Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1253: Shenwei shocked the emperor


In a blink of an eye, it entered May 139.

Not long ago, Luwansberg successfully dealt with the investigation team brought by Tyra, eating, drinking, and drinking.

Although the people in the investigation team did not leave, their attitude was not ‘I’ve got a sword from the side, you have to be careful,’ but ‘we’re so sympathetic, and you have to take care of your brother if you have business’.

In this context, he does not need to spend too much energy on this.

He knew that it wouldn’t take long for these guys behind the scenes to send weighty people who were able to make decisions on the spot to confirm whether the trade-in trade was reliable, and then discuss how to cooperate.

So he just waited.

It was a collaboration with the Governor of the Star District. The progress has been unsatisfactory, which annoys him.

The Admiral is a naval rank, not a position. Luwansberg's position is the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Navy Gothic Star District.

The governor is a post, and the military and the government are in charge. It is the biggest boss in the Star District.

The governor of the Gothic Star District is called Bruce Icarus.

This is a typical indigenous governor. It is a typical product of the empire ‘as long as tithes are guaranteed, it doesn’t matter whether you play communism or slavery’.

The Icarus family is the first gatekeeper in the Gothic Star District, not bad money. Luwansberg even suspected that the family had some behind-the-scenes deals with Chaos.

Because of this, it was suggested that Icarus should catch people's livelihood and public order, but he did not get a response.

"If Icarus knows that in the near future, chaos will completely destroy its foundation, I don't know how it will feel." Luwansberg received an e-mail from Icarus with the theme "I am too difficult" , Can't help but ridicule.

Just then, an urgent report came.

It is the kind that he has told beforehand to pay special attention, so he can reach it directly.

Looking at the content, it is a report from the reconnaissance frigate Sovereign. They received the distress signal from the old star whisperer from Ax. Ax was attacked by unknown enemies...

Although Luwansberg now fully believed Kane's statement, the realization of the prophecy was still tight, and he was immediately angry.

Then there is sigh.

In this war-ridden universe, it is not uncommon for observatories to be slaughtered, and even the destruction of multiple observatories is not a rare thing. In addition to the problems of bureaucracy and numbness, it is judged that it is not an accident. Count malfeasance.

You should know that if such things are used as precursors to the Chaos Expedition every time, then just after a state of emergency, preparing for a war, it is enough to toss yourself to death. Not to mention that the wolf is waiting for negative effects.

Therefore, Mo said that under normal circumstances, even if such information can be sent to him, it is just a humble briefing message. Even if it is a long talk, he can't make a decisive response quickly.

If he was always so ‘nervous’, it would take a few days before he could step down as governor and retire to the Imperial Naval Sanatorium.

Therefore, Kane predicted that the imperial reinforcements would only arrive at the Aker Observatory in the fifth month after the attack, which is true. The Imperial Defence Forces stationed there have been wiped out, which is also true.

But now, he doesn't need to manage it anymore. Kane has promised long ago that detailed videos will be sent.

Kane has never fooled him once from his acquaintance to the present. No matter how unbelievable the words are, it seems like he is bragging, but he has done it. This is one of the key points that convinced him.

Sure enough, later in the day, he received encrypted audio and video information from Kane.

The content made him angry and shocked.

The main force attacking the Ax Observatory is the Black Army, the son of the former Horus.

This chaotic interstellar warrior army is based on Horusjian's ten thousand-year-old veterans. They support the skeleton of the black army and shape the character of the black army.

Powerful, professional, fierce, and cunning, the tactical level of the members of the Black Legion has so far been top-notch, and has no shortcomings of arrogance.

In contrast, the people at the Ax Observatory, however, appeared to be a lot of problems, and were crushed from the beginning. Most people did not understand what was going on until they died.

This is why the old star whisperer can only report being attacked by unknown enemies.

How sad, so many people have died, but they can't even describe what the enemy is like.

After the killing was blasphemy, the corpse was cut into pieces, this was deliberately disguised, but not by the Chaos Star Warrior of the Black Legion, but by the lower-level demons.

"It's starting!" Luwansberg clenched his fists subconsciously. Although the first wave of attacks against naval bases would be in 143 years, the war has actually started in 139 years.

He knew that the tactics of Chaos at this stage were to make the imperial navy deaf and blind, the backyard caught fire, and was busy assisting in the suppression. At the same time, he was too busy to ensure the operation of the logistics system, so that he was exhausted and had no time to take care of others.

"This time, we can do better!" Luwansberg made a decision, and the separation between the military and civilian was further strengthened.

The vast majority of the seafarers in the Gothic Star Fleet are recruited locally. Since the Governor is not doing anything, in order to avoid chaos exerting influence on the seafarers through their families and causing their families to migrate to Haiti, they will be implemented by military orders.

This is indeed inhuman. After all, their immediate family members have their own lives and careers. But there is no better way.

"Can't do it, retire early!" When Luwansberg issued the order, he specifically emphasized this order. Its execution is absolute, and no bargaining is allowed.

In fact, for most seafarers, this is good news.

This is because with the passage of time, the goodness of the earth starfish has spread.

The management is a bit strict and there is a feeling of freedom being restrained. But they lived very fulfilling and down-to-earth. Unlike before, although free, but also very anxious, life is embarrassing, no career, no future.

Most seafarers’ family members, when they sent their children to seafarers, did not think of any benefits they could bring to themselves, but because seafarers are still a relatively feasible job. After all, they are imperial soldiers, and their basic treatment is guaranteed of.

Now, the family can even follow the chickens and dogs into the sky. Although they have debts to repay, but they have serious work. As long as they perform well, are they afraid that they will not be able to pay?

And the military subsidies are also a lot of money. The same real estate, which you want to buy in the place where you originally lived, costs at least three times the amount of the loan you need now!

With the spread of the good name of the earth star, some people are already trying to obtain the right of residence there.

Some people are willing to pay ten times the amount to buy real estate there, while others start from the perspective of the seafarer's family and recognize their relatives! Of course there are threats and temptations...

These chaos, on the contrary, let many seafarers and their families realize the value of the sea star migration. Therefore, the execution of the order as a whole is smooth.

It's just that this is a typical big move. The people and things involved are quite heavy, so it seems a bit chaotic and inevitable.

About a week after the order was executed, more than 50% of the seafarers’ families had completed their relocation.

To be honest, there are many people who read jokes in the early stage of this order.

Family migration is not easy, but proper placement is even more difficult.

The point of people watching jokes is that as a non-indigenous navy advisor, how does Luwansberg make migrants do things, make money, and eat?

Then they found that the social structure of Di Haixing has been perfected long ago. People fill in the blanks of their social positioning and they are ok.

Training and working, this is the main theme of the recent sea star.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that there is only one town, Dihai City.

Its vitality can only be said to be average, because there is no private trade, but it is orderly, and the living materials are complete, the price is also conscience, and the maturity of the operation of the entire city is very high, as if it has existed for a long time.

"This is also provided by that Kane?"

The woman in question is not young, and her makeup is very delicate. Her name is Matilda, and she represents the imperial court.

The empire has a vastly mixed political system. Since the emperor entered the Golden Throne, Lord Tyra has become the top leader of this empire.

Each great lord represents the main institution of an empire.

It was presided over by the Imperial Executive Yuan and ranked first. Although it is said that it is equal, after all, it is the Parliament of Lord Tyra that overrides the main institutions, each of which is only one seat and one vote.

However, there is still a reason why the Executive Yuan can be ranked first, just like the nine seats are fixed and only three seats. The leaders of the remaining eight important institutions take turns. Ranking first means heaviest portion.

Therefore, it is conceivable that Matilda, who can replace the Executive Yuan to preside over the final decision, is of high weight.

"Yes." Luwansberg's performance was rather calm. He explained: "Kane said. The template is knowledge, data, and a constantly improving system. For the sea city, the military town template is used. The core tenet is self-sufficiency, reducing external dependence, a high degree of supervision, a planned economy, and guaranteeing loyalty."

Matilda nodded. Another question: "So what happens if the population increases and the demand increases?"

"This aspect is linked to military merit. Generally, military families do not have the right to inherit. One hundred years later, they will not be able to continue to live in military cities and towns. They will be arranged to go to ordinary cities. This is stated in the contract. Of course, the value of the real estate will be evaluated, subject to the arrangement, and there will be a certain subsidy, trade in for the old, or use the money to leave, and find a way out."

"Oh, I think very far, can it be carried out?"

"This, I have to walk and watch. But I personally feel that it is worth trying."

"I heard that the core of urban management is a machine called a think tank. This is heresy!" The topic that changed was the grand judge from the Trial Court, Gust, specifically from the Heretic Tribunal, with a lot of authority.

"I also asked Kane this question. Kane said that the lessons of the Iron Man rebellion are very profound, but they can’t waste food because of choking. Continuous improvement is the core goal of all positive existence. Under such guidelines, they learned from the emperor, With the operation idea similar to the star torch, relying on psionics can prevent think tanks from being penetrated by evil. At the same time, psionic protection is still insurance. Once bombarded, think tanks will format.

Kemos, the representative of Mechanism, interjected: "Format? Are they willing to manage valuable data?"

"It is said that there are original databases that are read-only and not writable, as well as secondary databases that are both readable and writable, and are equipped with unimaginably complex protection procedures. To the extent I know, Kane has not mentioned more to me detail."

General Rosen, who represents the General Admiral of the Imperial Navy (one of the eight three-seat institutions), analyzed: "It's so meticulous that it doesn't feel like a civilian institution."

"Kane said that their history can be traced back to the 21st millennium or even earlier. There is the Emperor's autonomy authorization. This appearance is also because the Emperor not only authorized, but also helped him solve difficult problems. Report."

"Well, I really want to see this great psionicist now." It is Gregorian, the archbishop of the State Church (faith emperor), who represents the Pope of the Empire State Church.

So the next day, they saw Kane.

In Gregory's perception, Kane is an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary, even without psionic energy.

This made him frown, because it meant that either Kane was a liar or was so strong that he could not perceive it, but he had already stepped into the ranks of Alpha level with half of his feet, making him unable to perceive, "Can it be God! ?" He dare not continue to think down.

"Executive Yuan, State Religion, Mechanistic Religion, Trial Court, Empire Naval Headquarters, it seems that the top floor really pays attention, it is okay. Just when I have an action on hand, I will take you all to participate in it as a welcome ceremony."

Kane said with a wave of his hand, the surrounding scene was immediately distorted, and everyone felt as if they were standing in the deep space.

When the vision of creation reappeared, everyone suddenly found that they were in a beautiful place. All the creations, even a pillar and a deputy, were extremely artistic, elegant, noble, extraordinary, and pleasing to the eye.

"This, this is the ark world of the spirit race!" Gust whispered, and hurriedly glanced around, fearing to disturb the host here.

Kane glanced at Gust: "Some insights. This is indeed the Spirit Ark, Ostala, and the base of the Spirit Death Army, with a population of more than 20 million."

Between the words, hundreds of millions of lights erupted from Kane, instantly reached the end of the horizon, and then turned into tentacles and torrents, spreading farther away.

Ostara has a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers and is as large as Pluto's companion Charon.

Now, Kane is preparing for thirteenth-level magic.

Mere preparation, and the power of triggering, made all the people present feel the extreme shock from the soul, unable to move.

In addition to General Rosen and Luwansberg from the Navy, the rest are psionics, and Gregory is the most powerful.

However, at this moment, it was Gregorian who suffered the most, because he was most sensitive in terms of spiritual energy. The only thing he is trying to do now is not to let himself kneel on the spot.

"Who is it?" came the frightened female voice, like a mountain tsunami.

But compared with Kane's coercion, it can only be regarded as drizzle.

Then, a spiritual race appeared.

The spirits look similar to humans, but they are more slender, with sharp ears, and the feminine play is more slippery. They are called bean sprouts by hammer powder.

The spirit family that appeared was a female, who came quickly, with a glowing afterimage, and spanned a long distance in an instant.

But starting 100 meters from Kane, she became difficult to get in.

Kane did not specifically use any method to stop the other side.

It is purely the preparatory preparation for the thirteenth-level divine art. With the deepening, the concentration of extraordinary power is gradually rising.

The power of terror spread not only to every corner of the ark, but also appeared indescribable and indescribable.

For this spiritual female who had endured this force positively, her pressure was completely unimaginable by the Luwansberg who was deliberately sheltered.

Gregory could imagine something, because he knew it.

Never met, but in subspace, the consciousness of the two sides have met more than once.

This is a famous high priest of the spirit tribe, but at this moment, it looks like a ant lying on a branch facing a hurricane.

Gregory could vaguely feel the extreme anger, fear, and despair of the high priest.

"Why..." the high priest of the spirit clan asked hardly.

"Just because I want to." Kane said calmly without excitement or coldness.

"We are wise lives and have developed a brilliant civilization..."

"But in my eyes, it can also be of no importance. Of course, I will feel your will. Almost all the spirits here are praying, trying to leave traces in the subspace, and telling your **** what happened here, It’s a pity that what you can’t do is not that you didn’t do well enough, but that you met me and it’s bad luck for you!”


In the cry of the high priest's fierce transformation, more than 20 million spirits in the ark died almost at the same time!

Suddenly, the wind and rain stopped, and everything that happened before seemed to be an illusion.

However, before the eyes of everyone, the spirit priests, which turned into radiant light in a dazzling way, proved that everything is true.

‘Click! Click! ’Cracked sound came.

Unconsciously, people who had held their breath, only to find that Kane's skin was rapidly graying, and there were more and more cracks, and the light of golden lava revealed inside.

"This body will soon completely collapse..." Kane's voice also began to break obviously, and he said such a sentence, a crack along the corner of his mouth, cracked to the root of the ear.

After the 13th-level supernatural magical technique of "Everything is Killed" is performed, the life of the missing body also comes to an end. Overrun makes the original self-circulation system collapse is such an ending.

But there is nothing to regret. This ark world named Ostala, this group of spirits who fanatically worship the spirit clan death **** Inid, this more famous spiritual clan death clan activity base, deserves his thunderbolt at the expense of sacrifice. Of the end.

"Take back what you see and hear. Everything is empty, everything is allowed, and strength is the essence of authority. I believe that your boss, your eyes, can listen to your children, and borrow your thoughts and feelings for us. The communication between them saves a lot of red tape and ridiculous calculations."

With that said, everyone felt the distortion of the scene again, and the battle shifted.

The last sight of Kane they saw was that it began to dissolve and dissipate, and a black hole-like energy vortex was forming.

Collapse and destruction, these concepts are immediately connected.

But there is something else. Although Kane’s unique energy fluctuations, although only a little bit felt, they are eradicated, but they still feel unprecedented sacred and majestic...

That is the core of the missing body, a ray of divinity.

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