Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1370: 2 different battlefields

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The appetite of young people is always very good. Although the stew that Kane left for the three people in the morning is as delicious as ever, they are very satisfying to eat, but at this moment, facing a table of rich meals, still give birth to a feast. .

But not only the careful Olaf, but even Nicolas was also suspicious, and some were afraid to eat, for fear that the food prepared for them would be eaten by this table.

Yakari told them the good news at this time, "You may not be able to believe it. I think it is a bit absurd, that is, I can distinguish the attributes of the ingredients and even the spices contained in each dish, even if I even have the name. It’s impossible to call out, and some can be done without even a taste."

Speaking, Yakari pointed to a dish casually, and said all the content it contained, and even the taste could be described. Olaf and Sacco were very sure that Yakari was before that dish. It should have never been in contact. After all, the market price of the main ingredients alone is higher than the monthly living expenses of the Yakari family, and it is not what ordinary people in the inland areas far from the ocean like Burning Plains can buy.

Nicolas "Wow, this is a peculiar and timely special ability!"

Olaf asked, "I think it's not just the ingredients that can be distinguished?"

Yakali was shocked, and finally nodded, "Well, I think it should be able to distinguish the attributes of all things!"

Now Nicolas couldn't even say anything to praise.

Distinguish all things, this alone is enough to explain the extraordinary strength of inheritance that Yakari has obtained. It can even be described as horror.

But no matter who the three were, they couldn't be happy about it, because they remembered Kane's description last night—power erosion.

Extraordinary power will erode and change them, from body to spirit, whether they want it or not. Some changes, from their point of view, are good and needed, while others are quite the opposite.

Therefore, selective resistance is a required course for every extraordinary person.

They also recalled another thing, which was also what Kane told them, and that was that the erosion of Yacarly had been deeper.

From the point of view that Kane later imparted their knowledge, this kind of thing is obviously easy to wait and not to rush. Of course, this statement is not absolutely correct, because the key benchmark for measurement is control.

If the spirit is strong and the will is firm, then you can make rapid progress. On the contrary, it is best to proceed gradually.

As for Sacco and Yakari, they both got on the ship and then made up the ticket. Before gaining Kane's relevant knowledge, the erosion of them by extraordinary powers can be compared to a wild horse.

Kane also said, "Fortunately, the time is short, and during this period of time, your spirits have been relatively tense. This highly vigilant mental state itself will form a hint of prevention and protection to the body, which is only a certain degree. The progress of the erosion was controlled without obvious performance. However, the consequences of your ignorant operation are more troublesome than a swig of alcohol, and will inevitably be accounted for."

So now that Yakali's extraordinary ability has appeared, they naturally remembered Kane's warning, don't just watch the thieves eat meat, and the thieves are beaten, one is fulfilled, the other will be far away.

"I suddenly lost my appetite." Nicolas said depressed.

"Don't, worry can't solve the problem, try to be open, and try to get close to the free, serious, serious, but lively state that Brocks pointed out."

Olaf’s reminder cheered Nicolas, he also remembered Kane’s other words, "I let you know this because I think the unknown is the most terrifying, but you have to scare yourself because of it. , Then the gain is not worth the loss."

So the three of them tried their best not to worry about their worries, and went to the farm together to take a walk.

Although Nicolas pessimistically believes that this peculiar cage, whether in or out, cannot be achieved by ordinary methods, Olaf still insists on doing his best instead of giving up on guessing that it may not work.

Therefore, the original intention of the farm trip is to obtain information and survey the terrain. It is said that you cannot use the terrain here to deal with the enemy in the future, or escape through a certain way out.

The main body of the Sarez’s mansion is located on a small soil slope.

The buildings of the mansion were built in accordance with the topography, so the entire building complex looks staggered, with garages, kitchens, servants’ quarters, etc. located at the lower part, and the main hall, large terrace, clock tower and the like at the upper part. . The surrounding area of ​​the mansion is a lawn area with a radius of more than 100 meters. Except for a low flower pond and a large fountain on the front, the rest is full of grass and grass, which coincides with the characteristics of solid walls and clear fields.

Outside the grassland, there is an artificial forest area. The trees are basically the thickness of adult men's thighs. The trunks are straight and the branches are not scattered open, but are tapered upwards, forming a crown of dense foliage like a shower head.

Although Yakari can't call this plant by its name, she can distinguish its properties. She told Sacco and Olaf that this kind of tree is like eucalyptus and emits a poisonous smell at night.

"This is probably a gas fence."

Olaf retorted Nicolas, "Remember William's previous explanation? He did not avoid talking about the dangerous side of this place, and almost directly pointed out that the houses of Sarres Farm have a protective effect, which is probably part of it. ."

Yacari answered, "This basically corresponds to the explanation of Brocks. The dark creatures and their owners are the enforcers, while Sarres and the others are the employers. The two parties have transactions, but they also guard against each other."

Olaf nodded, "It's very possible, and what Sarres is preventing is more than just dark creatures."

Nicolas added, "It looks like we have just opened a corner of the extraordinary world."

Indeed, the magnificent and mysterious transcendent world has too many faces that ordinary people can't imagine, like the nightmare wolf township that Kane is facing now.

This is the depths of the nightmare, and it is also a land completely ruled by werewolves.

But this statement is about to become a thing of the past. Because Kane is here.

When he discovered that Goremouth and Goremouth Trainer were just a bunch of scavengers who paid money to work, he decided to let them withdraw from the stage of history.

Because in Kane's eyes, the werewolf curse is like a magical Kalashnikov automatic rifle, allowing it to wreak havoc, which can cause more harm than forbidden magic.

It is like an alternative plague, and the most critical element is that it can not only turn people into bloodthirsty monsters, but also bring power.

There are always people who have a fluke mentality, or feel good about themselves, have the self-confidence of the mystery similar to the three illusions of life, think that they can control the curse, eat the sugar and throw away the cannonball. The result is naturally being taught to be human.

The question is, this kind of people deserves their sins, but in the process, how many will become the burial objects of this kind of stupid greed?

Therefore, when Kane discovered the violent variant of the Werewolf Curse represented by the Blood Mouth, he decided to control and even clear it.

He understood this operation as a battlefield preset. To put it simply, I decide what kind of enemies and even events I will encounter on the battlefield in the future.

For example, Nurgle's plague-style smashing wars are not allowed, and there can be horror and madness that is driven by the boss of the family.

Nightmare Wolf Township is full of twisted Gilneas red maples.

This kind of maple itself is very Gothic, especially when the leaves are falling, coupled with an autumn rain, gray and black twisted tree trunks, red and yellow mottled maple leaves, hazy sky, and wet rain. It brought a chill, a rather strong atmosphere of bleak and mysterious death.

But in Wolf Village, this gothic style has been distorted by the power of nightmare, and purple and scarlet light are the main colors here.

Those trees seem to be twisted together with thick or thin steel cables. They are full of leaks. The power of nightmare flows through them, shining with light, just like burning trees, After being blown by the wind, the inside simmered again.

The whole woodland is full of this kind of dynamic effect, which disturbs the vision and makes people feel heavy, messy and irritable.

"Yes, this is indeed a magnificence that only magic can create." Kane nodded and praised during his wandering, "but the more beautiful it is, the better it will be when it is destroyed."

As he said, his body glowed, at first it was a soft translucent white, quickly became milky white, then bright white, and finally dazzling white. This white has exceeded the upper limit of most life’s chromaticity resolution. , So the intensity is further increased, which is no longer meaningful, anyway, it is the highlight that cannot open the eyes, the blindness, and the blindness.

From a high altitude, I saw a big ball of light brighter than the sun, expanding slowly and firmly, devouring everything.

That's the end of Nightmare Wolf Township.

No matter how many mysteries or strange scenes existed before, they were completely erased by this light, including the rancid earth and the sky that was always hazy.

After the light passed, the diverging clouds moved to fill the vacancy. Soon, a light rain mixed with fresh green fell, and many buds suddenly appeared on the charred ground. These plants with onion-like bulbous nodules can digest the remaining soil. The power of nightmare. Some colorful flowers are blooming, and when there are no more colorful flowers, the land will be completely purified. But correspondingly, there is basically no more mystery and mysteriousness.

This is the balance, the devil is driven out and the **** is driven out, after all, the two are originally one and two sides.

Kane's efficient and savage root-removal action naturally has ripples.

For example, those blood-mouth monsters that are active in the real world are directly chopped off, and one by one suddenly loses control and wailes and trembles. This is only the initial impact of the extraordinary connection, and then there will be a series of problems such as weakness and degradation.

It can be said that the Goremouth has been abolished by Kane.

Ordinary extraordinary creatures are not like this. After all, they all evolved step by step, but the blood mouth monsters are different. They are rocket-like jumps. The foundation is unstable and set aside. The'patency' is really incomparable to other extraordinary creatures, so they are cut off. The root cause is also more intense and intuitive.

After erasing the Nightmare Wolf Village that could have spawned a lot of horror and **** stories, Kane ran to Karazhan's private library to pretend to be a master.

The distorted void elves have visited several times, and Kane feels that the air is almost dry, and he can start training.

He is still looking forward to these long-time witnesses with talents and experience in their minds. In other words, just like Sargeras saw the Eredars, the most valuable thing about the void elves is their thinking mode and habits. With a little training and training, they can become qualified middle and low-level managers, researchers, etc. .

But the difference between Kane and Sargeras is that if he only manages personnel and assists researchers, let alone his creative ability, it is the first order, which can be mass-produced. Including the swarm style of brain worms at all levels, and the common human social style.

Kane's main expectation for the void elves is actually the ‘groundedness’.

The indigenous people have some unique advantages.

Of course, most natives themselves cannot fully utilize this advantage, or even know nothing about it.

But Kane, an outsider who can compare at all times, can play some legal games by manipulating native puppets. It's softer than what he just reached out, and the rebound is smaller. It's suitable for many occasions and events, just as the great powers of the original world can see the benefits of the spokesperson war.

As for how to tune the deformed void elves. The first stage is to let them taste the concept of ‘cherish’ repeatedly.

So naturally, this process is a bit of a This is exactly what Kane needs, after all, he hasn't understood many things.

The main feeling of Olaf's three people visiting the farm is that everything here is fake. It's like a stage play scene deliberately exaggerated.

Although all the activities performed by the people here are daily on the farm, they are performed by performances. At least it's far from what they think is normal. In Nicolas's words, "Everyone is too polite and serious. In reality, it's like this. It's similar."

Yacari feels that the main reason why everything here feels fake is not because of politeness or seriousness, but lack of change. She said that people's emotions fluctuate all the time, but people here are very rigid, always like that.

In order to verify this statement, she still bullied people repeatedly with the half-century man who came across three people in the morning.

It turned out to be like what Yacari said. This person has a good temper and is not like a normal person. He always has that kind of attitude, not bored, not angry, but you have to say that his brain is not good. On-the-spot performance is not a routine, and from the perspective of the interactive process alone, there is no fault.

"It feels like such a big farm is a special trap designed for us. It is really scary to think about it carefully."

"It seems that we don't need to expect to be able to ask any valuable information from these people." Olaf also realized that these emotionally locked people are actually a special kind of puppet, they can change The way to interact with people, but the core purpose is the same, it is impossible to get other different opinions from them, whether it is to abuse or treat them well.

With the deepening of the transcendence inheritance, Yakari, who is obviously showing signs of enlightenment, persuaded at this time, "It is almost 16 o'clock. I think our exploration today can come to an end for a while. Go back and cultivate enough energy to deal with Sarres's number one. Night."


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