Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1228: Success or failure still needs to be looked at

The **** of goblins fell.

It was n’t Kane ’s pot, but the **** had already realized the sacrifice, and he used the forbidden technique when the two sides met.

Gods also have the concept of forbidden art, the kind that can make God never exist.

It's just that there are such forbidden spells, even if the gods want to use them, they are all at that level.

It is only at the level of the creator, above the universe, and gods who have experience in the birth and death of the universe can develop this technique.

So it is self-evident who is standing behind the **** of fairies.

To be honest, Kane was a little puzzled about the ancient god's work.

Even if the environmental conditions of the time upstream of the dark HP world are better, it is still extremely difficult to train a **** out of the premise of not exceeding the limit and affecting the evolution of history.

He even suspected that the goblin **** couldn't even rely on the beliefs of goblins. After all, goblins also played an important role. And whether there is a race god, when he competes with the ancestors of wand wizards for superior hegemony, the performance is absolutely different.

The sacrifice is high and the difficulty is high, just to imprison a special incarnation of him?

As it is said at this moment, one after another, since the destruction of the Warhammer universe, his overall strategy has been greatly adjusted.

I used to think that using secondary avatars to collect resources and accumulate information based on mysterious elements in the multiverse is a very reliable thing.

But now it is not.

Because every harvest of the secondary avatar will eventually become the brick that casts the main body, the higher the proportion of resources sent by the secondary avatar, it means that once the secondary avatar is wiped out from time, his' The greater the main building's defect.

This causality is the focus of his attention today.

His main operation now is not to spread the stall, but to fill all the loopholes.

After the loopholes are completed, what he has acquired over the years can really be a real hammer. Thus basically benefiting the invincible.

The ancient **** who was offended by Zhao Wenrui is such an existence.

Precisely because there is no cause and effect, he cannot find a suitable ‘knife’ and take the opponent to death by taking risks. Otherwise, with his struggle experience stepping up from the grassroots step by step, he did n’t feel that he would lose to the ancient **** in the frontal fight, and it would have passed straight away.

What about resources? But a fat pig who has lived a few more years, he is confident that through efficient use of resources, if the resources are far inferior to the other side, the other side will be killed. The premise is to find the 'knife edge', soft ribs, and cover the door. The argument doesn't matter. In short, it can make the opponent have to consume several times the ordinary energy and resources in order to maintain the shortcomings. Otherwise, he will be tortured to death.

Under the premise of trapping strategies, the dark HP world is the biggest and darkest, but also the most important pit. It is the source of his rebirth.

This pit is blocked, other pits, like the StarCraft universe, the abyss world that has a contract with the **** Eugen, the dark old dominator universe where the salary king Kane and the black Kane have settled down, and even C Kane is renamed 20K Man Marvel's Marvel 19999 universe parallel universe, etc., even if it is lost, will not let his 'main building' collapse.

What's more, these universes are more difficult than one, and it can even be said to be a black pit that can in turn sink the ancient god.

In the dark HP universe, he currently has the upper hand. The law of darkness is banned. As long as this ‘pot’ is not broken, no matter what, it is nothing but meat in the pot, which will eventually rot in the pot. Even from a certain point of view, the more troublesome it is, the more quickly the possibility of evolution is exhausted, so that he can stew ‘this pot of meat’ in a shorter time.

After all, from the perspective of the creator's information, the total amount of information in a single universe is endless. Since there is endlessness, it means that there is endless change. No matter how many digits the digital lock has, it has its exhaustion.

Perhaps for manpower, once the number is higher than a certain upper limit, it is equivalent to not being exhausted, but for the divine power of the life level, this upper limit can obviously increase several orders of magnitude.

In this context, the birth of each parallel world caused by the tributary of space and time, when the amount of water equivalent to the total flow of space and time in the universe is too much, even though it can form an extremely complicated and huge water network area, it will also make the The river of space and time cannot go east to the sea, and it melts early on the vast earth.

Putting this statement into practice is that the total lifespan of the single universe is severely shortened, and it is as splendid as a flower, but it will completely wither after a season.

So the big picture is in place, he is not afraid of the ancient **** doing things. He believed that the ancient **** understood this too.

But how do you understand?

Can't help it!

Just like he couldn't find the other's "knife edge", he could only cultivate himself and improve himself, but he could not take advantage of the relatively favorable situation spelled out by Zhao Wenrui and the ancient god.

But now that the ancient **** has made such a move, once he calculates the economic account, he is a little puzzled.

This can be much more expensive than the tempting light relics, such as Osiris of the Egyptian gods. Not to mention, things like the House of Time and Space are also purely made with resources.

You know, he is active in the main material world of the dark HP universe, although it is only a legendary rank, but his weight is definitely not light. Because consciousness is the devotion of the main soul.

The so-called main soul devotion is explained in more detail, that is, the idea of ​​the soul consciousness. If there are 100 active at the same time, then more than 80 of them are put into a body, which is regarded as the main soul devotion.

As for the 20, 10 of them are used to maintain the basic plate, that is, the legendary son of thousands of gold can not sit down, no matter what the big disaster, there is also a chance of a first-line turnaround.

The other 10 are used to maintain the conscious universe and interact with Hermione, Maria, Selena, Catherine and other family members.

And the proportion of 80% of the ideas is very gold in itself. After all, it also means that except for the information about the source of life, the other memories are all followed.

It can even be said that the memory information is tied to the thought, and the value of the thought is mainly reflected by the amount of memory information behind it.

Therefore, the body is legendary, but the soul is an absolute soul, and it is the level of the creator. This is why in the death vine incident, he made a clear move, the body collapsed, but the soul was not hindered.

Even if the opponent's erosion can exceed the limit at the critical moment, his soul can also exceed the limit. The opponent's damage to his defense cannot form a crushing trend, or even break the defense, it can't cause permanent damage to his soul. , Just consume mental energy.

If you want to imprison such a soul through the House of Time and Space, it may be an astronomical figure after the cost of sending it to the upstream of time.

It is not because he used the limited "financial resources" to set up the law of darkness to block the universe, which made it impossible for the deity to travel to the time of the dark HP universe. Afterwards, did he turn out to be sick and disgusting?

Now actually come up with this trick that is second only to sending him to the upstream of time, even if it is calculated, even if the ancient deity is indeed rich, the wealth of the private treasury will have to be one of ten if this is done two. After all, logistics consumption is a big head, spanning the distance of the distant multiverse, and after reaching the ground, there may be no power left.

What's more, the ancient **** and Zhao Wenrui were torn apart, and they were hurt.

"It looks like a faint trick!" That's why he was confused. "Can't figure it out, can't figure it out!"

If you ca n’t figure it out, do n’t think about it. He already has the relevant backhand, and he is not worried that he will be out of control because of his imprisonment.

Take a ten thousand steps back, if it is really impossible, he only needs to initiate self-destruction, and the body will wake up, which is equivalent to 80% of the return of the idea. It's just that the loss is a bit big and it needs to be raised for thousands of years. But the information he carries will be erased, and will not rot in other pots, or get it by anyone.

It was precisely because he obtained the relevant inheritance from Zhao Wenrui, and then developed this trick, he dare not worry about the white dragonfish suit being pitted, while experiencing life in person, extinguishing fire everywhere, maintaining the overall civilization of the dark HP universe's main material world The state is not too much affected by extraordinary.

As he was imprisoned, the corresponding procedures were indeed initiated.

The first is that the connection between the universe of consciousness is closed on the other side.

The universe of consciousness and the body of the soul of the soul are unified, and the body of the body of the soul and the law of darkness are in a state of fusion.

In other words, Kane's real ontology is outside or above the entire dark HP universe.

This is also a necessity. After all, he is already the creator. Except for the universe he created by himself, it is impossible to enter any single universe in a complete state.

The law of the dark world banned represents his strongest state at present, and the fusion of his soul with it is both control and protection. As for the **** body, it is in the conscious universe.

After breaking the connection between the legendary avatar and the conscious universe, the spirit soul splits 1% of the mind, assigns a body of legendary rank, and then directs it to the incident site of the main material plane, that is, Xueling ’s Check the situation there.

For wizards such as Michelle, 1% Shennian and 80% Shennian are no different, they are all the same out of reach, and they can be suppressed only by force.

They didn't even know what happened, they just thought that Kane had already completed the exploration of the Goblin Underworld, and also thought that Kane's efficiency was so high, after all, it was less than ten minutes ...

Since the previous thoughts were synchronized, the spirit body, and even the current avatar, are no strangers to Michelle.

But when the connection to the conscious universe is broken, it is no longer synchronized.

This is also to prevent the pollution of consciousness caused by the trap of 'Ten Thousand Years', even if 80% of Shennian's avatars did not fall like Black Kane in the House of Time and Space, they were only imprisoned for ten thousand years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. The accumulated negative emotions will also hurt the spirit body, and even change his core thinking.

Therefore, the deity of the soul must ensure the purity of consciousness as much as possible, and it does not accept sudden addition of information, especially the memory information of the "direct writing" category, which requires more caution.

This point, Kane has been vigilant for a long time, which is also a major reason why he sent a secondary avatar to ‘hit the world’.

Because the earlier the will is, the weaker the will is and the lack of tenacity, just like the seedling stage of the towering big tree. The day when the canopy of the canopy covered the sky and the sky like a dome.

And after 30,000 years of down-to-earth life and absorbing enough information through third-party reading, Kane is now in his infancy. Will not die easily.

However, there is still a need to prevent the situation. The embankment of thousands of miles was destroyed in the ant den, and you ca n’t be arrogant as a man, and so is God.

Breaking the channel of consciousness space is equivalent to opening the main insurance. Although 80% of Shennian avatars have experienced even a splendid life in the future, they will not receive huge soul gains from the first party in the future. Don't be greedy for this fat, but also avoid unnecessary risks.

In particular, he is still in a state of war with an ancient **** who is so powerful that his name is not convenient to mention. There are also many other enemies. For example, there is hatred with the old rulers.

The ally is reliable enough because he belongs to the new **** and he is so powerful that he is not qualified to match.

In this context, he should be more cautious. Once he fell, there would only be a group of crows pecking at the corpse, and no one would come to help.

As a messenger, Michelle and his party were relatively smooth. This is mainly reflected in the fact that Kane ’s “big killer” has not been used, which has attracted enough attention from the top level of the International Wizarding Federation.

The International Wizarding Federation has entered a sensitive state since the Halloween event in France.

In nature, this federation is based on Westerners.

Although there are magic wand wizards in the East, they are a bit shallower after all. In addition, the appeal of Oriental culture is also very strong. Whatever foreign objects go, they will become oriental with time.

It is for this reason that the Eastern wizards have quite a sense of self-constitution. Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that Western wizards are not very fond of Eastern wizards and form factions.

An important point of the extraordinary circle is different from the secular world is that the secular world, the lighthouse country as the only emerging power, overwhelming Europe, is the undisputed boss, especially as the old Maozi declines and falls, it becomes more domineering and leaking.

But in the more elaborate circle, the lighthouse country wizard is a real upstart. And once it's real, it's an ugly upstart that will definitely die at any cost.

So where is the core? Western Europe.

Therefore, the French magic world was almost subverted and killed, which is definitely not a trivial matter.

Moreover, the International Federation of Wizards also had to admit that without Victor Cullen, the great guardian, the French were almost over, even worse than Dongying.

Look at Dong Ying again. Similarly, if there is no gangster to save the scene, pierce the pustule, and wait until the evil prison actively breaks out, heh ... the consequences are not imaginable.

There is also the death vine incident in the lighthouse country, which shocked everyone to sweat, and it is still pending.

If this death vine begins to wreak havoc in the Amazon jungle with the title of "Lung of the Earth" ... the consequences are also dare not imagine!

This piece by piece, piece by piece, is a major event of national annihilation and extinction. The bigwigs of the International Wizarding Association have not been shocked and restless every day, which has proved to be a bit calm.

Against this background, the lobby where the headquarters is located was suddenly opened the space door without any prior contact. Such a compelling thing is enough to attract the attention of the big brothers.

So the people who received Michelle directly brought them to the big brothers. And these bigwigs did not arrogantly think that Michelle was talking nonsense.

Next, Dumbledore, who was involved in the public trial of suspects in the French Halloween event, which is dominated by the fairy Ethelon, the vampire Ludwig, and the Mist, was also urgently recalled in Wissengamo. Chairman.

After that, a group of people rushed to Xueling Valley through the space gate.

Seeing the large scene of corpses over a thousand and magic cannons over a hundred is naturally a variety of shock, panic, and fear.

The 1% Shennian Kane doppelganger was too lazy to play role-playing like his predecessor, and directly identified himself with Dumbledore and others.

From this, Dumbledore and others knew that this was the power that solved the crisis of Dongying evil prison not long ago.

The doppelgangers expressed their will to exterminate the goblins, and requested the International Wizards ’Federation to arrange the manpower as soon as possible to take over the extraordinary financial system under the responsibility of the goblins.

Dumbledore and others naturally changed color, and they would not doubt whether Kane had the strength to do so. They are not only worried about the sudden extinction of goblins, but also bring a major crisis to the financial circle of the extraordinary circle and even the entire extraordinary circle. What they are more worried about is that ‘the initiators have no future’.

Once this mouth is opened, the peaceful coexistence of human beings and other intelligent creatures has become an empty talk. The extraordinary intelligent creatures living in this world are not only goblins, but even if Kane has the ability to kill all non-human intelligent races without blood, and then?

Can human beings walk on the road of unity, love and mutual help?

No, humans will become more lonely and crazier.

The human beings here mainly refer to the transcendental, and also speak of the ecology of the transcendental circle.

But the extraordinary circle is bound to affect the world, so Dumbledore and others urge Kane to think twice about this example of genocide, at least in today ’s society.

Kane's doppelganger said that even if it was not a high-level genocide, it would be necessary to engage in clan genocide, and it must sit together. Fairies can follow the footsteps of the world and study magical artillery, magical guns and other new-age instruments. It is inseparable from the financial support of the entire ethnic group. This is the point. All fairies are guilty, at the very least, they must also bear the burden The curse inherited from the times is similar to the curse of the three laws of robots. Any thought that attempts to actively harm humanity will directly die once it touches the cordon.

Dumbledore was more white and left, and he tried to be fair to the goblin. Kane's avatar was very kind to let him visit the meat processing factory of Xueling Prison and the underground palace here.

The human bones that Shapke lacked are in this underground palace. There are no living people anymore, and even the bones are eaten by the stew. You can also find more horrible content in the detailed products, such as eating like suckling pigs.

It's hard to believe that fairies haven't done anything similar in the past. Maybe it hasn't been done on such a large scale, but with a long stream of water, the total number is absolutely appalling.

For this reason, Kane, who has always claimed to be sitting on the human position, even if he can put people into the natural food chain system of weak meat and strong food, he will still feel face pain and uncomfortable mood, and he will not scold on the spot: 'Go to his mother The words of "considering the overall situation" have been brought into play through the cultivation of 30,000 years. How can he be expected to bypass the goblin?

Regardless of the tortuous factors behind him, he must severely punish this ‘one’, and thus be wary!

Since Dumbledore taught at Hogwarts, he has not been humiliated in public in such a polite way.

He was very sturdy. He wouldn't flinch because of Kane's strength, but he had more to worry about. Rather than annoying Kane and spreading more lives, his personal honor and disgrace felt that he was nothing, and that he should be willing to give up.

So the wizards started to ‘visit’.

At this time, the key organ "House of Time and Space" in the Snow Ridge Palace was no longer there. Without it, this is just an underground stronghold for the fairies, which seems strange to ordinary people, but in the eyes of extraordinary people, it is uncommon. What catches the eye is nothing more than a matching facility with magic artillery.

Some people have already coveted, and feel that these creations of the goblins, and the technology represented behind them, once successfully absorbed by the International Wizards Federation, then the stability of the Federation and even the wand wizards, even the entire extraordinary world beneficial.

Isn't there a sentence: peace can't beg, peace comes from strength.

If the International Federation of Wizards has the power of absolute repression, which extraordinary small group or race dares to jump?

Therefore, thousands of mortal deaths are tragic. In their consciousness, it is not particularly a big deal. It is the attribution of the gun rod and the manufacturing technology of the gun rod.

Of course, they will not show it, and they will even be filled with indignation on the surface. After all, Kane's attitude is full of anger. The ups and downs are bound to be very ridiculous. These individuals in power add a little bit. They are basically partial to EQ. They are good at intrigues, trying to figure out humanity, and beating the horse ...

Although many of them have been gangsters for many years, this skill is just like learning to ride a bicycle. Once mastered and used for life, it will be used from time to time. , So it ’s never rusty, but returns to the original, quite clever ...

At the same time, 80% of the legendary rank body of the user, Shen Nian, left Leprechaun.

The so-called space-time house is not a small cage.

If this were the case, he would have noticed when he entered the cage.

At least a demigod-level transcendent (calculated by the highest one of the upper limit of the two indexes of spiritual flesh, the spiritual ceiling of the main material world of the dark HP universe is demigod, which is why some people in the ancient times can become gods, and they will rise after becoming gods Reason) can not be aware of, in order to pit him.

In order to achieve this goal, the fairy **** can only sacrifice himself, so that at a critical moment, in an undisputed state above Kane (technically regardless of Xuan Yu), pit into Kane.

And, this is not a once and for all thing.

Hanging to and dying are two concepts ~ ~ The ancient **** obviously also understood that if he casually supports a puppet god, he can tear up with Kane directly, then Kane is impossible. Become a powerful new **** who can threaten his existence.

Acceptable, if the **** of goblins has a little illusion, instead of sacrificing himself as soon as he comes up, and only asks for a step of pitting Kane, then the ending will be very suspenseful. Not pitted.

The **** of the simple goblin attaches great importance to carrying out the instructions of the ancient god. At this time, Kane has no chance at all, and can only do nothing.

The fairy **** is not flawed, so he can only find it from the House of Time and Space. Once you find it and crack it, you will be able to get out of the sky as soon as possible, but you can't find it. Most of you can only wait for the soul to be rescued or the self-destruction is over.

Therefore, Kane is like Alice who has entered the rabbit hole. Once in and out again, it is no longer the dark HP world he is familiar with, but a completely strange new world ...

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