Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1216: Dongying gathering feast to prestige

In the early 90s of the 20th century, Dong Ying was striding on the avenue of economic development with "flowers blooming and fire cooking oil".

The Type 90 main battle tank, which was finalized last year, is the first-class tank of this era, not inferior to the M1A1, and the price is more expensive.

This year's military spending is the second largest in the world.

However, it will take a few years before the peak of the economy. It will take a few years for the bear to fall completely, and the meat and rot will start a feast to support. The father of the lighthouse country will throw a part of the orders that cannot be eaten to Dongying. To claim to buy Hollywood.

After that, it is known to be mutilated, and all the wealth for 20 years of struggle is mutilated.

So in recent years, for Dongying mortals, it can be said that it is the best era, high-spirited, upward, high-speed development, and clear, tomorrow will be better, cleaning and earning more white-collar workers in other countries ......

But the nuclear terror made by Voldemort was like a heavy punch on the face of a happy smiling man, first pain and ignorance, then outrage anger.

This anger ranges from the indignation produced by the self-confident and self-satisfied people after being humiliated and offended, as well as the incompetent anger brought about by the tragic survival after the unconditional surrender after the nuclear disaster.

In the dark HP world and the land of East Asia, the interaction between extraordinary and mortal has been relatively close since ancient times. This is different from the Western world.

In terms of transcendence, Dongying has four forces.

Shinto, Dongmi, Yujia family, wand wizard.

Among them, the royal family refers to the warriors who directly maintain the master-slave relationship with the general.

The general, of course, refers to the general shogun, that is, General Zhengyi, the actual ruler of the foot basin from 1192-1868. He was named because he was qualified to open the government and the five-organized organization called the shogunate.

It is not difficult to see from the extraordinary forces that the original Dongying's framework of extraordinary forces is very stable.

Shinto represents local religion.

Dongmi is a foreign monk.

The Yu family is directly under the royal authority.

The rise and fall of the nation is bound to be closely related to the extraordinary rise and fall, so in modern times, the Yu family was basically replaced by the magic wand wizard. .

However, the Yu family has not completely withdrawn from the historical stage, at least not yet. They actually represent abilities who are willing to work for worldly dignitaries. Dongying's warrior culture determines that in every era, there is such a group of ‘foolish people. ’

In general, in Dongying, the magic wand wizard represents fashion and international integration, as well as a group of extraordinary people who want to lead the European and American extraordinary system led by the lighthouse country.

Since World War II, the group of wand wizards has been in a state of vigorous growth and has become the most active group in Dongying's extraordinary circle.

However, Voldemort launched nuclear terror on Tokushima, and the wand wizards were the first to bear the brunt of tons of public opinion. From mortal dignitaries to extraordinary lives, Voldemort chose to act as a showcase for nuclear terror in Dongying, which was related to their actions, and was disappointed with their performance afterwards.

Kane's role this time is in this context, attracted by the bounty, and run to help the wizard.

Relying on a handsome face comparable to that of Keanu Reeves when he was younger, Kane felt that the Xuan Ji who greeted him seemed more sincere.

The location is in Wakayama (city), southwest of Osaka, on the seafront, across the bay from Tokushima City (Wakayama Bay).

Kane got off the plane from Osaka and was picked up here, taking a special route, but not alone, but with six other bounty hunters.

Dongying Ministry of Magic is very skilled in the reception of ‘foreign aid’. Unlike the Shafick family who offered a high price reward for Stanley Shafick's whereabouts, it was so dazzling and straightforward, but it had the characteristics of a travel agency like a stream of water, and high-quality services were integrated into the details. People feel intimate and comfortable.

Kane noticed that the five people in the same group enjoyed this kind of thing without asking, just to be the uncle and arrange the proper service throughout the journey.

Think about it too. Bounty hunters are pretty cool to hear their names, but in fact the kind of life is not wonderful. Fighting only takes up a very small space. Most of the time, it's about worrying about the spirit and dining style.

After all, the extraordinary circle does not include the intelligence logistics of the special forces of the world. It has clear objectives, adequate planning, well-equipped, and the first place has professional arrangements. The special operations team only needs to complete the hardest part of the operation.

The bounty hunting of the extraordinary circle has the characteristics of the ancient hunting hunter. Not only do you need to do all kinds of trivial things, but also need more delicate insight, longer lasting vigilance, and enough imagination.

After all, from the perspective of ordinary people, the most important thing about the mysterious side event is the brain hole, and the unpredictable strange situation is the norm.

In this context, the so-called experience that bounty hunters can rely on is actually only to make their own actions less erroneous and not to make big mistakes in the course of action, and rarely copy the past case regulations to successfully achieve their goals.

Therefore, extraordinary bounty hunters are always high-risk occupations, and few extraordinary persons are engaged in this work for life. What is more is that he has higher requirements for himself, and he chooses to work hard in this industry for two or three years to hone himself.

The Ministry of Magic of various countries often adopts an encouraging attitude towards this. Those who have relevant experience in their personal resumes are more likely to become Aurors. If they still have outstanding performances, they are a good competitor for Captain Auror.

So in general, the extraordinary bounty hunter is not as bad as the mortal bounty hunter, almost equal to the battlefield hyena, and even in some projects, the professional ability is not as good as mercenaries.

Of course, all trades are mixed, and there are good and bad.

Kane, when they stayed, they encountered a few bad people.

At that time, I was having dinner together, and Xuan Ji, who had a flattering companionship, would have been happy. As a result, I heard a loud scream outside, and then the drunk brawny man broke in and broke in.

Xuan Ji, arranged by the Ministry of Magic for this sturdy and extraordinary person, is a charming and charming girl, very pitiful, and makes men have a protective desire at first sight.

But at this time, it was obviously abused, and there were bruises on the face that could not be covered.

This is the case in the service industry. Especially for this kind of service with a bundled nature, it will be all kinds of pain if it is put on a scum.

This Xuan Ji couldn't stop the bear-like transcendental drunkenness. He could only apologize to the people present, and became more and more pitiful.

The transcendent man broke through other people's feasts, but without any apology, pointed at Xuan Ji next to Kane, vaguely said: "You, come to Lao Tzu, you will come to sleep tonight. "

Speaking of this Xuan Ji, there is nothing wrong with being understood as a high-end customs practitioner.

This is what escorts do, but the target is more valuable in the eyes of some people.

Moreover, Xuan Ji's investment in training is also very expensive. It doesn't need to be like a bear's "swallow", it can turn a few big men neatly, but in terms of how to serve men, it is beyond. .

In this regard, Dongying women are well-known in the industry. One of the performances of life winners in joking words is to marry Dongying's wife. In fact, this refers to this kind of professionally trained pseudo ladies, not ordinary Dongying girls. The difference is quite big, although ordinary Dongying girls also take special housework classes.

There is also a strict selection of Xuan Ji, not only the appearance is good, but also the kind of health and good health, it is best to have extraordinary blood.

Since it is for the purpose of childbirth, and has vitality, even the lowest level of Xuan Ji also has a long operating cycle, which is not as frequent as the ordinary customs women.

But conversely, Xuan Ji is indeed the welfare of Ren Jun picking.

In fact, there are several countries in the world like Dongying's Ministry of Magic. There are still many countries in the world, but Dongying is unique in terms of professionalism and characteristics.

This has also become a unique landscape, attracting extraordinary people from all over the world.

The transcendental people spend a pleasant and fragrant time, and Xuan Ji and the Dongying Ministry of Magic behind them also get what they want, which can be described as their own needs.

Kane also looked at this, and wouldn't say anything about socializing and playing in the field, which is a dual need for body and mind, and often the stronger the stronger, the stronger the desire in this regard.

However, he has always boasted that his control is amazing, and naturally he will not make any illegitimate play to disgust himself.

So it is up to him to ‘inject’, which is indeed a nutritional injection.

As the saying goes, ‘drink the hottest wine, play the best girl, and the winner in life is the same. ’

Moreover, Kane has never had the hobby of being a pig and eating a tiger.

After coming to Dongying, he naturally encountered a relatively obscure and extraordinary detection method. Dongying Ministry of Magic spent money and time to cultivate Xuanji. After all, it has formed a stable industrial chain, but it can't afford to be deceived, so the detection method is very clever.

And he took the opportunity to show his hand, and was immediately rated as a transcendent person with bloodline A + or above. Such a transcendent person is not an ordinary year under the current situation. And such a young, outstanding appearance, is definitely a quality source.

So Xuan Ji, who arranged the dishes for Kane, was super special and perfect.

This is also the reason why the drunk and drunk man is pointing to sleep, it is indeed good. It can be said that the appearance and temperament advantages of Dong Ying's woman are all naturally displayed, which can be seen by one eye.

Kane did not give Xuan Jixiu named Yueshu Yuyi the opportunity to operate. She put down her chopsticks and opened an atypical bridge between flowers and wine.

"Yiyi will not be given to you. For the sake of difficult practice, I will give you a chance to disappear in front of me within three seconds. I can ignore this matter."

There was a cruel smile on the strong man's face. Although his eyes were red, he was not too drunk.

"For so long, one second is enough!"

During the speech, the entire body surface released a golden light and flew towards Kane.

At that moment, even if it was Yu Wei, the people present had a feeling of shock as if they were flying directly to the peak.

A young Xuan Ji collapsed in shock and couldn't help but scream with high decibels.

Of the few extraordinary people who had dinner with Kane, three of them could not help but change their faces.

Like Kane, they are magic wand wizards, at least the type of display and the camp's affiliation are like this.

The wand wizard has two taboos against the enemy. One of them is the failure to hold the wand in time. The second is to encounter opponents who have broken demons or highly resisted demons.

At the moment, both bogeys are committed.

If the first one can be interpreted as strong enough to cast without a stick. Then the second one is really difficult to deal with. With the anti-magic characteristics displayed by this strong man, I am afraid that the life-spelling mantra can carry a head or two in front, and it is also a face riding at close range. A situation to be seen.

The other two extraordinary people who didn't make much sense, also felt that in the face of this situation, Kane would first use phantom dislocation to avoid the edge and then fight it.

The strategy is not wrong, but the scene is ugly, and it must be broken cups and flying saucers, and even Xuanji may be injured.

So these two guys are ready to shoot, not for the sake of being enemies with Kane, but for their own decency.

Although the six people are here to push the cups together and seem to be happy, Kane ’s Xuan Ji is obviously superior in quality, and they are a little bit tasteful. But I also know the reason behind this.

But I haven't made any comparisons, and I haven't even seen it in person. It is inevitable that I am not convinced. Now that I have a chance, I naturally have to weigh Kane's weight, and even have some thoughts about Kane's jokes.

As a result, Kane just raised his hand, and the strong man's impulse was immediately relieved, as if hitting a transparent glue ball.

At this time, the two sober wizards couldn't help but change their faces.

The secret method is not enough to explain Kane Lu's hand.

It can be said that being able to lift such a heavy hand will delay the strong man even in the air, which means that the two have a level of strength gap.

Although the brawny man is not a witch wizard, he is already top-notch in terms of his demonstrated strength.

So what level is Kane higher than one level? Super first-class, legendary, even holy domain, this is the king-level existence that can control a domain, whether it is in front of the stage or behind the scenes. I did not expect to encounter it here. It was really shocking and fortunate. Table dinner is almost the same.

But at this moment, a thin figure ran in from the outside with a slight panic, a sweat, glanced at the situation in the field, and then apologized to Kane with a humble expression: "I'm really sorry, my friend's wine The wind is not good. If you drink too much, you will like to stroll around and say that it is to go to the small solution, and the result is ... "

Kane smiled and waved his hand, interrupting: "Look at you so sophisticated, a similar relief, haven't you dealt with it less? But this time you have lost your bet. I noticed your perception snooping early in the morning. Just see the situation is not good. Running low and low, apologizing, ah, you might as well not show up, so I said you lost.

The thin man begs in a humble look, but his hands are not honest, and his wrists are turned, and there are more objects.

However, how could Kane let him activate it, a finger away, the thin man could not move.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room suddenly solidified.

It is mainly the two hands of Kane Lu, even for the extraordinary, they are a bit incredible. It can even be said that the more you know how to do it, the more you feel afraid.

The messy but not high footsteps sounded from far to near, the club management arrived, headed by a middle-aged man with a slightly higher hairline, sweating, and wondering how hot it was.

When he saw Kane, the middle-aged man got out of his seat, and the group of people behind him also learned everything.

The salute was accepted, but there was no need to talk nonsense. The middle-aged man just said ‘I ’m sorry. Kane interrupted: "It has little to do with you, and it ’s not bad as an entertainment program. Okay, let ’s go down first. Do n’t be annoying here."

"Okay, okay. Do you want to clean up here ..."

Kane's face sank: "Did I not make it clear?"

"Clear, very clear, I'm sorry!" The middle-aged man stepped back with his men, and he had realized that the two men controlled by Kane were afraid of bad luck.

He has no way to sit and watch. The transcendental is injured and killed in his club. No matter what the reason is, as a store, he has certain responsibilities.

But he understood that with the club's permanent guest secretary, he couldn't control Kane, but could only shake people for guidance.

Kane greeted the others in the house: "Don't let the little things go wrong, we eat ours."

Others also said that the face was very good, but they can really eat and drink as before, and none of them. They are all companions who do n’t care.

Kane did not care that people's performance was not in place, focusing on the food in front of him.

It took three or five minutes before and after, and it did not affect the quality of the meals.

The main feature of this meal is Sukiyaki hot pot. The feeling in Kane is almost the same as the common shabu-shabu in China. It's just that the soup is made of soy sauce, sake, rice wine, sugar and other ingredients, and then dipped in various special sesame tangerine sauce, and the ingredients for shabu are nothing more than higher-grade ingredients such as Kobe beef. More particular.

In general, it is no different for him.

But this season, it is quite suitable for eating this type of shabu-shabu, especially in the form of a group dinner, which is steaming, accompanied by white wine, the atmosphere is warm, the feeling is good, and the food is sweet.

Kane still retains the eating habits of the Huaxia people. He is eating hot meals, such as sushi and sashimi. Although they are special and delicious, they are rarely eaten at dinner.

The five extraordinary people who accompanied the meal, from time to time glanced at the two unlucky eggs set there like woodcarving clay sculptures, secretly marveling at Kane's strength.

The spells that are readily available are generally not long-lasting, but the current situation breaks the rules, and Kane has not recharged, that is, the power of one-time casting, it has been maintained steadily to the present, regardless of the two This unlucky egg exerts its ability, but it is still immobile, which is really powerful.

When they thought that Kane was going to humiliate each other by letting these two guys watch people eat well, and then wait for the shop ’s qualified people to step up and let Kane decently end this farce, Kay I have a new action ~ ~ Just listened to him: "I think you all eat almost the same. I think the next thing, even if it affects your appetite, you don't need to worry about waking up in the middle of the night."

As he flicked his fingers at the two unlucky eggs, two cyan flames flew onto them, and then ignited instantly.

The two suffered from immobility and inability to speak, and could only let the flame burn. The limb seemed to twitch with a slight amplitude but extremely high frequency. Instead, it made people see how painful the extreme punishment they suffered was.

One Xuan Ji was scared to death on the spot, and several others were inevitably disappointed. Although they had been trained, why had they seen such torture in person?

Even the transcendental inevitably sorrows and sorrows, and dare not look at Kane.

"Weak, ignorant, forgivable, but not arrogant." Kane watched the fire punishment, drinking a little wine, and the swaying fire changed the light and shadow on his face like a pervert ...

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