Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1244: Power cost waste street

Compared with Ava, some operations of UPL seem to be suspected of pig teammates.

UPL didn't even ask Eva's opinion, so the black gang in the mine town launched an action against the workers' association.

From a fishing point of view, the black gang is not bad. After killing and wounding dozens of workers ’associations, they successfully fished out the wolf extermination team.

However, "Wolf Destruction" is not a white cry. They did not launch a hostage rescue, but launched an attack on the black gang's den.

There are three people in a group, and there are nearly three hundred wolves.

That is, about one hundred combat groups are operating simultaneously.

Kane only needs to collect combatants as a source of clone soldiers, because he has a high-end and comprehensive soldier personality template.

These templates are set on the members of the wolf annihilation team, so that while they are not afraid of death, they have a very powerful combat literacy, supplemented by the biotechnology of the evil **** cell series, and the ultra-era weapon technology, compared with the black gang , Can be seen as a hero unit.

Through this operation, the Wolf Destruction team once again showed the world how professional they are as war machines. In less than 20 minutes, the black gangs that had been in the mine town for decades were destroyed, and the death rate of its members was as high as 90%.

That is to say, except for one reason or another, it happened that they were not in the mine town, and that part of the gang members who were working on the mutual assistance of workers, the rest were killed.

The part of the black gang members who tied the meat ticket killed all the hostages in despair, and then launched an indiscriminate slaughter in the vicinity. The result was shortly after the beginning, they were defeated.

This part of the members of the black gang is very miserable. The things they care about most are destroyed and destroyed. The wolf destroyers do not care whether the destroyed people are innocent. They just want to express an attitude and offend them. As for those who are alone, it is luck to dare to commit suicide before the punishment comes, otherwise it will be tortured by death.

The battle did not end because of the destruction of the black gang. UPL finally led to the goal, how could it be easily let go?

Their military operations department developed a two-pronged strategy.

On the one hand, a strong combat force was assembled to launch a tactical attack on the wolf extermination team.

On the other hand, space-based weapons are used to strike the areas where the combat power is most concentrated, that is, the hostage killing points.

In order to eliminate a large number of enemy targets at once, the military operations department ignored the objective problem that a large number of ordinary people were affected.

However, just before the space-based weapon was put in place and tried to gain power, it was destroyed by a planetary cannon that suddenly appeared in a mountain near the mine town.

The smart shells flew directly out of the atmosphere. After hitting, they exploded violently, which caused martyrdom. The space-based weapon station crushed bones. Most of the debris fell into the atmosphere and turned into a meteor shower.

Immediately thereafter, the UPL military operations department was deployed in the nearby area, and the light fleet as a reserve force was hit by artillery fire.

What made the UPL military operations department horror was the super-high-speed physical shells, and the extremely accurate hit rate, 100% hits, twelve guns, a total of 100 shots, no shot, even a stall A battle cruiser that failed to accurately determine its own trajectory by flying AI, was successfully patched twice, and it was simply hit by a volley and exploded into a firework.

This incident can be said to directly dispel the fantasy of UPL's last point of its ability to crush this evil force in military power.

Originally, I thought that at least I have the right to make orbit, and even the right to make air. The evil forces are naturally passive, and they have no power to prove the length of time.

He also felt that the evil forces were only slightly armed and could only carry out military operations in the manner of assassins.

But with the advent of the Star Cannon, professionals analyzed that this evil force is simply a veteran. They are not lacking technology and military productivity, but are walking on a style road that is very different from the mainstream military system of the Star Alliance. Its special technical level is only stronger than that of Xingmeng.

The strongest evidence for this inference is not the Star Cannon, but the underground town.

UPL's spy, using nanomaterials hidden in clothes, successfully made a positioning device to mark the location of Letu Town. Although it was not long, UPL was once mistaken for a problem with the equipment, but in the end UPL chose to believe that the evil forces' nest was hundreds of kilometers deep underground.

UPL also knows that there are a lot of super domes under the planet, but it is still impossible to imagine building nests in the mantle layer hundreds of kilometers above the vertical surface. It is not as simple as the harsh environment.

Of course, in the final analysis, the main reason is that the capital is not profitable too early. The cost of underground development is relatively high. Without sufficient profits, capital will not support related technology research and development.

Therefore, space can go, but the ground can not go.

Now I encounter enemies with this type of technology, and want to quickly take the thoughts they have taken down naturally.

Moreover, the experts of UPL also made up for the reason why this evil force recruited miners and scavengers for Mao, and took advantage of the shortcomings. The other party stole the mining and waste screening and recycling technologies of Star Alliance, but there were no people who were good at using these technologies, so they recruited and raised. To learn their special experience and even professional ideas.

Some UPL experts even believe that evil forces are underground civilizations. The cause may be a certain stage when humans on this planet escaped underground to take refuge. And most of the civilization continued the utopian public ownership and shared wealth.

Such a system is more suitable for lack of materials and small-scale group communities. Later, inertia was formed, and the system continued. The closed social atmosphere and the relatively limited population have become the basic conditions for ‘everybody is me, I ’m everyone, each does his job and puts aside laziness’.

It is precisely because of this that these people hate capital so much that they actually subvert the ultimate depravity of their cognition.

UPL's boss is not too serious about this inference. They are not scholars, and they are not interested in thinking and speculating. They only care about objective facts.

The objective fact now is that this evil force is more difficult than they expected, and it has already frightened the snake.

Judging from the information obtained so far, this evil lair (Letu Town) below the mine town is just a new settlement opened by the other party, where is its headquarters, and how many populations and sub-lairs are there? These are still unknown.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the opponent has a weak and distinctive military industrial system and combat troops.

Compared with these, the UPL gangsters are more concerned about the ability of the other party in intelligence.

Whether it is to obtain intelligence in time, to fire the enemy first, destroy the space-based weapons, or to destroy the air-to-air fleet without destroying the air and space fleet, it has once again confirmed the intelligence capabilities of the force.

Of course, this is also related to its hiding in a dark place, and it is likely that intelligence spying work was carried out many years ago, while the Star Alliance is in the bright place, the power is relatively dispersed, and it is passive everywhere.

But regardless of the reason, it is an indisputable fact that the intelligence warfare lags behind each other by a few chips.

This aspect cannot be reversed, and your side will be passive and subject to others.

However, Ava, who has made the most progress in intelligence, has fallen into a passive position because of the facts of her own round of operations. It is even possible that it would be sluggish.

So the current situation can be said to be very bad, not only the apparent loss of a light fleet, a space-based weapon battle, but also a number of combatants and a small city of night pots.

Among the UPL gangsters, some people even proposed to convene a general meeting to treat this evil force with an attitude towards the enemy.

Naturally, some people put forward different opinions, asking if this is too trivial.

Asking this question, it's not all contempt for this evil force. It is the implementation of UPL's power that comes at a cost.

The essence of UPL is to ensure the smooth harvest of leeks by the capital.

There is no thief in the world, which is equivalent to less cost and good effect. OK! This leadership team is very nice.

On the contrary, you suddenly want to hold a meeting, which means that there is trouble and you need to approve the additional expenses. This shows that this team is not good!

Capitals do not understand the hardships of UPL managers. They will only say that the apportionment cost is not less for you, and you can take advantage of the power given by the organizational structure to do your best for your own benefit. We also opened our eyes and closed our eyes. I admit it, but the result is that you have n’t done a good job. Is it because you are too incompetent, or too much hate, so that the hounds lack the ability to eat, drink, train, and lack weapons, even the ability to catch thieves? Anymore?

The capitals do n’t believe, or say they do n’t want to believe, that suddenly a new enemy needs to be treated from the enemy ’s perspective, popping out of the rock? Who is it? An enemy who can break the wrist with Xingmeng, can be formed without development and growth? It might as well be said that the aliens are more reliable.

The key is evidence. Without enough evidence, there is no way for a group of capitalists to pay.

Even if it is known that UPL is correct, it is not a big deal to treat the enemy country now, but to prevent it from happening, and to slay the enemy in the cradle stage, it will be mad and conscientious to play silly because of interests.

As for the outrageous behaviors of the powerful and powerful of evil forces, in the eyes of these people, they are likely to be regarded as opportunities.

Exactly, the competitors are cleaned up, and the killing is clean, even the direct heirs. The serious assassination team may not be able to do so neatly. The vacated cake share will naturally be swallowed up by us when the situation is stable. Another wave of fat and delicious meat, woo!

It is because of such a series of reasons that it is said that the exercise of power comes at a cost. Some powers, when used in a beautiful way, are at the expense of self-cutting.

Take this conference as an example. This conference was held and it led to a large-scale military operation, which caused several integrated fleets to surround the planetary group and then launched a series of attacks. When you're done, don't think about what you can be re-elected. This is the final result that Capital Dad said.

Who controls the financial power and who is the real boss? Politicians are nothing but gold wage earners serving capital. Bad performance, of course, get out.

When the big brothers of the UPL Standing Committee Council were embarrassed by these few things, the original creator Kane had already appeared in Hengguang City.

Hengguang City is the base camp of UA International, with a population of 130 million. It is a typical first-class giant city, which is divided into three regions.

Xiacheng District includes a commercial area called Waste Residue Street. Most people directly use Waste Residue Street to refer to Xiacheng District.

Few people in Midtown are called Midtown, but they are called metropolitan areas, taking the meaning of metropolis.

Shangcheng District is called Yunshang District. The area is indeed high enough. The average height is above the low rain clouds. Most of the time, looking around the fence, the clouds are rolling at the foot, and the Yunshang District is worthy of the name. At the same time, the district is also a haven for dignitaries. It's just a normal tip to go out, and it's enough for an adult in the waste street to spend two or three months living.

Kane is not very interested in Yunshang District and Metropolitan Area. He likes to look at the grassroots ecology.

Although many well-known big Vs say that in this era, human progress has nothing to do with the bottom, they can be completely replaced by automated machinery.

The starting point is the middle class, and the good ones are the rich. This social structure can truly represent the current level of human civilization.

To put it bluntly, people at the bottom should no longer be regarded as human beings, but big animals. But in Kane's view, the people at the bottom are still the base of the pyramid of human civilization in this world.

There are many problems that cannot be viewed from an economic perspective. Nor is it what scientists say. As long as the population base is guaranteed, so that the gene pool abundance is guaranteed, humans do not need to worry about population extinction.

On this topic, Kane felt that it would be useless to say more than to do it.

He planned to play a big game. Isn't this society insensitive to the bottom? Yes, I will take it away. You continue to show your high-tech elite civilization.

However, this plan is obviously a bit too grand. After all, Xingmeng has a population of more than 120 billion, which can be regarded as an integer. His plan is to evacuate the population.

But it is artificial. With the technology he masters, once the industrial system reaches a certain level, it will begin to expand at a geometric speed to meet the productivity and facility conditions that support 120 billion people, and it is far from a lifetime. Therefore, we can look forward to it.

So in these years, his main task is to wave.

To speak better, it is to gain popularity.

But in essence, it is not the key to know or not to be known. The force is big and the fist is big enough. At that time, it will directly grab the population. Xingmeng can only be anxious.

Speaking of cyberpunk style, the waste street of Hengguang City is really intimate. Forever cloudy days, forever cold rain, forever neon light pollution, forever cold bleakness and fiery energy coexist.

120 million people, the bottom layer exceeds 110 million. Such a large plate is not a black gang that can unify the rivers and lakes. UA International does not allow this super night pot.

Therefore, the waste **** street is full of rivers and lakes, and there is no shortage of fighting and fighting, as well as various evil ways.

However, Kane was not interested in being slaughtered by Kai like Guangcai Street in Mine Town, so there were two groups of cyber puppets and one group of disguises followed.

There are policemen on Junk Street, military police. And their main appetite is to arrest people for fines, so they work harder, which makes the ban on guns better.

Of course, conversely, in this era of prosperity, you ca n’t play with a few handguns and you ca n’t be embarrassed to say that you are a mixed river.

Therefore, a variety of wonderful pistols, spray guns (shotguns), energy guns, and popular, creative ideas make people hooked.

Forbidden guns are useful after all, at least rare high-powered continuous-fire rifles, like RPGs, machine guns, and the like are rare, which limits the fierce intensity and even the mode of the black gang to a certain extent, plus Profit is the main goal, so the waste **** street is just more waste, and it has not been reduced to a battlefield.

In this context, following the uniform puppetry of Kane's cyber puppet in a polymer raincoat, it seems to have a fan, and it can prove to a considerable extent that it is not easy to mess with. There is a lot less right and wrong.

But after all, someone tried the water, and the first spy sent was a boy in his tens.

On Waste Street, 90% of children of this age who are still active on the street after 21:00 are pickpockets.

One of the survival methods of this type of pickpocket is to use the pitiful compassion that people have little and the tolerance instincts for cubs derived from the genetic inheritance of information. Once caught, the uncle and grandpa begged for mercy, and they were let go.

If it doesn't work, their backstage will appear. In this world, the kind of kids who manage children are called little dads or Yao dads.

The tentative boy had a thin blade sharper than the scalpel in his fingers, and passed by, scratching a cyber puppet coat.

This is not theft, but material inspection.

The Cyber ​​Puppet easily stopped the boy's movements, and then the detective twisted his head off.

This kind of performance, even in Waste Street, is not very common. There are two women standing near the street who witnessed the whole process. Among them, they couldn't help but cry out loudly, which attracted more people's eyes and surprised Immediately following the expression of fear and resentment, he accelerated his pace and left. Some people use the built-in communication device of the prosthesis to alarm.

At the same time, Kane pointed to a man in the crowd with a Cyber ​​Speed ​​Party.

The two cyber puppets immediately rushed past the wind.

The man was stunned, then immediately ran out of his leg, and slammed his arm, trying to use the energy hidden in the prosthetic arm to stagnate the enemy.

But the speed of cyber puppets is too fast. I haven't waited for the aim, I'm already close, ‘click! ’, The man ’s arm was cut off.

The other is to grasp the man's spine, UU reading piercing, clenching, pulling, directly withdraw the alloy spine to the head.

The body fell, the blue blood was flowing, and the cyber puppet carried the spine-connected head and returned to Kane to return to life.

Kane looked at artificial blood vessels with eye functions similar to arteries, still gurgling blue blood, and half of the artificial skin, exposing the head of the alloy skull inside, said: "I know you can hear, tell me what you know Yes, you have the opportunity to insist that the police come to continue your life. "...

Three minutes later, Kane nodded, and the cyber puppet knotted the artificial blood vessel to stop it from continuing to bleed blue blood. Then, along with the boy ’s head, he hung it on the neon signboard, which was quite dominant and occupied the space. Go up, then quickly catch up with Kane and his party, and left.

After another two minutes, the police arrived and after some consultation, decided to temporarily abandon the investigation.

Kane, however, did not intend to stop doing things ...

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