Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1287: Prism system cuts big meat

Infinite Supreme Wizard Chapter 1287 Prism System Cut Big Meat Audio Novel Online Listen

"This is obviously not a battleship for human beings! Will it affect our big bombing launch?" On the incident, Gaso frowned and asked Mao Disheng.

Mao Disheng's one-eyed gleam shines with no emotional fluctuations: "How about the impact? We have no choice."

There is indeed no choice. There are powerful bombs, but there is no good delivery method. I met a strong enemy who was good at long-range attacks, basically staring at who died, how to drop the bomb in place, became the most headache.

In fact, engaging in Gaso has grasped the key from the beginning and prayed that the Zhoushan could slow down. It is only now discovered that even if Zhoushan really slows down, it is still not easy to start.

The killing efficiency of the Zhoushan was so high that the captains of the orc fleet now most hope that the speed of the Zhoushan will be faster. The process of approaching the Zhoushan is too much for them.

"Come closer, get closer!" Many orc captains could not help but growl on the bridge of their own ship.

Bu Zhoushan has shown its true content, and the basic shooting accuracy of the ships of the Orc fleet also has.

But the results of the fleet's shots are far from satisfying the orcs.

As its name suggests, the Mount Zhoushan is like a pillar of sky standing on the ground, despite the baptism of artillery fire, but there is no obvious damage.

This is in fact suitable for the special function of Zhoushan-the ultimate barrier.

This is a force field type of protection, combining scientific and technological means such as static force field, and extraordinary means in the field of law.

It can be said that the current Bu Zhoushan is worthy of the name of Saint Kane from the perspective of natural science or supernatural metaphysics. It is the extraordinary existence of the saint in the ship, and it is the strongest defensive state.

However, there is no perfect thing. Bu Zhoushan wants to maintain such a state, the price is not fast.

It is not a problem of energy supply. The Mount Zhoushan is equipped with a star-shaped stellar furnace, a large, six and seven reactor furnaces, which can be described as surging power.

The real constraints mainly come from interference and conflicts in the law.

This means that, at least in this regard, the Zhoushan Mountain has reached the ceiling of the laws of the Warhammer 40K universe.

Perhaps in subspace, it can be more arbitrary, but the physical universe can only be like this.

Of course, even if this is the case, it is already a technology that crushes bullies.

The particularity between the deep space of the universe and the artillery fire from the orc fleet did not actually lose much because of the distance, but the accuracy was worse.

Therefore, now that the Zhoushan is standing still in the artillery fire, it means that the artillery fire of the Orc Fleet cannot be defeated! What's wrong with this?

That is to say, the orcs are big, and they are replaced by other intelligent races. Seeing this situation, most of them will choose to slip, which is really not upsetting!

The orcs, however, expected to be closer, allowing more artillery to be poured on the Mount Zhoushan per unit time, thus breaking its defense threshold.

In theory, there is indeed such a possibility.

In objective reality, the difficulty is too high.

Not to mention how high the protection threshold of the Zhoushan Ultimate Barrier is, it is not the killing efficiency of Zhoushan.

When the orc's ship pours firepower, it means that the Zhoushan also has a bombardment angle on it. After hiding behind the boulder ship, it is obviously impossible to shoot the Zhoushan directly, and there is no natural condition for shooting with the help of environmental factors in space.

In this context, Bu Zhoushan is like a whack-a-mole.

Although there are a lot of outcrops at the same time, Bu Zhoushan can choose to smash it. And as the distance between the two sides shortens, the neutron gun of Zhoushan can also join the battle sequence, and the firepower is more powerful.

As a result, the orc fleet was continuously downsized. And all of them are big.

The big man may not have great wisdom, but great strength. Every time a big ship is lost, the overall firepower of the orc fleet will be weaker. If you don’t dare to say more, 1% is definitely there.

Therefore, those who are sensitive to numbers and have strong mental calculation ability can roughly estimate how many large battleships there are when the orc fleet comes into close contact with the Bu Zhoushan again.

Then a surprising conclusion will be drawn. The orc fleet has entered the ‘death journey’ mode. That is to go all the way to death, waiting for the place, and no one died.

As for the small ships and even the warships, Kane couldn't even see it.

It's not his arrogance, but his perspective on the problem, it's not normal.

This war was not aimed at killing orcs.

Despite his success, Kane didn't mind killing him. However, since he praised the orc's tenacity and tenacity, he believed that this was the main characteristic label of his or her population, rather than the large number and the battle between people, then it meant that he knew that he wanted to completely eliminate an orc without leaving any scourges or more. It takes time and energy.

He doesn't have time to do this kind of thing right now. The big plan that Gradyus is advancing is prepared for the upcoming Insect Fleet.

And war serves the real purpose.

Therefore, blocking the orcs outside the star system is the goal. It is for this reason that there was the strategy of subspace exile before.

After all, he knew that the orcs’ interstellar jumps were quite easy, and even if they could still come back to Gradyus again, most of them would have been troubled.

And as long as the time can be staggered, not at this juncture, then even if the green skin of the entire universe comes to attack, Kane does not care, and does not care.

In this cognitive background, the orcs’ small ships and battleships mean that they have no ability to leap, lose their attachment to large ships, and fail to enter the relatively rich and dense star system. It is not difficult to imagine the ending.

Therefore, in this battle, Kane did not pay much attention to the orcs' small ships and battleships, only staring at the big ships.

The boulder ship is a big ship, and there is a fairly complete orc ecosystem in it. Even if there is no power to play space drifting, the orcs inside can survive for a long time.

And as his companions around the quest, continue to approach the Gradyus galaxy, after all, it has to be dealt with.

Kane is not really unable to take it, but just unconsciously pursues perfection, trying to obtain the greatest results at the smallest cost, which is more compelling, and worthy of technology hanging up to fly, so as not to let people in the evaluation During the battle, he said: "That's the comparison, it's no good not to hang..."

Although he didn't care about other people's comments, he had a path in his heart called "bystander angle", so he tried to use tactics to win more thoroughly and gorgeously.

With the annihilation of the orc warship, the orc fleet has little firepower except the boulder ship and the incident itself.

As for the boulder ship and the heavy firepower on the event. Kane is disdainful. He thinks that those weapons are simply the orc version of the "roman romance", and the blind weapons are totally worthless.

No matter how powerful it is, can't it be hit in vain?

So, after the naming of the "young and powerful" ships in the orc fleet was almost cleared, Kane ordered the shipborne MA of the Zhoushan to be dispatched.

MA is the abbreviation of Mobile Fortress, the name is not in vain.

It can be said that small boats and small ships basically can't beat them; and those strange heavy firepower made by the orcs is difficult to hit them with flexibility and relatively small size; they are more suitable for dealing with them, dense firepower, moderate rate of fire and moderate power There is not much left for the cruisers and war cruisers who can also be quasi-headed; no one can restrain them in this battlefield and let them gallop, is it justified?

This is part of Kane's system tactics. While annihilating the energetic forces of the enemy, we should create a situation that is beneficial to ourselves as much as possible.

This time it was the special edition of the Aquarius MA in the Zodiac series. Kane called it Aquarius.

Aquarius, like Aquarius, is a prism MA.

It's just that Aquarius is used in conjunction with the first order battleship group.

The Aquarius was built in response to the characteristics of the fortress ship Zhoushan alone.

Aquarius does indeed look like a bottle, or ‘bobbin’ is more appropriate.

However, it is a kind of ‘bobbin’ with a hollowed-out shell and a solid porcelain liner, like a delicately woven bone china bottle in a wine basket, which looks gorgeous and mysterious.

They are invisible units, and they have already infiltrated the orc warship group and began to choose the best attack position calmly, but the orcs are unaware.

Then an abrupt crowd of Aquarius began to show power.

Prism MA can be understood as an energy barrel. They are like jewels that excite the laser. They receive energy by transmitting energy from a long distance and focusing it into beam energy to attack.

It is Bu Zhoushan that delivers energy to them.

Just like Tester wireless power transmission, this energy transmission is invisible to the naked eye.

However, the light beam when Aquarius attacks is visible.

The scarlet color, bright and continuous, just like an energy drill, suddenly appeared around the boulder ship, and the range was not too close, 450,000 kilometers.

This means that if the boulder ship uses an energy gun to counterattack, Aquarius has more than 1 second to evade the response, which is enough for a flexible Aquarius.

The Aquarius attack is continuous exposure.

There is the power of the battleship's main gun itself, coupled with continuous exposure, the terror of its destructive power can be imagined.

The material of the megalithic ship is just an ore with abundant metal content. The main component is silicon, then non-ferrous metals. It relies entirely on its own thick skin and integrity to achieve the characteristics of high defense.

However, under the continuous irradiation of high-energy particles, the thick skin of the boulder was melted through at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is normal. The earliest prototype of Aquarius was the 174 GW Dracon rig from SC Universe.

The boulder is used as rock, and the specific heat of silica 996J is taken as the average specific heat (in fact, because of the high metal content, the specific heat is lower).

The melting point of silica is 1722 degrees Celsius. Despite the heat loss, the Drakken rig can melt about 106 tons of rock per second.

In the deep space, there is no heat-conducting medium, and the heat dissipation is low. However, the hull of the boulder ship has high metal content and good thermal conductivity, let alone half of the heat loss during the drilling process.

It melts 53 tons per second.

The density of silica is 2.65 tons per cubic meter, which roughly means that 20 cubic meters of rock can be melted per second.

This is the data of the Drakensberg rig.

Aquarius is much more powerful.

Therefore, even if the thickness of the hull of a boulder ship is measured in kilometers, it will not take a few seconds to melt through.

Because it melts too fast, there is no space for the liquefied and vaporized materials to flow before it is melted through, so the holes created when the energy is injected form an explosive reverse tide.

This general phenomenon of giant fire pillars is magnificent even at the scale of space. After all, the resistance in space is small, the rate of decay of jet kinetic energy is low, and the luminous properties of high-temperature lava make the visual effect excellent.

"Oh, stinky shit! What a bad thing!" Gaso couldn't help but scold!

The lava jets brought by the scarlet beam of light easily reminded it of volcanic eruptions. Then I thought of the compatriots of the orcs who had taken a lava bath in the boulder ship.

Rabbit is dead and sad! Although the event is much thicker than the boulder ship, it can't withstand such melting!

In fact, the orcs in the boulder ship did not swim in lava and burn to ashes, as Gaso thought.

Most of the deaths of the orcs are steamed and cooked, depending on where they are located. After all, this kind of local heating is different from microwave heating. The burned position will become the furnace, while the other compartments will become grills, iron plates, steaming pots, etc., so most orcs are expanded. Steamed, steamed and roasted by high temperature bulkheads...

And because the shell of the boulder ship is really thick, the gas that expands when heated at high temperature is not enough to propagate it, but the strength is along the weakest place, usually the hatch, or something, which is destroyed and spurted all the way. Outside the boulder ship.

Some orcs noticed the "big jet" phenomenon of boulder ships, and even some orcs were not equipped with fart sound effects. No way, the space is silent, no matter how good the show is, it won't work...

Kane hugged his shoulders in the Bu Zhoushan and said: "What kind of hatred and hatred are there for this kind of death?"

He meant, of course, human beings who had died tragically under the devastation of these orcs.

It is the population with the largest population and the most extensive divisions in the Milky Way. And because of the subspace storm, many groups have been lost and have not been recovered.

Therefore, Kane has reason to believe that every step of the growth of the orc community is filled with human blood and tears.

In other words, the more orcish the orc's technology, the more humans are slaughtered.

The technology of this orc community is very good. Kane believes that in the past, many human beings have been attacked by these orcs.

Therefore, even if he actually has a little affection for the orcs, he did not have any pity this time, and even during the battle, he deliberately brought a bit of slaughter color.

Dogs are loyal partners of human beings, but dogs that have bitten their owners cannot be kept, let alone mad dogs. And the orcs, no matter how funny or funny, have more characteristics than cruelty. This must not be forgotten. Even the ancient saints of that year have enough guard against them.

With the advent of Aquarius and the success of the hot hands, the destiny of the orc fleet to destruction is a foregone conclusion.

The total number of boulder ships is ten. Even so, the size of the Caucasus Orc Fleet is rare.

In fact, hundreds of years later, the so-called second largest group of orcs that made the titanium empire shivering at that time had a scale and quality of the fleet that was not so great.

Of course, the orc is not famous for its fleet, but it has changed the style of most orcish gangsters, taking root in certain natural planets, and connecting the city with a single star zone.

However, in the interstellar age, the starship fleet is synonymous with a key force of race. This point cannot be denied by any intelligent population. Since they all pay attention, can the strength of a fleet prove anything? What does it mean that the Zhoushan bombed a fleet? it goes without saying.

Power is always respected.

In the past, the bigwigs of the various forces of the human empire, while respecting Kane, had some flaws. Because they feel that they represent the country, civilization, and population, and their individual strength cannot finally be compared to the table.

Kane is even more powerful and can kill all empire politicians, but he is just an assassin.

Since ancient times, no assassin has ever heard of being widely recognized by the public, with the popularity and reputation of the great leader level, as well as support and love. Many assassins have become synonymous with insidious and ugly.

But now it is different. Starships represent the crystallization of a civilization and a symbol of group strength. So how can the first order of the manufacturer with a starship like Bu Zhoushan still be regarded as an ordinary guild-level force?

This is clearly an organizational force that can resist the courts of the Empire, and the self-righteous arrogant person should wake up after today.

Correspondingly, the treatment of Kane, who has such a starship and is the head of the first order, should be more and more circulated with inner prudence and respect.

In the battlefield, the battle is still in full swing, at least the incident is still basically intact. And its dwarf planet-level mass, no matter whether it is enemy or foe, can't ignore it.

Anyway, the morale of the orcs is still high, and their ideas are simple. As long as they see that the incident is still alive, they feel that they have the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, the situation is going up and down, but it is not so. But the orcs have a hard-hearted side, and they recognize this incorrect death as no one can do it.

However, most orcs do not yet know that their boss has already planned to abandon In fact, the retreat proposal was first proposed by Mao Disheng.

Previously, Mao Disheng told him to choose Gaso, but now he gave it a choice.

"I have been studying a new type of explosive engine recently and have achieved certain results. I haven’t had time to experiment, but in theory, it is feasible. It can temporarily replace the transition engine. With the special nature of the incident, it takes us into Asia. Space. Or, we hope that the big bombing will successfully kill the enemy, if not, we will die today."

To make it clear that the big bombing is actually a desperate option, and it is very unreliable.

If there is a relatively reliable choice, it is still willing to choose.

So it asked a question that ordinary humans wouldn’t ask, but the orcs would. The object was Demi Blow: "Mao Disheng has a way to let us enter the subspace with the existing part of the issue, and you have a way to connect in the subspace. To the part of the messenger we lost?"

De Mickey's rare and confident answer: "Yes! I can sense, I know where it is!"

Well, the steps are there. Engaging Gaso, he decided to retreat.

In fact, in the history of Warhammer 40K, this is a missing orc fleet.

And many, many years later, someone found a clue about the orc fleet in the mysterious black library.

This once-flickering orcish fleet was eventually assimilated with the legendary navigator Demi's chaos, or assimilation with the ship's base embryo hulk, and finally guided the fleet to a path of no return.

They never appeared near the galaxy where Gradyus was located, but were subjected to some kind of ‘great summon’, intending to go to the star zone where the Kadia Fortress star is located, but eventually lost their way in subspace. Many years later, in the garden of a certain evil god, his survivors with slave status...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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