Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1297: Behind the scenes suspicion of picking the wrong enemy

The Supreme Wizard of Infinity Chapter 1297 Behind the scenes suspected of choosing the wrong enemy audio novel listen online

Soon after Albert's arrest, at the edge of the star system, the Gradius Fleet engaged in an incident with the Orc Super Trash and formally exchanged fire.

After the magic change, the performance of the Orthodox ship has not changed much, but it has more extraordinary characteristics. In addition to the sacrifices obtained by Mao Disheng and Demi Blow, some of them are purely dependent on subspace power.

For example, it is extremely high energy resistance. Whether it is lasers, high-energy particles, plasma beams, or extraordinary psionic energy, chaotic flames, they will all be weakened by the ship's energy swallowing characteristics.

The light spears and neutron cannons of the Gradius Fleet, even in the form of bursts, blasted on the troublemaker, making people tickle.

However, with the physique of the messenger, the resistance to quality weapons was originally high, and now it is spread over the magic iron spires, and the protection against live ammunition weapons is even higher.

These spires can not only release sub-space lightning, but can also be used as an energy to hit horns. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are one of the best interpretations of the orcs' ‘simple and practical’ concept.

This time, the Gradieus fleet originally carried multiple pros and cons annihilation bombs and subspace vortex bombs.

These two types of weapons are both after the first confrontation with the USSR, Kane specifically asked Miranda to prepare for super-massive weapons such as "Battle Star" and super-large warships.

But nowadays, science and technology face extraordinary helplessness.

The heavy space torpedo with annihilation warhead only melted part of the "hair" of the messenger. Due to the hugeness of the messenger, even the effect of the'ghost shaving' could not be achieved.

The effect of the vortex bomb is even worse. It is just like the energy vortex of a black hole. It is quite spectacular. The actual effect is that it helps to get rid of dandruff, and there is no way to tear it up.

And all this is because the messenger account has completely become an oversized magic weapon. No matter what kind of attack, it must first fight against the extraordinary power contained in this magic weapon. And the energy that can be stored with the physique of the messenger is obviously not what ordinary weapons can chew.

Kane knew this. More energy does not necessarily mean it will work. Otherwise, there is no need to emphasize the threshold of firepower and protection, just add more effort.

The performance of the messenger is so sharp because of the soul. This extraordinary version of the carrier-based AI, the ship's mother, and the ship's man can greatly exert the performance of the ship through scheduling.

Because it is a magic weapon, the Troubleshooter performs much better than general shipborne AI in this respect.

The reason why the heavy torpedoes of the Gradius Fleet are not effective is to a large extent that the soul of the weapon can put the energy in place in time to achieve a better defense effect.

Kane also had no intention of doing miracles vigorously, and had to use increments to defeat the troublemaker.

And the trouble number, this time also has a clear theme. It is to play a meteorite hitting the earth. Before entering the star system, it has locked Gradieus. After jumping out of the subspace, the acceleration engine propelling the long flame has not stopped. .

"It's just that I want my people to board the ship again, to see the different scenery within, and to kill more lives, to vent their resentment. If they knew, the energy incarnation was actually destroyed last time, and none of the body was fixed. , I don’t know how I feel."

In any case, since the orcs wanted to die, Kane did not hesitate to grant him death.

"All the order wizards that can go, I want to see, is it the **** pit of the ship in the subspace dialect, or my warrior head iron, or, use the super bomb method to pit me?" Kai Eun couldn't help laughing.

Since he can think of this, he will naturally make corresponding arrangements.

When Gasso knew that the enemy had once again sent the boarding ship from the back of the messenger, and it was large in scale, he couldn't help but bloodthirsty licking his fangs and said, "Good morning, you are waiting! "

Just like a replay of the last battle of the boarding battle, a scene with a strong sense of sight appeared. It's just a powerful version this time.

Armed like a hedgehog, this time, although there is only a weapon of large and small spike towers, there are no dead ends, and the firepower is strong, the range is longer, and the accuracy of the head is significantly improved compared with the previous time.

But in the end, there were more boarding channels successfully opened. After all, this time it was a single super battleship of the Kane Fleet VS Orcs that turned over. Kane can send in more boarding ships.

The channel drilled out, and the teleportation anchor device was successfully activated. The Order Wizard filed out amidst a flurry of flashes, entered the messenger account, and started fighting immediately.

The mass of the messenger number is equivalent to the mass of a dwarf planet with a diameter of 2,000 kilometers and mainly composed of ice and rocks.

The large internal space can be imagined.

It was different from the last time the Order Wizard entered and opened the film with the nearby orcs. This time he entered the interior for more than a quarter of an hour without encountering an enemy.

You must know that the advancement speed of the Order Wizard is very fast, and if you can make good use of teleport, as long as you can clearly see and calculate the spatial data, the next instant can span a distance of hundreds of meters.

After seeing this scene, Kane couldn't help thinking: "Do you want to lure the enemy deeper?"

Of course he is not there.

Just a few minutes ago, Albert, the father of distortion, was captured. At this time, he was in a luxurious room in the official guest house of Elon City, thinking about how to help Albert retrieve his memory as much as possible, so as to obtain useful information.

The idea was there from the beginning.

Simply put, the principle is similar to writing with a pen on a notebook. Even if the page where you write is torn off, there will be marks on the layer of paper below.

As for the depth of the impression, it depends on the degree of force when writing. There are still many memories at the level of the paper back.

This was obviously a delicate task, but it was nothing to Kane.

The main problem now is that it requires the active cooperation of the parties to achieve the goal.

So Kane is conceiving a specific operation plan, and at the same time waiting for Albert's state to recover. After all, he has suffered a serious mental shock not long ago, and he has expanded the space to delete his memory, and his state is indeed a little bit close.

So Kane was multi-tasking, paying attention to the war on the messenger side with one but not the other.

As always, as a master, he can see what he sees through the eyes of his subordinates war worms, and can switch between multiple war worms, and even saves holographic projection, which is very convenient.

Kane noticed that the internal furnishings and decorations of the messenger account were obviously much more delicate than the last time I saw it. Space utilization has also been greatly improved.

The scene I saw last time was like entering an underground country created by productive forces in the Middle Ages. Most areas have a very high proportion of the original ecology, like a natural dome.

But now, it is the prehistoric nest with outstanding characteristics. That is, stairs are cut out on the stone walls and filled with large and small caves, as well as huge honeycomb-like buildings, hung on huge stalactites, or stuffed with a certain top corner.

"Raising subspace monsters? Well, with orcs thinking, this kind of thing can be done."

But Kane soon discovered that his judgment was deviated from the facts.

The monsters were really monsters, but they weren't subspace monsters, but were alienated by the orcs and their close beasts Squiggs.

If you only look at the appearance, it really deserves the name of the Kia space creatures. It is indescribably deformed. From the eyes of ordinary people, it is completely impossible to distinguish between these monsters and orcs or Squiggers.

But Miranda quickly dug out their roots and feet through genetic comparison and identification.

Squigg was deformed into a bunch of hideous versions of tumbleweeds. This monster temporarily named Spindler was like a modern version of barbed wire.

Spikes, venomous thorns, barbs, all kinds of sharp thorns are supported by whip-like tentacles, which appear deliberately, just like artificially created.

Coupled with the sharp and obvious leaps of energy, it really makes people look at it and pour their appetite. It is too easy to imagine the trouble that this monster can cause.

But their actual performance is a bit sharper than the average person's brain.

The reason is that those thorny tentacles that seem to be numb can be twisted together like hemp rope, so as to obtain stronger limbs.

And how to screw it depends on the characteristics of the combatant.

Like the order wizard, the obvious human form, most of these spiny monsters choose multiple arms, thus occupying more advantages in the base number of attacks that can be launched per unit time.

In addition, there are many who choose to play ‘ground punch’ and walk down three paths, just like a moving piranha, burrowing into a person’s crotch, so as to get more chances of thorny tentacles swinging and twisting.

Due to the huge number of spines, they suddenly covered the side walls and top walls like a colony of ants coming out of their dens. They not only surged from the ground, but also flew from the air, creating a monster rain-like scene. As for the order wizards who entered the place for quite a while, there was a feeling of mistakenly hitting a trap and then being overwhelmed by a sea of ​​monsters.

There is no deformed orc here, only this kind of thorn monster, full of thorny tentacles waving, like a **** of steel thorns.

Kane saw this scene, but smiled disapprovingly, and said in his heart: "What's the use of just a large number?"

At the same time, with the Order Wizard as the core, the light burst of Saint White appeared one by one.

What's more interesting is that these light explosions actually have clear boundaries like controlled nuclear explosions developed by the First Order, with only plasma fireballs and no shock wave diffusion.

Outside the border, nothing happens; inside the border, it explodes into dust.

The use of the power of the legendary law, holy light implosion.

The Wizards of Order are really moving this time, and they have revealed their true level of strength, legendary level.

Man-made legendary level, every soldier king. This is the force of Kane, the master of the swarm.

It's just that he hasn't been accustomed to ordering generals and dispatching generals for a long time, so he doesn't have the command of the Holy Spirit.

Miranda doesn't count. Miranda's ontological input is of the God-level God.

Moreover, Kane also felt that since he was working on the front line, there was no need to create a general-level unit. After all, the mysterious elements consume a lot of money. Instead of creating a general-level, it is better to add more points to create a secondary clone like Kane Money. It's a good deal.

He is also considered to have tasted enough sweetness through the secondary clone, and he has a lot of recognition for this series of subordinates.

What makes Kane proud is that the legendary level also refers to the body. In other words, the first tool, consciousness, or soul simulation, the quality is even more legendary. At least two plus signs must be brought, which is the degree of one leg into the sanctuary.

It is also this higher level of consciousness pattern that allows the order wizards to use the power of the legendary level.

Especially when he teaches his memory, he emphasizes single-mindedness and purity. Therefore, these psychic + holy warriors controlled by the holy light are not good at luck, and their combat power is comparable to the great heroes of the various world situations.

And now, hundreds of such powerful people have entered the messenger, and they are good at cooperating, and the destructive power they can cause can be imagined.

Kane can even say without boasting that even if he faces the Cthulhu Guards, his order wizard will not be false, how can he be stuck by the orc? The orcs are changing, and the foundation is also there.

It is not that he peeped at the orcs, but that everything is reasonable. Some people think that it is unreasonable because the reason he knows is not deep enough and cannot be covered. Since it is unknown, it naturally seems unreasonable.

His understanding of the orcs, to a certain extent, even exceeds that of the creator of the orcs, the ancient sage Therefore, as long as the roots are the orcs, he has full control.

Of course, this is a theory to a certain extent.

The actual situation is that if the orc has the conditions to go to the extreme, he will also feel a headache, after all, the mysterious elements are limited, so that the amount cannot be supplied.

As for the moment, Kane felt that he could still live in Hold. On Miranda's side, the initial test evaluation has come out, and it is equivalent to spending a lot of decades to accumulate strength. Kane's rough estimation has drawn a fairly controllable conclusion.

But there are many doubts.

The main doubt is that orcs are a life that is difficult to be corrupted.

Even in the garden of Cthulhu, the Chaos Orcs were regarded as rare things similar to the zoo.

This characteristic originated from the creation of the ancient sage and from the Waaagh force field.

But now, some group-level orcs have been successfully corrupted, and they have been corrupted so thoroughly. This is a bit too good.

Beyond his cognition.

In theory, even Cthulhu does not have this technique to force it.

Otherwise, treat Chaos Orcs like rare animals in the zoo?

Of course, Lida Brick Fei exists everywhere, and the Cthulhu can still distort a group of orcs at any cost.

But what's the point of that?

Smashing so many resources, just let him kill and play like this?

Therefore, Kane felt that there was a big secret here, and this secret was related to the man behind the battle.

However, this time, Orson, the cruel black hand behind the battle, was watching the battle situation in the messenger with a pained expression on his face.

He said in his heart: "Did I choose the wrong enemy? This shouldn't be the enemy that the Demon Prince should face, right? Such an enemy is more than enough to become a Cthulhu..."

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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