Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1231: Cut off the honor and serve the sentence

At about 10 a.m., the sun rose into the air, with plenty of light, no clouds, and no wind. At this time, the sky in the Gobi Desert was always so intoxicating.

Under this azure blue dome, the desolation in the distance and the lush flowers and plants in the vicinity complement each other, making people feel more and more in this glass palace, blowing the central air conditioning, drinking drinks, listening to music A pleasant thing.

Of course, Adele, Ella, and Cork, as prisoners of the ranks, could not be pleased. Even, since enjoyment has long become a habit, I don't feel anything special.

Kane was thinking about this problem and decided roughly how to punish the three.

For the purpose of disguise and confusion, Miranda appeared beside Kane as a biochemical adjutant.

There are advanced 3D printing equipment on the Marsala, and related materials are not lacking. Therefore, Miranda uses evil spirit cells as the biological brain, and then installs a high-end mechanical prosthesis for itself. It is not a laborious task.

The outermost artificial skin is also made by Evil God Cell, and it looks like a high-end product. It is almost real, three levels higher than the artificial skin used by T850 in {Future Warrior}.

Miranda, dressed in a clean military uniform, looks like a dignified and enchanting female officer. She even has her own unique temperament, clear and intellectual, and a pair of black frame glasses adds a bit of style to it.

She walked in catwalk, graceful and graceful came beside Kane. After nodding her head, she stood leaning to the back of Kane, with one hand holding the back of the chair where Kane was sitting, sweeping Adele from the perspective Three people.

In contrast, Adele's little princess aura was ravaged and could not be compared, and Ella's aura of the elder sister was also much worse. As for Cork, as a boy, there was no comparison.

The waiter appeared on the tray, fruit, snacks, wine, served one by one, and withdrawn Ella they used before.

The cleaning staff also completed the work at this time and retired in an orderly manner. There were only five people left in the glass palace. The sound insulation system and shock absorption system made the noise impossible to enter. If it could not be seen through the display wall Even the scenery outside can't even detect the movement.

Kane said nothing.

Ela They didn't speak.

Miranda took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Commander, the Sandworm has been repaired, this is the latest statistics."

In other words, the wearable device on the wrist projects a holographic image. In addition to the video, there are more intuitive statistics and schematics.

Kane put down the glass and stared a few times, then nodded.

The damage to the battleship is actually quite serious, but the equipment on the Marsala is also equipped with powerful technology and near-universal evil spirit cells. Not to mention repair, it is not a big deal to rebuild a sandworm. engineering.

According to Kane's ideas, Miranda Supervisor's repair did not invest too much advanced technology, but was the most common "patching" repair with a strong personal style in the land area.

First cut off the damaged part, and then make up for the replacement, can be replaced, OK!

As a result of this, the rigidity of the overall structure naturally fell again.

But it's really nothing. 90% of all kinds of warships running on the ground are more serious than Sandworm. Some even run spontaneously and fall apart.

In contrast, even if the Sandworm was patched, it was an art-level patch, which made the Han people outside see it unconsciously, and thought that the rear was equipped with additional armor or magical modification.

Kane praised the old Maozi wind after the restoration.

"It's very Soviet, and we just want to do the Communist International, and the style of painting fits, no problem!"

As for the Soviet is the people's democratic dictatorship led by the party, and he is basically a dictatorship, not Soviet at all. He said that the issue of dictatorship can be discussed with Comrade Stalin.

Sandworm's personnel suffered a certain loss, Glenn's wife and young daughter died, and five other unlucky drivers also died in the incident.

For Kane, only seven low-level puppets with their own personalities were lost.

According to the puppet grading used by Kane, from S to F, seven centimeters, D \\ E \\ F are all low-level. This time, except for brain reform, only the most basic body optimization adjustments F-class puppet.

Kane felt that this was nothing to be distressed about, especially since he was not familiar with them and had never even met ...

Obviously, these are also two sets of standards.

The death of the crew of Sandworm was regarded by him as a kind of property loss, and when he was affected by himself, he felt offended by rudeness.

Although the members of the Sandworm, running business as part-time bandits, all kinds of killing and over-selling, organ trafficking are all done, it is in line with his hometown's saying that "the car and boat shop's teeth should be killed without crime" But private law lynching is also a kind of evil.

He was offended by this kind of evil, filled with righteous indignation, and produced a demand for justice for revenge. If other evil died, it would be bad luck. This is not what the two sets of labels are?

Fortunately, Kane also knew that he was not a good thing, so he did not put a face on the three Adele, righteously asked, why did the Marsala shoot the sandworm for nothing?

But for specific reasons, he still wanted to know.

And there is already an interrogation target.

"Commander, the authentic agent is ready."

Kane heard that he ended the review of Sandworm's loss and repair report and said, "Then use it for him." Kane pointed to Cork Reiter.

Cork heard his face and immediately turned pale.

Ella immediately felt the sorrow and death of the rabbit, she realized that she could no longer be silent, otherwise she would be pressed by the other party, and finally dignified.

She coughed, cleared her throat, and said straight: "This gentleman, I have something to say."

Kane made a please gesture.

"If Mr. wants to know what information, we have nothing to admit."

At this time Adele also broke the silence and interjected: "Yeah, honest and frank, it is the virtue we have, and we don't need to use any tactics."

Her voice was good, but because her face was swollen and her teeth were loose, she was a bit confused.

And Ella had reached out to Adele at this time, it was appropriate for her not to speak indiscriminately, but Adele still stubbornly expressed her attitude.

Cork raised his forehead and said: "Aren't you adding chaos? It's this time, what kind of majesty are you playing? You have the virtue, the other party uses the next trick. Isn't this a whip? The whip is now In the hands of others! "

Kane made a gesture, Miranda raised her hand, and discharged the air, Adele immediately convulsed and twitched, her eyes turned white, and her mouth foamed.

"Adele, Adele!" Ella shouted anxiously, realizing that Adele was not in danger of life. She could not help but stare at Kane and Miranda with hatred, but in the end she still controlled her desperate impulse, Growling with teeth: "What do you want?"


After Kane's short answer, he continued to drink and listen to music to see the scenery.

Ella has no desire to talk.

It was Cork, with a humble manner, and a smile on his face that pleased him: "Sir, no matter what your question is, despite asking, I know everything is endless."

Kane didn't seem to hear at all and continued to enjoy himself.

After a little while, the vomiting agent was delivered.

Miranda stepped forward and said to Cork: "Cooperate, or suffer?"

Cork looked sad, and he begged Kane for the last time. The little watery eyes looked like those of the cute and stupid little hamster.

Kane smiled and said, "The acting is well received. Just because of the hard work you performed, I decided to reduce your prison time for two months."

Ella ’s heart ‘cluck! "Sound. Although there has been some speculation before, the person in front of him is different from the general villain. It is likely that he will not take the ransom road, but will obtain profits by selling the information he is about to the business opponents of their respective families. Even the background of this person is a company or a family of gatekeepers.

But when the time comes, when I hear the word "serving a sentence", I still feel heavy.

She knows the reason of the night long dreams, the longer the delay, the more likely it is to breed new things.

Especially for her and Adele, the prolonged imprisonment will inevitably cause serious damage to the reputation of the two, and then encounter the hype of the interested person. It can be said that the future of the two is bleak.

As for Adele, she is now just a receiver with eyes and ears. The paralysis effect of the click is still continuing. She feels that even her ‘Aba’aba’ with her big tongue ca n’t do it, and it ’s hard to bend her fingers.

Soon, the two women were attracted by Kane's question and Cork's answer.

What attracted Adele was the problem itself. This question and answer made her understand that Cork had a dirty soul.

Cork urged her to use the temporary authority during the gilding period to order the Marsala to shell the Sandworm. The real reason behind it was only because she was jealous that some people were fighting for relief supplies, but he did not have his share.

This time the disaster relief money was made by the classmates of Cork and Adele, a 'genius' person who was quite eye-catching in the school, and he was also the chairman of the student union. He founded a charity organization at a young age, a new era 'S student role model ... In short, he has many auras of rumors.

As a result, he played a play where he hired someone to rob himself, and then the thief called out to catch the thief.

All in all, the Gran of the Sandworm is just a humanoid person who ate a little bit of scum, but because of the small character, he is more likely to be angered, and even if he is killed, he has no reason to say. Even if you know the truth about eating black and eating black, there are many people who applaud and applaud.

The specific cause is because of the bad luck of Sandworm.

If Gland follows the original established route to sell the batch of compressed box lunches, he may have spent a little money at a bar or at home at the moment.

After Kane took over the Sandworm, he wanted to buy the packed lunch with the compressed box lunch, so after nearly 48 hours, the Sandworm was turned back 180 degrees.

Here, the disaster relief materials were looted, and the fermentation was finished. The caring people like Cork basically knew what was going on. The Sandworms came together, did n’t they find it?

The active radar detection distance of the Marsala is fifty kilometers, which means that without the help of the satellite detection network in space, the whereabouts of the sandworm can be found, so that there is no need to be alarmed by the satellite detection network People, like the bed bugs, crushed the sand bugs, and let out a little discomfort in the heart. By the way, because of this incident, Adele can also make a deeper impression on himself. Why not?

The motivation is that simple.

And the interesting point is that the radiant genius student council chairman is precisely the in-laws arranged by the Weining family for Adele.

Although this is indeed a political marriage, it may not necessarily be a happy marriage or a fruit of love recognized by the parties.

This is what both sides are touting and promoting. The result was overshadowed by Cork Ritter's big mouth under the vomiting agent.

Although Cork Reiter had a bad image in the minds of the two women, the effect of the authentic agent seemed to be trustworthy.

As an arbiter, Kane showed a taste of restraint.

Without digging into Cork Reiter ’s privacy, he was able to shake out the scandals of himself, his family, and others he said he knew.

There is no pressure to ask high-value business secrets.

This made Ella vigilant and puzzled.

After all, she had always believed that Kane did not bother to make small money such as extortion, but through the detection of trade secrets and even the scandal hype, so that the group behind it cut large chunks of meat from their respective families.

But now it seems that this assumption is not true.

This made her more afraid. Kane's series of actions must be supported by reason. The more difficult it is to think about, the greater the damage.

Then Ella found out that Kane seemed to understand her thoughts, and said with a smile: "If I were you, I would now concentrate on how to spend my years in prison."

For the next four days, all three Ella lived under house arrest. Among them, Ella and Adele were detained together. The dormitory room of the mid-level crew was a temporary prison. It is fair to say that the days are not difficult. However, for the sake of comparison, the days that Ella and Adele have passed Compared with the present days, I can quite taste some pain.

Adele washed her face with tears, Ella bitterly, both thought that part of the prison time at the time, but did not know, compared with the real years of prison time behind, this is the last good time, but they are in anger and dissatisfaction Spent in the middle without cherishing.

Kane robbed the sixth day of the Marsala, the battleship vehicle came in the outer area of ​​the city of Aurora.

This is already the southern border area of ​​the fighting land, and beyond the rolling mountains, it does not belong to the category of fighting the land.

Rainbow City is a neutral city, at least nominally.

Like many cities, the official influence of the state is very weak here, and even the napkins of the corporate empires are similar.

The toilet paper is played by a gangster and used to wipe shit.

Napkins are played by the official, used to wipe the oil and blood from the corners of the mouth after gluttony.

At the same time, like other neutral cities, the two groups that are almost torn apart and tit-for-tat are secretly hated at the same time.

It's not because of neutral cities' pull, but on the contrary, it's because they are too fair.

If either side is strong, the neutral city will help the other side. It must be balanced so that they can meet each other and both sides want to shake hands. There are no doors! The key role of the neutral city is not the arbiter or the savior of the disadvantaged, but the **** stick. Just like the role played by the British Empire in Europe.

The most interesting point is that the neutral city is the one with the deepest background.

UA International, as well as its rival Societe Generale, is also a member of this type of neutral city in other regions, and it is also tickled by the teeth of the rivals in other regions.

On this planet, the pattern of forces within civilization is so interesting.

And Kane, intends to make this world a little more interesting.

That evening, he invited Ella, Adele and Cork to dinner at the Glass Palace.

Memory instillation + hands-on practice, in just a few days, he has a dedicated chef who can reproduce the food of his hometown in this world. So the color and fragrance of the dinner dishes are beautiful, needless to say.

"I invited three of you to serve several purposes."

Kane, who was sitting in the main table, gestured, and the waiters started serving and pouring wine.

Kane said: "From the perspective of including a period of time in the future, this meal can be said to be the last beautiful meal. After this meal, we will go to separate things."

Both Adele and Cork were surprised, and they couldn't believe Kane just let them go so lightly.

Ella heard something else. She knew that running things was not equal to freedom. There must be some difficulties here.

So next, the three of them dine with different moods.

Human adaptability is very strong, and now, the three are calmer than they were from the beginning. At least it's time to eat and drink. Especially when the food is still delicious.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food, almost eating and drinking, the program is coming.

Very bad show-big fireworks.

The scale is indeed grand. The most famous "Hongqiao Tiange" in Hongguang City was blown up and smashed!

The Hongqiao Tiange is part of the largest giant structure in the Rainbow City. It makes the whole Rainbow City look like a flower basket on the earth, and it is the handle of the flower basket.

It seems to be a rainbow on the cloud, releasing colorful light in the sunlight, and shining like a gemstone chain at night.

And if the field of view lens is zoomed in, you will find that this area is a wealthy area where luxury houses are gathered. A variety of luxury house designs subvert people's imagination, and the perfect combination of art and technology.

After the Marsala arrived in the outer city of Rainbow City in the daytime, the impostor Adele and his party visited the Hongqiao Tiange and took the opportunity to complete a series of invasions, as well as the placement of explosive bombs and detonated at this moment.

The explosive bombs are specially made, and the specific placement is also calculated through strict building structure blood, so as to ensure that after the explosion, the entire Hongqiao Tiange is exploded enough to be ignited at high temperature, which is gorgeous enough , There is not much residue.

The Marsala is more than ten kilometers away from the incident, but looking at this super large fireworks, it is just the distance, not only can appreciate the shocking magnificence, but also have a glimpse of the whole picture.

Adele couldn't keep up with the dining etiquette that had become a habit, and the spoon fell directly into the soup bowl.

Cork was shocked and scared, with a certain relief and excitement, and his mood was complicated.

Ella was dumbfounded, and then couldn't help it anymore, gritted her teeth: "You madman! There are more than fifty thousand people living there, there are old women and children, there are many innocent people!"

Kane put down his chopsticks, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and smiled: "Accurately, it is 26,378. Most of the temporary handymen have left Hongqiao Tiange at this time. They There is no right to spend the night in the Yao nationality area. Of the more than 20,000 people, more than 20,000 are close family servants of the child type, security personnel with loyal and professional skills that have been tested repeatedly, and the normal operation of the Hongqiao Tiange Of other staff "

"Of the Yao nationality with less than 5,000 people, the real upper class is less than one third. Most of them are successful professional managers, gold wage earners. Although they managed to have the title of Yao nationality, but even Without mentioning the unspoken rules of the three generations, from the perspective of power and profit, they are only high-level foreign servants. After all, their power and profit, and even status, are provided by their positions. They are competent and do not represent future generations. can."

"There are about 300 of the more than a thousand people in the upper class. This time is not in the Hongqiao Tiange. The situation here is not tense recently, and the nightlife of the rich people is very rich. They are all over the city, including the deaths on the ground floor. The scene of drag racing and cage fighting. "

"Aside from these lucky people, at least half of the remaining more than a thousand people are all kinds of breast milk. In the face, they do n’t have the power to fool, they are delicious and fun, but they have to be If you wait in bed in vain, without this consciousness, you will quickly fall into the dust, and you may not even know what to do. "

"So you see, there are only more than 400 people in the real Yao nationality, so few, you can't kill you!" Kane sighed heartily, and didn't taste a little bit pretentious and complacent.

Adele, Ella, and Cork all felt cold from the bottom of their hearts.

"What kind of demon head that hasn't been encountered for thousands of years!"

As a result, Kane again said: "If these people have a spirit in the sky, I believe they will be grateful to me. So maybe it seems to you to be particularly hypocritical, but it actually has his reason. This reason is mainly reflected in the perspective of looking at the problem . "

Kane smiled: "Relax, it's not a point of righteousness, justice, civilization, race. I want to say it's very simple. It's a grounded point of view. This angle is called" everything is afraid of comparison. "

"How do you compare?"

Kane didn't give the three people much time to guess, think about it, and directly answered: "This is more about the specific prison arrangements for the three."

"First of all, Mr. Reiter is the culprit. My treatment of you is Poison Duck. You have to earn 20 million star coins through this job to compensate my loss."

"Maybe you would say that even at the black market price, 20 million is enough to buy three brand new Wilde IIIs. But I have to say that the big head is the mental loss fee, and the life of my crew is very expensive. So, I suggest that you do this job actively and proactively, otherwise you may be dead, and the competition in this industry is quite fierce. "

Whether it ’s Cork, Adele, or Ella, you really want to say something.

But Kane didn't want to listen to their BB, so he took medicine in the meal and they are now paralyzed.

When Kane had sentenced Ritter's sentence, someone came to drag him down.

The implementation of this guy ’s sentence is the most troublesome, so ‘drug control’ is needed. As for what it looks like after being sentenced, Kane did n’t think about it.

The technology of this era is so wise, as long as Cork can go home, it is not a problem to change the body, and even there is a clone backup at home.

Of course, soul trauma is non-healing. Even if you change your body, even if you change your body, there is also a psychological effect. This psychological addiction is the real trouble.

When it comes to making money, 20 million is actually not a desperate goal, mainly because Cork Ritter ’s own conditions are not bad. Natural people, all of them are original from the whole body, which is very high-grade. If the mentality can be changed in time and strive to be a leader in the industry, it will be born in three to five years, provided that the broker is not so dark.

After completing the sentence against Cork Reiter, Adele followed.

"Born with a gold spoon, born and noble. Adele Weining, before the age of eighteen, you are enjoying the material benefits of civilization. I now want to ask: Why? I think the answer is luck, at least mainly The factor is luck. "

"However, if there is good luck, there is bad luck. If the parents who gave you blood represent good luck, I will probably represent your bad luck. From heaven to hell. This is my punishment."

"I will not move your body. The nearly perfect, 18-year-old young body will be sealed in the hibernation cabin, waiting for its owner to merge with it again."

"Your brain will be placed in a biochemical body, and before that, I will give away the unparalleled brain frame technology and protection technology, unless it is a weapon with a caliber above the cannon, it will not be able to break through this layer of brain protection. . And I will arrange a loyal and strong enough guardian to secretly stare at your every move to ensure that your head will not turn around, and finally I do n’t know where to sell. "

"Of course, this kind of protection measures are all charged. I arranged a profitable job for you, Liuying, uh ..." Kane touched his head: "Sorry, because of the lack of animals and plants, you may not understand I ’m going to change this word to a more popular one, standing on the street. "

"You might say that you can do other jobs and pay back the money. Sorry, it's not that I underestimate you, I think any other job is not reliable for you. As for the leadership position, many and many years ago, Some towns, through popular elections, let cats or dogs become mayors. "

"In my opinion, your biggest advantage is the cultivation of flowers in your home through the greenhouse. The personality, goodness, kindness, justice, of course, there are some negative, arrogant, indifferent and so on. Because it is a real performance , A character like yours is very attractive to people with psychological distortions. They are accustomed to rotten goods, but they have never seen your pure, even so-called noble personality, even if the body is biochemical, it can be sold. A good price. "

"But I consider your character and recommend you to go to a famous big shop. It's asking for trouble. Soon the mother there will soon strangle you with your own hands, so you still start at the lower end."

"And, I arranged for you, but the Weining family's industry. You may be incredible, but the facts will make you slowly believe that from the street to the high-end takeout, the Weining family has a one-stop system in this regard. The family's ancestor of ZTE relied on this business to survive the difficult period. Haven't you always quarreled and hated gilding, wanted to experience life, and sharpened yourself? Let's start with this most recognized branch of the industry. Ning ’s custom industry is much more than Weining ’s computer and power system, and at least does not need too many false advertisements and assassination of competitors. "

Adele was also dragged down. Looking at her confused eyes, it is estimated to be in a state of semi-collapse.

It doesn't matter, people are often tougher than they think. 10,000 steps back, but it's just a lunatic, how big is it?

In Kane's opinion, Adele's tenacious sentence ended, and he returned to his body. After returning to the Weining family, it was the beginning of the main drama ...

Finally, Ella Greenhill.

"I believe that from school to work, you never have the opposite **** kneeling and licking around you, and the secret love is more than you can count. Very proud, very fulfilled? Or, you have successfully jumped After immersed in this shallow sense of accomplishment and unable to extricate themselves, from time to time admonish yourself that your future is more brilliant, such as the stars and the sea. "

"I was born unequal. Some people have good talents, good backgrounds, a stable and affluent living and learning environment. When the elders were very young, they passed on various ways to impart valuable experience, so that they lost a lot. Detours and then glory all the way, even the so-called trough, is also the ultimate goal of many people. Unlike some other people, all the way is rugged, all rely on their own groping forward, use scars for shallow experience, life for money, a little start capital , We must catch up with health, even conscience ... "

"Jealous? Of course! Why not?"

"Perhaps in your eyes, this is called" poor plan, prosperity and conscience ", but in my opinion, these are called two very different stages, and the big ones are like animals and people. The former is for survival, the latter is for survival Can already talk about the realization of this high-end demand for self-worth. "

"What makes this happen, what makes the poor the poorer, and the richer the richer? What deprives the poor of free access to basic survival resources and opportunities to work, and then further squeeze and slowly bleed blood?"

"I say this, you may think it is alarmist. It has been said in the media reports that poor people have hateful things, that is, some people do not improve, that is, some people do not learn well, geniuses with good conditions are working hard, and fools with bad conditions. Why do n’t you understand struggle? "

"So the punishment I give you is the identity of the poor. I do not deprive you of the knowledge and skills, experience and vision that you have acquired in good conditions. I just change you to be a poor. Then I will throw you Into the waste street. "

"Is there any impression of the name. I think it should be. After all, you have researched for this, and wrote an essay and won the award. Waste Street was promoted by Greenhill Heavy Industry, but you think the Greenhill family backs this pot Very wronged. The people who briefly summarized the Waste Street are just a bunch of gangsters who are insidious and greedy. "

"You can conduct a long-term investigation carefully and carefully this time. UU reading does not need to go around like a leader inspection like that time. I do n’t need you to help me make money, because apart from customs, you a few, It is good to be able to guarantee that you can live healthier. So I want you to write me an investigation report of at least 100,000 words. When I said that the report was passed, your sentence is over. Give you a small Prompt, I like to talk with detailed data, do not like mandarins, empty words. "

"By the way, you can rest assured that I will also change your body for free. I will help you to change to a second-hand non-influent body. This is for your own good, otherwise you will be busy just dealing with organ theft and robbery I ’m not your father until I die, why should I take care of it? "

In this way, the three principals of the shelling of the Sandworm have all confirmed their sentences.

Arrangements in other areas were completed in one step.

Next, it will be the glorious curtain call of the Marsala, battle of warships.

The target, the Wujin Mine in Rainbow City, where a fleet of warships is watching ...

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