Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1226: Zhenbei Xuelou exterminates the demon

In a quarter of an hour, the wizards sent by Kane to visit the prison came back.

This time no one can maintain an indifferent attitude. They are all frightened, but the ratio of fright and anger is not the same. Several of them are pale, and they should have vomited not long ago.

Kane glanced across the crowd with his eyes jumping with flames and said, "I am quite satisfied with your expression, proving that you have not forgotten that you are an individual."

The rumbling winds couldn't stop Kane's voice. His voice was not high, but it could be heard more clearly than speaking in the ear in the general sense.

"Then next, I will kill all the creatures that committed this disgust, and brutally kill them. Do you have any opinions?"

"No!" Someone answered loudly.

Others shook their heads vigorously.

"Double repay!" More people gritted their teeth.

"Okay, I just thought that the Ministry of Magic had agreed that I was going to kill, and the Yi people were extinct." Kane's tone emphasized that there was not a lot of fireworks, but the wording was quite bad, which made people think about it.

Next, a group of people followed Kane and marched northeast.

Kane has vaguely perceived the general direction of the new clues by using the law of cause and effect based on the information obtained from the prison.

Faced with this serious incident, other wizards are also happy to see a leading presence in the circle take the lead. It ’s just that when they came, they were a little bit unprepared. They did n’t expect that there would be a snowstorm here, and they all wore less. After such a period of time, the power of ice and cold had already appeared on them, one by one. Can only grind his teeth.

As for using spells to keep out the cold, it can only be said that, at least for them, spells are not a panacea. And the blizzard here has extraordinary qualities, which can shorten and offset the effects of related spells to a considerable extent.

Although Kane was not happy to be a nanny, he did not just watch these wizards freeze into silly birds, and then waved his stick: "Fire of life!"

This technique is different from ‘Endless Life’. It is based on the ‘Super Demon Seal’ and is already a puppet technique.

The effect is indeed better, and the wizards feel that the heart pump is significantly slower but more powerful. A large amount of warmth will be pumped out every time, and at the same time of circulation, the heat will be transferred to the limbs, and soon it will not feel cold.

In this way, there was a little more respect in the eyes that looked at Kane secretly.

In the small town of Shapuk, adults are sparse, and the buildings are built one by one or low-rise buildings in order to facilitate heating. There are basically no independent houses, so the distance is a little far away, but the goal is relatively easy to find.

About twenty minutes later, a group of people came to the northeast corner of the town. In front of them was a four-story building, which looked like old houses like other houses here.

This is the school in the town. The primary and secondary schools are all concentrated here. Now ...

Already became a military facility, Kane and others approached a distance of about ten meters, and gun barrels were suddenly found in dozens of open windows and opened fire.

For a time, the dull thunderous gunshots were mastered, and even the screams of wind and snow were suppressed.

In the face of this attack, the wizards instinctively cast spells, or shrugged their necks.

However, in either case, it is useless work. Kane ’s control is more subtle than they thought, so that it contains commands with excessive emotions that cannot be issued at all.

However, Kane was strong enough to set the light curtain with a very timely swing of his cane, so the projectile hit on the light curtain turned into a spark, and then the potential energy collapsed and the warhead fell to the ground.

"Elemental stripping!"

A bright stream of light came from the tip of Kane's staff and flew into the building, ‘Om! 'The entire building glowed with gold, and then instantly turned into powder.

This trick looks more like using the repulsive force of the Four Forces, so that all matter has reached a nano-level destructive crush.

But in fact, it is only for the earth element.

And there is a similar effect of flesh and blood ashes, leaving only the skeleton.

All silicon materials are turned into powder, ‘Woo! ’S piled up on the ground, and what remains in the air is the reinforced steel framework of the building, including concrete floor slabs, and wooden furniture. Of course, all the creatures that shot at everyone are also completely preserved.

"It turned out to be a goblin!" Michelle couldn't help speaking.

Although the other wizards were also surprised, they were very self-knowledge, but they were amazed in their hearts, but did not speak out.

Kane, this is the second spell "Drilling Heart!"

The three unforgivable curses, Neville Longbottom's parents, were tortured by Death Eaters using this technique.

And what Kane is playing is the powerful version.

He locked all the targets in an instant, and the light beam emitted from the tip of the wand exploded into hundreds of scarlet stars with large match heads, and slammed toward the target.

Don't look at these red stars are very small, the brightness is not high, but the presence is very strong, the wind and snow in the sky can not be covered at all, they can even draw a clear trajectory in the sky, it will take a few seconds to dissipate.

This is a destructive force with divinity, and the effect of being hit by it is also terrifying.

The wizards saw that after the fairies were hit, the flames spread like a ring of fire, and the area eroded by the flames became black.

This process is neither fast nor slow, but extremely painful. This can be seen from the reactions of the fairies.

The screams they made made people feel chilled in their hearts. They were not personal experiences, and it was impossible to imagine how miserable the screams could be.

Any resistance is futile.

The wizards saw that the goblin tried to hide, and even the phantom shift was displayed, but it was still caught up by the slow and fast red star, and then the effect of the phantom shift was interrupted, causing it to fall out of the state and take a blow.

Some goblins resist casting spells, or cast spells on themselves to remove magical effects.

It must be said that, at least in this era, the elves are generally superior to wizards in terms of extraordinary spellcasting, and they are even more cattle than domestic elves. Some do not even need to hit fingers, they just use silent and instant spells.

But in the face of Kane's blow, the powerful reaction and superb technology have become meaningless. Those scarlet light spots are like unsolvable. Instinctive convulsions and shudders, an inch and a half in the wailing of extreme pain and despair.

Within a few breathing hours, more than a hundred fairies turned into scum in the sad death chorus. Even the mentally prepared wizards couldn't help the cold in the back of the scene and swallowed secretly.

They didn't sympathize with these fairies, but just instinctively feared Kane's killing methods.

Kane's "Yizu genocide", which he said in front of the prison gate, became a lot heavier when I think of it again. They realized that the killing in front of them was just the beginning ...

In the HP world, fairies are the same species as house-elves, and house-elves are variants cultivated through alchemy on the basis of fairies.

There is also a famous hall called extraordinary domestication.

The goblin was naturally indignant and complained, but it was useless. Because of the differences in species, human beings are comparable to dads in the lighthouse country after World War II. Their father is much more ruthless to the son of the foot basin. What is better is not a matter of comparison.

Is this a feud?

Of course it is.

At least from Kane's perspective, this is even a deadly feud.

If such a thing is done, the population of goblins should be completely wiped out, otherwise there will be problems sooner or later.

In fact, he had discussed this issue with the adult wizard in the pig's head bar in the past.

Wizards generally think that his worries are unfounded. Wizards believe that in this era, the power of humans is far beyond the reach of fairies.

And Kane naturally scorned the wizards' practice of including the power of mortals into their camps.

Another reason why the wizards believe that the goblins will not cause problems is that they believe that although the extraordinary glory of humans is no longer, the goblins have also been affected by the end of the law. Specifically, they turned sexual and became keen on Jin Jialong.

Kane remembered asking back then: "So, what does a fairy make so much money for?"

The wizard said, "Of course it is enjoyment."

He asked again: "So, how have you seen the goblin enjoy it?"

The other party was speechless and began to answer lazily: "Who cares about the specific lives of those guys?"

Kane still remembered that he said at the time: "Born in sorrow and died in peace. Look at the teeth and details of the fairy, and you will understand why I said they will cause trouble in the future."

Fairy teeth are sharp, just like piranha teeth. Many little wizards who go to Gu Ling Pavilion for the first time to exchange for Jin Jialong will be scared by goblins, not only because of their ugly appearance and their own sinister smiles, but also because of their teeth.

This is actually a warning from life instinct. During the long evolutionary process, human beings gradually know their position in the food chain, which ones are suitable to be prey, and which are dangerous.

What does fangs mean?

This is actually the reason why the Tibetan Mastiff is the last beast in dogs.

The mouth can see the main food type of a creature.

People are omnivorous and have molars.

All are fangs and must be meat.

Carnivorous organisms occupy a high position in the earth's ecological food chain. Naturally speaking, they are predators, and they have a ferocious nature that herbivores do not possess.

Then the goblin's fangs did not degenerate into a more human-like tooth structure like a house elf, but it was inherited from generation to generation, but it was preserved, but it was doing work in the extraordinary circle mainly in the financial services industry. It seems that it is intelligent reason, which suppresses the cruel nature.

Once the sheepskin is in place, the wolf is the wolf. Once there is a chance ...

Therefore, when Kane saw that this time it was a goblin, it was not surprising, but a little surprised.

What surprised him was that the goblin had been suffering for so many years, and he looked at the magic wave for 20 years, but he refused to bear it. It was unwise to expose such a cruel side!

You know, in his cognition, goblins are both cruel and savvy creatures. They are very good at learning, and their economic sense of smell is particularly sharp. Like the capitals of the world, by manipulating finances, they have pinched the lifeblood of the wand wizards of the world.

And the goblins clearly also know the relationship between money, power, and power. They are far more advanced than ordinary wizards, and there are few extravagant consumption behaviors. On the contrary, they are human wizards, one by one who seems to be able to shout five things. The uncle who served is actually more like a breeder, while human wizards are like pigs and sheep in captivity.

At least in Britain, this situation is already very obvious, not a sign. Like the Malfoy family, they did not hesitate to make concessions on the goblin side in order to fight for power and gain profits, so as to obtain their support. The pure-blood families abound, even Voldemort relies on the goblin financial support, otherwise his team is afraid of even bigger activities Are difficult to hold.

As for ordinary wizards, the broken cauldron bar and the midnight bus are actually the epitome of ordinary wizards who enjoy life with their brains but are long and poor. Like most modern Europeans and Americans, they do n’t care about politics or national affairs at all. Extremely dull, this is actually a typical example of being pigs.

Of course, in this regard, Kane is grateful for the red education he received in his hometown. After all, everything is afraid of comparison. Take a look at those yellow-skinned banana people in the Pacific. They are not sensitive to national events. They close their doors to live a small life. Europeans and Americans who will fight for their own rights and interests look surprised.

In Kane Elementary School, he will carry ‘family affairs, national affairs, world affairs, and concern for everything. ’So there is enough sharpness in this respect.

Even because of this political acumen, it will set a more ambitious goal, unlike most ordinary people in Europe and the United States who are raised pigs, and will enjoy life in the first place. Or, to achieve great achievements is part of his knowledge of enjoying life.

At least his generation, most of them have this spirit. Of course, there is a lack of necessary conditions. After being beaten by society, we will pay more and more attention to "down to earth", and finally the burden of life will become heavier and he will be relieved. But at least this cognitive thinking seed is retained, even if it is a keyboard man, it will bloom if conditions permit.

After his return, he unconsciously substituted himself into the actual role of the savior. Part of the reason is that this kind of ‘world ’s thing is my business. Whoever destroys harmony and stability should die. ’Political mentality. In other words, the consciousness of the Zhao family.

Now, he feels that extinct goblins, or a good idea.

And this attitude, even if it only reveals a little bit, is combined with his divinity, is not trivial, especially for the perceptive superhumans.

Michelle was frightened. At this moment, Kane gave her an indescribable strangeness. Although her skin and even her demeanor had not changed, she thought that the fairies who had occupied the building before and shot themselves had their crimes and deserved to die. Just think Kane made her inexplicable. Intimate love has long been lost in the Kingdom of Java.

Kane also felt the changes in Michelle's emotions, whispered, and secretly said: "Sure enough, it was expected that the way of meeting largely determines the direction of emotions. Superficial intimacy often cannot withstand the test."

All goblins are dead ~ ~ The dust is settled. Without Kane nonsense, the wizards stepped forward to search for clues.

Some people noticed the magic firecrackers used by the goblins. The shape looks like a heavy antique flintlock gun. The barrel has six sides inside and no rifling. However, the fine details can make people with some knowledge move.

First, it is a magical artifact. Not only is the warhead, but the firing principle is extraordinary, is the use of magic.

Secondly, it has the characteristics of technology-side equipment, mechanical processing, standard general parts, and mass production.

The combination of the two is enough to reflect the weight. You know, the International Federation of Magic So far has not had a modern weapon that combines mortal technology.

The goblin got it, and it became popular.

When Kane was chatting in the bar, he asked, ‘Goblin is greedy for money, but he did n’t enjoy it. What did the money do? ‘It seems there is an answer ...

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