Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1299: Do not sell items

The Supreme Wizard of Infinity

The original gene is the holy blood angel group of San Giles, which is the cake that was originally appointed by the fear of abuse.

It needs to have good looks and fighting power, and it is the style that likes to be upright, can not retreat, and is very infectious, which can inspire the fighting spirit and blood of others.

As a result, San Giles became synonymous with loyalty. Although he was killed by Horus, his achievements with the Holy Blood Angels are obvious to all.

For the evil gods who are constantly at odds with each other, the past and the present of the Holy Blood Angels are basically a mockery of terror.

Here, Tricky's contribution is not small.

And until now, I have never tired of dismantling Taiwan from this perspective.

Orson, the cruel, is the seed of demons that Yanqi is optimistic about.

Because Orson and his top general, the loyal subordinate Callas, are the roots of the holy blood angel.

Olmuz, or Zornholer now, was inserted by the traitor.

Zornholer is not playing role-playing, but acting in his own way. This is the opposite of his twin brother, Azek Aliman, who is foolish and wise, that is to say.

The irony is that Zornholler, a stupid man who admits to death, got what he wanted earlier than many smart people.

Although Tecchi likes to fight with smart people, most of the things that are used to do things are Zorn Holler who is shrewd in small things, confused in big things, and abused by the boss thousands of times, and a few words and first love.

Nowadays, Zornholer is doing the beautiful dream of making a shining debut and being invincible as before. The Legion of the Dead under his command is waiting for him, and it is quite interesting.

This is different from the general chaotic forces preparing to stand before they are always busy with things to do. The Legion of the Dead was forced by Zornholer's lewdness, and was relatively conscientious and did not deal with errands or procrastination. However, correspondingly, the upper limit of this army's combat power is not much to be expected, and it is not much different from what it seems on the surface. The possibility of exploding and over-exposing something is terribly low.

At the same time, Orson the Cruel further played with his ingenuity.

Compared to Keng Zornholer, Orson is now more concerned about how to benefit from this war.

After discovering that Kane had hundreds of legendary soldiers, Orson had a retreat to a considerable extent.

It is precisely because of the critical battle of promotion that he has to pick a suitable opponent, rather than just casually fall into an impossible task, and then hope that he can create a miracle.

There are many miracles in the world, but most of the well-known ones are created by deliberate comparison. Of course, there was some expectation that a small victory can only be a big victory at best, but it cannot be a miracle, and the majority of people do not recognize it.

Originally, Orson was planning to do such a miracle project. He scored 80 points in himself, and made more articles on publicity, and then walked away from the relationship, boasting 120 points.

In this way, with the IP and the boss's face, his employee can be promoted and raised.

As for lizi and dry goods, Orson can only say that the lizi he cares about now is very different from the lizi that the secular boss cares about.

In fact, ‘emphasis on propaganda’ is based on some experience gained by Orson after pondering this issue over the years.

Earlier, he, like most people, thought that the evil gods were extremely boring and played the ‘sage fight for face’.

Later, slowly, he tasted something.

Why do saints fight for face?

It is not like the so-called fate of ordinary people understood from the perspective of mortals, but a game in the eyes of saints.

To say that is too arrogant.

It should be said that to a certain extent, the dough is the lining of the saint.

If this is the case, then doing one thing, how well the propaganda aspect operates, becomes an important score item or deduction item.

Take Abaddon's black expedition for example.

It has been carried out eleven times so far, with repeated defeats and repeated defeats. Didn't win once! It was mocked as'Abaddon in a hundred battles'.

But why can Abaddon continue to be favored and still be the No. 1 of the betrayer?

According to Orson's analysis, the key point is that the advertising is done well.

Choose hot spots and make explosive news, and every time you start, it is quite eye-catching, and the eye-catching effect is just right. As for whether the back is anticlimactic, or simply unfinished, Orson even thinks that Abaddon himself I didn't think so much.

The key is the beginning!

It must be loud, to attract the attention of the world, so that the entire galaxy will once again remember the Black Legion and the evil **** behind it, and remember the fear of being dominated by the power of chaos.

Orson, who thinks he has grasped the know-how and really tasted some of the sweetness of "famous", is naturally not the kind of tough guy.

What's more, the concepts of ‘hard’ and ‘good’ require evaluation in order to arrive at a result. That being the case, whether the publicity is well done, whether the advertising is in place, do I need to say more about its importance?

The hero speaks. This common sense is actually the best summary of this cognition.

Middle-aged men have three great joys, get promoted and get rich and die in wife.

Compared with ordinary people, Orson consciously has entered the ranks of middle age. And the one who fought with him in the past can now compare with his wife, and the yellow-faced woman is generally bored with each other.

What's more, fighting the world is a team, and ruling the world is another team. History has always been like this. Orson doesn't think that the founding emperors have problems, but the inevitable choice of the courageous emperor after the experience and wisdom are in place.

However, if you can make the best use of it, such as selling a good price before your wife dies, it will be even better. So where do you start with this ‘life insurance’?

This is what Orson is thinking about now.

It was originally used as a sacrifice.

But now the promotion is looking for **** because of picking the wrong script, and the wife is half dead again, and she has to send arrows on the string, which is a bit embarrassing.

Rescue the half-dead wife, arrange a rescue operation, and rescue Albert?

Not to mention the end of the contract, the replaced team has been carrying out emergency reception operations for some time, even if these are not there, Orson will not be saved.

This is also his experience over the years.

Roughly speaking, it's like gambling. If you feel bad, you would rather lose the bet you have invested than never follow, so as to avoid falling into the illusion of "I can kill you".

Orson feels very bad now. The appearance of the legendary soldier can be said to make him shiver, and the dream of promotion is shattered.

His main consideration now is how to resell this stall for a good price.

"Black Heart King Huron?"

Orson first thought of his creditor.

Huron is also from the Far East.

But Huron started much higher than him.

The meticulously planned rebellion can be said to be the great rebellion of several interstellar warriors after the Horus rebellion, successfully pitting a few former fellow warriors. Including Kane not long ago looked at the face of the Claw of the Holy Blood, and gave some benefits to save the Weeping Clan in a precarious state.

The famous Battle of Badab not only made Huron famous, he also bought a lot of dry goods. It can be described as rich in oil, especially in terms of warships.

After it became known as the "Red Pirate" battle gang, in order to further increase its popularity, it held a deathmatch contest similar to the arena. The championship prize was an 80% new Crescent-class cruiser.

What Orson didn't know was that part of the ships Abaddon was about to launch the Twelfth Black Expedition was purchased from Huron.

In history, with the defeat of the Twelfth Black Expedition, Abaddon used a Blackstone Fortress to settle the debt relationship with Huron.

Orson is also because of Starship, and Huron has a debt relationship. After all, he started as a small war gang, and his first possession was only a raid ship.

It was too difficult to expect to start with a raid ship and mix up the possessions of the fleet. Orson didn't think he was that piece of material, he insisted on being strong, and now it is estimated that he was floating in space somewhere.

The ship’s capabilities are inadequate, and it cannot be produced by itself, but this type of vehicle is indispensable and can only be purchased.

Seeing his prosperous career, his stable income in the bottomless cave, and his star warrior background, Huron allowed him to purchase ships by loan, the four destroyers and frigates of his small fleet, They all started in this way.

Orson considered that Huron is a person who can play the current project. Although Gradieus is a bit biased, there are many subspace rifts here. Huron's fleet is coming, and it is not a big problem.

But there are two things that make him hesitate.

1. This business is not going well.

According to his judgment, if the first-order information and information about what he said he knew were revealed, Huron would probably not pay.

After all, Huron’s career is already on track, and Huron is not the kind of person who is addicted to promotion. He is already the devil prince. He is named after the deathmatch contest. He builds ships and sells ships for profit, and he is in the largest chaotic realm in the Far East. The best place in the vortex has established a foundation, and there is no need to risk death and choose such an opponent.

2. He himself is a bit unwilling.

It's not that I'm unwilling to give up and fight with the first order, but I'm unwilling to sell hurriedly.

He is keenly aware that such people and things are absolutely rare. In the history of the human empire, they are unprecedented, and it is not easy to say whether there will be people in the future.

Such people and things are the kind that can be stabbed out, but all participants can leave their names in history books. The selling is too cheap, I am afraid that in the days to come, every time I think about it, I will regret and regret it.

However, the timing is fleeting, and even though there are many abnormal orcs on the messenger, it will not last long to see what this means. Even if he fills in Zornholer and the Death Legion, he won't be able to hold on for long.

What's more, selling goods is about packaging. He also counts on Zornholer's real performances to create a wave of small climaxes, so that he can ask for prices. This means that the time left for him to make decisions and operate is increasingly limited.

After some thoughts, Orson finally made a very bold decision. Sell ​​this stall to the evil **** Tricky!

The **** of conspiracy, the **** of change, the **** of deceit. It is said that Tricky’s calculations are unmatched. If you fight Tricky’s wits, you will lose a lot.

Orson Xin, but also feels that occasionally, it may not be impossible to calculate in reverse thinking.

Or in other words, this is actually not a calculation.

To others, this may be a matter of buying and selling, but for Cthulhu, it is likely to be an opportunity to live in. But as long as you can Hold live, the benefits here will be great.

Among the four evil gods, Nurgle likes to cut meat with a knife and is infinitely poisonous, and his style is not very suitable for this incident.

The same style of **** is not suitable. It prefers to induce the roots of human nature and engage in beauties. It also takes time to brew and ferment. This kind of sudden encounter is not a favorite. Even if you are interested, the ongoing battle can only be used as a lead.

Fear of abuse is very interested in fighting, and may even be hid. After all, there are hundreds of legendary ranks, high-ranking powerhouses of the entire human empire. If you put it together, I don’t know if there can be such a number. It is possible to make up the same number of strong people, and it is estimated that the battle will last thousands of years.

But it is precisely this way, for him, the fear of abuse will not be able to distinguish the priority, and will take the part that is really valuable in his opinion as a starter.

How could there be so many legendary fighters in the First Order? What kind of person is their commander? Where does the powerful ship technology of the First Order, which is maverick and has the characteristics of the human empire, originated and what does it represent? Such a powerful force, gathered in Gradieus, what is it trying to do?

Orson believes that the value of information represented by these issues is much more expensive than the value of fighting.

However, he also realized that only those who have the same knowledge can be regarded as the buyers who know the goods, and he can make the price, and there will be no trouble afterwards.

Following this line of thought, even if he thinks of the most suitable buyer based on his contacts, only Yin Qi is the only one he can think of.

There is a real factor here, that is, Orson vaguely knows that Tan Qi uses his nausea to fear abuse.

From the bottom of his heart, Orson didn't really appreciate the role that Yanqi played in the intrigue of Cthulhu. Be sour and jealous, be stingy, like a lady.

In contrast, fear of abuse is like a rough guy, who doesn't care or care at ordinary times, is getting annoyed, it's just like a slap.

Of course, if it really hurts, or the bitter master’s scream is loud, then it’s not clear to those who watch the And as a relatively small person, Orson is as thick and dark as possible In turn, make use of Yin Qi's thoughts of using him instead of giving a little sweetness.

This can be regarded as Orson's own characteristics.

The protoplasma of the word bearer follows the pious route of worshiping the Four Evil Gods, while he analyzes and uses the route of worshiping the Four Evil Gods with little cleverness. In fact, at present, it is only a plot to play chess pieces between fear of abuse and treacherous. Nurgle and Senni are not interested in him.

When Orson made a decision and began to specifically consider how to talk to Tanqi, his "half wife" Albert basically recovered from the confusion state.

He can recover so quickly, on the one hand because Albert himself is a wizard with a powerful soul, and on the other hand because of Kane.

Kane naturally helped Albert not because of his pity.

He was not too cold about so-called heroes. After he personally destroyed the entire Medieval Warhammer universe, he didn't take heroes as a dish. Later, he was fond of big data collection and personality template creation.

Therefore, Albert's only special point in his eyes is the information he has.

It was also from this angle that he helped Albert organize his thoughts, so that his consciousness was restored from the chaos.

"My Lord Saint, I don't ask for guilt and meritorious service, I just ask for a chance for revenge before death." Albert's first sentence after sober was this.

"Oh, the desire to survive is quite strong." Kane saw a lot of scenes, unceremoniously exposed Albert's plot, and then smiled: "Just those things you do, give you a chance, even if I don’t mind the public opinion. I’m afraid it will be difficult to convince the heads of the various institutions of the human empire. Come on, say hello to the big guys first..."


Infinite Supreme Wizard

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