Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1281: Face-to-face reckless charge

Bu Zhoushan took the lead in firing at a distance that stunned the orcs.

Engaging Gaso also explained the other party with a very orcish thought. Quite narcissistic and there is no lack of bragging to the Demie around him: "That guy must have been too nervous and accidentally shouted the shooting command. I found that any type of fight with me is prone to this kind of situation."

A few minutes later, the bad guy Orc Warship was hit head-on. The effect was as if the battle cruise was in a fairway constructed by dozens of bright lights, and then was traversed forward, starting from the head It exploded constantly, falling apart like a big firework.

"..." Caucasus looked at this scene, and after a while he said, "This is pretty! Is that bad boy? Captain Luke is a cunning guy. Once he gambled, he even had a breakpoint in his mouth. Half of the teeth serve as good money (the orc’s currency is the teeth, including his own), this time also very cunning, even thought of such a cool way of death!"

So he roared on the Fleet Channel: "The cunning guy of Luke took the initiative to choose a very deadly way of death. I also envy, who wants to learn, can, but let's fight now!"

Before the words were heard, the second cruiser, Big Brother, was bombarded by Bu Zhoushan in the same way.

Although it takes more than ten minutes to reach the orc fleet after the light spear is launched, the shooting frequency of the Zhoushan is every 90 seconds, that is, when the first wave of strikes arrives, the Zhoushan has already completed 9 Wave salvo, and every 90 seconds, determine the life or death of an orc ship!

Of course, one must also consider that the Zhoushan is always advancing with a third of the beam, and that the orc fleet is also not slow. Therefore, when the sixth wave of salvos, the orcs could not wait to fire. Their weapons, this distance is barely a bit accurate and powerful, relying on a lot of firepower, covering the area, trying to return color.

The speed of Zhoushan determines that it is also unable to circumvent it flexibly.

Kane said quite confidently about this: "At this distance, even if it hits, how much power can be retained? So this round, just carry it hard."

So the Zhoushan Mountain appeared to be very **** and charged with each other while shooting with each other. In order to ensure the output frequency, there was no shield during the period. It was really a round of blasting!

Without the attack effect of Zhoushan, it is also very stunning, nine rounds of salvo, nine ships. It can be said that in 15 minutes, Kane almost completed the number of large ship destroys in an ordinary fleet encounter.

From the perspective of the prophet, the battle of the Warhammer 40K universe is well known as the Battle of Gothic.

In this battle, the ship became the absolute protagonist, while other black expeditions, including the thirteenth capture of the Kadian fortress star, the key battles that determined the victory of both sides and a series of major battles, were launched on the ground of.

Even, the Warhammer 40K personality ship, most of the time playing an essential background board.

But when you really travel to this universe and immerse yourself, it is another experience and feeling.

Anyway, in the eyes of Kane, the stories of the SMs, ups and downs and legends, are only representing individuals.

The starship can better reflect the power of the country and the power of the population. Moving the land, it is not in vain.

Coupled with the origin of the farming system, this determined that Kane preferred the ship rather than the Star Warrior from the beginning.

The immediate results are, to a certain extent, the result of his emphasis on ships. The largest and complex killing weapon representing the crystallization of science and technology, instantly cost opponents tens of thousands of lives and expensive creation costs.

There are generally more people on the orcs’ ships. A battle cruise of 2-3 million people is very common. Under the blow of the light spears, none of them can survive.

The energy of the light spear can be ignited even the air, and the living body is affected by it, and it becomes a bomb that explodes violently.

This is an explosion of chemical reactions at the molecular level.

It is precisely because of this that the ship can explode like a firework bomb exploding in the room. You have to know that in space without oxygen or the like, the visual effects of explosions are often much worse than those in the atmosphere, but now the explosions are splendid, and even the Gasoline is called cool, which itself shows that the explosion is unusual And it was fried thoroughly.

Without the Zhoushan, the Orc fleet reimbursed the nine large ships in one breath. It was also difficult to engage in the Gaso with the unreasonable excuse of “actively choosing a cool death method” to cover up the heavy losses of our own side and the fierceness of the enemy.

However, the use of Mao Er as an example to engage in Caucasus is the rare IQ or EQ of the orcs, and it is cunning enough. It quickly changed the statement and screamed on the fleet channel:

"I was just inspired by my brother. This enemy ship is the car of the saints of the human race, representing the highest masterpiece and supreme glory of mankind. Cheers, boys, our long-awaited Waaagh, came here inadvertently. That’s it! Let us devote ourselves to this holy war, Waaaaaaagh..."

Although the orcs often mention Waaagh and engage in Caso, they pay attention to the number of times and occasions. It knows that too much talk is worthless. Always mention Waaagh when inciting, and its sense of sacredness will drop.

It is precisely because of such small details, that even if you engage in Gasoline is not the kind of speaker who is full of emotions before cheating others, and before infecting others, he is already full of emotions. His Waaagh declaration, Still more motivating than similar declarations in the mouth of most orc warlords.

This time, he succeeded again.

The orcs temporarily suppressed the shock and terror caused by the Zhoushan Mountain, still maintaining high morale and maintaining a strong offensive.

Of course, this is also because space ship warfare is different from the terrible ground warfare.

As an old drama bone said: Without sound, no good drama can come out.

And for the orcs with big nerves, the splendid fireworks are really difficult to connect with tens of thousands of similar deaths.

Even the orcs feel like they are dying like fireworks.

Therefore, the "cool" saying of engaging in Cassel is not simply a nonsense, but the voice of the orcs.

Orcs who have special sound and light effects, simple ideas, and are not sensitive enough do not feel much.

And this still refers to those orcs who have the conditions to see the battle scene.

Most orcs, in fact, do not know what happened when they died. There are many labels for the orc's wonderful creations. Only without the label of "pleasant", all kinds of high-risk, perishable, and hurtful people are the common characteristics of animal artifacts.

And the ship built by the orcs will not open portholes for people to see the scenery, and the large imaging equipment connected to the monitoring equipment, such as the wall projection or the like, has no hope.

When it comes to inciting remarks by Caucasus, they have all received it. So one by one excitedly rubbed their hands, and some could not help but had already fought against other orcs around them. The ruling of life or death was in the hands of others. What is worth exciting and expecting?

It’s also in the channel ‘I’m hit! "Ghost calls like that."

The Fleet Channel is silent or something. The orcs have not so many rules. They must express their emotions and hit the target. They naturally shout and let others know their cattle ratio.

There are indeed many attacks that hit the Zhoushan, but it can be said that there are very few hits made by aiming shots, most of them are stray attacks. It can only be said that a whole fleet of squadrons has finally achieved some results.

In addition, the bow section of the Bu Zhoushan is relatively limited, which increases the difficulty of hitting. Most of them are edge trimming.

And even with such a situation, it seems quite shocking. It gave the impression that the bow of the Zhoushan was soon reddened, and it seemed to be melting, as red as a scented incense, and it was also radiant, as if walking in front of the fire.

This effect is mainly caused by the large-caliber beam gun on the orc side. After shooting a certain distance, the energy of the beam gun begins to overflow. Although the power is reduced, the range is increased.

And enough energy flow of this kind of overflowing beam guns formed a wave like a torrent. The Zhoushan was like a head rushing into the stormy waves, and was instantly baptized.

It's just that, as Kane said confidently, this power is simply not enough to shake the Zhoushan.

Bu Zhoushan has always had a peculiar coat to play as the doomed battleship of the Apocalypse class of the Human Empire.

And now the light effect of the hull is basically the result of the energy effect and this liquid coat.

For Mount Zhou, the sum of these energy attacks is like a solar wind that is several times more powerful than usual.

Although the solar wind is terrible, it is nothing for the Bu Zhoushan, which can sail in the low orbit of the star. It can even be used as a kind of solar sail recharge.

As for live ammunition attacks, the observation equipment of the orcs is not fine enough, they failed to capture the weird scene, that is, all live ammunitions can not touch the Zhoushan.

Because Bu Zhoushan has a defensive weapon that is not common in First Order ships, Evil God Tentacles.

This tentacle is not like a meat tentacle near the fish's mouth, nor less than a cat's beard, it is only as thin as a thick match stick.

The huge reminder of the Zhoushan Mountain is far more difficult to detect than the fine sweat hairs of the human surface. Only by careful observation, can you see the tentacles like fiber strands at the bunching ports of the bow.

The length of these evil spirit tentacles is generally more than 30 kilometers, and the number exceeds 100,000.

They are energy superconductors, and they also have the characteristics of 100 million degrees of high temperature without destruction.

Therefore, they almost ignore the energy acting on themselves, no matter whether this energy comes from their own light spear guns or energy guns from the enemy.

However, physical substances, such as warheads and torpedoes, will be cut and shredded with a flexible and sharp line blade like its power whip.

It is worth mentioning that the tentacles of evil spirits can only run smoothly in an environment where the material is extremely scarce in the deep space universe. If it is in the atmosphere, light is hindered by air molecules, it will delay its flexibility, and even change its properties to a certain extent due to contamination, making it easy to destroy.

This is the pros and cons of micro-technical weapons. They are sharp enough, but they are also fragile, and the conditions of use are relatively harsh.

In fact, the weaknesses of such weapons have already been manifested since nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons were once called glass bombs, and they mocked the situation as they were slightly problematic, and they could not be normally detonated with low fault tolerance.

In any case, the tens of thousands of evil spirit tentacles made the Mount Zhoushan almost not afraid of any live ammunition in the universe.

But for a large man like a boulder ship, the evil tentacles are powerless.

It is not that the evil spirit tentacles are not sharp enough, but that the sharpness of the evil spirit tentacles is maintained by continuous energy injection.

And when this kind of injection can reach full load, it can be maintained for about 1.2 seconds without decay. If the time is longer, the evil spirit tentacle itself will be overheated and melted.

This determines that it can not cut too large objects, not enough time.

The other is that it is flexible, with only one initiator and no receiver. If it is like an old hand saw using a saw blade, with this end and the other end, what it can cut depends largely on how fast the cutting edge can swing within 1.2 seconds.

If it is waved at the speed of light, it is close to 300,000 kilometers in one second, then many planets, including the Earth, are properly cut in half. After all, the diameter of the earth is only 12,576 kilometers.

But after all, the cutting of coarse matchsticks is of little significance to the earth, and the gravitational force will cause it to re-bond while being cut. After all, the relationship between the basic components of a star is as close as that between human cells.

Bu Zhoushan danced with many flirtatious tentacles that could not be seen from a long distance with the naked eye, so that no large live ammunition could hurt itself.

From a distance, the light generated by the moment when the live ammunition was destroyed, or exploded, or due to high-speed friction itself, formed a dense flash of light like a firecracker explosion.

Of course, this also depends on the Orcs' fleet. The fleet engaged in Cassel is really huge. Among them, those boulder ships, as well as the incident itself, contributed more than 70% of the firepower.

The most powerful on the issue is a giant cannon called the Waaagh cannon.

The shells of this cannon are very reminiscent of the graffiti on fighter planes that prevailed during World War II. For example, the sharp tooth shark head or something.

Every Waaagh cannon ball made by the orcs was graffiti. It's just that the orcs are serious in doing this, but their painting skills are poor, the content is funny, and the style of painting is similar to the graffiti of human children. Therefore, it is called graffiti, which shows a sense of joy.

These cannonballs are heavier than the 7-ton shells used by the earthmen such as the Gustav cannon, reaching hundreds of tons.

The orcs who love cowhide are even called the city destroyers. Because firing artillery from a high orbit, such a shell is indeed sharper than a high-orbit tungsten rod-based space-based weapon known as the'spear of heaven'. Although it is far worse than the impact of an asteroid that made the dinosaurs extinct, most municipalities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are properly smoothed out.

Kane also wanted to see if his own wicked tentacles could effectively intercept the orcs' cannonballs.

Unfortunately, the orcs did not give this opportunity, their artillery hit rate is really a bit terrible.

If it is a fixed target, or a moving target with a clear track and a relatively slow speed like a frisbee, maybe ten shots can hit three or two shots, but Zhoushan is one-third the speed of light.

The Orc Fleet did not brake. Although the speed was not as good as the Zhoushan, it was like a snail crawling, but it was actually not slow.

Therefore, the two parties passed from firing to passing each other, which took more than 20 minutes. Based on Waaagh Cannon’s range (mainly to see hits, otherwise based on the unrestrained situation in the deep space of the universe, the range can be very far and far) and the firing frequency, I can’t see a few guns in total. It was too late to fire a shot.

In the process of both sides charging and shooting, the orc captains have worked hard to fine-tune the ship's channel, hoping that their ship will face the Zhoushan Mountain in a head-on collision.

Speaking of that, in the Warhammer 40K universe, not only the orcs love to play like this, but humans also like it. It is for this purpose to equip his own battleship with a dozen-meter-thick Edman alloy bow and a huge angle of collision.

From this perspective, Kane said that he is a counselor.

He really didn't dare to let Bu Zhoushan collide with any enemy ship. After all, the speed of the Zhoushan is only one third of the speed of light. Even if it hits a boat of class, it is definitely a more serious disaster than a bird hits the front of the nose of a passenger plane.

This is also a major reason why Zhoushan did not hit the evil spirit tentacles.

Don’t dare not to install it. After all, the speed of the Zhoushan is equivalent to the body shells fired from the opposite side, all of which are more than one-third the speed of light. Cannonballs or bullets, so fast, how much kinetic energy is generated by the impact can be imagined.

Therefore, the Zhoushan is also constantly fine-tuning, and focuses on clearing enemy ships that are in the way. He didn’t want to get in touch with the stinky, silly orcs. He estimated that the orc captains didn’t even understand that hitting at such a high speed was definitely the worst car accident in history. There was no one of them. It was also followed by a bumper car style, rather than being bumped into a bump, it was rather clumsy.

However, at such a high speed, Bu Zhoushan is still in a jump-and-battle mode for launching warships when it strays with an enemy ship.

Coincidentally, engaging in Cassel also made her ready to jump for help.

For the past ten minutes or so, it has grumbled: "Our ship's speed is too fast! It seems that we can't shoot a few guns, it will be misplaced with the enemy ship. This is the most annoying thing to do with the incident. The deceleration process is too long..."

Demizou wanted to remind Caucasus that it was not his own ship that was fast, but the ship of the other party that was fast, so fast that it was not normal, so fast that there was no ship in his memory that had such a high speed. It even suspected that once the incident was hit by it, it would be pierced like a fat clot brazed by hot iron.

But Demi blew another thought, thinking that he was actually aware of the truth when he engaged in Gaso, he said it deliberately, and always liked to say so.

‘Bragging, sometimes to highlight your own cattle ratio, sometimes to hide your opponent’s cattle ratio. ’

"Yes, that's it. I'm so smart, so genius. I have to copy this sentence back!" Demi thought so deeply. The surface remained silent.

Although in theory at this time, you should be a good instead of letting your boss sing a unicorn there. But the battle situation is very weird, the loss of our own is not small, and it seems that there is no way to take the enemy ship. Then it’s better to say less, in case it touches the mold and is vented by the boss, it’s not good.

As for the legendary technician Mao Disheng. Sorry, Mao Disheng spent most of his time in its garbage dump + grocery store + antique shop + poorly managed warehouse-like research room, and did not like to talk to anyone on the bridge. Even if the other party is engaged in Caucasus.

So after complaining about a lot of meaningless swearing, Gaso finally said a meaningful command: "Let the boys prepare to jump for help!"

"..." Demi blows feeling that he is either crazy or the boss is crazy, and finally can't help speaking, but still said in a rare euphemistic way of the orcs: "The speed is too fast!"

As a result, the cableway was launched: "It doesn't matter. Our incident has enough length and enough launching channels for warships. There are always suitable launching channels for the boys to drive the sawtooth (boarding ship) to the enemy ship. Then, It's just a good amount of advance. I have always trusted you in this regard..."

Demi wanted to scold MMP. The ship’s speed reached 100,000 kilometers per second. The ship’s own said it’s also 100,000 kilometers per minute. Why don’t you make me think that both parties are out of date and launch the waiting ship? Advance amount?

No matter how long the ship's hull is, how long will it be? And when did the orcs engage in precise time-based combat in seconds? Can the orcs be embarrassed?

Engaging in Gaso gave Demi a blow of encouragement, let me do it, I believe in you, and said: "If I am not hard for you, then I will be hard for myself. Thinking about it, or hard for you, at least you have suffered Maybe I’ll be lucky this time with Brother Mao’s blessing..."

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