Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1241: On the road to escape

After a night, the pressure suddenly increased.

This is Ava's feeling.

In fact, before dawn, she had received bad news one after another.

War Angels, more than 10,000 people, were killed and injured. This means tens of thousands of families mourn and die. Protestantism has not suffered such a one-off since the Middle Ages.

It was really anxious and corrupted, mainly because the three-way men and women were killed in an emergency. They did not hesitate to destroy the hardware facilities of the War Angels, regardless of the loss of the men and women, but in the end, they couldn't get one.

The expert said that those sticky things are worthless!

Then dozens of rich people were executed. All the pets were killed. Among them, several officials of the mine town official, such as the police chief and the mayor. It also includes new commissioners from UA International.

The only person with a living certificate is the security of the Commissioner.

The Commissioner is dead, but the security is really trying his best, and once faced the criminals face to face, losing! The criminals took the Commissioner ’s head, and two of them shouted ‘God! God! "I do n’t know what the **** is, it explodes, it ’s very broken, and the dross is collecting. I do n’t think there will be much information available."

These two incidents, especially the latter one, made UPL's big brothers feel a deep chill.

Therefore, although she is quite noble and does not need to look at anyone's face, the UPL boss still can't help but have the urge to urge.

A big brother with a close personal relationship said straightforwardly: "Find some ways to solve the case as soon as possible. This is still the mine town. If you are engaged in another big city, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Ava can appreciate the heavy weight of this "unbearable".

Capitals are also people, people who hold huge energy, are gradually arrogant, and even look at everything.

When their lives continue to be threatened and become desperate, they realize that they may sleep with their heads up, not get up from their heads, and be utterly killed. They are very likely to pass on this negative emotion to the weak to vent.

Therefore, although it seems that it is just a small place on a planet, the nature is bad. Will cause a storm of destruction.

Even if a crisis like this broke out, Ava could not accept Kane's approach.

The cognitive impact of the **** and cruel but clear-minded operation masked all the perceptual cognition that was somewhat distorted and superficial.

This is normal. A killer demon, how many people will easily have such characteristics of their opposite **** friends? What's more, Ava's background determined that her **** sat on the side of the capital.

But Kane did not give Ava Show a chance to make a decisive arrest. After a night of shopping, I went to find new fun without hesitation. I didn't think about what I could do, and I didn't say hello.

Kane took the ride in place of a dead man.

The new round of deaths in Mine Pit Town finally made some people unable to hold back, fearing that they would also be on the new death list, so they fled.

Kane plays such a middle class, specifically a manager, whose main task is to deduct the salary of employees, and secretly have the kind of task indicators.

Zhou Paipi is well-known in the industry because of his strong enough attributes. When he was hired, he probably knew that he was hated by others, so he fled.

When fleeing, the money always seemed very gross, all kinds of expensive, normally enough money to buy first-class tickets, but now it can only squeeze the gift cabin.

If you have to say something that can make your mind feel more balanced, then many people with similar status, even one or two ranks higher than him, can also squeeze the luggage compartment together. After all, these people have to sell high scary ox tickets to their families.

Squeezing the luggage compartment is a nostalgic experience for Kane.

Uncomfortable sitting, all kinds of noise, air is not smooth, the temperature control system is not good enough, suddenly cold and hot, the smell mixed with body odor, sweat odor, perfume odor, engine oil odor, salute odor is longer than the dry toilet The smell of feces is still unpleasant.

But to evaluate it from another angle, it is quite sensational. There is a {2012} disaster atmosphere of escape.

Kane enjoyed the sentient beings with interest.

People are very interesting creatures. Like some people here, they usually do not take laborers as people, let alone direct employment relationship, even those temporary services, such as waiters and logistics, are caught with their three grandsons. It doesn't look as good as it looks. It's even uncomfortable if you don't scold like hysteria, but it's really good for pets, even better than your own children.

There is such a man next to Kane, who has become embarrassed and caressed for his pets. The commonly used spoken language is: "Oh, what's the matter with the baby, let mom see"

Kane also appreciated the strength of human adaptability.

From the rusty preparations at the beginning to the enthusiasm later, even when traveling, these can interact with a poker face that is unhappy and sad. Most of the itineraries simply sleep in the past, but at this time You can put down the shelf, humble and even humble tolerate each other to complete the run-in, making the journey less painful.


People leave their hometown cheap.


Without trust, there is no sense of security.

Like many people, these so-called executives and gold-collars are often only able to chatter in their familiar fields. Similar to the example of acting and singing, even people who seem to be able to do everything are not without it, but they still need to rely on good and capable, that is, whether the dependence is enough to make them sturdy and descriptive quantifiers.

Kane naturally found that even he himself couldn't seem to get out of this cage.

If he had no strength to rely on, how many pounds would he have?

What's the point of even a few pounds or two? The inner is full again, and how much influence can it have on the outside of the material? But without enough influence, to the outside world, to other similar people, aren't they all farts?

At this moment, the people here may be clear, or not so clear, or even subconsciously recognize that they have been stripped off, or even just temporarily unable to hold the lever of power is a fart. Will it seem so humble and anxious?

This panic didn't take long, and was fermented.

They encountered a robbery.

At that time it was a rare time to let the wind out. The all-weather crumbs in the luggage compartment were really a torment. Especially after four consecutive days, many people were nagging.

The captain of the warship vehicle may also realize that this kind of stuffy tanker journey has already exceeded the special sharpening time for the recruits, and there is no buffer. These usually delicate and expensive people are really crazy.

Of course, there may be another reason, that is, a tacit understanding with the gangster. Anyway, this ticket passenger transportation is an illegal procedure to piggyback on black goods. Anyone who gets on the car can get rid of it. In addition to eating soft salutes, the crew members can also get a hostage from the gangsters to buy a share.

In particular, these people are really suitable for hostages, they can withdraw money, and they can hold it. Those really rich people, even if they are not dead, will not go through this channel, but have special planes for special cars.

I do n’t know, it does n’t matter. Anyway, the time of letting the wind let people feel the beauty of the desolate Gobi howling, and then the warship car suddenly ran away.

Some people naturally shout and chase subconsciously.

But anyway, it is also a military warship vehicle with a cruising speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour. The start is not slow. How can anyone catch up?

There were actually people trying to climb, but I lost my mind in a hurry.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that large unnatural smoke appeared on the west side, and people speculated that they were robbed.

The other party's speed is not very fast. It may be that they have already won the battle with the military's warship vehicle. I also know that there is no place for people to escape.

In nearly twenty minutes, when the giant was completely approached, the signs and battle flags on the warship vehicle completely showed their identity, and the last bit of the people's luck was extinguished. Some people finally collapsed and wept.

It must be said that men cried to the ground and rolled, and even Kane had not seen it a few times.

Dramaticly, the robbed bandits, at least the bandits encountered this time, looked more like regular soldiers than the military.

One of Kane ’s main details is the more common ‘military boots culture’ in the military. Simply put, it is as clean and shiny as possible.

To ensure a good military capacity is conducive to improving the individual's discipline, morale, collective honor, etc. Everyone knows this, but not much can be done in daily life during the non-training period.

Think about it too, it is quite tiring, and even very heavy, and the result is to be more military, not to relax, which will give people a feeling of being indifferent and not humanized.

Conversely, what can be done is mostly highly disciplined, and has formed a trend, or may have a fanaticism.

An excessive sense of honor and confidence in victory can also be blamed in this fanatical spirit. The dark point of this spirit description is the stunnedness, such as holding a rugby while resting and wiping it carefully while showing a love and muttering. A self-talking athlete ...

So when Kane saw a group of bandit bandits, they wore uniforms, straight trousers, shiny steel-headed boots, and meticulous buckling of the style buttons, and they thought they were sick.

When he determined that none of these bandits used prostitutes, he increasingly thought that they might both be a special gang armed with religious beliefs.

It was a sister of the one-eyed dragon who read the captive regulations for the fat sheep. When she appeared on the scene, she could not help but shoot and burst the head of a passenger who used a biochemical prosthesis.

Bai Huahua's brains and dark green nutrient solution splashed the face of the nearby woman, causing a high-pitched scream, and her husband covered her mouth, but she couldn't hide her incontinence. Perhaps this has something to do with Gobi being too empty and lacking coverings. This woman had previously been shy and failed to use the wall to cover the convenience of other women like her husband.

In short, it scared one person, scared a lot of people, and scared a lot of votes.

The one-eyed dragon sister also intimately explained the reason why she shot by contemptuous scolding.

But Kane felt that it was not so contemptuous to use biochemical prosthetics as impure, but rather that the use of biochemical prostheses was relatively poor, and at the same time the reason for the unrest among the captives.

After all, these bandits are all original flesh and blood, and it is not safe to face people with biochemical prosthetics, even ordinary biochemical prosthetic users, especially in the relatively narrow areas of the type of battleship vehicles.

As for fighting skills, learning kung fu is as simple as the interpretation of {Matrix} in this cyber world where brain chips are used to. It is nothing more than the fact that ordinary people have no protagonist. But it can really be skipped, so it is difficult to shoot up close, it can also play twice.

In any case, the hot debut of Miss One-eyed Dragon, killing one hundred people had an effect. Ordinary people still eat this set. A woman yelled at a sudden high decibel, which is better than a group of people shouting at the market.

Don't believe it, there are really stupid people who fail to correct their inertia in time and arrogantly offer conditions and treatment to the bandits. There have been more than one related reports. This time there was no such farce, and Kane felt that it was mainly due to the decisiveness of Miss One-eyed Dragon.

After reading the captive regulations, he was escorted to the road.

Kane looked at the arrangements of these people and felt that he should be an old gangster too, and the routine was very slippery. The prisoners were not given the opportunity to get into the warship vehicle, or treatment, but a humble body was temporarily put together and hung behind the warship vehicle.

People not only have to eat the sand and dust raised by the warship vehicles, and to fight the wild winds of the Gobi, but also have to fight against the bumps.

The main reason is not that the Gobi is not flat enough, but that the warship vehicle is too heavy and too heavy, and its tracks will build up the soil. For a relatively light body, this is itself equivalent to a stone.

The bandits are not afraid of the captives falling out. In this place where thousands of kilometers of unpopulated areas are thrown into the wilderness, they will die.

Therefore, the captives needed to work hard to resist the war. After less than 5 minutes of driving, they began to miss the feeling of riding in the luggage compartment of the military battleship. When we arrived at the destination, we were exhausted both physically and mentally.

This is also due to the fact that the medical care of this era is indeed good, and these people usually have the money and time to take care of their bodies. The fat and greasy man's fluid does not exist at all.

The place to settle is a ravine.

On the big Gobi, there are just a few rock mountains, barely forming two U-shaped pockets, and the ravine to which they were taken is one of the U-shaped interiors.

In this era, robbers also have good productivity. Earthwork is not a problem, so it is no surprise that the mountain was hollowed out to drive the warship vehicles into it.

However, this is the kind of hunting camp that is relatively simple and has no family members of bandits. It's not too harsh to treat captives. There are food and drink. Of course, you can't count on how good it is, and you only have to give food and tools.

You don't need to think about the bonfire, but the world is full of natural plants. There really is a natural forest. It's no problem to change a new battleship.

There is also no natural gas, and it has been exploited long ago. Some are electric stoves. This is cheap. When the cable is pulled over, as long as there is a device with electricity, it can be put on hard, and no one is distressed.

So the captives can still enjoy the heater, without this thing, in this ghost place, only one night, many people will fall ill or even die.

In the general sense, there is no such thing as a sleeping bag. Even the so-called space cotton whose main component is chemical fiber material is relatively luxurious. Both oil and plants are lacking, and products made from it are naturally expensive.

As for why not engage in industrial planting, I ’m sorry. The great wars of that year caused severe ecological damage, lack of gas, and many holes in the ozone layer. The cost of planting is high. But since there are other life planets as colonies, the capitals will only make the splendor more splendid, rather than play to save.

As a result, the captives had only a very thin insulation paper for the night, the size of a softball, and the opening of the three-meter square, even the shop was covered with a cover. Tough, will not be cut by gravel or something.

But the gadget alone sleeps in the wilderness, and has to consider the problem of the wind blowing!

That's right.

But when the prisoner is suffering is the norm, can he still hope that Samara will fail?

Dinner is unexpectedly good, because among the captives, there is no shortage of people who have the time and money to learn culinary skills from a hobby perspective. Simple ingredients can be used to cook delicious dishes ~ ~ I have to say, the sentient aspect of this meal also made Kane feel very touched. This includes scenes where the dog mother tries to satisfy her pet if she does n’t eat it, but because the pet is picky eaters and refuses to eat without high-grade dog food.

Kane thought that tonight's show was almost all that.

Without thinking, before midnight, the bandits would play for themselves, and they would fight, the kind of bullets flying.

Is this the end?

Wrong, the third-party troops that landed from the sky appeared shortly after.

This well-trained and well-equipped man didn't seem to expect a group of captives to be the audience, so he quickly decided to collect movie tickets. The price is not expensive, it is nothing more than the life of the audience.

At this time, Kane couldn't sit still ...

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