Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1233: Give the warmth without hard work

When the Sandworm rushed to the mine town, Kane had already arrived here for two days.

In the past two days, his main job has been to collect information. Now, he has a clearer understanding of the past and present life of Minkeng Town and the status quo.

Mine pit town is as its name is because the mine was built.

The main mineral here is iron pyrite, which is not as simple as the sulfur contained in ordinary iron ore, but the isotope of sulfur, which causes the iron ore quality to change, thus creating this peculiar iron ore.

If you must compare it, it is like the Uz steel ore of this era.

As we all know, Uzi steel is the main material for making famous Damascus knives. The variety of Uzi steel is certainly related to smelting, but more importantly, the ore is special.

When this kind of ore was mined, although there was a smelting process of Uzi steel, Damascus knives also became an absolute noise.

Later, the modern technology did reproduce the characteristics of Uz steel to a considerable extent, but it was still inferior.

Of course, with the further development of technology, complete reproduction, even better, is inevitable. But that is the future, and people pay more attention to the present.

This is also true. Ferrosulfide has been theoretically cracked, but it is only synthesized at the laboratory level. The cost is too high, and it does not yet have the conditions for mass sales.

Therefore, mining natural ferrosulfur has become a very lucrative business.

The same goes for the Wujin in Rainbow City.

And the more common, iron, gold, and silver are basically space mining. Exploding the ores containing these substances to the right size and pushing them to rough processing in space smelters is much cheaper than mining on habitable planets. .

Therefore, today, on this planet, when it comes to mining, it must be rare or special mines.

Although rare mines are good, they are not easy to mine, mainly because of the large side effects.

Although the use of advanced equipment in the system can offset the side effects to a great extent, this money capital does not want to come out. Then let the miners take their lives to carry it.

The great progress of science and technology does not mean that everyone can get benefits.

In other words, the fruit of science and technology is also the 28-28 distribution method.

In this world, the actual situation is more exaggerated.

With a population of more than 12 billion, the Yao nationality is less than 12 million, but it occupies more than 90% of the wealth of the entire civilization, and even the wealth of people is included.

Take the miners in Minkeng Town as an example. Although they have citizenship, they are heavily in debt, and most people even buy their bodies through loans.

Body identification code positioning, deep binding of private credit accounts, floating camera eye patrol, synchronous satellite area monitoring ... A complete comprehensive intelligent monitoring system, like a strict large network, covering the entire area, almost no real privacy, nowhere Can escape.

Of course, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

In the mine town, gray trading is very popular, and there are many people engaged in illegal activities. In addition, there are a large number of black people who are not visible.

However, with the disaster in the mine town, the hard-to-see black households suddenly became more difficult to survive.

It was these black households that Kane was the first to try to store.

A cave in a pyrite mine.

More than forty black households evacuated in the mine for some time after the disaster, and finally trapped here. With the exhaustion of living materials, death was already beckoning to them.

Several young people sat on the box leaning on the isolation board, leaning weakly towards the water.

Due to flooding, the tunnel connecting this cave to another place has been flooded.

The original flooding situation is not particularly serious, and can walk through the water.

They also thought that the disaster in the mine would inevitably affect the normal operation, and for the mine owner, every hour of delay would cost a lot of money.

After all, this is not only impossible to mine. The water soaked with ferrosulfur has extremely high toxicity and corrosiveness, and will cause damage to the equipment in the mine.

Therefore, the mine owner should actively organize disaster relief, for example, establish multiple emergency passages and use high-power water pumps to drain the water.

It turned out to be counterproductive. It was almost ten days since the disaster occurred. The water in the mine did not decrease but increased.

"Don't read it, no one will come. The concentration of corrosive ingredients in the accumulated water is constantly increasing. Now I am afraid that ordinary wetsuits will not rot for a long time. The high-end goods have to be bought in big cities. That kind of goods. "

"I know, but I just don't want to ..." said, sobbing sobbingly. Not just for yourself, but for your family.

"Shut up, bitter fart, so much urine !?" The thin, thin-faced man with a face turned to reprimand.

The sobbing stopped, and people's chats ended abruptly.

The atmosphere is awkward and the breath is audible.

At this moment, the calm water suddenly fluctuated.

"Look!" Someone's eyes were sharp, and there was a sigh of excitement in excitement.

People just focused their attention.

‘Wow! "With a sound of water, a round submersible floated to the surface as the water surged.

"Someone is here!"

"Note that this vehicle is unusual, unlike our acquaintances."

"Don't worry, I would rather go out and be shot, rather than stay in this ghost place!"

People talked, and thin men squinted their eyes, then quickly checked the weapons in their hands, and then simply moved the body that had been sitting for a long time.

After a while, the surface of the water has basically returned to calm. At the top of the ball, a cover is opened like a submarine hatch, and then someone reaches out of the upper body.

Seeing this, the lean man pointed the muzzle of the gun in his hand to the other party.

"Are you sure you want to use this method, and welcome the only one who can save you?" The person came from Kane, who looked at him with a smile, looking at him with a gun pointing at him.

"Don't talk nonsense, come here!" The thin man's tone was sharp.

Someone next to wanted to interject, just opened his head, and was squeaked by the thin man, and he stopped talking.

"Huh! It's a wolf!" Kane sighed playfully.

The thin man's eyes glared, and his voice was a little louder: "I won't say the third time, either lean over! Or I will make a hole in your head!"

Kane's mouth twitched. "It just happens, I'm used to three things. Congratulations, I succeeded in death." When the words fell, the person had already jumped out, and spanned a few meters.

The thin man was indeed a ruthless man, and shot immediately.

The electromagnetic spike rifle imitated by the private workshop was hit, but failed to break through.

There is no chance to shoot again. Kane has already succeeded.

The thin man responded well, and immediately retreated, while opening his mouth, he wanted to encourage others to attack Kane.

However, Kane was faster, and the detective pinched the thin man's face, and then lifted him up easily, his feet off the ground.

The lean man grabbed Kane's forearm with both hands, and his feet tried to kick Kane.

Kane slashed the body of the rifle he snatched, while twisting the wrist with his head, so the gun body was drawn on the waist of the thin man.

'boom! Qiao Jin directly cut off his lumbar vertebrae and paralyzed his lower body.

At the same time, ‘creak! ’The head of the skinny man was deformed by Kane and made a metallic sound.

Kane said in a pun: "No wonder it's such an iron, it turns out to be an alloy head!"

The alloy skull was pinched and deformed, the brain was oppressed, and the thin and thin consciousness fell into a state of confusion, and Kane was thrown aside.

He said to the rest: "Although I have just arrived, I already have a certain understanding of you. First, although you are already at the limit, you would rather suffer the tragedy of starvation, and there is no cannibalism. This shows that you Being a human being has a limit, and the essence is not bad. "

"Second, among you, this man is the most armed and in the best condition."

Kane pointed to the man who was beaten up by him: "And I found that you were only promised to him, and there was a clear fear, and I started to work with you, but you are struggling to show your face."

"I guess this person is your leader, with good force and determination, but he is overbearing and selfish, and he has no responsibility at the critical moment. So you hesitated."

A group of people do not speak.

Kane laughed, showing a neat white tooth: "You guys gave me a step down! I said I guessed right, so we can just turn this page."

People couldn't help crying, but they said it was a bit weird.

In fact, even if Kane didn't make a full guess, it wasn't much difference.

The truth is that the man who was beaten by him is even worse than he guessed!

Get rid of the exploitation of capital slave owners and become a black household, can you breathe free air?


A person cannot survive, must cooperate, and must interact with the outside world.

But just because of these two points, there must be an organization and a leader, even if it is loose in nature.

And this one that Kane had beaten, in some ways, was darker than the owner of the mine town.

People hesitated before, not hesitating whether to help a thin man, but this person is very powerful. Once ordered, people almost instinctively execute. Just now people are fighting psychologically.

Kane also watched people serving dishes, and did not anger others because of the evil deeds of thin men.

What's more, he also knew the temperament of these black households.

To put it simply, it is because he is still a bit bloody, so he chose to be a black person rather than a shunmin. The **** thing sometimes shows that it is hard to talk and stubborn.

Therefore, we can't count on this kind of human intelligence online, and meet strangers and groups, especially in this sensitive period like now.

"Anyway, I can still deliver a life-saving ration, eat first, and then postpone, some of you are afraid that you can't even eat."

Kane's words are the most powerful "ice-breaking" words.

The atmosphere that was awkward and even daggers suddenly disappeared.

Next, Kane saw the others deep in the mine.

There are fewer than ten young men in this gang, mainly women and children, and then old men.

The old people, without exception, are all kinds of patchwork prostheses.

For the poor people of this era, the longer they live, the fewer ‘original parts’ on their body, all forced to make ends meet, and three worthless pawns are sold.

Young people have the highest natural prices, but when they were young, who had no dream?

In fact, big capital plays macro control, small capital plays big data, psychology, and powerful AI real-time assistance.

It can be said that the fate of the bottom people has long been counted as dead!

In the narrower and narrower track of destiny delineated by various rules, there is no possibility of getting ahead.

Some people feel uncomfortable because they are not aware of the intangible constraints of the various red tapes and thus the elephants.

Unbearable, he will take the initiative to blacken himself, and will no longer live in the life of the social animal debt to death.

But it must be said that the bowl of rice with blood on the knife head also requires professional qualities and skills, not everyone can do it.

So there are black workers, specifically speaking that people are black households, but they don't kill people and set fires, but point to hard work.

Originally doing this, the days are okay, there are three characteristics, and condone doing so.

The first is that capitals do not take black households seriously, and the living environment of black households is relatively tolerant.

Secondly, this world has experienced the era of great destruction. The civilization that originally used the country as a unit has basically disappeared after the world war. Capital also came to power since then.

Mass destruction left a lot of ruins, and the black households can obtain resources, tools, utensils and the like through scavenging waste, thus forming a self-sufficient small social community.

Third, the technology, or craftsmanship, that the Heihu masters can operate the artificial creations before the era of great destruction.

But now all three are not available. The capital once united and continued to carry out the ‘whack-a-mole’ or ‘ant-digging’ campaign for more than a decade. The relatively powerful and completely self-operating Kuroda community has been wiped out.

The items before the era of mass destruction, until now, even if they have not been excavated, are basically decayed and cannot be used.

And there has been a serious demise in technology.

Nowadays, people at the bottom of the class, known as illiterate people with culture, have mastered the main knowledge of using fool-proof equipment.

If the equipment is broken, either replace the components or replace the entire one. You don't need the kind of detailed repair that masters the principle.

As a result, the old-school knowledge system that pays attention to principles, slowly lacking stable learning conditions, and even the malicious resistance and suppression of capital ideas, slowly lost.

In this context, even the black households are very dependent on the mainstream social system. Many necessities of life cannot be made by themselves, but can only be obtained from the mainstream social system through transactions and other means.

This gives the capitals a way to manipulate black households.

The middle class and even the capitalists, who are similar to the mine owners, are "self-respecting thieves." They are usually exploited.

For example, it is stated that the products produced by yourself are not qualified, it is said that the counterfeit products of the black households were mixed inadvertently. As for how to mix them, there is more to say.

It is in this way that even if it becomes a black household, the exploitation is still like a tarsus maggot, lingering, and the black households are so miserable, they will not be there for ten days, and they will be hungry, and this is still someone They secretly gave them two rations.

With the release of the nutrients brought by Kane, the pit was full of sucking sounds for a while.

If you are hungry, you can only eat liquid food. Nutrient solution is more suitable than creamy food, and it can also add water.

Kane glanced at everyone's status and left a tablet computer to leave.

Self-promotion is also skillful. Selling melons face-to-face is too anxious, and it will cause a feeling of tightness, and it is easy to breed instinct and instinct.

Let these people think slowly.

He believed that the life-saving meal he sent was just right. Let people see hope in a moment of despair, but have not yet successfully grasped it. In this case, people will probably persuade themselves to die rather than live.

Therefore, giving people a process of persuading themselves is stronger than the smallpox he blows ~ ~ There are already anxious young people who want to be sincere.

More people worry that Kane will not look back.

But Kane left with a hard heart. The reason is that there are other people in the mine waiting for him to deliver life-saving food.

As for what he wants to get from people, there is a dedicated question and answer on the tablet. Interested in understanding.

"Now in this world, there are two most rare things. The first is called kindness, and the second is called trust. I have the first, can you give back the second?"

Kane left such a meaningful sentence when he left. The thin man was taken away by him. He said that if this person were to die, this person would not survive.

However, the use of waste, such a ruthless person, to play to his strengths, will be a good messenger, may wish to let it bring a desperate vote, to add to his enemies.

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