Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1343: Broken car choked with 5 people

The steam car is very noisy, puff, puff, ding, ding.

The speed is not fast, just like more than forty steps.

It's also very bumpy, of course, this is also related to bad road conditions. Even in this mainstream era, the unevenness of the road surface is normal, especially in late autumn with heavy humidity and rain. Muddy is also a common situation on the road.

Bad roads, broken cars, the driver Nicolas looked a little cocky. Because the car belongs to him.

Kane can fully understand Sacco's sense of superiority and pride.

After all, for a young half-orc, having his own steam car is like driving a broken Jeep in an era when most people are riding bicycles.

This is not only money, but also power or channels.

Nicolas was the latter. His father was a senior technician, and his grandfather was also a senior technician, who followed the gnomes.

He has been fascinated since he was a child, and passed the qualification certification of assistant technician at a young age. For half-orcs, this is almost equivalent to being born in a poor country, and he was admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

So Nicolas does have the capital of cocky, not just because of a steam car that doesn't know the hand.

And he and Olaf, the orc boy who Kane suspects to be the son of destiny, are getting younger. The kind of friendship between the father and the son.

From this it is not difficult to speculate that Olaf’s life experience is not simple. After all, people gather in groups. The three generations of Thresh are rare craftsmen among the half-orcs. This has been determined. In his life and work, even with The coolies interact with each other, and it is difficult to forge deep friendship.

It can even be said that even if it is a life-saving grace, if the social status is very different, it will drift away because of the lack of common topics. No matter how emotional, it will be a generation of people, and each other's children will be difficult to play together.

Therefore, although Olaf pays great attention to protecting his privacy, Nicolas is so good to show off, especially when the topic is scratching its itch.

As a result, the inadvertent disclosure of information quickly made Kane gain.

This is naturally helpful to how he gets along with the Son of Destiny.

In addition, Kane also paid attention to proportions, and did not use magical magic to achieve his goals.

Although strong, he is able to override the will of the entire world and take and seize the Son of Destiny. But the end result of that is mostly the Son of Destiny being abandoned by the world.

This was something he didn't want to see. He also hoped that the son of destiny would give pointers to the maze so as to join the ranks of trendy people of the times.

He believes that not only can he not dominately interfere, he can't even provide too much convenience.

Exhausted, hungry, empty...

This set is often the standard for Son of Destiny.

Especially in the early stage, it is through these hardenings to wash away the sand and see the real gold.

"By the way, Brocks, where is your destination?"

The one who asked Kane was Grum, the male half-orc who had whispered Kane before.

Although he is a friend, Kane keenly discovered that Grum's role in this small team is Nicolas's follower.

But the actual status is better than the attendant, because the beautiful female half-orc Yakari is his sister.

As far as looks are concerned, Grum is not lost to his younger sister. He belongs to the type whose name influence is very different from the actual image.

But Kane believed that Grum was more depressed than proud of his handsome face, because his beauty belongs to the beauty of femininity, not to say that it is in the half-orc group, even in the human group, the beauty of this one It is also easy to be called a "sissy", and only in the blood elves, such beauty has a market.

The problem is that Grum did not acquire the common temperament of blood elf males that were intellectual, refined, or arrogant. His temperament was very tacky.

To use a bit of poison, if he pretends to be a woman and goes to the street with Yacari, then the old driver is serious, Yacari will be the kind of high-end goods with little experience, and he will be able to sleep until he can earn money. Old buses that are suspected of being misused can be boarded, but beware.

Kane could feel that Olaf was not too cold with Grum.

Grum is only okay with Olaf on the surface. It's the kind of bridge that "looks at Sako's face and doesn't care about you."

From this perspective, Sacco is not like the son of a craftsman, but more like the son of a merchant. In addition to expressing his love for expression, he also plays social games very slippery, successfully acting as a lubricant between Sacco and Olaf. And make all three of Yacarly thank him.

If it weren’t for Kane’s preference for the son of destiny, he should be the kind of personality that is usually low-key and always able to perform above the level at critical moments. It will inevitably suspect that Nicolas is the son of destiny. Like Liu Xiu, he is exceptional in observing and employing people. A powerful character.

And Yacarly, in the eyes of Kane, is a typical beauty.

Externally, Yakari’s appearance, coupled with the status quo of widespread discrimination against half-orcs, can easily cause trouble.

Internally, Yakari obviously prefers Olaf, but she also enjoys Nicolas's thoughtfulness and always creating topics, but travel is not so boring and talkative.

From Kane’s point of view, the proper thing is a hidden danger, but it is impossible to say a mistake. After all, Yacari is also a young girl with no experience. Beauty is not her fault. She likes beautiful things and likes to follow her feelings. , Is also a common feature of this year-old girl, how can she be forced to be like a person who knows that the relationship between the sexes is the most unclear, and should be selected in time, so as not to give the rest of the hope and the opportunity to misunderstand How important is it?

In Kane’s opinion, because of this Yakari, this small group has already booked tickets for internal and external troubles, and then added adventure elements, demonized elements, and the framework of the road film script that is entangled with grievances. Up.

"I'm going to Wilgau Hills." Kane was also betting on such an answer. Betting that Ofra and his party are not going to the Irvine Forest area.

Although there are many large towns, people are generally more enlightened, and relatively friendly to half-orcs, but it is unlikely to be Olaf's destination.

Because of Olaf's depression and lack of interest in sightseeing and chatting, it shows that they have something to do, rather than an ordinary, young people's half-trouble and half-play trip.

Moreover, according to Kane’s profile analysis of Olaf, Olaf’s unhappiness is by no means caused by unpleasant interaction with the locals in Lakeside Town.

Olaf is not so stingy, and will not affect his mood too much because of such things. What's more, what they encounter in Lakeside Town is only some verbal discrimination. They all say that people are leaving their homes, not to mention half-orcs, just ordinary travelers. There is definitely not a low psychological estimate for this kind of problem, so how can you get angry?

After having such a judgment, further speculating on the purpose and destination of Olaf's trip, Kane believes that it is not a good thing, nor is it a good place.

Olaf's gloom and unhappiness came not only from the things to be done, but also from his sense of responsibility to the other people in this small group. After all, he pulled them into the water and he was under pressure.

Regarding these as background information, Kane analyzed it again and concluded that the final destination of Olaf's Alien was the most likely Dusk Forest area.

If it is farther, for example, to Stranglethorn Vale, then it should not be driven by car, but by airship.

The Cursed Land and the Swamp of Sorrows are also not suitable for driving, mainly because these places are dangerous. The upwind trail area where the Medivh Tower Karazhan is located is a dangerous pass, the road is dangerous, and the creatures that come and go are also dangerous. There were hordes of ogres. It is said that there are even demons left in the legion temporarily.

Therefore, if it is to go to the Swamp of Sorrows or the Cursed Land, Olaf's four-member gang is a bit out of date, especially Yakari, could it be possible to shout for cheer when encountering evil things?

It is precisely because of these considerations that Kane believes that the place Olaf and the others are most likely to go is the Dusk Forest area.

Although it can also be called the rear of Stormwind Kingdom, because of frequent disasters and wars, a large number of manpower has been mobilized, so that the rear is empty and there are all kinds of bad things that have been taken advantage of.

The Redridge Mountain is a place where the Black Rock Mountain forces headed by Nefarian took advantage of the vacancy and became a place to stock black whelps and hybrid dragons.

The Twilight Forest was eroded by darkness, making it even more secretive and eerie.

Although according to the latest news, this was a matter of hundreds of years ago, but the Kingdom of Stormwind slowed down and rectified vigorously.

After several generations of hard work, the undead in the quiet garden tomb area were completely eradicated; the werewolves entrenched in the rotten orchard area were also hunted and killed; the ogres entrenched in the Volgu hills were also driven away from the thorns Valley; Even the most troublesome area of ​​Crow Ridge, where a catastrophe is almost brewing, has become a real back garden and soul habitat.

Kane knows that the power of darkness is difficult to manage and eradicate. The environmental characteristics of the twilight forest determine where darkness is easy to breed.

Darkness is not only hiding in the dark corners of the room, accumulating energy in the depths of the dense forest outdoors, but also dormant in the depths of people's hearts.

And, the darkness is super patient.

Therefore, Kane has reason to believe that there is a deadly undercurrent surging under the seemingly peaceful surface in the Twilight Forest area today.

Ever since, Grum asked, he reported the name of Crow Ridge, and he really planned to go there.

The Son of Destiny does not need the protection of the Virgin, and he will not find an excuse for endless entanglement.

What he arranges for himself is the drama of'destiny separates us and meets again'. When he leaves, he silently pays attention to it, and then reappears at an appropriate time, and the relationship deepens.

On the contrary, even if he didn't think he was a conspiracy, he would be bored with the dog-skin plaster-like stickiness.

Sure enough, when he reported ‘I’m going to Crow Ridge’, Grum issued a ‘tsk! ’’S voice glanced at Olaf next to him, and stopped talking.

Olaf took over and said: "We go to Yugen Town, theoretically we will be on the same route with you, but we have some special secrets, it is not convenient to carry you the whole process, and the farthest can only be to send you to Night City."

Kane responded with a smile: "If it's inconvenient, just take me to Sanchakou. I can take a boat along the Dark River all the way westward, and then enter from the north of Crow Ridge."

Hearing this, Grum rushed to respond: "This idea is good. Taking a boat is better than taking a car. It won't suffer from bumps, and it's safe all the way."

Kane was still smiling, but did not answer.

Olaf shook his head, and said sincerely to Kane: "I will tell you what I know. If you offend you, please don't get angry. Use it as a reference. As far as I know, Crow Ridge is a long time ago. It's called it. Now it's called Ping An Town."

After a pause, Olaf continued: "Ping An Town is not safe. One of my comrades-in-arms, a native of Ping An Town in the Twilight Forest, had an accident at home and rushed back and never returned. I have no right to investigate relevant information. But I can be sure that it is not an ordinary event. Because the comrade-in-arms approached a few of us in our usual relationship before leaving, and it was somewhat of a whisper."

Olaf said again: "To the north of Pingan Town is the huge cemetery area. I believe you should also have a certain understanding of it. It started in the funeral industry and is very well-known. Even many people from Stormwind I am willing to send my deceased relatives there for burial. Until now, the Ping An Cemetery is the largest cemetery in the kingdom."

"In the era of frequent warfare, the rear was empty. Terrible things had happened there, and then vigorously rectified. But in recent years, there have been some bad news such as missing, special diseases, and being attacked by beasts. And the cemetery area To the north, all the way to the Dark River is a barren area with little travellers. For safety reasons, I do not recommend disembarking there."

"If you have to take a boat, I suggest you take a detour and go to the junction of the Dark River and Nushui upstream, and then from the south of Mtlnovel Town, along the mainland to Crow Ridge . Two more days’ trip, but it’s safe."

"Or, taking a long-distance bus from Night City is actually good. I heard that the people of Night City are relatively open-minded and open for historical reasons. They are less hostile to outsiders, including ours. And Sanchakou..."

Olaf shook his head and said with a point of interest: "You have to beware of driving and boating, especially if you are a traveler who only walks on the road."

Kane smiled and said: "In these days, even our clan, there are not many kind people like you. I was lucky to meet. As the saying goes, listen to people's advice and eat. I Listen to you, go to the night city and take the long-distance bus."

Grum, who was separated by Olaf, curled his lips on the other side of the carriage and muttered, "Hey! What an old man!"

In fact, he wanted Kane, an outsider, to get out sooner. However, in his small group, his right to speak is not very good. Even if it is a little bit thin, it has to be used in key places instead of wasted in one. Displeased outsiders.

So just pick up on the words.

I also blame Kane, the superior has been in the position for a long time, and before he knows it, he has a tone of comment in his words. What is it that people are not old-fashioned these days, and don't look at how old he is playing, who is old-fashioned when he speaks at a young age, doesn't he appear to be pretending.

Olav heard some of Grum's whisper, didn't say anything, but he remembered another note in his heart. He hates this kind of people who can only talk trivialities and confess. While driving, Saco showed a thoughtful expression, and then sensed the gaze from the side, so he turned his head, put on a gentle smile, and asked thoughtfully: "How about it? After a while, the sun will go down completely, I guess you won’t be interested in getting off the car..."

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