Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1365: Ny'alotha destroys corrosion

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What will happen when the creator Kane decides to do something?

Roughly speaking, it's like a billionaire who is accustomed to thrift and decides to do one thing regardless of money gains or losses.

It's just that Kane is an extraordinary version.

It took less than 1 second, 053 seconds to be precise, and burned about 300 standard units of mysterious matter. Kane completed the spiritual scan of the entire Emerald Dream.

This operation is already more luxurious, obviously impulsive consumption. After all, to build an ecological ship that resembles the Asgard fairy palace, it costs no more than 500 standard units of mysterious substances, and now it is like an investment workshop, earning a little bit of mysterious substances, but this scan of the gods is difficult to collect. , Is equivalent to forcibly exchanged information with mysterious substances.

Of course, there are many benefits to doing this, the most important thing is to be refreshed!

After scanning, Kane's body shook, and the next moment, the person appeared at a place thousands of miles away from where he was before.

The mind scan allowed him to automatically obtain all the position coordinates of the Emerald Dream, and he could reach it wherever he moved.

There are several places in the Emerald Dream that Kane thinks are worth his personal visit, and this one is one of them.

Corresponding to the geographic location of Azeroth, it is the northeast position of the Forbidden Sea. The main area of ​​Azeroth's broken and separated area encompasses this area.

The scenery here is very peculiar, Kane named it, Void Vortex.

Between the sky and the earth, only the dark energy covered with blue and purple gleams is surging. The energy flows like a curtain. The more it gathers, the more light spots can be born, like shooting stars, which shine for a while and then be submerged by darkness. And this energy, The whole is in a whirlpool of silt, slowly sinking into the wound pit of Azeroth, as if filling a super sea eye with a bottomless pit.

Kane stared attentively for a while.

Naturally, I was not attracted by the spectacle that ordinary people might go crazy after seeing them, but because they were observing whether there were artificial traces.

If the answer is yes, it means that there is a means at least not inferior to his creator level to participate in the Azeroth collapse event.

If so, he will probably have a new rival to deal with.

So he came here the first time.

Compared with the creator's war, other things are a bit inferior.

This observation lasted three hours, and no traces of humans were found, but Kane’s couldn’t make his mood lighter.

The sight in front of him is really too weird. Rao has experienced so many things, and even Zhao Wenrui's experience of hundreds of millions of years has never encountered it.

Dark singularity!

With the extreme compression and convergence of the power of darkness, the singularity big bang of the generation level of the universe finally formed. This concept, which would normally only appear in the Creator’s creation, was realized here, and it was still a natural version. Kane really had nothing to say except for pressing a few ellipsis to express his complicated emotions.

And the reason why he suspected it when he came up was mainly because this dark singularity happened in the Emerald Dream.

In other words, it is covered by the special artificial plane of the Emerald Dream, so that it is impossible to see the clues from the normal direction.

That's why he suspected that someone had used the Emerald Dream to achieve such an effect.

Of course, such a statement is not without loopholes.

Take him as an example. If he plots a plan like this, he can do it, but the cost is definitely huge, even he is more expensive and laborious than the dark banned project in the dark HP universe.

In such a context, he would definitely not use the Emerald Dream. After all, this is like a handmade Rolls Royce, pretending to be a fake car logo with rough workmanship. Has the ability to create the existence of the dark singularity, can it be guilty of using the Emerald Dream to be such a class of foreign goods?

Therefore, if there is a tortuous story here, Kane would love to hear it.

It's a pity that he can't find anyone who tells the story. In the end, this matter can only be left to stare at the ‘eyes’ made by Cthulhu cells, even if it is temporarily over.

As for this ‘eye’, Kane did not expect to be able to use it to find out who might be behind the scenes, but to monitor the flow, so as to roughly estimate the time required for the dark singularity to accumulate power.

It may be a countdown that has nothing to do with him, or it may be a countdown that was accidentally simmered in a pot. If it is the latter, plus a task of'find the escaped one within the time limit', then he will feel that a certain **** gave The round he arranged is still quite level.

Leaving the Void Vortex, the next stop, the source of the nightmare-Ny'alotha.

The Sleeping City, the Awakening City, it was once one of the main cities of the ancient **** Dark Empire, and the seat of the **** of N'Zoth the Corruptor.

After Amansur and other Pantheon gods defeated the ancient gods, they did not destroy this place. It was not that they did not want to, but it was meaningless, because N'alotha was the land of N'Zoth, and N'Zoth was immortal. The core and main frame of the software will not collapse.

As for those buildings, it can be said that if it were not for the gods to create a sense of ritual and belonging during the construction process for petitioners and believers, it would really be a matter of waving their hands.

Back then, N'Zoth, who was imprisoned in a cage, used Ny'alotha, a weapon of the gods, to stir up troubles and influence the material world. Later, after getting out of trouble, he returned to the seat of God for the first time, and gained the power of the kingdom of God. A stronger ability to influence the material world.

In the end, Azeroth used his appointed warriors to enter Ny'alotha, lock N'Zoth, and then use Azerite's supernatural power to kill the endless blood sucking on him for many years. bb parasites.

And after that?

From the scene in front of Kane, it seemed that soon after N'Zoth's death, Azeroth had some kind of big change, because Ny'alotha's mess was basically not dealt with.

Of course, this treatment refers to the removal of N'Zoth's residual power, just like removing the toxins injected by a poisonous snake. If it is not cleaned, it is not as simple as leaving a scar on the surface.

Like now, the remaining strength of N'Zoth caused the distortion and change here, just like a wound on a human limb that ulcerated.

Originally, while N'Zoth was alive, this power was also growing, but it was basically controlled, like Enragi (the Faceless) and K'sir (Kul Tiras sea tide sage, who believed in the **** of the sea. , Similar to the worship of beast gods, the result of mistakenly mistaken N'Zoth as the octopus god, resulting in the birth of the distortion series. In addition, the druids’ beasts are also divine arts, natural magic), the Aqi family, these ancient gods camp The creation of the gods has distributed the power of corrosion.

Although the minions of these ancient gods are also misfortunes, they are relatively scattered and at different times, and they will retain a considerable part of themselves as a seed of power (individuals can also become a converter of the power of corrosion , The specific efficiency involves many reasons, including the quality and quantity of the existing corrosive force).

This is like mosquito bites at different times. The body's immune detoxification mechanism can deal with these problems.

At the moment, it is typical concentrated use, flooding is not controlled, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

"It seems that Azeroth is indeed gone, otherwise this kind of injury will not sit idly by." Kane groaned for a moment, waved his hand, and released a beam of light. In the next instant, this light formed over the twisted Ny'alotha. A magnificent bridge-shaped rainbow.

With the emergence of this rainbow, countless black and purple lights jumped up from the gloomy ground, as if the entire area where Ny'alotha was located had become a steaming steamer.

And the dark red cumulus clouds traveling through the sky with snake electricity, melted like thin snow under the scorching sun, and also turned into black and purple light, heading toward the rainbow.

This black and purple light is the power of corrosion, N'Zoth's main extraordinary power.

If the power of nightmare is Coca-Cola, then the power of corrosion is Coke puree.

Kane's method looks magical, but the essence is just like that. Spend money!

This money naturally refers to mysterious matter.

The mysterious substance is soluble in all things and difficult to extract.

And Kane uses its characteristics to absorb the corrosive power of the entire region. So as to achieve a similar effect of removing poison.

So this is really money that can be circulated as currency between creators. When I worked for the **** King Eugen, this was the main reward.

As Kane used his divine mind to manipulate mysterious substances and absorb the power of corrosion, the twisted world of Ny'alotha gradually became clear. In the end, even the fierce face of the old blood clouds was gone, but it was transformed into a Gobi, desert-like desert like Silithus and Wharton.

‘Boom! 'With the loss of extraordinary power, the distortion of the law was greatly alleviated. The power of time and space was settled after the fall, and a large number of Ny'alotha buildings collapsed. Those seemingly thick and solid rocks were in the process of collapse. It turned into powder, which made the collapse of the building complex with a heavy dusting effect, and the scene was exceptionally different.

Kane, who was suspended in the air, suddenly let out a low cry.

In the next second, this shout turned into the sound of being collapsed by the building complex and also the loud thunder.

Kane is not pretending to be a comparison, but using sound waves to strengthen the magic arts, making it the source of a major earthquake.

The super-strong sound wave after the blessing of the divine power makes the earth like thin ice on the sea surface. With the surging of energy, it bursts in a large area, and the ground gas erupts. The gas is almost black and purple, and then the magma erupts. The same is black and purple.

These are also corrosive forces, and the impact of festering is far more profound than it seems on the surface, but to the Creator, this is nothing.

For Kane, who has destroyed the entire universe, there are some means to concoct a planet. It's just that you don't want to spend too much, and the other is to try to control the breadth of influence. Depth is difficult to control. With the passage of time, whether the festering here is eliminated will inevitably have a completely different effect on the entire Azeroth.

What Kane wants is only for a while, without affecting the Destiny Four.

As the saying goes, those who are difficult will not, but those who are meeting are not difficult. Ny'alotha's corrosive change that was enough to stump the heroes of the world, Kane was willing to take action, and it was resolved within a quarter of an hour.

Kane also received a ‘Corrosion Orb’ from this.

This ultra-highly compressed crystal that contains a lot of mysterious substances that makes it stable and controllable, even for the ancient gods, it can be called a treasure.

If the Void Lord can bestow this kind of thing before an ancient **** sets off to do business, it will probably be exchanged for gratitude, and an oath to report to the king.

Kane didn't look at it, he thought it was dirty. Even if it doesn't pollute his mind, it can be seriously disgusting like using a beggar's stinky socks to wipe his mouth.

Therefore, directly sent back to the fairy palace ecological ship.

The eco-ship is originally a kingdom of gods, and the kingdom of gods is also a tool house of gods. Naturally, it has the function of processing such items. After conversion, the power of corrosion can be reduced to extraordinary energy such as elemental power, and mysterious elements can also be used. Take it back.

Of course there is loss, but with the technology he has mastered, the loss is very small.

Therefore, what Kane really gave was divine consciousness.

Although theoretically the Creator’s divine consciousness is also the most precious and rare thing, its generation is automatic, and it will not constitute additional savings if not used, so he himself does not feel distressed.

After the source of the corrosive force was destroyed, the areas where the nightmare was more severely eroded in the Emerald Dream, Kane did not clean them.

Without the continuous energy supply of the corrosive power, these nightmare areas would have no support for further expansion.

Although the power of the nightmare can also transform itself, in the emerald dream, the power of nature is still the force of nature. Under the counterattack, the nightmare area will disappear sooner or later, just like the reinforced concrete city built by humans will eventually be destroyed. The wild swallows the same.

Then Kane came to the source area of ​​the werewolf in the Emerald Nightmare, a place he called the "Wolf Village".

It seems to have gone around a big circle, but it actually affected the future development trend of this special group of werewolves from the root.

Because the origin of the werewolf curse was the power of the nightmare, which was integrated into the blood of the wolf druid.

It’s easier to understand. The ancient gods are interstellar colonization-level civilizations. One of them, a scientist named N'Zoth, has developed a universal genetic medicine called Nightmare Power. It is effective not only for plants, but also for animals.

Under the control of N'Zoth’s thugs, the power of the nightmare flooded in the Emerald Dream, affecting the wolf-turned druids who were exiled here. In the real world, some people who are unscrupulous in order to gain power do not know the truth. Next, open up a channel, and call these infected wolves into druids back to the real world.

This is the behind-the-scenes truth about werewolves that happened in the past. The werewolves of the Twilight Forest appeared because the Luna Scythe itself has the ability to open the plane channel and summon werewolves. This ability is even stressful. As long as the Luna Scythe is activated, it will recruit the werewolves by default~www.wuxiaspot. com~ As for Arugal in the Silverpine Forest, by virtue of rituals, he summoned the giant werewolf Vogan who was willing to respond to his call.

This was also a member of the wolf-turned night elf druid, but under the influence of the nightmare, he was deeply lost in himself, and on this basis, he re-awakened himself.

Therefore, the night elf druid's past is a dream for him, and the evil creature, the giant werewolf Vogan, is its true color today.

And then it is to be embarrassed with Arugal, each takes what he needs...

These are the past.

The problem now is that the power of corrosion is distorted in the polarization of Ny'alotha, and the second version of the power of corrosion that was born after the distortion is far from being supplied to the nightmare area, becoming the expansion of the power of nightmare, and the power of nature The main energy supply that transforms into the power of nightmare.

The second edition of the power of corrosion not only makes the expansion of the nightmare area powerful, but also deepens the effect of the nightmare power. As a result, one of the areas, the werewolves in Lang Township, was also affected and changed.

Just like in the old days, the higher the blood density and the more severe the tentacles of the Dominator, the stronger the nightmare, the more inhuman, the altered werewolf is almost another monster:

The head is big without neck, and the most conspicuous thing on the face is the big mouth like a big bear hunting beast clip, and then a bunch of small eyes. The torso is barely human, hairy, but sparse, just like the bristles of a fly. , Seeing disgusting, it is better to be bald and pleasing to the eye. The skin is pale and rough, like an old grayish-white wall. The limbs can still see the appearance of werewolves, long hair, sharp claws, anti-knuckles under the knees, werewolf toes...

The most important thing is that the previous werewolf curse has also deepened, and the transformation has been faster.

In this regard, Olaf and others at the scene have a very good say. They just watched the sheriff turn from a human into a monster with a huge change in life.

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