden."

"Okay, I remember you. If there is a saying, it's better to do it than to do it. If you don't hold it when you should push it, we have to have our rangers help to block it. Don't blame me for being unjust. . "


In this way, Zhao Wenrui brought people to join the Jim Reynolds Rangers camp, and took over the defensive work of North Bridge.

Zhao Wenrui stood alone on the bridge, watching each defensive position of the defensive front from the perspective of the attacking party, and then directed his men to make minor adjustments to the defensive points, and occasionally there were bugs coming over, and the three heads and two ends could not escape Zhao Wenrui's burst kill.

His shooting is not as powerful as the ghost soldier, but the attack frequency is much higher than the ghost soldier. If the ghost soldier fires one shot every second, then he shoots three shots per second, and the accuracy is extremely high. Basic All are critical hits.

For Zergling, a physiognomy, the single shot of the c-14 Gaussian gun is enough, and even if it hits the point, it is finished in one shot.

Therefore, people feel that Zhao Wenrui is sharper than Ghost Soldier. With the same shot and one life, he is obviously more efficient.

Zhao Wenrui calls this kind of shooter a precision shooter. The soldiers he takes are equivalent to those from ordinary marines, advanced to precise shooters.

It is not the pursuit of concealment like the ghost soldier, but the pursuit of stability, a good shooting platform and horizon, and then stable and efficient output of firepower.

So all with huge tower shields, like the miniature version of gp02 Gundam, one tower shield can build a simple and fairly stable shooting platform, and the weapon is stuck on the side of the tower shield. On the perforation rack, it is possible to aim at the front fan-shaped area without using the probe to probe the brain.

Because of this, Zhao Wenrui and they were willing to fight against the Hydra. It should be understood that Hydralis are mid-sized and heavy-sized worms, which can be understood as worm-like infantry chariots. It is natural and easy to kill light infantry. Their pricking strikes against ordinary marines are often a hit. Fierce.

Zhao Wenrui stood alone on the bridge and shot the worms that rushed over from time to time while directing the construction.

On the high platform, Tax Finley, who was beside Jim Reno, smoked a cigar and sprayed clouds and said: "Doesn't the worm seem to be good!"

He has been squatting in prison all these years, so he does not understand the power of Zerg.

Jim Reynolds said: "Old folks, believe me, those bugs are never as bad as you think. The guy named Ethan Holden has two hits. It's hard to inform that such a good hand will be dropped during the evacuation. Watch out for points. "

"That's of course, I don't believe anything except banknotes," Tex said again: "I'll go to West Bridge to see, we can't let a stinky soldier compare."

"as long as you are happy."

Half an hour later, Zhao Wenrui's related display showed that the total time of the mission had passed half. As long as he stayed for another 4 hours, Jim Reynolds and his rangers could wait for the Huberian.

In North Bridge and West Bridge, gunshots will basically sound every few minutes, and the interval is obviously further shortened.

Zhao Wenrui knew that the Zerg ’s official attack had n’t even begun yet, but what was eliminated now was just the clearing of the squads sent by Zerg. The true Zerg attack was always very impactful, and the wind and rain were general, not Now it seems that this is assisting people to practice marksmanship.

He called Renault.

This time Renault was more polite and asked directly: "What's the matter, Horton?"

"I'm a person who can't help myself. After getting some videos, I can't help but want to send it to you. Then I will ask what other equipment we can use here, such as engineering stations, barracks, etc."

Speaking, the video has been posted.

Jim Reynolds watched the videos, which were originally taken from the gyroplane, the situation of the three worm nest areas. I saw a large number of worker bees collecting, one next to each other in the hatchery, countless bugs piled on the carpet, and the hatchery was still producing more, and it was even more chilling that the insects had tunnel worms, the number There are still many.

One, two, three, northwest, north, east, the three worm nests are all double digits in the hatchery, there are many king worms, many Hydra, many flying lobsters, and even more reptiles are difficult to count. In the big move, if there is a surge, let alone the Ranger + precision shooter, even if there is a Marine Division here, you have to kneel.

"Can you use the facilities?" Jim Reynolds said dryly and calmly.

"You have to do your best. I observed the Rangers guys are also very hard. I wonder if I can help upgrade the power armor suit. You know, I have the highest authority in theory in this area, as long as I can The computer proves that it is necessary for the children to upgrade their arms, so the cmc350 or even older goods can also be changed into inferior cmc550 equipment. We have to find a way to give them the best, not let the children bleed and cry. ! "

"I'm very surprised that people like you are almost my age. Why did you get a second lieutenant?"

"The tutor is bad, I didn't learn how to love the world, and I knew it all by myself. When I realized that arrogance is undesirable, I found that I didn't save money for gift-giving. Anything without money is fake. What's more, There is no accident in this kind of place where the bird does not shit. "

"Well, it sounds reasonable. I give you the power to let go. But don't be too rash on certain issues, if the Rangers complain to you ..."

"Relax the boss, a small batch of transformation, any adverse reaction immediately stopped, the soldiers are familiar with their armored suits, they can't be familiar, they are not comfortable, they will not hold back."

Jim Reynolds thought that this is indeed the reason. The familiarity of the marines with their armed forces and weapons is really unmatched. In fact, many magic reforms are proposed by the marines. They are applied. Or, know how to be more appropriate and appropriate.

Jim Reynolds himself is also the beneficiary of this private reform and magic reform. His power armor model is not new, but the performance is absolutely first-class. Why? There are naturally many sayings, not just taking money.

For Zhao Wenrui, it is not difficult to deceive the ai of the control center. He even used the high-performance computer generated by the nanoworm as the artificially supported artificial intelligence named “Milano” to hack the ai of the control center, so that It became the subordinate unit of Milano.

To know that the operation of the Double Hammer is handled by Milano, so its qualifications and capabilities are beyond doubt.

Zhao Wenrui also took the two unfinished technologies directly from the engineering station and patched them up, so that an additional weapon and armor upgrade was added to the new magic reform plan.

Regarding the Rangers, Zhao Wenrui did not dare to be too chaotic, afraid of changing the face of everything and affecting the historical process.

As for his men.

In the end of this battle, I am afraid that it will be inevitable that people will break it. Therefore, from the beginning, Zhao Wenrui did not intend to let his people survive.

As Zhao Wenrui took over the construction of the temporary base, the entire base came alive, no one scv madly working, collecting silicon crystal mines, collecting high-energy gas, building missile towers, building drone gun towers appeared in various battles Bit.

The other is the single soldier cloud bomb, Zhao Wenrui temporarily processed a batch of production, and there is a throat treasure that is specially fed to the tunnel worms. In short, it is to pile up firepower and pile ammunition.

As time went by, the Huberian arrived with two hours left.

Looking across the bridge, you can't see any human buildings that are still lit with lights. Purple mushroom blankets are everywhere, and there is a greasy wave of light, and above this wave of light, there are ugly and deformed black shadows. , People instinctively think of the concept of demon entrenchment.

The gunshots of the bridgehead bunker no longer have interruptions, and occasionally the roar of gunfire.

The "Wasp" automatic machine gun platform launched by Zhao Wenrui works well. It is a simple intelligent fire control system with a six-barrel machine gun sandwiched on a tripod. Once the number of moving objects in the range exceeds the standard, it starts to burst.

However, the soldiers prefer the individual cloud bombs.

Zerg is not very afraid of high temperature, but hypoxia suffocation can not stand. Their metabolism is powerful, and they need enough oxygen to participate in the functioning of the body. Without oxygen, it will become soft and the effect will be immediate.

The soldiers really wanted to see how the Zerg group played drunk fist. If it were n’t for Jim Reynold ’s order to take it easy, the Rangers estimated that they would have already found a head to cross the bridge and find new places to test new toys.

Zhao Wenrui's achievements were remarkable, but he never seemed satisfied. He tried to turn over the former imperial territory, and he was found a pile of old abandoned **** abandoned engineering tanks.

"Although it is indeed scrap iron, tinkering with tinkering is not impossible. It is definitely too late to fix it. Some functions can add an artillery assistance option for us. After a few minutes, we can come a wave ..."

Of course, Zhao Wenrui can make it better. It ’s okay to have a new look, but he dare not go too far. Jim Reynolds is not stupid. If he is like a technical cow than Swan under Renault, people will fall apart.

Even so, Jim Reynolds already suspected that Ethan Holden was really too capable, and once again couldn't help but think about how blind such a person must be before he ran away. Bring it?

But no matter what, Zhao Wenrui won the respect of everyone with his own efforts. Hardworking people are treated everywhere, especially this hardworking person has a high probability of helping himself in the future.

In the background of uninterrupted soldiers, the official attack of the worm swarm began. From a distance, you can see that the wave of Hong Feng, which is composed of worms, quickly advances on the carpet, waiting to enter the straight track, and the speed is fast Three points.

The cutting-edge wasp machine guns howled at the same time almost instantaneously, but this time they could not make a few calls, the swarm swarmed it quickly, and the two paws could destroy it.

The bunker is also faced with the situation of all sides, the efficiency of the bunker's unit time killing is still awesome, even more powerful than usual. But there are too many bugs. The hands they play can be said to be super-saturated blows, and they are invincible. Let them stick them on. They naturally have to “open cans”.

In reality, there are no bugs besieging, scv is repairing good things, there are outsiders, bugs will definitely kill them first, so when the bugs ‘open the can’, they must have surrounded the bunkers.

But the human side still has support, Zhao Wenrui and his fire brigade.

There are three players. They are special shooters who jump out of frequent shootings and have excellent shooting skills and excellent shooting sensation.

Simple and tacit cooperation allows four people, including Zhao Wenrui, to maximize the power of the weapon, firing four shots in one second, one shot and one life, the four people do not take repeated shots. It can be said that in In just 5 seconds, the effective damage output by the four of them is more powerful than an ordinary battle platoon.

After two natural breaths, dozens of insects died, and the killing efficiency is really terrifying.

As soon as dozens of insects died, an area was basically cleared out, leaving a few kittens, which could not threaten the safety of the bunker. If the insects wanted to get that kind of coverage density again, they had to ride the next wave of intensive waves.

After these five seconds passed, Zhao Wenrui and four of them were exhausted and panting, their minds were exhausted, their spirits were highly concentrated and excited, and they had to be suppressed. They were very technically tested, and they could stick to this efficiency for a few seconds. The probability of making a mistake when you are longer will suddenly increase.

But good results are good results. Four people, remote support, lifted the North Bridge crisis.

They ran to the West Bridge again. The bridge over there was relatively narrow and long. The boys were very timely, or could not wait to use the individual soldiers to explode bombs. As a result, the bugs blocked themselves and danced softly on the bridge. After being blown up well, no formation, no quantity, no speed and other powerful impulses, the crisis was eliminated invisible.

"Very good, on the basis of rich combat experience, or the Rangers are better, the new toys will soon play tricks." Zhao Wenrui heartily praised.

"Your men's performance is also good, it is difficult to imagine that their main task was to patrol the valley." Jim Reynolds appeared with Tax Finley, and the huahua sedan complimented everyone.

Jim Reynolds naturally said that Zhao Wenrui took the initiative to come over and support him, and then he said a few words of disobedience. In fact, Di's usual performance is really bad. This is also the Renault of the past few years. For the small temper of the early years, it is estimated that the emperor has already been taught.

Now there is a chance to talk nonsense and embarrassing nonsense, and harmonious teammate friendship. By the way, discuss the next attack of the bug.

"You can imagine that many production lines have been completed, and there can be far no endless production of bugs, so the bug soldiers are now a pile of births. No special tactics are needed at all. It is enough to be rash. The wave like just now The offensive of the type will become more and more frequent, and finally there will be no waves, that is, the non-stop saturation push. By then, it is not easy to have heavy artillery support. "

"I already hate bugs." Tex said and looked at Jim Reynolds: "Are our delivery boats reliable?"

"Very reliable, it's never too late."

Zhao Wenrui said: "So we can no longer slap time in this respect, then we can only find a way from what we can control. As the pressure increases, our people want to withdraw actually become impossible, and Our line of defense is becoming more and more like a set. Once it is broken, it will be out of control for a while. The second line of defense will not last long, that is, it can provide a cover for the take-off and landing of the ship. "

"Say something straight, what do you want to do?" Jim Reynold felt that Zhao Wenrui should have a way.

Zhao Wenrui did not disappoint him. "1. Strengthen the current bridgehead defense. Don't think about us having a second layer. No. On this layer, I got a gas tank mortar. It can increase the firepower. The operation is also simple. It doesn't need many people. 2 , I want to make a big bombing ratio. I can come here at a critical moment, or a few. "

"Let me see the gas cannon you said."

In fact, there is no conscience gun, but there is no gasoline barrel in this era, and the barrel wall process of the high-energy gas storage device can be much stronger than the gasoline barrel.

As for the fired ammunition, high-energy gas **** with silicon crystal powder added, of course, there are other things. It burns at a higher temperature than the napalm bomb, which can directly turn one area into a lava pool. Although the insects are resistant to high temperatures, they are not Awesome to soak in the lava.

After the test shots, Jim Reynolds and Tex Finley, the old rivers and lakes all looked numb.

Talking to Zhao Wenrui half-jokingly, Teks said: "You can invent this kind of stuff instantly, it is probably the devil in your last life."

Jim Reynolds strongly agreed that he saw the worms melt in the high-temperature light. This kind of death really made the heroes tremble.

But in any case, this weapon is really helpful for defense, and it is not too far away, it is 3-5 hundred meters, just whether it is West Bridge or North Bridge, the bridge length is not more than 500 meters, two such mortar guns It is possible to create a death flame **** in the open space opposite the bridge, whether it is used to block the enemy, or kill its combat power, it is very suitable.

The next few rounds of your coming and going to death also proved this point. A large number of bugs rushed up and were first hit by a wave of mortar pits. It was easy to kill them to fill the ditch. The mortar cannon was installed again, a new round Flame Hell not only made the bugs dead and wounded, but also broke the chain of soldiers. Those rushed up in front became meat buns, which were strangled on the bridge and the bridge head by the firepower net.

The Zerg finally couldn't help but bring in a batch of flying mantis, directly across the river valley and burst into the interior.

The attack of the flying mantis is like the dive throwing of a large-scale shuriken by Stuka. In general, the body of the flying mantis is the head of a light dive bomber of World War II. They do not frequently instigate their wings like ordinary portraits. Their main propulsion The systems are jets, which is why they are flying in space.

These Zerg Air Forces are indeed a nightmare for light infantry. They are too fast, and they are flexible enough, without special training, they do not know how to aim, and they are too far to hit. But for the missile towers transformed by Zhao Wenrui, they are simply fish on the cutting board.

Zhao Wenrui is not willing to use ordinary missiles, but is similar to the ex-wife mini missile produced by the completion of the Marvel Universe Hanmo, but it is only a mother-child type.

A mother ammunition flew past, bang, hundreds of sub-missiles came out of the cabin, each looking for a target, the attack range can hit about 30 cubic kilometers, and the speed of the flying mantis is not enough to see in front of the missiles counted in Mach. It can even be said that, The flying mantis did not know how to die, but the reaction could not come.

In reality, most people ignore the power of missiles because they cannot imagine it. In fact, that thing is really sharp. Most missiles are faster than bullets, and much faster. A small warhead with high explosives can flatten a residential building. Imagine that a hunter shot a residential building from a few hundred meters away. What is the effect?

This is not only a missile, but also not a heavy missile, but a slender type that can be hung by a drone.

So it actually surpasses the imagination of speed and power of ordinary people, and is not as funny as the game shows.

A mother bullet quickly exchanged for a wave of blood rain. The flying insects of the worms were relatively slow to generate, and the resources were expensive. However, they could not stand the death of such a fight. They died dozens of heads at a time and were very injured. The rest of the panic escaped.

Zhao Wenrui heart said: "If you three worm nests will collect all the resources collected on the flying mantis, I will definitely raise my hands and feet and welcome ~ ~ It will not be used for half an hour, so you will be ruined."

"Those flying monsters look hard to tangle. I didn't expect such a beating." Tex pouted.

Jim Reynolds said: "I can tell you very responsibly, if you despise flying foxes because of the ugliness of their death this time, you will definitely suffer from them in the future. Those aerial killers are terrible, and their attacks have a catapult effect. Yes, you die next to each other, and you hurt when you rub. "

"So, is that Ethan Holden strong enough?"

"Well, I'm wondering where this guy came from. It's not a nameless person to see how well he understands Zerg. The weapon he made is too targeted, and the bug was killed by the gram."

"This is a good thing. It's better than our hardship. You know, the wounded are the most annoying!"

Jim Reynolds grunted: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Teks refused to rebut: "How complicated can it be? In the end, it would be no more for him to get on board."

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