Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1203: Infrastructure Mad Shock

Osiris' Underworld Kingdom also has rising and falling moons and alternating days and nights.

But under the influence of divine power, the whole world seemed to be covered with a dim veil, just like the world under some movie lenses, the day was not bright, and the night was deeper.

More critical is the lack of life.

Whether it is mountains or plains, it is gray, bare, and grassless.

The wind formed by the collision of hot and cold air streams is more likely to wreak havoc. The high speed and sudden abruptness are like monsters. The sudden winds swept through the wind and the dust was rough. Adults weighing a hundred pounds could not stand straight.

But none of this affected Kane.

He was very comfortable and comfortable in the private room of the newly-built "Basic" warship.

I slept for more than three hours and woke up at midnight.

This dimension is synchronized with the time of the main material universe, and the basic part of the environment is also similar. Only the lack of life makes the whole world seem lonely and boring.

The same is true in the ocean. The turbid seawater, like the one when washing clothes, has low visibility, and the negative energy in the sea is more than the air on the road, which makes people instinctively detect maliciousness.

But these are insignificant to the base number.

In the process of flying to its destination, the interior is still under construction.

And shortly after plunging into a trench of nearly 10,000 meters deep in the ocean, it began to deform and expand, forming a giant octopus-like shape-the central backbone stood up, and the giant tentacle-like mechanical arm extended in all directions, like a big claw, firmly locked In the seabed rock bed.

Osiris does not lack the Navy. He even inherited many related technologies from the Arameans, and the navy is more powerful than the army.

It's just that the ocean area is huge, and there is no convenience for air strikes. If you want to open a new round of attack on Kane, you need at least thirty hours of preparation time.

In particular, Kane is no longer empty-handed, starting from scratch. Previously, he successfully showed a wave of muscles. Whether it is Osiris or the rulers of the prayers, I am afraid that there will be no more oil fights. Fight a decisive battle.

In fact, it is better to be able to negotiate. After all, the development efficiency of Kane ’s side is too amazing. As long as it is not too stupid, it can be calculated.

Unfortunately, O'Kane didn't talk to Osiris at all.

And Osiris's nagging mouth never actually stopped.

Has talked about the present from the past, and began to look forward to the future.

Unfortunately, in Kane's eyes, the blueprint planned by Osiris was not attractive.

For example, Osiris wanted to reproduce theocracy.

Roughly, it means that a noble **** like Him actually has nothing to do with mortals.

Belief is nothing more than a human inferiority, and it is not suitable for giving away in vain, so we set up such a trading rule.

Under this only rule, He can vigorously assist mankind, rapidly develop civilization, and solve social problems such as famine, war, overpopulation, and insufficient productivity.

Moreover, He will not interfere in the development of civilization, but will only become a qualified arbiter, so that those worms in mankind who are willing to reverse the civilization in various forms in order to satisfy their personal desires will receive corresponding punishment, or even simply cannot be accomplished ...

Overall it is very beautiful, very utopian.

However, Kane's secondary avatars have seen a variety of civilization development models, and even tried them one by one. Why don't you understand the pros and cons?

There is a reason that it is easy to make things difficult.

Another reason is that absolute power breeds absolute corruption.

Put aside all these truths, speak with facts, and see what Osiris did when she woke up.

Externally, he did two things.

First, release artifacts and use certain ambitions and opportunists to provoke racial disputes and interests. In short, muddy the water. It is convenient for him to touch the fish.

Second, it is indeed a successful fish. Miranda has basically analyzed the technology shown by the prayers, and more than 65% is actually human technology.

In other words, Osiris took advantage of the open and shared characteristics of human civilization in this era to accomplish large-scale and systematic theft with extraordinary ability. Then implemented in the Underworld Kingdom, the rapid development of the technology system of the Kingdom of Prayer.

Miranda assesses that the prayers are currently at the level of human technology before and after World War II. Some aspects are surpassed by Osiris's golden fingers, and some aspects have not been replenished because of high-speed development, becoming a short board.

Of course, this is all temporary.

As a survivor of the Arameans, Osiris was not without dry goods. It's just that his dry goods are castles in the sky and empty below.

The crux of this problem can even be traced back to the Atlantis civilization.

At that time, the Arameans came to earth, whether they were pioneering colonies, or fleeing into exile. In short, they are not empty-handed, at least they are also starting a starship.

This starship represents thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years of civilization. The Atlantis built Atlantis on the basis of it.

It is not a higher level, but just a technology development that adapts to local conditions. It ’s like when I build tall buildings and buildings in my hometown, and I do n’t get a lot of things in the wild. Then build some wooden sheds.

Then a certain starship exploded, and for these Arams, it was that the bottom of the kettle was generally paid, the civilization went backwards, and the pick-up was started.

It ’s just that there are three thousand nails in the broken ship. The individuals of the Aran are all god-level, and the planetary environment at that time was also very good. For them, even if it was not a pig that fell into a rice tank, it was comparable to a living in the tropical rainforest. Like some human populations, picking up fruits all year round, and then playing with the roe deer scooping the fish, no worries.

But everything in the world is changing, but they can't keep up with the times, they are full of warmth all day long, forbidden fruit + palace fighting, playing with pleasure, and gradually being eliminated by the times.

Moreover, the changes in the world environment are also quite a bit of the characteristics of boiling frogs in warm water. When the guys reacted, they realized that from a macro perspective, time was not enough, and they were given a wave in one way or another. Seven or eight, it is too late to regret at this time.

But it turns out that there is no last regret, only more regret.

Lying very helplessly in the coffin and holding the corpse, he couldn't move. He could only intermittently take a look and think about it, only to find out that it was too late to say regret, but he could still be rescued.

It ’s not the same kind of crippling, fighting for the supernatural power that is not much, but should seek common ground while reserving differences, holding groups to keep warm, so that even if you will still live a hard life, you do n’t have to lie in the coffin, watching the only foundations in the world. The vast area is so clean.

Therefore, Osiris was also severely beaten by society and learned well. It's just that as a deity, He went from maturity to maturity, and the entire process took thousands of times of human time.

However, Jiang Shan's nature is difficult to change, even if it is changed, it is a gradual change in headaches and feet, and it will not be a big change in living people. It has completely become another temperament.

So although Osiris was bettered by being taught to be a human being, it was only relative to him in the past. In order to completely become a **** in line with the times, God knew that he still had to go through several beatings and go through several cycles of the ups and downs of the magic wave.

The most important thing is, why should Kevin expect that?

Osiris is not his evil kind, except for his parents, who would be used to you? It ’s better to die, save this time because of the entry into the classroom because of the hacao, the next time you enter the bureau because of injury, and the next time because of theft or adultery, and the endless bad things, every time you have to Others wipe their ass.

So Kane didn't want to talk to Osiris, even if he behaved like a person, he wasn't that badass, and even seemed a little pitiful.

What's the use?

This world I intend to use to recuperate and take a long vacation. It becomes your proving ground. Can I have a relaxing vacation?

Besides, there are only two, and God knows how many bitter scenes your seven aunts and eight aunts can draw. One by one, they are dissatisfied.

Yes, from a certain perspective, in this world, it is equivalent to the old card in Libya. To be fair, I haven't less drawn wealth in my pocket.

But I still have principles and have done a lot of practical things to give back to the world. What is more important is that I have been basically fed, seeking order and stability.

what about you? Not a bad wolf, but a group of bad wolves, like those terrorists who overthrow the self-proclaimed righteous or public representatives under the banner of anti-corruption and cooking, the chips are not enough, the bottom line is good, all are sold. Then we have to eat from scratch until the trench is full.

In this way, I can't let you feel at ease! Despite any proud wife and cute little girl in your family, die!

Kane had long wanted to understand, so regardless of how Osiris was nagging, he didn't say a word.

But Osiris is a tough, maybe there is something like ‘too much to say, the fake is also true, and will always be impressed, even if so little’ licking dog-like illusion.

In short, it is very sticky. Anyway, he has joined together. As long as Kane is in this world, he can't escape the magic sound to brainwash.

In fact, Osiris also tried to use his ultimate trick-group harassment, no, it was group persuasion.

The reason why he dared to come up with a ‘rule in the world’ decree is largely due to this trick.

Intruder playing lone wolf mode? Sorry, God will make you a dog when he comes, so domineering! Moreover, I have more money and more brothers, just like the most wanted reward in the world. If you have all kinds of martial arts, you must have a gut!

Play Legion mode? I'm not afraid, just like the melatonin advertisement, I keep brainwashing under your ears. How many are determined? Even if all the will is firm, this continuous erosion equivalent to divine irradiation is enough to upset the target and make mistakes in the chaos!

Unfortunately, Kane's past and present lives are best at curing such disobedience. There are many younger brothers, but they all have feelings. For this reason, they would rather give up super play and give up hero units!

Come on, you brainwash, if you artificially give these puppet true spirits, let them have soul and awaken personal consciousness, count you as a cow, the creator of the creator, I am willing to worship the wind, otherwise ...

Osiris apparently found that persuasion was not possible. Except for the Kane deity, the rest of the Kane camp is a toolman, and it has a full set of precautions.

Do n’t say that he is also constrained by the unique legal environment of this world. Even if he can use ‘super spirit-enlightenment’ or something, Kane ’s puppets can be successfully prevented by technological means.

Kane has been engaged in the fusion of science and magic for so many years, but it is not in vain, he has really harvested gratifying results.

Kane dedicated a consciousness to fight against Osiris's nagging, but what should subjective consciousness do, eat, drink, and play, nothing more.

He even looks like an otaku who has lost the Internet but has electricity and a computer. He will watch single-player games, not to mention a few days, months or years, and he will never feel uncomfortable.

But his blood-blooded swarms are not idle at all, and they have feelings, so they play stably and consistently. With Miranda's strategic planning, it is equivalent to bringing top efficiency learning bonuses. The development is not changing with each passing day, but is changing with each passing day. Every minute and every second is growing.

In Osiris's perception, Kane's system really wanted super viruses, the proliferation of geometric multiples.

In the first hour, in the huge and deep trench, the unfolded base number still seemed insignificant, solitary, and the lights inside its ship emitted limited light.

By the tenth hour, the entire trench was already filled, and the lights were no longer part of a city with a population of 300,000. Even if the sea water was turbid, it would still be noticeably brighter there.

By the twentieth hour, the area covered by artificial artifacts was already equivalent to the size of a city cluster like the Los Angeles metropolis. Can already be regarded as a small country.

In the thirtieth hour, an undersea kingdom with a population of at least 500 million appeared in the depths of this vast ocean.

Not only does it cover a large area, there are many artificial creations, but the technology is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Osiris even personally witnessed a simplified physical version of the High Throne. Kane ’s technical team manipulated lava, used endless seawater as a coolant, and carried out controlled submarine volcanic eruption operations, just like ants build hilly ant nests. Thousands of square kilometers of sea floor, lifted into a solitary peak in the sea!

To see that, Kane's team is fully capable of continuing to let it rise to become a Wancheng Mountain-like existence, but Kane feels enough, so he stops here.

And Osiris soon discovered that Kane's team did this, not just to create a good-looking product, or to have the ability to be self-willed, but to build a three-dimensional factory and minimize its dependence on the earth.

Understand that the kind of underground palace hidden under the nine places, although it looks very good. In fact, the density of the soil rock layer is greater than that of water, and the energy transmission in it is more rigid, so as long as there is a big bomb, it will blow to the place, and the underground palace will definitely hurt.

But Kane put the main body of the base in the water area that is easier to deal with expansion and contraction and energy conduction, and even exposed to the air, the rigid backlog and the destruction of the building structure, it is difficult to receive satisfactory results.

Such a precaution without leaving any defects made Osiris helpless.

The prayers are more melancholic than He ~ ~ Thirty hours later, the United Fleet has already sailed to the sea near the Kingdom of Kane.

However, whether it is the enemies of the oracles or the information they sent to scout, it shows that the enemy's overall combat power is two or three hundred times larger than when it was last launched!

They even suspected that Kane had built the seabed country here early in the morning, rather than building it now.

In any case, in short, the joint fleet that they hurriedly assembled was not enough to plug others' teeth, let alone want to treat the other party, it is estimated that they can not attack the main body in the past. The whole army will be wiped out on the way!

Annoyingly, this is the case, the other party is still in the contracted farming! As if as long as they don't do it, the other party will use all the production capacity for development, until the sky is old!

"My wise master, how did you cause such a heresy! The concubines were terrified!"

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