Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1360: People leaving their hometowns are a lot of trouble

From the Quiet Garden to the Nushui River at the junction of West Wilderness to the west of Pingan Town, there is an east-west road called Forest Avenue.

Forest Avenue is regarded by many as a masterpiece of nature. Because it did not cost too much labor to build this road, people simply flattened some areas, or used thick wooden fences to isolate the vines that spread on the road, and the road was built.

The high-end part of this road is not only spacious, but also a highway like Kane’s hometown. Except for a few sections, most of them are on the thick foundations like ridges.

The foundation of this road is naturally formed. It runs vertically and horizontally and passes through dense forests of ancient trees. It is more than 100 kilometers long. The mud and decayed leaves brought by standing water are discarded on both sides of the road. This is what makes people feel magical. The place seems to be that the heavens can't bear people walking hard in this dense forest that obscures the sky and the sun, but it is specially opened for people.

It's a pity that this road is a bit southerly. If it runs across the center of the Twilight Forest and runs through Ping An Town and Night City, it might be because of the convenience of this road that a large city that is evenly divided with Stormwind will be born.

In modern times, the Kingdom of Stormwind also added a lighting system to Forest Avenue. Although the street lights are a little far apart, they still bring great convenience to the road.

Of course, it's not that no one complains, because while the Kingdom benefits the people, it also adds an extra road tax, which is the kind of card collection.

This section of the road is the most comfortable journey for the destiny group of four. Yacari even prayed for this, saying: "I hope the gods will protect us. We will continue to be as smooth as this."

Neither Nicolas nor Grum paid attention to the statement ‘God Bless’. Olaf noticed but said nothing.

This is an era of lack of faith, and conversely, it is also an era of chaotic belief.

Although there have been several filthy moments in the history of the Holy Light Faith, it is still the mainstream.

However, the faith in the Holy Light is concentrated in big cities, and there are more people above the middle class.

Many people complain that the canon is not close enough to the people, and many ordinary people cannot believe it. However, the Holy Light Church did not change itself for this reason. Instead, there is no lack of ridicule: It is impossible to make such a small amount of effort, let alone sacrifice? Don't believe it.

In villages and towns, the belief in Holy Light has changed even more. It has simply become an invisible ticket to the'upper circle', and church activities have become richer because of this. Ordinary people can benefit from it, such as more service-oriented odd jobs. It can be hit, and there are more opportunities to receive daily necessities for free.

People in villages and towns are often more realistic. Don't say they just say a few compliments in public, and the price is right. The types of services that churches need for their activities are quite broad.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with the Orcs.

However, the atmosphere of the half-orc community is also very open. After all, this is an era of “many and powerful” that is not deliberately promoted, but is actually being staged. If anyone has seven or eight brothers, they can be harder to speak out. some.

From this perspective, the destiny quartet from three families are all unqualified models. There are too few brothers and sisters. This may be an important reason why they can get together to play together.

After Kane learned about the living environment in which the four people grew up through the Dharmakaya, there was even a feeling that they did not belong there, and were destined to wander and find their own belonging.

It's not that they are taller, but compared to other half-orcs in that environment, they have too many thoughts, just like monkeys in a pig herd.

It is difficult for monkeys to rest well for a long time. No, when a road is repeatedly walked several times and fails to close with the known information, some people become impatient.

It was Grum who spoke: "This is how many times have we passed this place!?"

Nicolas was also a little impatient, and quickly answered: "According to intelligence, there should be a river nearby. The wooden bridge on the river is a covered bridge with a triangular roof like a warehouse, which is very easy to identify."

Grum said: "I know this information. Our problem now is how to find this bridge. Our speed is not fast. Four pairs of eyes look at it carefully. I have watched this road back and forth several times, and then Is it necessary to see it?"

Nicolas replied: "Then what do you say? This area is not the kind of place with many forks. I don't think we turned the wrong way when we got off the road."

"I didn't say you turned the wrong way."

"Then what do you mean?" Sacco asked.

"I mean, is there a certain problem with the intelligence itself."

Hearing what Grum said, Olaf was no longer silent, and said, "The intelligence is absolutely fine."

A word made Grum silent. But Olaf also knew that such a victory was meaningless. The four people, including him, now need answers to prove the correctness of the intelligence, not verbal guarantees.

After a while, Olaf said, "Stop!"

"What?" Nicolas asked subconsciously.

"I want to get out of the car and look for it."


Grum said mockingly: "You have to get out of the car and find one. The four of us have been paying attention to the invisible road that we haven't been able to find for most of the day?"

"Maybe covered by branches or long grass."

Grum sighed unhappily: "This reason is really... the mountain path that the hunters walk on, will not be covered by grass and branches?"

But Olaf came up with great energy, and no one could stop it.

The car stopped on the side of the road in the end, just like the one that just found a place to park.

In this way, if Olaf can find the right way, then it can only be said that Olaf is the son of Goddess of Luck.

In fact, he didn't find it, Olaf didn't even look for it, he just got out of the car to relax. Because even he feels desperate. There is too little relevant information, they have fewer choices here, and the clues seem to be so broken.

Olaf’s way of relaxing was to yell in the direction of no one, and Yacarly got out of the car.

"What are you doing?" Olaf asked somewhat irritably.

"Look for it with you."

Olaf was angrily grinned, Sacco looked savage, and Grum looked ugly. He was no longer Jacarli’s brother, but Poole who occupied Grum’s body. Li has a deformed possessiveness, revenge, and vent. Of course, Yacari is young and beautiful, which is one of the reasons.

Kane watched this scene and sighed: "Look, did I make a mistake? Is there any trouble for the beauty?"

However, destiny said that this is not a love soap opera at eight o’clock, "I love you, but you are next to him." This kind of **** plot can have but is definitely implicit, not a timely eye, let alone the theme. .

So a police car slowly appeared on the road behind them before the dog-blood drama had begun.

Olaf and Yakari heard the sound of the car driving, and at the same time turned their heads to look at it. Nicolas, who rolled down the window, also heard the sound, and used the rearview mirror to see the red warning lights on the car. The vice-born's unlovable expression.

Sure enough, the two policemen who got out of the police car were fully guarded. Although they did not aim, they were carrying shotguns.

"Everyone in the car, get off!" The headed man wearing the sheriff's gold badge shouted very seriously.

He said to Olaf and Yacari: "You all come to the back of the car and stand."

Olaf finally chose to obey. This is the realm of the kingdom, the police represent the official, and they are not like wanted criminals.

The sheriff saw that they were cooperating, and walked towards them pretending to be leisurely.

On the diagonal flanks not far behind him, another police officer was obviously a little nervous. Although both of them had guns, this shotgun was a single-shot shotgun that fired a fixed-charged paper pellet. Raf's size, unless it is a hit, it may not be able to lose combat effectiveness with a single shot.

The sheriff was very old fritters, and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

"Sir, we are traveling. This is Nicolas, and these are my good friends Olaf, Grum, and Yakari brothers and sisters."

"Where do you come from?"

"Burning Plain, Flame Star Town."

"Then you are far from home." The sheriff said meaningfully.

Nicolas said with a smile: "We just passed by here and stopped to go to the toilet."

The sheriff did not speak, but looked at several people one by one with scrutinizing eyes.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward and tends to be tense.

After all, the sheriff spoke: "Do you know what Sunset Town is?"

Of course Nicolas and the others knew that they had done some homework before coming here. What's more, Sunset Town is not only unique to the Twilight Forest area, but also in other areas.

The general meaning of Sunset Town is: work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Before the sun sets, go back to each house and find each mother. Unless it is in a town protected by high walls, no other places are allowed to sway.

Such unwritten rules are actually derived from the experience of human survival. In Azeroth, humans do not have the absolute hegemon of the planet like Kane’s hometown. Other creatures are forced to change their life habits or simply survive by selling cuteness. In some areas, there is no relevant protection law. Three years If you can't use it, you will have to extinct.

There are many powerful monsters in Azeroth. The beasts are fierce enough, and there are many semi-smart subspecies. These can threaten the safety of human life, and there is no way for humans to completely exterminate them, so in daily life , You have to pay attention to how to get along with it. One of the simplest is that it belongs to humans during the day and beasts at night.

But today, there have been some changes in the view of Sunset Town, or in other words, the content has become richer.

The main change is that there is one more category among the objects targeted by this unwritten rule, people!

This question can be understood in this way: within the kingdom, all areas outside the protection of the wall are outside the law.

According to this line of thinking, people who are still outside when it is dark are mostly problematic and will be focused on by the police.

So at this moment, when the sheriff asks, ‘do you know what Sunset Town is? "In fact, the subtext is: Do you want me to regard you as criminals?

Nicolas replied very quickly: "Yes, we know Sunset Town."

The sheriff smiled and said without a smile: "If after dark, let me find that you are still wandering in this area, I have the right to enforce the law against you in accordance with relevant regulations, including hanging from a tree."

Nicolas, Olaf, and Yakari are okay. After all, they were discriminated against when they were in their hometowns, and even worse on the way out, they were getting used to them.

Grum, or Poole, can't. It used to be good, even better than a handful of orcs, almost reaching the level of self-sufficiency, but since mastering the power of darkness and doing the majestic blessing in the quiet garden, it has gradually become useless. Even after the fall of the fall, he did not do two things at once for secretly targeting humans.

This is why the funeral business of Quiet Garden is not bad, and the funeral truck driver who interacts more frequently with it has not passed a word to Poole for several years.

It was indeed hiding, but it was not because of fear and boredom, but because he was worried that the other party would say something cold, so that he could not help tearing him up on the spot.

Therefore, it was Grum who couldn't help but at this time. Fortunately, he did not lose his mind, but he owed a word: "The sun has not set yet!"

The sheriff was startled first, and then said in a deliberately calm tone: "Today's sunset time is 6:35." As he said, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "It's 6:22. There are 13 minutes."

Grum replied: "Then we can leave your jurisdiction in 12 minutes."

The sheriff curled his lips and sneered: "Should you continue driving south? You will definitely not be able to do it in 12 minutes. Unless you are speeding, and speeding is a violation."

In this way, the meaning of making things difficult is too obvious. This kind of secondary road is not a section of road, and there are no more cars in a day, so there is still a speed limit.

But in the Kingdom of Stormwind, the local sheriff has great power. Even with its own town law and village regulations, it’s determined to stand up to its strength, and the first-class legal team may not be able to beat the local justice legally, so...

"Then we will drive north."

"Well, it may succeed. You can try." The sheriff smiled badly.

"Okay, Sergeant." Sacco immediately got into the car and gestured to his companion with his eyes. Finally the other party let go, isn't it flashing?

Olaf asked before getting into the car: "Sir, is it against turning the car here?"

The sheriff snorted: "Good question, usually I would say that it is against traffic laws to turn vehicles here due to the narrow road, but if you can ask me politely, I will open the net."

Nicolas murmured a cold sweat, while Olaf said simply: "Thank you, sergeant."

The sheriff stretched out a finger and swayed: "This is not possible! I have to say: Please, let me, a clever bastard, turn around here. And if you can't do it, let him come." He said and pointed. Grum who was already in the car. UU Reading

There was fire in Grum's angry eyes.

However, Nicolas stared at him fiercely, meaning: to bear with me, say a word without being dead, and don't have extra branches.

Grum gritted his teeth and said, "Please, let me, a clever bastard, turn around here."

The sheriff refused to let it go: "The tone is so blunt, and he doesn't even look at the other person? Did your adult teach you this way of asking for help?"

Grum breathed heavily, but in the end, he managed to hold back, watching the sheriff'affectionately', and begged again kindly.

Kane secretly commented: "If this Grum has a future, not only the sheriff will beg to die, but his family will not escape torture."

Of course, the sheriff is not worthy of sympathy. This guy is a typical black policeman. The thief shouts to catch the thief and buckles the innocent people. They are all his masterpieces.

Moreover, it was not a coincidence that he appeared here this time, but took advantage of the hunting team in the night town.

According to the behind-the-scenes transaction, Olaf and the others will be detained by the black hat of robbery and murder, serving as a security performance, and Yacari will be sold to the hunting team. They are really used according to the amount and have their own places.

The poor Olaf hadn't seen the four of them clearly, because of their interests, the nature of the family of officials and bandits, they thought they could escape from the police chief who discriminated against half-orcs, but also talked about the laws of the country.

But from Kane's perspective, this is the daily routine of the Son of Destiny.

What can I do without suffering?

Of course, it will not just suffer, the sweetness will be greater and come soon.

For example, at this moment, the group of four who went north in order to escape the ‘Sunset Town’ rule is on the right path to the destination...


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