Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1068: Nibble

As always, in the preparation stage before the task began, Zhao Wenrui roughly scanned the task briefing.

According to related tips, the moment he cut in, the trigger of the protagonist Doug Quig has not yet started.

The so-called trigger, naturally means that Doug perceives that his life is dreamlike, always missing something, revealing untrue, just the memory code company's product selling point virtual memory implantation concept has entered his vision , So I tried it out.

Then the world changed drastically, his wife became a sturdy agent, and good friends became negotiators, he was wanted by the world, and so on.

Zhao Wenrui estimated that it took about 2-3 days from the gestation to the occurrence of the trigger, and this is the time for him to show his talents. It is not enough. After all, it is necessary to consider the intervention of the hostile reincarnation and the series of changes brought .

He began to think about the action plan.

Theoretically, the protagonist of ‘driver’ seems to be a good way.

The protagonist's destiny is bound to interact with the pros and cons, so no matter which side he helps, he floats on the protagonist's side as a canary, and it seems that he can complete the task by timely shooting.

But after comprehensive consideration, he was not prepared to choose this path, which was too ordinary.

Ordinary is actually not bad, but this time there are hostile reincarnations, the ordinary way of thinking means that the other party can also think of it, fearing that the dog fight will continue, and this time he is on the protagonist ’s side. The dangers overlap, and if he reintegrates into the struggle between the reincarnations, he is afraid to hold it.

So he intends to walk alone.

After coming, he found his identity a bit bad.

An ordinary colonial resident, who had just grown up and lived in a colonial slum, he could say nothing but the fresh life and the brothers and sisters need to raise.

The slums here are like some of the black communities in the lighthouse country of the earth he knows. There is no education, no security, no work, no future, some are violence and various illegal things, the lowest kind.

In any industry, the lowest level is the cheapest. It pays the most and pays the least. Even the illegal ones are no exception. With a small amount of money, you can buy a life, hurt someone, kill someone, commit a crime ...

Even more daily is the delivery of extraordinary things, smuggled goods, washing powder, or corpses. Anyway, the most dirty work is done, but the real money is not much.

The man occupied by Zhao Wenrui has more siblings than his younger brothers and sisters have to support, and he usually has to find a way to eat and drink.

The eldest brother made the little money hang the younger brothers up and down, but the "spray" was very willing to spend money, although it is not a high-end place, but it can also be said to be a big spender, to give the younger a birthday, twenty-eight thousand dollars If you don't blink, I don't know why I think this big brother is bold and arrogant, and it is certainly true to follow. When I really understand the way here, it is often too late.

And this one, like Zhao Wenrui this time, is trapped deeper, already able to completely let go of his self-esteem, fooling around, no knowledge, perseverance, no idea, really rotten one.

After learning about this person's design, Zhao Wenrui just grinned. He was too lazy to waste even an extra minute. Several seemingly brothers and brothers ran over to brag and fart with him, and he directly rewarded his blood quality.

The function development of blood quality is much deeper than before. One of the usages is similar to a vampire's first embrace, but it is more efficient, more concise, and of course more rude, and the damage caused is irreversible.

Of course, he has no guilt, as long as he does not think deeply, these people can be tools, even if they have their own hardships.

Bloody invasion, the center of the pupils of the rotten eyes has a little scarlet light, the size of the tip of the needle, it is generally not easy to notice, and you can find it if you stare hard, as if it was shot by a laser flashlight. Panic.

This is the external characteristics of the lowest blood slave.

Although it is the lowest level, it is also extraordinary. Under the action of blood quality, a person's soul power and vitality will be mobilized, and the energy obtained by burning fat will transform the body.

The external performance is non-stop shivering and sweaty.

After completion, they can almost reach the comprehensive literacy level of the ordinary side of the human body, which is the level of the Olympic gold medalist, and is a multi-function all-round. It is not a problem to complete an iron man decathlon.

However, all this comes at the cost of burning life. If you live like this for at most two years, you will suddenly die suddenly.

Two years, to be honest, if we can further shorten the time to make the improvement effect better, Zhao Wenrui has already done it. His mission period is not even two months, two years is too wasteful, he prefers their combustion efficiency Higher.

But for a penny and a article, the blood quality is so little, and the upper limit of the extraordinary changes caused is also there. He will not invest further, it is not worth it, and it is not a special bloodline.

Another important influence of blood quality intervention is the suppression of consciousness. These people will almost unconditionally obey his instructions, even if they are asked to jump off the building now, they are resistant in their hearts, but they will still do it in the end, and will not procrastinate.

They are not painful, he is too lazy to pay attention, as long as they can fulfill their orders and have a certain combat strength, it is enough.

Zhao Wenrui confirmed the situation with several new horses, and took them straight to a stronghold of a nearby gang.

A few minutes later, more than 20 people at this stronghold became Zhao Wenrui's Ma Zi, and then the eldest brother was called, and then an emergency call order issued by the big brother. A phone call was made, and special circumstances must be reported to the stronghold.

More than thirty people came within half an hour, and they soon finished, and Zhao Wenrui had a rotten boy in his early 60s.

"Very good, the next stop, the armed department of the police station."

Zhao Wenrui sent his blood slaves haircuts, showers, and other tattoos, and he went straight to the police station.

A sir was randomly found on the road, and the blood was controlled in seconds, and then he could enter the police station in the name of being arrested.

On the way, he learned the situation of the police station through the accused military police.

This world, even on the side of the Commonwealth, is one of only military and police, fully armed, dressed in riot gear, and loaded with live ammunition. The heavy use of mechanical military police has alleviated the pressure on the police force to a certain extent.

The mechanical military police was once touted as the greatest invention in the new era, and its actual performance is indeed good. They can tirelessly implement standard interactive processes, which are more patient and responsible than people.

So nowadays, mechanical military police are heavily active in the front line, and human police officers are often the work of district managers or patrol officers.

In short, in terms of security forces, the ratio of living people to machinery is 4: 6, and there are many black police.

Especially in the colonies, the colonial indigenous people and the military and police are not in good harmony, and the military and police are looking at the colonial indigenous people inferior. In addition, the military and police also have to eat hard, and they will also use the convenience of the office to catch all kinds of fish. , Choking sound is everywhere.

Then, further temporary detention is also very common. The detention center is hungry for two or three days. Maybe there are a few big Han temporary prisoners asking for soap. In short, it is a nightmare day. Wish to eat soil on the spot. The military and police are very accustomed to using this method to reorganize the people, and benefit without any effort.

According to the general process, the arrested Zhao Wenrui also received the same treatment. It was just that he entered the police station and disappeared after three or two revolutions in the busiest case.

The reappearance was already the Department of Equipment. The Department of Equipment suddenly saw such an idle man waiting, and was naturally taken aback, but soon became a blood slave and quieted down.

Soon after, several military and police officers in relatively important positions were tricked in and became blood slaves.

These blood slaves Zhao Wenrui will not let them become cannon fodder, but continue their work and life to provide assistance in their duties.

Including the chief, it didn't take much time to get through a series of links in the police station. It was easier than getting a gang before. This may have something to do with the fact that few people are too old to make a move, so that their vigilance is not high enough.

The police station became a new home. The cleaned rotten babies entered through the back door and went to the equipment room to dress and lead the ordnance.

Originally, Zhao Wenrui thought that it would be good to rely on spare equipment. It would be good to equip ten or eight rotten cubs. I never thought about catching up with the replacement of old and new equipment. Just half an hour later, the military police of the two squadrons were freshly released. They even There are also special cars.

Nearly one-third of the police officers sitting at desks, including the director, should cover and stolen equipment. It should be achievable that they will not be exposed within 10 days. No matter how long it is, there is no insurance. The system also has a perfect self-inspection mechanism, which can be kept for so long, because the colonial police system is looser than the federal body.

And Zhao Wenrui now has people, and money is not scarce.

While requesting the newly recruited rotten army police to receive instrument training, he took advantage of the convenience of the police system to obtain information. By the way, he took a shower, hairdressing, shopping and dressing up.

This time he is a projection role-playing traversal, which is more difficult to a certain extent.

He also did not know whether it was because the rules of the world were so special that the main **** could not deliver 100% of the characters, or what other reasons.

Anyway, as long as the Lord arranges, he will do what he does, and there is no shortage of key abilities.

Such as blood quality, such as God Soul Space.

He even vaguely peeked into the trick of doppelganger operation because of this crossing.

Of course, this is his own secret, and perhaps it can save lives at a critical moment.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothing, and Buddha relies on gold clothing. After some scrambling, Zhao Wenrui looks into the clothes mirror and finds that he has no qualities of rotten.

Of course, he also squeezed his face, and the role of blood quality in this body is completely different from those of blood slaves. The improvement is certain, and there is basically no profit or loss. This is actually a matter of investment strength.

Now Zhao Wenrui also looks a lot mature. He does n’t like Xiaobai, he thinks mature middle-aged people are more likely to make people feel reliable, and Xiaobai is often a frivolous association.

When he completed the rebirth and bone readjustment, he was called by the police chief of the Karan district under his control, and the problems of the brother and sister of the original owner of this body had been solved.

Totally closed school, from elementary school to high school graduation, total 12 years. After graduation, people have reached the legal adult age and can choose their own life path.

The brothers and sisters of the original owner of this body were told that their elder brother had sacrificed this opportunity for them and cherish it. This is a good ending for children from slums. In many cases, one life is exchanged, which is only enough for a younger sibling to eat and drink for a week.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui may not be so delicate, but for him, it is just a piece of cake, and he hopes that things can be done more successfully and have an explanation. Even if you need to blow up blocks and schools at the next moment, that is another matter.

Of course, he was not interested in doing that kind of destruction. Although this is a colony and a slum in the colony, all kinds of ugly things happen one after another. Every day, just by the official, dozens of corpses will be taken from this area.

But other people are other people, he is him, and people in this world like to die, it will not be the reason for his wanton behavior. But in fact, he felt that he had acted arbitrarily enough. After all, as long as he needed it, there was nothing he would not dare to do.

The more important message from the police system is that he confirmed the next goal.

At around 15:30 that day, a heavily armed and sturdy military police broke into the network base station in the Karan district.

The military police opened the road and closed the road. Zhao Wenrui carried his hands on his back, striding with great force.

The top management of the base station hurriedly greeted it, and while wearing a suit button, he asked with questioning and seductive inner tone: "Who are you? This is the industry of Veken Corporation, subject to federal and local laws. Double protection ... "

Zhao Wenrui interrupted directly with no expression: "Of course I know that it belongs to Vico, but you are a little trouble now. Do you want me to announce it in public here, or do you want me to talk in private?"

The manager thought for less than 1 second, and chose to suppress the fire and panic, and asked Zhao Wenrui to talk in private.

Undoubtedly, this is a wrong choice, because talking with Zhao Wenrui in private will make people 'degenerate'.

Soon after, with the manager's three orders and five applications, the technical staff of the base station cooperated with Zhao Wenrui and his people to carry out the so-called inspection of the computer room that the general people were not allowed to enter.

Then Zhao Wenrui left a team of military police including vehicles to provide special protection for this place, on the grounds that with the rampant terrorist activities of Marseilles, this place is likely to be their next target of destruction.

On the night of the same day, it was accurate to say that the base station was paralyzed from 2 to 6 in the morning. Fortunately, the Karan district is only a relatively partial district, where the slums occupy half of the entire area, so even In the Internet age, the negative impacts are relatively limited.

Even so, the manager of the base station explained and reported to the peak for more than two hours.

Because only the Commonwealth on the ladder and the colonies on the ladder are left in this world, coupled with the development of science and technology, the operation of important enterprises and official institutions is extremely sophisticated, with complex multiple monitoring systems, so It's not that easy to get things done.

If this were not the case, Ke Hegen, the prime minister, would not have to engage in a series of indecent operations.

It can be said that the strict legal system restricts everyone, and the more you want to do something, the more you can feel the obstacles. Only those who eat and die will feel that freedom is okay.

Zhao Wenrui let Nanoworm conquer the base station, and took 4 hours to complete the framework of self-upgrade. Next, under the condition of ensuring the normal operation of the network system, continue to regenerate the same computer unit repeatedly, and finally parallel into Super calculation system, thus becoming the physical carrier of wisdom brain Milano.

After completing this step, Zhao Wenrui's black hand will reach the mechanical military police system.

This not only means that there needs to be a logistics base station-like system to control the hacked mechanical military police, but also that it needs to compete with the original supercomputer Ai system of the mechanical military police system.

So Milano must be supported by a reliable physical entity. And it takes time to perfect. The more time given to it, the more prepared it will be.

Solved the problem of Milano's carrier. That night, when Milano disconnected and built himself, Zhao Wenrui had a feast of sanctions.

The goal is for the police system to screen out criminals.

Due to the existence of Bai Zuo and its significant influence, the federal official cooperation capital has made many people's lives worse than death, and at the same time hypocritically rejected the death penalty, claiming to be too cruel.

So many criminals have the potential to escape legal sanctions.

The most interesting thing is that, the more sinful the evil, the more skillful they are, regardless of the underworld or evil road or the sidewalk, they tend to have a higher position in that business. Put it all in one sentence, that is, they have the ability to play the right and money transaction, buy the tricks of prison officials, and thus reduce the sentence, and even find a substitute for the dead ghost, and soon be released from prison.

Corresponding to them are those serious criminals who can't bear the pressure from the society and broke the abuse.

This type of criminal is often irrelevant, has no way, no money, and even mostly does not speak well. In the impression of neighbors, it is a honest and tolerable person ...

But after committing the crime, they were painfully criticized by the media as perverted demons.

Such criminals are not worthy of sympathy. The crimes they commit are not washed away, and they also cause extremely bad negative social impact.

It's just that compared with those who have enjoyed the media hype that hasn't had a lot of morals, and are completely nailed to the column of shame, those that are more harmful and more serious are often dealt with in low-key.

It is a crime to kill one person, and a massacre of ten thousand people.

The fact that the folks have such an idea that has n’t been circulated has shown some problems in itself.

The world is like this. Zhao Wenrui, who can not be punished by the law, but is actually a very evil person, decided to do something special, to restore the justice that the law should have to a certain extent. And he really likes the concept of ‘being more important and being faster’. So he sanctioned almost two hundred people overnight.

He certainly knows that extreme evil is divided into three, six, nine, etc. These are only relatively low-level, most of which play the role of agent and executor in extreme evil circles.

But killing such people still allows him to get a lot of thoughts, as if the air he breathed in is a little less offensive.

In addition, he can benefit himself, specifically the two types of soul power and fate.

Although these people are far from comparable to the blasphemers of the sc universe, but two hundred, barely top the blasphemer. It feels good, but he didn't spit out any black sticky substance, perhaps because this body is not his body.

The skeleton rattled like a firecracker, and the muscles wriggled. Zhao Wenrui successfully transformed himself into a clothes rack, undressed and fleshy, and thinly dressed. With a punch, a 50 cm thick reinforced concrete wall had a big gap.

After wiping some dust off the fist, Zhao Wenrui raised his hand and made a gesture.

Nearly two hundred corpses were loaded into the car for free cremation, and then the rivers of poetry were scattered poetically.

There is no proof of death in the world, Zhao Wenrui likes this tone.

He also likes the characteristics of the blood quality system ‘there is no point at all, and the peak of instantaneous barriers. ’

It takes a lot of money to improve the quality.

But only by the number, there is still some gameplay, and it is quite compatible with the nanoworm system. Can multiply and create puppets, only one for organic and one for inorganic; a mysterious side and a technological side.

So by noon the next day, the Karan District Police Station was under Zhao Wenrui's control.

The company's military and police robots were all injected with special procedures, controlled by Milano, and still collaborating with the human military police who became blood slaves.

Zhao Wenrui's series of operations was wild and fast, but he was also alert and steadily advancing.

Milano now has the ability to erode more areas, but Zhao Wenrui controls the rhythm.

Compared to pure network erosion, he believes that walking on multiple legs is truly reliable. To master the entity, such as network server base station, communication relay station, etc. It is also necessary to master military force, such as the military police system in each district.

Software, hardware, gun barrel, pinch snail with three fingers, highlighting a 'stable'.

It's not easy to beat the snake.

In this way, the military police in the Karan District, in accordance with the core idea of ​​the new master, began to comprehensively sort out the facilities, industries, and even the personnel of the entire Karan District.

First, a few important facilities, under the guidance of Milano, rule out safety hazards, and send people to station.

The next step is to provide information prompts and appropriate protection for key industries in the area, including a new police-civilian interaction plan, and try to avoid being affected by the evil forces in the next anti-black operations.

The last step is the Thunder operation, which first attacked the gang, and then cleared the evil gang.

Since the controlled military and police have become conscientious and capable personnel who are absolutely worthy of salary, they are decisive and efficient in their work. Milano has basically grasped the intelligence information of all the targets. Milano estimates that it will be able to sweep away the social status of the Karan district in a maximum of 72 hours, so that this district will be completely included in the bag.

As for potential criminals who have entered from new areas in other areas, Milano, who strengthened the area ’s surveillance capabilities in the late stage of anti-sweeping operations, can guide the military and police to take timely actions to control criminal behavior in the area to a low level. .

The main purpose of Zhao Wenrui is not to establish a new civilized area, but to obtain resources.

For example, copying the income of a family, this is regarded as slaughtering a fat pig.

In addition to financial gains, it also includes dealing with criminals more seriously.

Zhao Wenrui needs soul power and destiny, so in the process of cracking down on non-compliance, most of them are gangsters killed by the gangsters, regardless of whether they are true or false.

The other is big events, small reports, a large den of hundreds of people, and a small group of dozens of people writing. A large number of criminals just evaporate, and there is no proof of death.

From a certain perspective, this is actually a way of paying attention to methods and methods, a principled and planned slaughter!

When Karan District's "three-day plan" opened, Zhao Wenrui, who had completed his part of the work, turned his attention to the Filimont District, which was adjacent to Karan District.

The Filimont District not only has the largest and largest mechanical military police maintenance center in the entire colony, but also has the only ladder entrances that connect the two ends of the earth.

The protagonist Doug Quig's false identity is also here. From his balcony, he can see the ladder from a distance. This is a valuable detail. After all, the surrounding of the ladder is covered by the arches and guards of tall buildings, and the sector of the ladder can be intuitively seen at a glance. In fact, it is so large. The residences in this sector are still easy to investigate.

Although Zhao Wenrui is not interested in interacting with the protagonist, he still does not want to let this line go easily.

He intends to treat this line as a timer intelligence line.

By observing the protagonist's situation, he can know the stage of the current plot, which is conducive to controlling the time rhythm of the main line process. Avoid the problem of just lowering your head to do your own things, resulting in a time misalignment with the main line deduction.

Of course, the key word is still mechanical military police.

Regardless of how clever Kehegen's plan is, when there are not enough mechanical military police available at the implementation stage, the plan naturally goes bankrupt.

By then, his political enemies alone, those politicians represented by Bai Zuo, would be enough to make him stunned, or even be completely defeated.

According to Zhao Wenrui, at present, the internal fighting of the high-level federation is very fierce, and it cannot be said that it is a period of political division.

Ke Heigen is also under pressure. He must show his achievements in a relatively short period of time to endorse his political stance, and play tricks with extreme extremes also have a lot to do with this background.

So Ke Heigen will definitely explode in the near future. He has no choice but to fight.

According to the original plot, the protagonist exploded in force during this period (also related to a series of operations), so Ke Heigen followed the trend and made the whole process smoother.

One of the more ornamental highlights is to hold up a line of resistance forces led by Marseilles, and then use the countermeasures to capture and kill, while completely destroying the resistance forces.

The real purpose is to enter the colony to achieve long-term occupation and military control. It even includes a planned extinction of the population and then dumping the pot to the rebels.

All of this is to pave the way for the next federal immigration. After all, the biggest problem in the Commonwealth now is a whole series of social problems caused by a surplus population of more than 100 million.

Now that he knows that Ke Heigen will do things anyway in the near future, with the assistance of reincarnations, Zhao Wenrui naturally feels a sense of urgency.

At the same time, he is more confident in his strategic planning.

To complete the mechanical military police, it is equivalent to the Ke Heigen's gun.

Once completed, the hostile reincarnation, even if he can fly as a Saiyan, can't turn things around quickly.

And this plan can be said to be digging the foundation, not showing the mountains and not showing the water, and the cutting angle is also special. He feels that there is a greater probability of hiding the enemy reincarnation.

In fact, it's almost the same. Zhao Wenrui's opponent came to this world at almost the same time as him, a little later, but there are also a few hours.

They are a team, like the special forces, everyone has a different division of functions. The person in charge of negotiation not only has a very high personal charm, but also has the extraordinary ability of confusion and control.

So they quickly completed the first phase of the task and joined the Kehegan team.

Restricted by the rules, they cannot reveal their true origins, or even use supernatural power too bluntly, so as to avoid the confusion of Ke Heigen and others, but self-defeating.

But they need to be as close as possible to Ke Heigen to achieve their goals, including protecting Ke Heigen and helping it succeed.

After some discussion, they arranged for a new person to belong to an oligarch who supported Ke Heigen's claim, because the oligarch knew the hostile position of the big money master, and was going to deal with Ke Heigen by some means. So they were sent to help.

This setting is a bit hacky, but at least it is a general statement.

To this end, the reincarnations did indeed do some work, including controlling the oligarchs with extraordinary powers and letting them put conditions on Kehegen.

Because such a cooperation really benefits the oligarch, the reincarnations encounter less resistance and pay less.

But Ke Heigen is a suspicious person and an arrogant person. He doesn't like someone gesticulating in front of him, even if the other party is indeed more professional than him in certain fields.

So although Ke Heigen reached a private deal with the oligarch, and also saw the slightly prepared and slightly magical professional ability of the samsara, but entering the discussion stage of specific matters, it was still very unpleasant to make trouble with the samsara.

Among them, reincarnations naturally bear certain responsibilities.

They are used to the strong, with the ability and confidence of the plot prophet, as well as the pressure of the task, the pressure of the time limit and the pressure from the hostile samsara, so in the specific operation, the subconscious wants more control.

How can Ke Hegen be a puppet at the mercy of others? And he has his overall considerations, all he can accept is a strong beater who can do what he wants.

It is impossible for the samsaras to say things like ‘we are very clear about the events that will happen in the future, so please listen to us. 'if.

And reincarnations must also obey some mission rules, for example, they cannot directly affect the minds of the main plot characters.

Destiny adds body, and these main supporting characters are favored by fate. Once they try to forcibly change, it will lead to the reversal of the law, and even the main **** can't bear it, at least it will be a loss-making transaction. Therefore, it is taboo for the reincarnation of the clerk's identity to use the confusion control technique to control the minds of the main characters in the mission world.

It's not good to Ke Heigen, but it has to be exhausted to think about it. The reincarnations feel that they are also very difficult.

However, dragging will definitely not work, and the reincarnations have to take a certain degree of compromise. They agreed to many of Kehegen ’s requests and existed as a special response team in Kehegen ’s team.

They cannot act arbitrarily, and private action requires reporting, so as not to destroy Kehegen's overall plan. In addition, they need to execute some of Kehegen's mission commands.

To put it bluntly, they are reduced to advanced thugs.

Specifically, from the analysis of the mission orders issued by Ke Heigen, it is obvious that they want to let them do the dirty work, and finally kick them away like a stinky toilet brush, maybe they will be guilty of some crimes to make them back.

Very angry.

But they still have to think and serve Ke Heigen.

So it ’s not good to cooperate with the villains. When one or two pain points are caught by the other party, they are used to death, but they have to hit the left face to the right face. Yes, you can play the suit that the gentleman bullies.

Simply put, Zhao Wenrui's opponents came, but did nothing serious.

Since Ke Heigen must have made big moves recently, there are still quite a lot of dirty and small things that need to be done. The samsaras were sent to do this kind of thing. Very capable and professional enough. Sharp weapon, very good, hard to use, do not expire expired ...

The samsara can only greet Ke Heigen's family while brushing Ke Heigen's favor and trust. In fact, they also know that such things as Keheigen do not pay attention to these things, but there is no better way. They can only believe that Keheigen as a person who does a big job still has some excellent qualities, including knowledge How do you have to envelop your mind if you use people? Otherwise, what will happen if all the betrayals and departs from the family?

Coupled with the original plot, Ke Heigen feels old again after breaking the resistance, put the protagonist a yard, allowing him to restore that loyal and capable part of Hauser's memory. It can also be covered with heat. So let's do some dirty work first.

It's a pity that even if these small tasks can be counted as spurs, you can earn extra points or something, but the impact on the main line is almost zero.

The samsaras do these bad things, and they do n’t have much energy to target the enemy samsara. At most, he used some means to stare at the protagonist Doug Quaid.

At the same time, they also obtained the qualification of Ke Heigen as a bodyguard at the cost of the "silencer" to protect Ke Heigen from being shot by a black gun. This is already the limit.

As for Zhao Wenrui, he is using the world as a stage to engage in wind and rain.

Just the morning after the advent, while the reincarnations were still bargaining with Ke Heigen, Zhao Wenrui, in a suit and leather suit, went to the mechanical and police maintenance center in the Filmont district.

After pinching his face, today's Zhao Wenrui can be described as handsome.

More importantly, he has the temperament of the superior, that is, the kind of very hard, calm, and condescending, just write directly on his face: "I am your dear" temperament.

Pretending to be compared to this part, it is more than just pretending. There must be real dry goods in order to have that confidence.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui has real dry goods. If he does n’t want to act, he can take the lives of anyone who appears in front of him ~ ~ Is this not enough?

Enough is enough, he is confident enough to look at anyone with a nearly servant's eye, even if the other party is a XX executive, a social elite, a successful person, or even the Federal Chancellor.

"My fist is the most real power, so no matter who you are, the identity of the **** horse, I can be your dear father! Unless you have everything you have, including life, you can discard it at any time without care. . "

Do you say I have confidence? Do you have any cards? I am simply a real performance, not a film emperor.

So when Zhao Wenrui appeared in the mechanical military police maintenance center, that was awesome. One person was like a legion, and the rampage was like returning to his own home. He felt unconscious and weak and was three points weak.

"Who is the one who has the final say here?"

"What do you ask me for your identity? Are you worthy? Tell your stewards to come out!"

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