Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1219: Decree God Domain Kill 7 Gods

On the western edge of Tokushima City, Kane met Sutton in a ruined area bombed not long ago.

Sutton is not alone, with one hundred arms and one eye, his Titan brothers are beside him.

It is only limited by the current environment. It is not a huge Titan high as a mountain, but a miniature Titan over three meters high.

From the perspective of physique only, the postures of the Titans are fully in line with human bodybuilding standards, such as body-to-leg ratio and muscle layout, which are not what normal humans say they can grow into, but they are indeed pleasing to the eye.

In addition to the beauty that contains a strong sense of power, they also have the majesty that ordinary people cannot compare with anyway.

This majesty is actually a variant of Shenwei. The core of Shenwei is a dissipative influence after the fusion of its own power and the power of the divine soul. To put it bluntly, it is like the light and heat of the sun.

In addition to the highly recognizable one-eyed, hundred-armed, and other deities, Kane can't correspond to the characters in Greek mythology one by one, but it is not difficult to distinguish because of the obvious four elements of fire, wind and water. feature.

A total of seven came, led by Sutton. That situation reminded Kane of the inexplicable scene of the Marvel reunion group staged and posing Pose, each with its own characteristics, cool and coquettish, and a look between confidence and arrogance. There can be another suitable BGM, that is the signature Hollywood movie scene.

It's just that this thing appears in reality, and Kane can't help but want to laugh, just like the United Nations General Assembly, seeing someone with makeup to participate.

In the eyes of Sutton and his entourage, Kane and his two fierce puppets, the former is as deep as darkness, and they can't be seen through in any case, as if they are all inclusive and empty.

The latter is too simple, and at the same time too pure, that is, the fire of the curse, the core of the curse can also be explained by the concept of "burning embers", burning everything and ending everything. In scientific terms, it is through the deflagration reaction to quickly complete the heat.

Sutton said to his companions in secret words: "After listening to my secret code, I will try my best to concentrate my strength and kill him first."

On the surface, he said to Kane: "I am the king of the gods, and you are ..."

Kane didn't wait for him to finish his speech, he waved his hand with a smile, and ordered Lihuo Puppet: Kill!

Sutton suddenly became furious, and he had never encountered such a rude person.

Especially after he showed his identity to a certain extent, even the Snake Father Igo did not let him come to Taiwan in person. What is this person in front of him, so wild.

But no matter what it was, the fierce puppet's rapid attack did disrupt the rhythm of Sutton and his party.

There was no need for a secret code at this time. Sutton brought today all the battle-hardened gods of war, which were immediately colored, and quite tacit.

The first is to use the element of the earth element to beat the hands and then push forward, creating a golden wave, the Lihuo puppet detonates, not only the Lihuo bomb becomes a more powerful nuclear fire bomb, but also the rate of fire is increased. It reaches 600 rounds per minute. The golden light from the God of Earth is aimed at the nuclear fire bombs fired.

Golden Light lags behind and weakens nuclear fire bombs like waters, thereby reducing its threat and gaining time for other deities.

Fengshen raised his hand and recruited a thick blue-violet thunder, heading towards Kane.

However, this lightning strike technique, which is first-rate in power and effect, is only a blinding eye method. What Fengshen really wants to do is to put Sutton into place instantly.

Lihuo Puppet itself is a barrier between Kane and Sutton, and Sutton and they know it very well that this barrier is not easy to pass. But on the other hand, shooting directly to Kane is the only correct way of thinking, because Lihuo Puppet is basically a weapon, and Kane is the one who uses and can repair the weapon at any time.

Sure enough, the Lihuo Puppet not only had a sharp offensive but also a good defense. Luolei had just spawned, and the Lihuo Hood constructed by the Lihuo Puppet appeared above Kane's head.

The thunder fell on this fierce fire hood, just like a waterfall flying spring broke on the rock and splashed four times in the shock, and was wrapped in a rolling fire, turned into a burst of thunder, and was fired Puppet guide to use.

The fire weapon used by Li Huo puppet master can be gun, knife, and whip. The length of fire whip can exceed 100 meters.

Gently shaking his hand and passing it to the end, it was like a python twisting, violently, and the blue shiny flame whip, although there was no burning temperature, but even a glance, even the heart felt palpitation.

The water **** on Sutton's side shot at the right time, and there was a lot of clear blue ice water in the thunderous sound of the water, as if connected to the plane of the water element.

Then he instantly became a tentacle, hundreds of water dragons entangled with Li Huobian. The shape of these water dragons is lifelike, and each scale armor is clearly visible, as if it is really a dragon that was drilled from the flowing water.

It's just that they don't destroy the pure and overbearing fierce fires. They are often twisted by the fire whip, and then broken and broken, even the rising white gas can be burned by the fire.

For a time, it turned out to be strong and full of fire.

However, after all, the water dragon still consumes the power of Li Huobian to a certain extent. More importantly, it hinders its offensive and allows the target to have enough time to dodge.

The Vulcan is slamming forward with both hands clenched, and an orange-red flame knife nearly 200 meters long is chopped down.

The blow was fierce and vigorous, and a scorch mark more than two meters deep and more than three meters wide was directly cut on the ground, and the flames were divided into flames.

On the basis of this flame belt, Hundred Arms punched a wave of punches. Twelve arms swung about two thousand times within a second, causing a thunderous blast and a large number of fluctuating light beams similar to energy bombs. Blaze to Kane with a flame.

The one-eyed also joined in the excitement, and the huge purple light emitted from the huge eyes, like a laser cannon firing, and the bright and extremely binding energy shot at Kane.

It is said that this brother of Sutton, possesses divine power, which represents the power of destruction, and is one of the twelve primitive forces of the world from birth to destruction. Very domineering.

When the gods set fire to Kane, Sutton, who came from the thunder, was responsible for restraining Kane from the sky, so that he could not move at that moment, so as to withstand the combined attack of the gods.

Kane actually did not plan to move at all, there was no need for that.

Since his return, the enemies he has dealt with, whether it is the low-level old Zhiraki, the Nordic Four Winds God Deer, or even the divine bomb that overwhelmed him by the death vine incident, are considered more distinctive.

This feature is mainly reflected in two points, one is strong erosion, and the other is strong pollution.

Therefore, once contaminated, it is very difficult to deal with, either spend a lot of time or spend a lot of resources to settle.

But this wave of enemies in front of ...

Kane can only say: "Although the power you use is relatively rooted, pure and tyrannical, but it has few characteristics that you have given it. It is obviously not on the same level as me."

To put it more bluntly, the gods of Sutton rely on their faces to eat, what their talents are, and what they use now, basically do not join their own way.

Compared with him, this kind of **** is like a primitive man who is a king of fists, and his physical fitness is really nothing to say. It is as if the modern East African nomadic Maasai have a maximum vision of 5.0, but what about? Compared with Kane, it seems to be equipped with a power armor suit and holding a laser cannon. This extra bonus makes a huge gap between each other's actual combat capabilities.

Blaze knives, wave punches, eyes of destruction, and the dark thunder of Sutton plus yard, all hit Kane.

It's a pity that it didn't break the thinner film than ordinary paper.

This dark field film is attached to Kane's body surface and even integrates with the clothes. It brings some brightness to the clothes, just like the gloss with a little more chemical fiber content and wearing for a long time and polishing.

It is this membrane, which decomposes finely, but contains a deep dark space like mustard seeds.

The attacks of the four gods were all swallowed by them, but the part with divinity was immediately vomited out, thus forming a gorgeous colorful brilliance, and some of them may misunderstand as Kane's defense.

A few Suttons can naturally feel their own divine power. After all, the essence of this power is divine thought, which is used to combine with extraordinary energy, control extraordinary power, and finally turn into divine spiritual power.

Now seeing that Kane easily strips the supernatural power from the divine power, swallows the supernatural power, and the divine power is expelled. Naturally, it is to know the level of production and use of divine power by both parties, not at the same level. Immediately a retreat emerged.

However, Kane was not just a target who was beaten and did not fight back. He was beaten this time to seize the opportunity to lock the attacker.

Sutton was the first to be locked, and his dark thunder, in Kane's case, was a bane. And the power of darkness is not Sutton's talent. It was He who was relying on the dark crystals in a crypt to linger on and breathe, and the drinking thrush quenched his thirst.

When he killed everyone and Sutton, he discovered the dark crack that benefited from the channel he connected to the dark dimension, and the dark crystal that was bred through the dark power that was constantly pouring into the dark crack.

At that time he knew that Sutton's blackening problem was originally serious. Compared with him, Sutton is like an uncontrolled addict taking opium and slag, and is falling faster.

But now it seems that it is still a bit slow. He left this world and took a wind of 30,000 years. When he came back to look at it, Sutton was still like that. The snake father Igo gave him evil energy, and he himself relied on evil energy and the power of darkness to compete with himself The origin of the power has reached the most stable tripartite balance.

But what about that? The darkness has penetrated into its body and soul, which is what makes it a grandson before him.

Sutton felt that he was suddenly caught in a static field. The black thunder he fired still exists, but failed to cause damage to Kane. Instead, it became a bond connecting each other.

It was through this bond that Kane in turn influenced him. More specifically, the power of darkness in Him suddenly went out of control.

This loss of control is not a riot, but the loss of all previous effects, as if they no longer exist.

With this situation, the balance was broken, and the evil energy immediately rebelled and launched a violent erosion on him.

He hurried out his own power and temporarily resisted the evil energy erosion.

However, the power of darkness sent out a charged blow at this time. The unprecedented violent and fierce, like a huge wave, directly flipped his small sampan.

The instinctive resistance of evil energy can be said to pour oil on the fire, and it was completely dismembered by the power of darkness in just an instant.

The external manifestation of the battle that took place in an instant is the original dignified majestic, armor magic light, Sutton, who is quite a hero, and suddenly the whole body is sprayed with miserable green filthy light and smelly liquid. These smelly liquid Soon after oozing out of the body, it began to accelerate volatilization, forming a very disgusting light.

These are the scum left after being transformed by the power of darkness.

Under normal circumstances, even in the natural universe, even God, it is difficult to completely separate the two aspects of pollution and darkness from the law.

However, Kane had this ability early on, and now it is even more readily available.

Correspondingly, a **** like this who cannot add a layer of ‘insurance’ to the extraordinary power through his own ‘Tao’ can be dismantled by a little grip by him.

So after Sutton, the second unlucky one was the one-eyed.

Not because his previous laser was strong enough, and his repulsion was strong, but his concept of power was broken. Each of these laws is one of the laws mastered by Kane, so it has a high priority, and it is easy to use its own Shen Nian, expelling the one-eyed Shen Nian who controls the power of destruction.

If it is in a dimensional world like the broken earth, one eye can fully exert its own divinity, even super play, maybe the two sides can still fight one or two moves, but here, even if the power of the god's soul is pure enough, there is no Kane had a high priority for the power of the soul brought by the technical bonus, so he was countered when he couldn't do anything.

In the external performance, Kane just glanced at one eye. The one eye was like a leaking ball all over the body. The whole body spewed purple burst light and fell into a state of runaway.

Next is the hundred arms and fire gods who use the wave punch, and they also fell into the dilemma of divine power disintegration after a moment, but on the surface, it looks like they are performing some arcane power storage, energy surging, illuminating The surrounding airspace even formed a wave of shock waves with great momentum.

In addition, the three gods saw Kane turned from the guard to attack overnight, counteracting the four gods who attacked him, where there is the courage to fight again, and now turned into a three-color light to try to run.

The space-moving technique they used was similar to the phantom shifting, but it gave the elemental characteristics. Like the earth god, it had a taste of earth escape, trying to hide under the nine earths and sneak away.

The water **** is characterized by thousands of incarnations, as if he were small and alienated water vapor, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

The character of Fengshen is fast, Yufeng Qianli disappears from the field of vision in a blink of an eye.

Kane did not panic and hurriedly secretly laughed: "Do you think that I demarcated the battlefield just to avoid spreading innocent people?"

Although Sutton and his party took the initiative to kill him, he did not meet at the Takagawahara he had planned, but this was unexpected and did not constitute much hindrance to him in building a new battlefield.

Moreover, he sent Lihuo puppets to fight, but he had the suspicion of being foul and watched the enemy. Even if he was attacked together, it was a positively accepted practice, and there was a reason.

The lion beats the rabbit with all its strength. This has always been his words. What's more, he didn't play tricks on Sutton and his team, nor did he have any demands on them, so he didn't need to prove to him that he was strong, so why not start first, but fight back after being beaten?

It is to arrange the battlefield.

And this is his usual style.

At that time, when he met an enemy, he was used to attracting the opponent's attention by mouth guns and small movements, secretly making big fuss, increasing the success, and then exerting his strength to take down the enemy in one fell swoop, and did not give the other party the opportunity to show backhand.

Although he has become much stronger in the past 30,000 years, this habit has not changed.

So whether it was the earth **** who dived under the earth, or the fast **** of wind that ran fast, he was surprised to find that there was endless darkness waiting in front of them. It's like a barren deep space that can't even shine through the stars outside the universe.

Naturally, they soon realized that they had not been able to escape Kane's control zone, but they did not have the courage to 'turn back to shore' at this time, but rather tried to crack the mysterious lock in front of them.

The mystery lock here refers to a large-scale enchantment prohibition system. The DND universe transcendental person is very accustomed to this interpretation.

For example, the famous legendary master of the Feren mainland, Herast Black Robe, uses a fan lock. In the underground world of Deep Water City, he has circled his own underground city, and many adventurers have fallen into it. These adventures alone The various kinds of equipment carried by the participants will attract more adventurers to explore, and then form a stronger and stronger gravitational effect.

However, Kane actually uses the law of God domain, which is the same as the fan lock, but it is a higher level.

This special area of ​​law was only obtained after Zhao Wenrui broke into the kingdom of the gods of the Yashan World.

Later, the knowledge of the old dominators was added to improve.

After getting into Kane's hands, it was another change. Kane incorporated the relevant knowledge, or ideas, that he had acquired when he was the Lord of the Death Star in his previous life, and he had the domain of the law.

A simple understanding is that through the legal system, certain sacrifices are selectively made, so that the God Realm is more in line with the law system of the main material world, so that a temporary above-ground God Kingdom can be established.

This is typical of bullying Heavenly Dao with only attributes and no consciousness.

For Sutton and his party, it is equivalent to breaking into the kingdom of God of a certain creation **** level.

So Kane was funny before. What caused Sutton and his party to be confident and took the initiative to come over.

Now, the reason is simple: ignorance.

Although they are both gods, Sutton and they are so different from him. Their divine instincts can't perceive his strength.

That is to say, there is no psychic warning sign that ‘this is going to be dangerous, and it may be lost forever’. And the Suttons, who have always trusted and even relied on divine instincts, did not think that they would encounter enemies this time.

When I met, I realized something was wrong.

Because he can't see through him.

This is understood in a certain way. Only when there is a difference of two levels can such a thing happen.

In fact, there are more than two levels different from each other.

Although they can be regarded as primitive gods that can live forever without relying on the power of faith, Sutton still has the **** king level, the creation (creator) level, and he is a higher level creator.

Although Sutton was once the king of gods, it was only authority and title, a leader created by a group of gods, not a strength level.

Judged by the DND system, the level of divine power is 18-20 to be regarded as the king of the gods, and the breakthrough of 20 is the level of creation god.

When Sutton was at its peak, it was nothing but powerful.

So even without considering the repression of the law of heaven and earth, it is normal for Sutton's consciousness to fail to see through him.

Of course, Sutton is also an old river and lake. If he notices that the situation is wrong, he immediately goes all out and makes a joint attack to do him.

The strategy is right, but unfortunately the strength does not support it.

Now trapped in the realm of law, he is not interested in Sutton's past, nor does he feel that there is any compulsion to enslave them, and what great benefits. Simply sacrifice directly to the darkness, and further win the darkness's favor.

In theory, he will eventually become a dark prey.

From a long time ago, he struggled with this, not only wanting to gain higher authority, but also fearing that he would sink.

Now, this question already has an answer.

He no longer pursues absolute eternal life now.

He only pursues a happy life.

What is consummation?

From a human point of view, there is no regrets, no worries, and even no interest in life.

At that time, the endless long sleep will be transformed into the old dominator, and it will be completely reduced to the incarnation of darkness. What does it matter?

As a person, UU reads and he is successful. This is enough.

This is not the consciousness of the creator, but the open-mindedness that has really reached a certain limit.

Ordinary life does not understand ‘eternity’ at all, and observing leopard in a tube would arrogantly say ‘eternity’, which is even more exaggerated than the nameless beggars imagined the richest man in the world And when I really had the opportunity to march towards eternity, I realized that 'eternity' is nothing but a kind of brain-greeted greed in human nature.

No longer speak of eternity, but seek life to the fullest.

The sacrifice of Sutton and other gods without blinking now gives Kane a good sense of satisfaction.

I think he used to be concise and sloppy, and the use of waste, like Sutton, is bound to squeeze out the information, and then make puppets to play the surplus value.

Now it's a lot more casual, if you want to squander, you will squander.

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