Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: The wolf rushes to hide

When Olaf and Yelin died, Kane himself was not near them, not even in Azeroth.

He ran to the world where the werewolves lived.

However, there is the Law Bodies watching here, so there is no need to worry about going wrong.

In order to be a person who has a large amount of intelligence information and can see the problem from a bystander and grand perspective, Kane finally took a step ahead of Olaf and the others this time, and has a more general outline of what is currently happening and about to happen. Estimation.

In fact, he ran into the world where the werewolf lived, and he had a certain relationship with it. It can also be regarded as a pathfinder, so that he can better control the situation, arrange drama for his role, and avoid minefields.

Olaf, Sacco, and Yakari rushed to the place where the car was originally, but a police officer was very kind to help as a pathfinder.

The specific method was that the police officer who was running behind them shouted hoarsely: "Stop it for me, you bastards, I will shoot when I run!"

In order to avoid being shot from behind by the quick-eyed police officers, the Olaf trio stopped.

Then he was pushed away from behind by the police officer, whoosh! Two silhouettes passed by them and ran in front of them.

The police officers are not willing to shoot randomly. The shotguns in their hands are slow to load, and it is almost impossible to do it while running. They are now relying on the bullets in the gun to defend themselves, so they are willing to use them on Olaf?

But the two police officers who succeeded in winning the ‘I just need to run faster than you’ game by cheating, saw the way with their eyes, but were blocked by a monster that suddenly shot out in the horizontal direction.

This monster has a giant toad-like mouth, without a neck, and when the big mouth of the blood basin is opened, it looks like a stretched bear hunting clip, full of teeth.

Of the two police officers, one of them was just stunned, only to be caught in the mouth by the monster with his head and upper body. The police officer struggled desperately instinctively, but he shot another monster in the leg indiscriminately, causing its take-off and attacking movements to be delayed, and the accuracy of his head dropped sharply.

So another police officer who was fairly quick to react dangerously escaped the attack, and then ran in the opposite direction, exclaiming, and plunged into the woods.

Olaf and the others didn't care about the police officer who admired the **** spray and the last struggle after being bitten by the monster. They twisted and chose to drill into the woods.

Olaf also explained this: "You can't go to the open area. Without shelter, the monster's bite is too fast and amazing!"

At this time, Yacari reminded: "There is a house over there!"

In fact, based on the terrain and the sky at this moment, the possibility that ordinary people can see the house is about zero. After all, the house that Yakari refers to is actually a crime planned by the black police to entrap Olaf and the others. Part of the scene.

A few days ago, two loggers who were trapped by heavy rain and had to spend the night in the hunter's hut were brutally killed. Afterwards, people only found some bits and pieces.

Some people suspected that it was a beast, but the Twilight Forest area has not been infested with a large beast for almost ten years.

So some people say that it may be done by humans, imitating the behavior of beasts to mislead.

The black police just wanted to use this statement to label Olaf and them.

In fact, the Twilight Forest area has not been uneven during these years. In this regard, these patrolmen are one of the most well-known people.

After all, they even do black business. It can be said that their feet are in black and white. This makes them roughly aware of how many people who are missing are artificially missing and how many are truly missing.

Although no conclusive evidence has been found, they are all convinced that the dark power is likely to return to the Dusk Forest, so their vigilance is also quite high. But they couldn't take this kind of speculation as a righteous response, and would not believe it if they said it, and would be used by those in the office as an excuse for prevarication.

Under such a background, they seized the time to hold money, while wondering where to find a few dead ghosts who passed by, which gave an account of the recent disgusting cases. From this perspective, Olaf and the others are also hitting the gun.

Yacari discovered the house through what she thought was the ‘foresight’ ability (actually perception), and found it inconvenient to tell the truth to her friend, so she lied that she saw it.

In an emergency, Olaf and Nicolas did not pay attention to this detail, but instinctively thought that they could use the house to protect themselves from attack.

So the three ran in the direction of the hunter's cabin.

At the same time, Grum was running towards the hunter's cabin.

When he was lying on the ground just now, the sheriff was not far away and ordered the new policeman to help him to the hunter's cabin.

And the costume in Grum's body was Poole's soul after all. He knew that pretending to be dead was no way, and those monsters were dark creatures.

Dark creatures are monsters, their abilities are extraordinary, and they are particularly sensitive to life, and they did not attack him immediately. It is entirely because of their greedy nature that makes them habitually take the lead in targeting those targets that refuse to obediently die.

In this way, the protagonist, the main character, all arrived at the hunter's cabin, and the sheriff + new police officer.

A vote of monsters carried out a brutal, **** and extraordinary raid, and in the end they only killed four passersby-type black policemen.

Kane commented that if it weren't for ‘manipulated behind the monster’, it would be a reason for the past. With such a hunting efficiency, this monster should have been extinct long ago. It’s a shameful clumsy performance.

To be honest, Kane hates this kind of field release, focusing on the plot of Gongdouxi.

He felt that this might have something to do with his old mentality.

Once upon a time, he was even obsessed with this kind of drama, feeling very realistic and profound.

Now it’s more difficult to dismantle people, and even ‘isn’t it just that? It's as if who doesn't know that it is, it is used to turn over, turn over, express the same essential content in different ways? ’Idea. Becoming bored and crooked, this kind of plot that analyzes the gloomy human nature, prefers to fight the sky and open up the living space, rather than the internal fight and the self-fighting with me as the enemy.

It is said to be a hunter's hut, but in fact the house is not small. It used to be a tool house in a logging farm. After the big trees in this area were cut down, the tool house was also abandoned.

People in this world have not yet realized the importance of afforestation and resource regeneration. But there are extraordinary powers, as well as natural defenders such as druids, so the wilderness’s ability to restore is far stronger than Kane’s hometown, and it can even be said to be magical.

After only ten years of effort, this place has become a secondary forest, and then hunters took advantage of it and simply maintained it with a circle culture of ‘who uses it, who cleans it’.

Originally, travelers were often the beneficiaries of the hunter’s hut, and they were willing to contribute to the maintenance of the hunter’s hut. However, with the opening of roads and the increase of vehicles, the travelers have gradually faded out of the circle, and only the hunters maintain it.

This means that a big house like this is not a safe bastion in the context of limited maintenance. Even in the face of such beasts as they attacked people this time, they can only achieve a blocking early warning, so that the people inside have a chance to react.

Therefore, the six people hiding in it are still anxious.

Then the monsters came around, and they made some noises outside, not only the rustling sound, but also the ‘popping’ sound of stepping on the wooden roof, and the ‘grumbling’ sound.

Kane commented: "A familiar scene that evokes memories. These nightmare monsters are very smart! When I was a reincarnation, I was scared by the behavior of such smart monsters, but at that time I already knew that I had to be calm. Be calm, tension will cause a huge exhaustion to my body and mind. When I really need to exert strength, I can’t do it, let alone till dawn, children of destiny, do any of you understand this?"

The sons of destiny didn't understand, but Charon, Grandfather of the Ring, understood that he had pointed Olaf, so Olaf shared it with everyone.

But some people refused to accept the sentiment. Grum was very unhappy and said: "You jumped out to teach others how to do it, as if only you understand the truth. If you really care about others, why didn't you say hello when you ran before Me? Now, with kindness, tell you, I don’t owe you this love."

"Okay!" Nicolas spoke dissatisfiedly for Olaf: "I didn't greet you before. It was my fault. I was in a hurry. I patronized myself and ignored you next to me. I apologize to you."

Grum snorted and said nothing. He is the kind of person who the more he intends to deal with someone, the less he will speak up, so as not to make the other person defensive. So on the surface, it seems to be selling Nicolas's face, so I won't say more.

But maybe he realized that he was still engaged in internal fighting at this time, and he seemed to lack the overall situation, so he said something to prove that the criticism of Olaf was not aimless.

"I escaped later than you guys, but I was safe and sound. Do you know why? Those monsters won't let your bear go by pretending to be dead, and I have no luck. The number of monsters far exceeds ours. There is no division. I can’t deal with someone’s claim that I can escape here safely because of this."

Speaking, Grum shook the blood-stained illuminator, and then said to the sheriff: "I have to thank you because it was taken from your severed hand."

"Asshole!" The sheriff couldn't help cursing.

The sheriff's desire to survive is also very strong. Before he noticed that Olaf and the four of them were slightly embarrassed, they were basically unscathed.

On his side, he knows his own injuries, and he can’t effectively use a shotgun with one arm. There is only a rookie around him, so he deliberately reduces his sense of existence, just because he understands that his power is no longer enough to threaten the opponent. Four people.

At this moment, he knew that if he still didn't speak, the other party would kick his nose to his face.

As soon as Nicolas saw this situation, he hurriedly changed the subject. He really hopes to survive this catastrophe. After all, as long as he is given some time, he is confident of obtaining extraordinary powers instead of being like the present. The bitterness of the fish on the cutting board.

"Ahem!" He interrupted: "This can explain why we have been in this area for most of the day without encountering them. They are typical dark creatures!"

Olaf also answered: "In other words, as long as we can last until dawn, they will naturally retreat."


Grum poured cold water: "It's just not long before night."

Olaf said: "Then we will think of a way." He asked the sheriff, "Sheriff, is there any flares in the police car."

"Of course!" the sheriff replied in a low voice.

Nicolas said: "With lighting, the headlights also work!"

Olaf said: "It won't last long. The flares are mainly used when traveling, and the beam range of the illuminator is too narrow. If not, the sheriff will not be injured by the monster."

"Huh!" The sheriff showed off his sense of presence this time, meaning that he was actually good at it. If he hadn't been caught off guard, he would have been injured in the first place and the situation would not be the same.

In fact, Olaf's remarks can be regarded as more particular, giving the sheriff a certain amount of face, obviously for the purpose of uniting all forces that can be united, working together to overcome difficulties.

On the side, Yakali looked at Olaf's eyes and started to show small stars again. The subtext: As expected of the man I like, he is always very powerful at critical moments. Courageous and strategic.

Nicolas, who always pays attention to Yakari, is naturally upset. He said, "On the brain, my brother is not bad." So he actively spoke: "The flare can also make a fire, and there is no lack of wood here, but it's a little damp. The usual method of igniting fire is not easy."

Olaf was not upset because his friends robbed him, and added: "I believe there is a first aid kit in the police car. The sheriff should need it."

Sure enough, Olaf said so, and the strained attitude of the sheriff and the new police officer had obviously eased.

Grum said gloomily, "So, who is going this time?"

Olaf said: "My proposal, of course I will come."

Grum snorted: "Forget it, let me take a trip, at least I have more experience than you."

Olaf and Nicolas were a little surprised, but he didn't expect Grum to have this courage at the critical moment.

In fact, Grum wanted to get back some things that belonged to him. His dark magic book was in the hands of Nicolas, but Nicolas left it in the car.

This book is very important to Grum, but for the time being it is not the knowledge in it, but the power within.

After all, Nicolas was still too lack of relevant knowledge, and didn't know how close the connection between the magic book and its owner was.

Although this dark magic book, Poole's original process of obtaining it was not very correct. Unlike Kane, who pays attention to people, when he was a newbie in reincarnation, he paid special attention to the roots and feet of transcendent items. They weren't made by themselves. Like a magic book, from the pages of the book to the cover for the binding, to the casing, and the magic lock, they are all made by But Poole is after all'failing' this magic book, unless he is completely dead. , The soul flies away, otherwise this magic book can become a retreat for him.

It's a pity that I was killed by Yakari before. It was a typical gutter capsize. I didn't have any preparations, and I didn't meet the conditions for using the magic book.

Now it is not used, but the power inside can be retrieved, so that he is not as powerless as he is now.

Olaf wanted to fight, Grum said: "This is nothing to fight for. In order to avoid being bullied, I have developed the ability to be flexible and run fast. You can't compare it."

Hearing what Grum said, Yakari also had red eye circles. Because of her appearance, she was easy to cause trouble when she was a child, but in the end it was Grum who was unlucky. So being his brother is really not easy.

"Okay!" Olaf nodded, and then asked the sheriff: "We are not familiar with the terrain here. Which direction is the car in, and how far is the car?"

The sheriff took a deep look at Olaf and realized that this careful fellow was the most difficult one among the group. This time he did not speak, but signaled to the new policeman.

The new policeman is very familiar with the terrain, and the situation can be explained in a few words. The straight-line distance is indeed not far, only a few hundred meters, but it is difficult. If you walk, the distance has to be doubled.

"Go in a straight line, don't worry, be steady, the trees can become a shelter, get some reaction time, and pay attention to the overhead."

"You don't need to teach it!" After Grum screamed, he went out happily, acting very steadily, without showing any panic.

Sacco looked at Grum's back and frowned slightly. Based on his understanding of Grum, this person's character is not so good...


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