Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: Extraordinary light god

Latent forces, this is a mystery that the prophet's memory has never revealed.

This mystery was born around a question:

In ancient times, what did Gradius mean to the ancient saints, and why are there so many ruins?

The truth of this issue, Miranda had ordered the First Order to explore in the days when Kane returned to the dark HP universe.

Of course, it is not clear that there are hidden forces, but I just want to figure out the reasons for the construction of the ancient sage relics.

Kane had already read the gains of exploration.

Although it didn't take long for him to return to this universe, his brain is like a computer as a god-level unit. The processing of a lot of information is completed in the background.

What he thinks is necessary to deal with is still one by one.

Take Guangming Shenyi as an example, Kane has a lot to do with his sense of measure.

"It's time to hide. Next, it's the newborn's first show." He thought like this, the majestic power was instantly cut off, and the God's Domain force field turned into a membrane thinner than the wings of a cicada, melting with the skin. As one.

At this time, even if it was induced by the four evil gods, he was just a relatively ordinary psionicist. In addition to the pure psychic energy, he formed a relatively high-end human glow force field, protecting the physical body, and there was nothing special in other aspects.

As one of Miranda's clones, the brains on board Burdington also activated the ‘neutralizing shock’ device tacitly.

This device is like an extraordinary version of the degaussing device, which can neutralize and neutralize the majestic and extraordinary power of the ship caused by Kane's spells.

Without this operation, the Burdington would be as conspicuous as burnt red wrought iron for a long period of time under the perspective of extraordinary perception.

The invisible energy wave spreads and will eventually be excreted into space like a bubble burst. At the same time, the Burdington was already heading towards Gradieus, and no longer had any nostalgia for this battlefield.

The ships of the first order are also moving away in an orderly manner, like the parts of the star gate armed with pendants, they have been fighting and retreating, preferring to take less advantage, and staying away from the previous confrontation with the Demon Prince Mage. Film universe.

Even the gamma ray cannon stopped striking.

On the contrary, those spherical fortresses, like sea urchins suspended in the middle of the water, were still on fire, extinguishing the demon engines that were still alive at the last point of the Terrorist Army into the battlefield.

In this battle, from a quantitative point of view, not many units were actually killed. But from the perspective of tonnage, the horror demon was wiped out with billions of tons of creation, which is equivalent to annihilation of a very large space fleet.

Such a loss, even a human empire with a large family, will feel the pain.

But fear of abuse of the demons, but from top to bottom, there is no particularly excessive reaction.

Compared with the massive loss of the demon engine, they are more concerned about the war mode in front of them, which makes them feel uncomfortable.

Perhaps it is precisely because almost everything in the subspace is dematerialized that demons generally prefer the feeling of fist and fist.

The background of the birth of the lunatic group like the Soul-grabbing Corps also has this factor.

Moreover, from the Demon Legion to the Chaos Fighting Gang, they are all alone because of their madness. They rarely buy the accounts of their colleagues. Only the call of the Horror himself can unite them as a whole. Form a fairly neat army and launch a blood holy war.

However, the individuality and restlessness have not been erased, just suppressed. If the battle goes smoothly, that's fine. If the opposite is the case, as it is now, it is not enough to make a face to fear abuse, but all kinds of anxiety, complaints, and complaints are inevitable.

In particular, after hearing that the other two branches of the bridgehead had been successful, they were anxious to end the battle in front of them and turned to the hack and slash they like.

This sentiment also affected the Demon Prince Mage Group.

But just as they were considering whether to end this power's top cow, there was a rapid change in the energy focus, the darkness receded, and the scarlet color quickly raised their heads, and they felt that the demon engines protected by them increased their overall spirit power. , Showing a very obvious explosive situation.

"Ha, the other party gave up first! Then put more strength, let the army's weapons show their **** and mighty side!"

The remarks of a certain demon prince made Yu also excited, and even a few were overjoyed, grinning cruelly.

Once the Terrorist Army Corps is stimulated to start the burst mode, it is quite cruel. If the immediate force of the Terrorist Force actually breaks out, they are confident to use their madness to cut back all the faces they lost before.

So the demon princes have maximized the transmission of extraordinary power, hoping to completely ignite the soul power of the front-line demon engine and make it into a super explosive state.

But the result was contrary to what they expected.

The area shrouded in scarlet light did not turn into a **** cloud of light that infested everything around in the big explosion, but collapsed inward and then disappeared.

The cognition of the ‘singularity’ just emerged in the mind of a certain demon prince. Before he had time to react, the big explosion occurred.

It's just that the explosion is quite weird.

It's not the kind of ordinary explosions and light clouds, nor the kind of supernova explosions, which emit countless energy linearly, but recessed. It was as if the floor had collapsed, revealing a bottomless hole.

Of course, what is collapsing in front of you is not the floor, but the material barrier of the physical universe.

As soon as it appeared on the stage, it directly caused the regional laws to get out of control, and the force of the bright gods suddenly appeared.

The collapse caused the destruction of the boundary between the subspace and the physical universe, which in theory should result in the birth of another chaotic land.

Whether it is the most famous Eye of Fear, or the Great Vortex of the Far Eastern Star Territory, the bottomless cave, etc., the essence is composed of a huge subspace rift, a long-lasting existence like a sea eye that cannot be blocked. Subspace energy flows directly into the material universe, which is caused by continuous infection.

This is the same in terms of principle, but what is gushing out is not subspace energy, but holy light energy.

What's more special is that this kind of holy light energy is not pleasing to life at all. It is not only useless, but harmful.

It's like the strong light shining can't open the eyes, and the high temperature burns, which is unbearable.

It's such a feeling, this feeling comes from the instinct of life.

But from a visual point of view, it can be said to be magnificent.

The originally dark and deep cosmic deep sky suddenly added such a large luminous pit from any angle, and the light formed cracks extending in all directions in the cosmic space.

If this scene is taken as a 2D photo, it will show the visual effect of a hole and a large number of cracks in the glass plate.

And because these cracks are luminous, they are more eye-catching and conspicuous.

Similar to the natural scene, I am afraid that the effect of "the earth is cracked and the fire overflows." It's just that the one in front of you is more 3D, from any angle, it doesn't have a cruel beauty.

Kane, who was driving away from the boat, couldn't help but sigh, and said in his heart: "It is worthy of the rare matter that has been integrated into the cosmic egg, and it has created irreparable permanent scars. Warhammer 40K universe will eventually end because of it..."

Although the trauma is small, it is not healed. Repeated infection and suppuration will eventually ulcerate and affect the whole body, bringing the end of life. The current situation is just such a situation.

Kane also felt a little unexpected.

The key point that surprised him was not that the light and gods were so evil, but that the Warhammer 40K universe, which had absorbed the cosmic eggs, had chosen such an extreme path.

It is precisely because of the extreme extremes that the universe chose after swallowing the cosmic egg, that now it seems so lacking in resistance. This is the reason that part of the cosmic egg was completely discarded and planted as a toxin.

It is this unwillingness to tolerate that has planted the results of today's non-resistance, and it has really become a highly restrained toxin that creates such an alternative wound. Unless external forces intervene, there is no possibility of healing.

Kane certainly has a way to solve this problem. And this kind of problem, the sooner it is solved, the better. Every time there is a delay, the solution cost will multiply.

But after some inner game, he gave up this choice, even all species in the Warhammer 40K universe will be profoundly changed.

"Damn idiots! What did you do!?" Terrorist roared and appeared suddenly.

Of course, it wasn't that his body descended, but that after putting in a large amount of divine and soul power, it formed a projection that seemed like a substance in the physical universe.

The anger of fear and abuse, the demons can't bear it, just this projection, its divine power illuminates the power, the ordinary people who can lead the scene immediately collapsed.

Fortunately, there are no ordinary people on the scene. Even if there are war bugs with biological characteristics, their minds are no different from machines, and they don't take the soul to shock.

And such majestic power of the soul is to control even more majestic extraordinary power.

At that moment, in the universe with a diameter of over 30 million kilometers, the space shattered like a piece of glass.

The power of terrorism directly broke through the limits of the realm, causing such an effect. And what he shot against was neither Kane nor the collapsed pit of pure white light, but his demon prince.

At the same time, the corners of Kane's mouth curled up, and he said in his heart: "It's worthy of being thick and thin, the response is first-rate, the timing is good, but..."

The response is first-rate. The point of this evaluation is that fear abuse realizes that the newly born light **** will inevitably take the demon prince that gave birth to the flag!

Kane’s previous series of operations were actually taking measures to brush the pot at critical moments.

He is undoubtedly the initiator of the birth of the **** of light. But he is sober, until even if he is not bound to this universe, it will cause him to fall into a cause and effect entanglement.

Therefore, he made full use of his ‘outsiders’ qualities and the unclear facts of the Demon Princes to retreat bravely.

In this way, from a causal point of view, his relationship with Guangming and God's evil was eliminated.

The disadvantage of such a choice is that Guangming Shenyi will not have an extraordinary emotional connection with him.

However, he had determined in advance that the **** of light was not a good product, even if it was the Virgin, it was the kind of Virgin who was too extreme and did not agree with his three views. Therefore, it is a blessing not a curse for him to be wrong with this father.

In this way, the malpractice cannot be called a malpractice.

And the entire participation of the demon princes has been the last step, making the bond between them and the light gods extremely deep.

Kane believes that this kind of fetters will make the light gods and evildoers attack them at the beginning of their birth.

Wash away your sins, and look back.

The specific operation of Guangming God's evil is probably the compulsory redemption for this reason.

From the standpoint of the mean, this kind of compulsory redemption is absolutely overkill. It does not get the consent of the parties and directly deprives the'evil'. For the demons, the'evil' has become too deeply entangled with their personality. Deprived, it will become a mentally retarded person.

But the **** of light doesn’t care about these things. What he pursues is the pure way in his cognition. The purpose of his existence is to promote this way. It can even be said that he feeds on evil, which is the prerequisite for his birth. , And the result of Kane’s guidance.

Although Horror hadn’t been able to figure out the key points here for a while, he realized that the demon princes were the eggshells of the baby bird of Guangming Shenyi based on his own instinct and experience. I am afraid that it will be more difficult to treat after gaining the first strength.

Therefore, the seemingly frustrated punishment of one's own subordinates is actually killing two birds with one stone. It is both rescue and restraint.

Although fear of abuse is brilliant, Kane is not worried at all.

Because of each other's roots and feet, when it comes to compulsion, the bright gods are higher than the four evil gods.

The Four Evil Gods are part of the evolution of the Warhammer 40K universe, but the unscrupulous means of the ancient sages gave birth to their birth.

But the ancient saints did not jump out of the barriers of the Warhammer 40K universe evolution.

But the God of Light was born when the Warhammer 40K universe swallowed the essence of the universe egg, choosing to completely abandon the toxin part as the core

In Xianxia's terms, this guy's roots and feet jumped out of the Three Realms, not among the five elements, but it was inextricably linked to the world. This connection is determined by the part of the universe egg essence absorbed by the Warhammer 40K universe. That part has been fully integrated into the Warhammer 40K universe, added to the evolution process, and turned into everything.

As a result, the gods of Guangming both have fetters with this universe, and have uncontrolled transcendence, just like this pit of light.

From the perspective of the physical universe, it is a concave deep pit.

From a subspace perspective, it is a bulging, radiant tumor, like a deformed super sun, whose power is already infecting the surrounding area.

And it is not only the body of the **** of light, but also its lair.

"Who hasn't gotten up yet? For fear of abuse, if you are presumptuous by someone's bed, you must be prepared to be taught to be a human being! Although he is a junior and a new born, it is not you who can save face with a projection. of."

A very important reason why Kane chose to dump the pot is that he now does not have much capital to engage in front-to-face encounters at the God King level, but needs to bring out his technical expertise.

Therefore, he did not back down when he was supposed to show up, but he also gave up the stage, not being the performer of the finale show.

Horror abuse chose to jump up. Kane didn't think he could take the leading role. At least today, the scenery belongs to the bright gods.

Since it can be born, it represents some kind of supreme general trend. This general trend, even if faced by the gods, is just like ordinary people facing the landslide and tsunami. It is not so easy to go back, especially the frontal.

Sure enough, in the next instant, the bright gods who had not yet formed a form were shot...


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