Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1355: Keep close to the theme

The planetarium where the Void Youlong is located is high above the Karazhan Tower, and the secret study is on the way to the planetarium.

In essence, this section of the road is actually a spiral staircase inside the tall cylindrical tower. Similar structures are most common in sentry towers. However, due to the huge internal space of Karazhan, not only the passage has the effect of building a single-plank bridge over the sky, but also some functional facilities of this kind have been installed.

These facilities are basically in the outer ring, close to the stone wall of the tall tower, and the huge space inside is used to erect stone bridges with huge spans, relatively narrow bridge decks, and no guardrails. The effect of the sky-grass single-plank bridge is achieved in this way. of.

What’s particularly good is that the ventilation inside the tower is a bit too good due to the alien passage on the top, and there are even low-level whistling winds raging inside. Walking on such a section of roads is really safe. .

But in Kane's view, this kind of obstacle is nothing. Even a mortal adventurer, as long as he is bold and careful, pays attention to observation, and explores the rules, he can avoid the invisible turbulent air currents.

The real problem here is that the radiation caused by the alien channel exceeds the standard. Cosmic rays + negative radiation of extraordinary energy can be called a two-pronged approach, without special protection. Even if it stays in this area for 1 second, it will cause permanent damage.

Kane paced unhurriedly, wondering what this alien passage meant and whether it was possible to use it.

The time he came can be called the "post-Warcraft era". It's like Middle-earth Continent where the prequel and the main story of the Lord of the Rings are over. The story is naturally there, but there are no epic villains, heroes, and supporting characters, so the overall style is greatly reduced, which makes people a little uninteresting.

Take this alien passage in front of you as an example.

It was created after Sargeras occupied Medivh's body, and the Burning Legion used it several times.

And now, Sargeras was sealed by the Pantheon's suppression, and the other two of the Big Three, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, also perished.

Even the superb thugs, Argus the Unmaker, and Aggramar the Avengers, all fell in the base camp of the Burning Legion, Antorus Fortress.

Moreover, Illidan's idea of ​​curbing evil with evil was considered successful. Even during his absence, the Illidari were still active in various battlefields.

These special warriors, who use fel energy as their power, are lonely and stubborn, and are almost indistinguishable from demons in the eyes of mortals, have been demonized in exchange for fel fitness and other talents, which allows them to enter and exit the devil’s lair and stronghold without hindrance. Without being affected by the harsh environment, they can also use most of the Burning Legion’s facilities and weapons and equipment, and even their thoughts, under the influence of the evil energy, become the same frequency as the demons, so that they can more accurately judge the demons. Their behavior and plans.

Obviously, if according to Kane's criteria, Illidari is the kind of cannon fodder with a life span of only three to five years. From the moment they were injected with the demonization of fel energy, the best ending was when they were about to win the final battle, they were shot by the last arrow, because time would turn them into the existence they had hated the most. The evening festival is not guaranteed, why not just be righteous at the moment of the highest light and let future generations proclaim your name?

But in any case, the Illidari demon hunters successfully destroyed the Burning Legion’s communication lines and logistical supplies, making the existing stalls too big and the members of the Burning Legion not united enough to have more serious internal problems.

But with the fall of the giants, the ‘rules’ that pressed on most ordinary members disappeared. Without these rules, the Burning Legion immediately became a mess of sand, from the legion to a war gang of their own. There is no longer the kind of deterrence that can affect the hearts of all races with every move.

And this is exactly the point that Kane couldn't understand. The major events of the times naturally had a villain who forced enough to lead to a catastrophe of world extinction. Only then will the Destiny's Son of Destiny be activated.

Analyzing from this perspective, the Burning Legion without tigers in the mountains is obviously not qualified to hold up the big villain pattern. Moreover, the Burning Legion is coming again, and just listening to the subtitle is a strong screenwriter, which has a taste of skill, and makes people totally exhausted.

If it was such a **** bridge, he would go back to the Warhammer universe to play and entrust Miranda here.

The entrance of the secret study has been unknowingly revealed. The door that used to be disguised as a bookcase now has no secrets at all. It was smashed by people, and the passage was still there, narrow and deep, without lighting, and it was dark as if it led to a magic cave.

The curator is obviously not clear about the temperament of the new owner, let alone the roots and feet of his dark spokesperson. It was classified as a follower, but it was just a follower of Kane's current status. It was temporary, so it used lighting techniques on its own terms, and Kane didn't say anything.

A fluorescent pink arcane light ball flew out of the curator's hand, hung over the passage, and one every other segment, like a street lamp, illuminates the passage.

Kane paid attention to the details when he was determined to move forward. He was sure that no one had visited here for at least two hundred years. This seemed to indicate that his speculation was about to go bankrupt. There was only one way to the outside world from the secret study. If Trestan Evilhoof was behind the scenes Blackhand, then it mostly has to use this channel, because the Fallen Land is often the demon's resurrection anchor, unless it pays an extra price, or it is purified and becomes unusable.

And in the present day when the Burning Legion is in trouble, Kane doesn't think that Trestan's resurrection can enjoy the ‘first class’ treatment.

At the end of the tortuous passage, the secret study room has also lost its former appearance. There are only a few piles of black ashes left in the bookcases, and the books are long gone.

The magic circle that Trestan used to etch on the floor here has been destroyed long ago, leaving only potholes and scattered rubble, which looks like the interior of a newly sealed shopping mall construction site. , It's messy, it's not easy to find even the feet.

Even so, Kane found out some materials that could be used.

Raising his hand, the matter was drawn and gathered, and when he snapped his fingers, the matter was ignited by the divine power, and time retrospect began.

In the battle where Trestan fell, there was nothing to brag about. Trestan summoned a lot of fel imps, and used spectacles to fake the truth, and turned himself into an imp, mixed in the group of imps, and the adventurers faced The Little Ghost Sea, which was dozens of times larger than his own, struggled to fight.

Afterwards, it was a good luck. An ice mage was interfered with by an imp, and the big ice arrow that was rubbed out of the way shot off, but it happened to be on Trestan. Not only was Trestan severely injured and showed its original shape, it was also frozen. .

If such an opportunity can't be grasped, it will be dead and no complaint. The spellcaster among the adventurers has been brave, and everyone ignores the attacks of the little ghosts and tries to output Trestan.

Sartre's talented class is a thief, and he has advantages in casting spells, but it is basically insulated from heavy armor. Trestan has not jumped out of this circle. He is a demon warlock who knows a few tricks of thieves. Where can he eat and fight? Soon it was hanging in Haibian.

But Kane still patiently watched the whole process, mainly to see the details of Trestan's performance. If there is a way out, he believes that he can see the clues in his micro expression.

Sure enough.

When Trestan was dying, although the acting was okay, it was slightly exaggerated to judge by the horizontal comparison of Miranda's big data.

Then came the meat show that Kane was paying attention to. Death is not the point, but resurrection is.

But he read it several times, and Trestan did not use the secret study as an anchor to resurrect, and it did not even resurrect. After all, according to Kane's ability, it is possible to infer whether to activate the resurrection mechanism through the fall point and the law of cause and effect.

"It's interesting..." Kane is also a self-confident person who is almost arrogant.

So he turned his head back to watch the battle where Trestan fell. He didn't see the strangeness after watching it twice, so the third time, he expanded his focus and finally found the doubt.

The fourth time, the fifth time, and the sixth time, the focus has been focused on a kid and finally confirmed Trestan's tricks.

It turned out that Trestan hadn't been killed in the first place, but used it to escape the shell.

When it launched the Xiaoguihai tactic and saw that it still couldn't win quickly, it decided to run away. Then it cast a mirror image technique.

A large number of true and false fel imps pushed the intensity of the battle to the peak. It was when Trestan's side was the most powerful, and the adventurers could only support it hard, as if defeat was in sight.

But Trestan clearly understands that the fake is the fake, the mirror imp is not output, and the fel imp has a low firepower, which is a cumulative damage. In this way, the adventurers only need to keep their own healing unit. It doesn't matter a few strokes, it will recover soon. The mirror image technique is time-effective, and if it still doesn't work under the explosion, it's basically useless.

As the leader of tactics, Trestan naturally understood the strengths and weaknesses of his own tactics and combat power. When the situation was wrong, he retreated bravely and chose to retreat at the highest light moment. This retreat was very calm and the traces were the least.

It turned into a fel imp, and then took the opportunity to retreat when the mirror image technique failed. At that time, a large number of mirrored ghosts disappeared, and it was added to it, really inconspicuous.

And Kane failed to discover this trick in the first time, mainly because of the limitations of time retrospect. If it is to use the memory of someone who personally participated in the war, then Trestan’s trick can be done at once. Debunk.

But new problems also breed.

Trestan Evilhoof, claimed to have died during the Burning Crusade.

The major event of that period was that the Alliance and Horde of Azeroth, after completing the Battle of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, tempered an army that could fight, and built confidence.

The demon remnants that happened to remain in Azeroth (the time Archimonde led the invasion and finally fell on Mount Hyjal) were involved in trouble, specifically the demon lord Kazzak.

After Archimonde's defeat, Kazak gathered a vote of demon power scattered everywhere after several years of secret management, and then activated the Dark Portal, went to Outland, and unified the demon power there. And Kazzak's reliance on doing things is the Dragon King's War Blade.

The Dragon King's Blade was created by the five powers of earth, time, dreams, magic, and life when Archimonde was in charge of the army.

The weapon shattered after Archimonde's death, and the fragments were hidden by the coalition forces, but Kazzak tried to collect the fragments and recast the sword.

In this context, the Alliance and the Horde decided to completely solve the hidden dangers, get the Dark Portal, and counterattack the Delano continent. Specifically, they all have their own demands.

The alliance is hoping to retrieve the expeditionary force.

The expeditionary army led by Turalyon, after the victory of the second human-beast war, chased down the remains of the invading orcs and entered the world of Draenor.

At that time, the Orc Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer was lost, and the spiritual leader Ner'zhul took the lead with his clan, and he was truly no leader.

As a result, the Expeditionary Army entered Draenor and learned that the invading orcs were simply the cannon fodder vanguard of the Burning Legion.

In order to escape Sargeras' punishment, Ner'zhul took the shadowmoon, shattered moon and other direct clans to continue running, and tore the world of Draenor because of the operation too hastily.

At the same time, Turalyon, the commander of the Expeditionary Force, who was aware of the situation in seconds, made him close the Dark Gate to prevent the Burning Legion and the orcs from rushing into Azeroth.

Later, in order to commemorate Turalyon and others' righteous deeds, Stormwind City built a heroic corridor at the entrance. Among a series of huge stone sculptures, Turalyon stood with a sword on the front.

Now that the Alliance has a powerful army that even the ancient **** C'Thun can kill, it naturally wants to end the unfinished business of the expeditionary army. Even if only the remains of the heroes can be recovered.

The tribe is dominated by orcs, and they go to Draenor mainly to know the situation in their hometown. After all, under Thrall’s leadership, the Orcs also realized that the Burning Legion was the main enemy that entrapped their clan. They now have a firm foothold in Azeroth, thinking about rescuing those who are most likely still in dire straits. Compatriots in my hometown.

So the Alliance and Horde killed Draenor and ended with the bankruptcy of Kil'jaeden’s Sunwell invasion plan.

Then the Wrath of the Lich Cataclysm, the mystery of Pandaria, the Iron Horde, the Legion, the fall of N'Zoth... a series of dramas of the times happened.

What Kane meant was that if you, Trestan Evilhoof, weren't dead, why didn't you see any trouble after that?

At any rate, I’m also a senior. The big guys I’ve followed, whether it’s Sargeras or Medivh, are quite prominent figures in the entire history of Warcraft. If the day is so high, do you dare to laugh that Huang Chao is not her husband?

"Oh!" Kane sighed, this line unexpectedly began to show a trend unrelated to this game in such a way.

Although he had a faint hunch that Trestan Evilhoof had a problem, but in this world, there were a lot more things like this kind of digging. But he didn't have the energy and time.

On the Warhammer 40K universe, no matter the evil gods or the light gods, they will not be silent for long, and even many plans are on the road.

And even if they are stable enough, after the completion of the First Order’s Worm’s Nest plan, the situation will not deteriorate a little bit, but a full-scale action will be launched. At that time, he will be required as a high-end force to cope with the evil spirits. of.

Therefore, even if the time flow difference between the two worlds is included, the most available time on his side will probably not exceed ten years.

That's why he closely followed the theme of the big event and followed the footsteps of the Son of Destiny instead of chaosing the task line himself.

The sons of destiny are scrambling for the day and night, and as long as the pits are opened, they are chain pits, super giant pits, and bottomless pits, so it seems that the most efficient is to follow the son of destiny.

So, Kane sealed the clue and visited the next place, Karazhan Planetarium.


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