Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1295: Liudu nap finally caught

Infinite Supreme Witcher Chapter 1295 Liudu Xiaoxi finally falls online

Just after midnight, Elon City and its surroundings were immersed in the rainy night.

Many people in the city, like the rainy day outside the window, are in a very unhappy mood, because their feelings about the future are also like this rainy night, the darkness is dark and there is no light, and they hear some noise, but they don't know whether it is good or bad.

This sound came naturally from the voice created by the new ruler First Order.

Elon City has not been abused, and the New Deal that has been encountered by people in other cities has also fallen on their heads.

However, Elon City is different from other cities.

It was once the largest manufacturing center in Gradyus and the largest sweatshop.

Although people are aware of the cruelty of sweatshops, there are still migrant workers who come from all directions.

Because in the past few decades, the population has soared, but the government has been unable to develop more safe land for people to produce, resulting in a situation similar to a serious land merger.

Rather than go on a dangerous and wild adventure, most people still choose to take risks in Elon City. After all, they are dealing with people here, not beasts, monsters, and all kinds of terrible unknowns.

Of course, to some extent, it can only be said that these people are still kind. The most notable thing in this city is the monsters in human skin. They are more cruel and terrible than real monsters.

Nowadays, the mainstream groups who are not in a beautiful mood include these monsters with human skin.

Although they talked in private, they seemed to be free and easy to say that the money they earned was enough for the family to eat and drink for the rest of their lives, but in fact, they were still difficult to calm down in the face of a chicken flying egg that can lay golden eggs. accept.

Of course, they are not willing to sit still and are not good people who only use bright means.

However, they are most proud of the wealth, but in the face of the first order, they are insignificant.

It is said that there must be a brave man under the reward. The price of the first order is much higher than theirs, which can be regarded as an eye-opener for them.

Before that, they really didn't think any official would be able to sell such a high price of mud legs.

That's right, it's mud legs, but it's successful entrepreneurs, cultural people, decent people, scholars, etc. like them who are very unwilling to see.

This is not their sensitivity, but it is clearly visible and reflected in all aspects of being left out.

They were resentful and tried to resist because of this. As long as the airborne officials are better for them, they will not cause too much trouble on the premise that the other party has successfully received the gun.

But now, family members, diehards, speculators, and people from the bottom of the society who do have difficulties, such as former prisoners with criminal records, can be dominated by them, as long as they are willing to spend money and sacrifice some connections.

But these are not enough. Without the participation of a large number of mud legs, they simply cannot lift the scale of events they want.

Take the parade as an example, the real long-term workers are responsible for instigating the squadrons, and the mud legs are like ancient siege, used to fill trenches and consume enemy firepower, and in turn reduce the popularity of the refugees.

Moreover, the mud legs are poor and short-minded, most of them do not know their own weight, don’t think about the stakes of doing certain things, they are easily attracted by the small profits in front of them, and then tell them the sentence "The law does not blame the public". Yes.

It’s like going to work every day, come to the point, then walk, shout slogans, get money, get a free meal, and even take advantage of the opportunity to smash something, what a good temporary job, right? ?

Although the silent ones are always the majority, don’t forget that the three men become tigers, and everyone talks about gold. As long as the momentum rises, more mud legs can agitate at a cheaper price, even without spending money, they spontaneously It will be blended, which is called blind obedience, and there is also hidden behind the eyes of the participants.

At that time, it only needs to shout a few slogans to tickle their itch, and it will become more appropriate. The mud legs will become a sport that has little to do with whoever wins or loses.

It is precisely because of the stupidity and short-sightedness of the mud legs that the capitals have managed many times to make it an important bargaining chip with the official.

It should be understood that the ruler and the ruled are clearly opposed. The Stanford Prison Experiment tells us that such a confrontation will cause the human environment to affect both parties, thereby increasing the consciousness of the opposition.

Then, capital only needs to make good use of this feature to do many things.

But now, the mud legs were bought by the authorities.

This kind of buying is not only about money, but also about giving hope.

Do you want to go? The human empire is the hegemony of the galaxy. There are many worlds, and no matter how big the heart is, there is no shortage of stages to display.

Want to develop practically? There are various official trainings, educational packages, low tuition fees, and a meal distribution package with excellent grades.

Coupled with various kinds of migration compensation, laid-off relief, and citizen welfare, few people at the bottom are able to live in such a "combination of combos", so most of them choose Dangshunmin.

In this way, the capitalists have no gun barrels, no cannon fodder, only some dog legs, and most of them are on the face of money. How can this fight?

There are always ways to think about it.

For example, swords are slanting and crooked.

Most capitals are invisible to the **** sticks.

However, the capital is often willing to give a certain degree of trust to the doctor, especially when the other party can show a few extraordinary means.

In fact, in Gradyus, capital and ability people have many contacts on weekdays. Those who do not have contacts, and most of them have channels and contacts in this regard.

And this time, when the capitals tried to use the extraordinary to do things, they were surprised to discover that the other party was unexpectedly awesome.

There is a reason for the extraordinary power, they have found a strong backing.

The old Tom slaughterhouse on the edge of the eastern city of Elon.

Although the name is old-fashioned, the scale is very large.

Because Elon City has one of the world's best canning plants.

Today during the day, several batches of live pigs and beef cattle arrived, and the process went smoothly.

On this rainy night, the slaughterhouse was still brightly lit, and the management of the slaughterhouse even greeted the power supply bureau for this, and asked people to overhaul the aging lines a day ago, on the grounds that they had to work overtime recently to order a batch of goods.

Obviously, this is playing smart. Use serious operations to cover up unscrupulous behavior.

Livestock are prepared for making chaotic eggs.

The slaughterhouse even arranged follow-up matters for this purpose, and also deliberately cleared up the relationship to ensure the smooth delivery of the goods.

When the time comes, the chaotic egg will be transported into the urban area with a box truck in the name of transporting meat, and then the door will be opened to let go of the monster.

This is a more deceptive, sudden, and dangerous act with internal coordination.

In the slaughterhouse, some people who knelt and licked the "power", even cleaned the room specially, prepared a table of extravagant wine dishes, and collected wind and dust for Albert.

Albert still enjoys this kind of support from the world.

Within the Chaos forces, there is only such a genital system as this kind of extravagant enjoyment and ostentation. The other forces are full of a rust smell, cold and rotten.

To be honest, Albert, who studies life and pursues longevity, does not like this atmosphere. But just like mortals need to make money to support their families, some things that they don’t like but have to endure and become a habit.

This is also a big reason to enjoy at the moment, after all, everything is afraid of contrast.

Like many chaotic believers, Albert also permanently lost something in the pursuit of power and eternal life. After all, the gift of chaos is not always beneficial, and the gift of evil spirits is even more so.

Albert lost his sense of taste, which made his life a lot less fun.

Albert also hurt his soul due to his self-reinforcement and transformation, making him to a certain degree color blind, unable to distinguish between red and blue. The three primary colors can only recognize green, and the world in his eyes presents a strangeness that ordinary people cannot imagine.

These lost things also became the reason why he doubled his attention to some things.

The capital of Elon City will be a man, so he is very satisfied.

The main thing is not quite a thoughtful hospitality, but knowing that he is a big man, but he is not eager to wait for flattery. In the words of the decent representative in front of him, "Lest you bother, but there is a call, whoever is , Will arrive as soon as possible."

Although Albert started from the gods, it is like the unsmiling in comedy star life. He is actually very annoying about socializing.

Later, when he gradually transformed into a research-oriented and gradually improved ability, he became more and more intolerant of social routines.

Now these people are right about his appetite because they have properly explained the things they have done, but have not taken the opportunity to complain or get confused.

Albert felt that such a person who knows the current affairs is a waste of one-time use, and can cooperate more times a few times.

So, it was much harder to say a few words and explain some points, so that some people can better deal with those monsters that the six relatives do not recognize.

Albert is enjoying the delicious food made by famous chefs, and a bottle of fine wine, which is more expensive than most people's one-year salary, and the representative broke in a little panic.

"Sir, we seem to be surrounded!"

Albert raised his eyebrows, and instinctively thought that these people were not good at doing things and leaked the wind. After all, his itinerary is random, and no specific time has been notified in advance, but only the other party is required to prepare the materials needed to make the Chaos Egg.

In this case, the enemy reacts so quickly, naturally it is not his problem. He came through the subspace crack.

Although there are many chaotic wizards, not many can play subspace transmission. After all, it not only requires superb technology, but also sufficient financial support. This kind of wealth is not a worldly wealth, but a currency that can represent power in subspace circulation.

Before waiting for Albert's subconscious curse: "Worstless waste." The three order wizards were in the shape of characters and broke in one after the other.

They are still in the shape of Jedi Knights, but what is impressive at this time is the faint light film on the surface of the clothes, which is like a plastic film, isolated from the rain, but it does not touch any drops. Its static effect has a kind of cutout The general sense of isolation seems to be incompatible with this world.

Albert saw this, his pupils shrank, and he said, "High-level psionic!"

He had heard of this technique of harnessing psionics, but see, this is the first time today.

He himself is also a wizard who can use the power of subspace. Naturally, he knows the advantages and disadvantages, and his exquisite energy control is not comparable to him.

"Three came at once, and it really attached importance to me!" In Albert's cognition, high-order psionic power, even if it is a star zone, there are only a few.

He had heard the remarks of the orc warlord engaged in Gaso before, saying that it was more than one hundred enemies who boarded his messenger, all of which were top psionicists, and most of them were killed by his subordinates.

He remembered that he was still disdainful at the time, and he said, "These orcs are true and bragging, and they are stupid and ignorant. The top psionicists, the entire Far East area is only a few hundred, and the enemy sent more than one hundred in one battle. Dozens of them were killed, which is simply nonsense. ’

But now, he thinks that engaging in Gaso may not have been completely bragging at first. Just like the one in front of him, the performance of his power control is negligible, so he can barely be regarded as a high-level psionicist, and look at its highly similar system. Dressing up, such combat power, on the enemy's side, I am afraid that at least it also exists on a team scale.

"Really powerful military force, how can the human empire quietly gather such good players? Or is it the secretly cultivated combat power?"

Albert did not blindly let his reverie fly. This is not the time to think about it.

Getting rid of difficulties is now the top priority.

He was quiet on the surface, still drinking wine with his own glasses, and the other hand was doing small movements under the table.

Next, as long as the other party responds to a little negligence, he can escape, he has this confidence.

Then he found out that the three high-level psionics were not in a hurry, but someone outside was very anxious and used a method that made him feel incredible.

Actually nothing, but a dissociation weapon that coincides with the principle of molecular structure. The materials used for 3D printers are produced by equipment manufactured on this principle. Even the world's most famous power weapon, its principle of using energy to break molecular bonds, is also in the same category. It's just that the related technology of First Order is more advanced and the effect is more magical.

With the dissociation operation, the four walls and roof of Albert's house were like disillusioned things that gradually disappeared, and turned into molecules that were invisible to the naked eye, and were drawn away from these areas by the vacuum effect.

So a good table was open in the blink of an eye, and the rain did not stop at this time.

Albert couldn't pretend to calm down now.

He threw away the glass in his hand and opened the field of spiritual power. The translucent scarlet light curtain instantly enveloped the area with him as the core and a radius of more than three meters.

Immediately afterwards, he probed the crack connector from his waist bag.

This is an alchemy item circulating from the Nadu Garden. Made by a high-level demon. The kind for personal use, so there are no traps.

However, it is still a pit. The pit is that it is difficult to recharge afterwards. Even if you find a master to operate, the cost is still high.

This instrument was given to him by Orson, just in case, just for running.

Although Albert is not the kind of warrior who has been trained in the battlefield, after all, he has lived long enough. The ‘see more’ article allows him to analyze the situation in the first place.

Not suitable for success, there is no need to succeed. It doesn’t matter if the entire mission fails because of it. After all, it’s just a front-end. As long as he can pass the information back in time, there will be no loss.

For him personally, it is safety first.

"Ossen definitely agrees with my choice. After all, my main value is not the first-line execution ability."

Albert thought quite clearly that a series of operations were quite neat and simple, as if he had practiced many times.

However, just when he took out the crack connector and was about to use it, the order wizard on the opposite side moved.

Disintegrating Thunder Power Enhanced Edition, throw!

This grenade can be understood as an extraordinary version of the dirty bomb. The magic pollution it creates is the main means it uses to achieve its goals.

Before SWAT and Sword Fighters used a simple version to deal with slavers and spirit eaters, it was magic pollution erosion that destroyed the monster's extraordinary energy protection shell.

But now, the enhanced version of the power used to destroy Albert's force field protection is still refreshing.

Simple, effective and universal. This is the principle behind the dismantling of grenades. It's just that this kind of "residue" that was born in the process of transforming extraordinary powers, like nuclear waste, is generally used by people, and it should still pay attention to its power.

Order wizards are not stunned, mainly because they have extraordinary powers and are good at control. The psionic protection taught by Kane has the characteristics of a field of law, which makes the seemingly thin protection have extra technical points. UU reading can withstand the cost of lower consumption. The power of a weapon erodes.

Albert, who is in the center of the explosion, is a bit miserable. He has a gap with the order wizard in the delicate use of extraordinary power. This means greater omissions and more consumption.

Now being blown up by three powerful disintegrating grenades, the force field that has always been proud of directly collapsed. I was also affected.

As if he were splashed with sulfuric acid, he showed a scorched character in the greasy, smoked, and also an unusually bad smell. Not just singe smell.

Albert uttered a terrible howl and wanted to get out of the area quickly, but was stopped by the order wizard who shot in time.

At the same time that Albert suffered a grenade explosion, the three order wizards were in their respective positions. Surrounding Albert from three equal distances from their teammates, they opened their arms and cast a joint spell.

Battle array, this is an extraordinary application rarely seen in the Warhammer 40K world.

In this world, whether it is a wizard or a psionicist, the popular style of rushing, killing, BIUBIUBIU booming is popular.

Order wizards, after all, are called ‘witches’, and there is no shortage of spell-casting methods. At this time, a spell called Spirit Cone is used to directly target the target soul. It can be used alone or in combination, and it can be used in conjunction with the magic circle.

Albert was stunned by the invisible spiritual force, as if he were stuck with a fork rod from different directions, and could not move.

The body was eroded and corroded, the soul was targeted and stimulated, and Albert felt a deadly threat. He couldn't care about anything else, and sent a request for help through the soul contract he made with Olsen long ago...


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