Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1368: Oath to break the fate

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Shaman, as one of the spellcasting positions of the Primitive Department, can be classified as a ‘witch’.

In sharp contrast to it is the ‘Mage’ series that emphasizes more methods and repeated verifications to improve, such as arcane mage and occult mage.

In addition to being more idealistic, the ‘wizard’ is also a major feature.

In reality, many wizards are often part-time pharmacists, psychologists, and spiritual leaders, and some of them can indeed communicate with the spirit body.

Shaman pays attention to the existence of all things, powerful shaman communicates with various spirits, and is very good at it, and the basic characteristics of the magical world of "belief is there" can indeed make shaman encounter some other combat positions that have not been used for thousands of years. The spirit that knows its existence.

The ‘Ancestral Soul’ divine technique that Kane is currently performing was born under such a background, and it can be said that it is the last supernatural technique he arranged for Brocks.

Its effect looks like a parliamentary court composed of spirit bodies, sitting in a semi-circle, with the target in the center.

In the sound of reading and singing in a solemn and ancient language, Poole’s soul was “pulled” out of Grum’s body. What’s more amazing is that in Grum’s body and Pool’s soul, Silk Some auras flew out of silk strands, condensed into a fuzzy and incomplete Groom appearance.

This is indeed Grum's remnant soul, Poole has not yet fully digested, and the fragments of relevant information in neurons in every part of the body except the brain, summed up into such an echo, muddled, not even a complete personality, let alone Say memory.

But it still shocked Olaf, Sacco, and Yakari, after all, with their relatively poor insights, this kind of thing has never been heard before.

Kane did this, mainly not to show the power of the persona, but to tell the three people in a vague manner what Groom is now.

Being able to speak with facts can save a lot of tongue, believing and unbelieving, weird.

Pool also knew that this time was really over, and he yelled at him, calling Nicolas' father a scumbag, and cursing Nicolas is not a good thing, or something that I am ignorant of.

In short, everyone has their own set of logic. The basic feature of Poole’s logic is, ‘It’s not me who is the main fault, but others. People are sorry for me! It’s a typical self-personal logic. It’s not a big deal to say that it is a big evil, but it is an indisputable fact that it is based on this idea and the power that it has gained that it has harmed many people.

Well, the end of the game with a frightened soul is worthy of the crime, and its unrepentant toughness, Kane believes, it can be regarded as a lesson for Olaf and the others.

Then comes the emotional venting session.

The emotional accumulation brought about by the endless events in the past few days, through Grum's exit, came a total catharsis and explosion.

Before in Tranquil Garden, it can only be said that the body was rested, and there was no mental collision or resonance.

After venting, it is the mutual narration.

Kane also gave some remarks, saying that "the immortal is different", and letting mortals intervene in the realm of the transcendent, even if it is just some news, is harmful and useless.

Now that Sacco and Yakari are in the business, Olaf is half-legged into the circle, so he can talk frankly.

"The transcendental world is magnificent but also dangerous. I hope you can be mentally prepared. After all, the transcendental world will not just open the net just because you are not ready."

When the three of Sacco heard this, their expressions were a little heavy. With Kane, how Groom was possessed by Poole was quickly calculated. It was a grip when he was dying and failed to pay attention to it in time. Dealing with it, in a blink of an eye, it was occupied by the magpie's nest. If it hadn't happened to run into Kane, God knew how Poole, who was slowing down, would retaliate against Grum.

Olaf asked Kane, hoping that he could talk about Sacco's current situation and the dark magic book that they found again.

"The extraordinary road is not easy to follow, and the dark road is especially difficult to follow. There is no one I know who can go to the high end on this road and still uphold the original intention. Of course, there are exceptions to everything. No one can accurately judge whether or not to persevere. Looking at it now does not mean that it will do it in the future. On the other hand, the same holds true."

After a pause, Kane said again: "However, there is still a universal standard in this area, that is, under the witness of friends, set a vow-like criterion by himself. This is traceable. The criterion is the measurement standard. When the temperament changes drastically in the future, you will know how much you have changed compared to when you established your original intention. How many of them are due to naive to mature thinking, and how many are due to dark At least one’s mentality is well known."

There is also another ‘when the time comes, there is no need to complain about the swords of former friends. Kane didn’t say it, but Olaf and the others could make up for it.

Sacco expressed his stance and cheered himself up: "I firmly believe that I can go long on this road."

Kane smiled and said, "This is actually a false proposition. How long is long and how far is far? Maybe it's only a few months later, and when I talk about it, I've already started to laugh at my naivety and shallowness. The extraordinary world is like this. Some people can’t make progress for decades, and some people have a chance to make progress. If there is something in common, it is always just right to build a bridge between reality and regret. Sometimes this bridge seems real. You only need to give up a few things or work hard to pass the town. This is how most people fall. In this regard, the content in this book is particularly representative."

Yacari couldn't help but said, "But even so, you don't intend to stop Nicolas from this path."

"Some things, once they have started, you can't stop them. But there is no way to mess around by yourself, which is more harmful. From a technical perspective, this black magic book is definitely an advanced product, it is not Poole's own magic. The book, but he obtained it through some way. And because of this, Nicolas had the opportunity to read it, otherwise it would be a terrible magic trap before Poole’s soul was destroyed, and Poole’s soul dissipated. In this magic book The most essential part will also be eliminated."

Olaf took over: "So it is both an opportunity and a trap, a trap that put Poole on the dark path."

Kane nodded: "That's understandable."

Nicolas said: "It seems that the road to transcendence is hard to follow. Natural disasters are one aspect and more terrifying. I have to prepare a magic book that really belongs to me."

"This is a good idea. Many of the items in the Extraordinary Realm are sugar-coated cannonballs. The crisis is hidden. They are not extraordinarily crafted by themselves. One more watch out." Kane said with a deep look at Olaf's hands. Glance at his ring.

Olaf noticed this detail, and his heart was tight, but Kane obviously didn't intend to reveal it. He was somewhat lost, and asked: "You said that I half-legged into the extraordinary circle, what do you mean?"

"Since I saw you here, I have been searching for the reasons why you are here from an extraordinary perspective. These dark monsters are not common and are ferocious enough. If they are really hunting, you have no reason to be able to drag it. I found out."

Kane said again: "Based on what you said just now, I have reason to believe that you are that special target. Then, what is there in your body that has been conspired by the extraordinary? All I can think of is blood."

Olaf suddenly understood. Not only did he have a self-consistent explanation for the strange experience tonight, but he also thought of the plot of the ring grandfather Charon.

Nicolas also followed this line of thought, and said in surprise: "Olav, is your uncle's disappearance because of this?"

Olaf frowned, because Sacco's reminder made him suspicious of the source of his uncle's whereabouts. I was a little surprised when I first learned about it, and for this reason, I was self-consistent with reasons such as the strong wind knowing the grass. I feel that this person who is not usually very close, is very powerful at the critical moment.

But then, a new question was born, and he couldn't help but blurt out and asked: "Then, why do I have to be attracted? You must know that with their demonstrated strength, it would be better to catch them directly? It can even be done again. Put a hat on my house."

Kane said: "As far as I know, depriving the bloodline power is very difficult. Activation is one aspect, and voluntary dedication is another aspect. From these two perspectives, you need external pressure to stimulate the bloodline. Strong and dead. So the dark creatures are on your side this time. The black police are dead, but you are safe, don’t you? I even have a prophecy that you will come back to the incident early tomorrow morning. , You will soon be able to find the right landmark feature on the number."

Sacco sensitively heard Kane's cryptic parting meaning, and said: "Aren't you with us? To be honest, we need help now." He added: "We are willing to pay generous rewards."

Kane shrugged: "Sorry, hunting dark creatures is my pursuit. Because dark creatures harm people, it's the kind of disaster closest to life."

This is actually the classic line from the King of War: ‘Nuclear bombs sit in the silo, and it’s smuggled weapons that kill a lot of people every year. ’Similar reasoning.

Yacari helped Sacco said: "According to your guess, the people behind the scenes who control the dark creatures are probably the guys who brought Olaf here."

Kane refuted: "You say this because you still lack understanding of this circle. Simply put, the social ecology of the Transcendental Circle is equally complex, each with its own ways and styles. It is a kind of manipulating the blood of Olaf. Dark creatures do something else. What I am aiming at is the latter kind of direct harm and frequent actions."

This time the three of them can be regarded as fully understood, Brox chose a path that is not beneficial to fame and fortune, but can effectively prevent the dark creatures from causing harm to ordinary people. Therefore, people are unwilling to step into such a complex project as Olaf’s.

It is indeed a pity, after all, the strong combat power that Kane demonstrated not long ago is exactly what they need most now. What they lack most now is the sense of security.

But they can’t force anything, let alone that they still have a series of kindness to them, so they make a pragmatic choice, and they are not good at saying things like:'Hold us first and leave others alone.'

But the same, because Kane simply ‘passed’ by them again, he didn’t get too entangled with them, and obviously didn’t expect them to repay their kindness. Instead, the three of them all let go of their guard.

Life is alive, if you don't have a trustworthy friend, then life is very poor. And if there are some people who can try to give trust in addition to the closest buddies, Blox is undoubtedly a good choice.

People don’t take advantage of them, don’t take part in their excitement, and saving them is entirely as a piggyback in their daily work. It depends on the relationship between the people, and asks for some confusion, and does not ask for anything in return. Although the contact time is short, other things The advantages and disadvantages of this aspect have not yet been discovered, but those that have been shown are already worth mentioning.

As a result, the three of them got closer to Kane in the next time, and they also showed the shining points of the son of destiny. They put Grum’s death and the grievances of repeated bad luck aside, and took advantage of it. In some time, try to consult Kane, the forerunner of the extraordinary circle, to grow quickly.

Kane didn't mind pointing one or two, so that the three of them quickly passed the white period, and understood the duality of extraordinary power, the importance of the soul, and the maintenance and promotion of the first tool.

Undoubtedly, this is tantamount to erasing many scenes with a tendency to abuse the master, and at the same time as much as possible to allow these three people to keep their original intentions.

Kane did this, with a little bit of self-esteem in it. When he looked back at his origin, one of the regrettable things was that he was too much manipulated by fate, and he was dissatisfied with his original mind and three views. Although it was precisely because of the changes that made him the present, he has Sometimes I can’t help but wonder: “Will this statement be just an excuse for self-comfort? If you don’t make those changes, you will surely perish? Going further, a series of changes will make oneself eventually become The kind of person I hated at the beginning, even with the current achievements, is it really worthwhile to comment only from the perspective of'life'?"

This is the philosophy again, whether it is good to live but very likely to die or to live long but pay the price of distorting yourself.

To be honest, there is no fixed answer. Sometimes you feel that life is more important than quality, but after a while, you feel that there is no quality. It may not be true. Maybe it is the blood of the dog-killing generation.

But now that he had the opportunity, he couldn't help but want to try his hand. After watching the drama of the children of destiny ended, he would say that he had no regrets at the beginning, or he regretted that when he looked back, he was regretful, only to blame for being too young.

The rays of the morning light spilled through the gaps in the trees. Olaf, who was awakened by the crisp chirping of the birds, found that his condition was much better than expected.

Then it was discovered that Nicolas and Yakari also woke up one after another.

Nicolas moved his injured leg in surprise, and said in surprise: "Oh, it's okay, it's completely healed!"

Yakari asked in surprise: "When did I fall asleep?"

Olaf said with emotion: "It seems that Brocks is still paying silently and meticulously as always." Then he pointed to the hot pot on the embers of the campfire.

Not only is the breakfast ready, but the reason why they can sleep well is that the leaves under them are dried, and even the lower soil head still has residual heat, and it is obvious that some kind of technique has been used to prevent this. Meng slept deeply for two or three hours, and he was in good condition and energetic.

Of course Kane has already left, his goal has been achieved, and if he stays any longer, his fate will have to switch the plot bluntly.

More than an hour later, as Kane predicted last night, Olaf and the others revisited their old place. They found a river that matched their known information on the road where the vehicle stopped yesterday, and a very distinctive river. Wooden bridge.

Olaf looked at Sacco and Yakari, both of them nodded firmly at him, everything was silent, Olaf took a deep breath, and the three of them crossed the bridge and headed towards the unknown destiny.

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