Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1393: 1 Suddenly Demigod

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In modern society, there is a saying recognized by many social animals: Only paranoia can succeed.

Kane was also deeply impressed by it.

Of course, he has jumped out of the pattern of this sentence later, understanding that it is still not enough to have the drive for forge ahead brought by the concept of ‘paranoia’ and the perseverance that Qingshan does not relax.

However, he also admitted that the needs of each stage of a person are different.

Like Olaf now, if there is enough'paranoia', it is indeed enough.

So is there any?

It turns out Olaf has.

If you can't find a way out, you feel embarrassed.

Olaf relies on such a simple cognition to seek a breakthrough from himself to solve the current problem.

From another perspective, Olaf is greedy. Unwilling to give up the path he chose, and even unwilling to give up these days' efforts.

The idea of ​​starry sky view was originally a method of awakening characterized by stability, but at the same time, it is also a great way to go to the realm of God through continuous perception and fine-tuning, and promotion.

But now, Olaf is trying to kick open the door explosively at the foundation stage of this road. And relying on it is also a certain theory that Brox told him about beliefs, and there are faiths. It depends on how true and pure this letter can be.

Idealism, and the development of spiritual power. Digging power from within the soul, one of the most mysterious things in the universe, the small universe of the Saint Seiya basically walks on this path.

In the end, Olaf did it.

Even Kane couldn't help but admire. He also tried to go this way, but he failed in the end.

Of course, this has a lot to do with his birth under the red flag and growing up in the rapid development of science and technology. A person who is nurtured in a materialistic environment wants to lead the way through his ideals. It is not ordinary and difficult.

So even if he witnessed too much mystery and magic, Kane ultimately took a mixed road.

Olaf is not easy. After all, this era is a mysterious retreat and the rise of science and technology. Olaf’s young Sako has shown various scientific and technological achievements in front of him since he was a child. How could it not be affected?

Because of this, Kane gave a very high evaluation.

Another reason for Kane's willingness to "protect" Olaf is that the power of Olaf's awakening is unique and far beyond Kane's expectations.

The root of Sarez Manor is the mansion of the mage of Farrian, the administrator of the secret society of Kirin Tor. Although not as strong as the Mage Tower, it has 50% of the Mage Tower functions.

And Farian is a half-elf. Before his death, he established the threshold of his bloodline descendants if he wanted to open the storehouse of his core transcendent heritage (knowledge).

Olaf is a half-orc, which means that there are three bloodlines of elves, humans, and orcs in his body.

The elves and the orcs are reproductively isolated, and even if there is a human as a transition, they can't be completely integrated. Therefore, what is shown in Olaf and his father and uncle is that the elves have hidden blood and only show the characteristics of the orcs.

It is precisely because of this that Olaf's father and uncle, who were about forty years old and whose physical functions had begun to decline, were unable to meet the bloodline needs of opening the secret vault.

Olaf, who is about to become an adult, has become the best, even the only choice.

This is also the main reason why Samuel Sarres and his group have been holding Olaf.

After all, it is easy to tear the face, but if their set fails again after tearing the face, then the possibility of opening the secret library is basically cut off.

They have tasted the taste of failure continuously in Solam and Beom, and their confidence can be said to have fallen to the bottom. This is the main reason for tolerating the three of Olaf.

Samus knows that young people are impulsive and have poor patience, so as long as the pressure is maintained, Olaf will not lack the motivation to activate the blood, and the rest will depend on Olaf's own performance.

He even made preparations for a protracted battle, including letting Olaf discover the secrets of the Sarres Manor a little bit, leading him to the secret vault entrance to see if he could be there to activate his blood.

However, Olaf is the son of destiny. Although Kane’s intervention has given up the route of'fortune against the sky, reckless all the way, happy all the way', luck is still at a high level, and there is Kane's'true biography', and his emotions are brewing in place. Push yourself into a dead end, and then burst into superego.

This time it exploded, Olaf received as many as three types of power gifts.

The first category is the power of Titan order, this power factor lurks in the blood of humans and elves.

After all, the source of Azeroth's humans is the Vrykul, and the source of the Vrykul is the mechanical creation tool of the Titans.

The source of the elves is the trolls. Although the birth of the trolls has nothing to do with the Titans, the process of the night trolls evolving into the night elves depends on the long-term influence of the energy field of the Well of Eternity. In Azeroth, there is no creation more representative of the power of Titan's order than the Well of Eternity.

The second category is the gift of the ancestor's soul, which is a kind of psychic gift, and its power factor is lurking in the blood of elves and orcs.

The predecessor of the elves was a troll, and the troll once had a glorious civilization, and its empire covered the entire ancient continent of Kalimdor.

Not to mention the orcs, they were once slaves to the ogres, but eventually succeeded and established an orc civilization.

Both of these two races have primitive and wild idealistic features, and they all have extraordinary people of the'witch' system such as shamans. Under this background, shamans are used as bridges to communicate with their ancestors and gain their experience and wisdom. It is recognized by the whole people, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and believes in this.

This is the cornerstone bestowed by the ancestor's soul.

Olaf's awakening has a very high degree of excavation of the extraordinary power hidden in the bloodline. It can be said that he directly opened the door of the order and extraordinary power of the Titan's endorsement-arcane power, and at the same time the soul also gained the power of primitive nature. blessing of.

The third category is the power of the Star God.

This is also the point that Kane didn't expect.

Kane used the identity of Brocks to preach and teach the law, giving only the most basic part.

Starry sky visualization can lead to many paths, such as the power of stars, the power of stars (sun), and so on. Even the power of the holy light can be drawn out. Kane even thought of the power of the moon **** Elune being awakened. , But he didn't expect that Olaf ultimately obtained the power of the Star God.

The star **** originally meant the god-level existence bred by the planet represented by Aman Sur and other Titans, but here, the details are somewhat different.

Azeroth was once a star **** who hadn't been born yet. He was known as the condensed luck of the World of Warcraft universe. Dan Pain Novel Network

Whether she was born successfully, to be honest, Kane is not sure. But Kane can be sure that at least in the reality of World of Warcraft, there is no god-level existence now, otherwise he will definitely be able to perceive it.

Therefore, whether Azeroth is born, whether it is strong or weak, will not directly affect the evolution of everything.

As for the possibility of obtaining the power of the Moon God of Elune, it was also induced indirectly through starry sky visualization, not Elune's shot.

Never thought that Olaf actually gained the power of the Star God under such circumstances.

The power of the Star God is not Azerite, but the origin of the Star God. To put it bluntly, Azerite is the egg white, and the power of the Star God is the egg yolk.

This thing is far more difficult to obtain than Azerite, and without the blessing of the law, it may not be able to bear it.

Olaf got it, and in this way, he became the heir to the world of Azeroth, possessing divine nature.

Even a ray of divinity is enough to have a huge impact, especially Olaf's starting point is very low.

The power of the star **** gave Olaf a compelling character that is almost a planetary spokesperson. The ancestors gave him more than ten times the strength of his soul, and the gift of the power of order of the Titan allowed him to instinctively master a series of methods for using extraordinary power.

Moreover, the current Azeroth can be said to be adjusted under the power of the Titan’s order, which means that even if Olaf is a rookie, he has been able to surpass everything in this world handily. After all, he is just one The system can be said to fit well.

Externally, the activation of Olaf's bloodline is basically the birth of a demigod. The scene is naturally extraordinary. After all, just reshaping the body will extract majestic extraordinary energy. Because from the perspective of the container, the body of a demigod needs enough mysterious elements to ensure a stable structure, and the most common way to obtain the mysterious elements is to extract them from extraordinary powers.

As a result, the area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers known by the Sares Manor has entered a state of excitement, or boiling.

Fortunately, due to historical reasons, this area can be said to be a meeting point between the Emerald Nightmare and reality. At this moment, Olaf gains extraordinary power from the two realms, otherwise the Sares Manor will become a sacrifice for the birth of a demigod. Powder, and then converted into energy. The effect is just like Gretchen of the Marvel Universe uses the power of a phoenix to break down everything.

Such a scene is not controlled by Olaf, but is an unnatural natural phenomenon. It is a derivation of the law of heaven, and it is like a condensed thunderstorm. Although the scope is small, the effect of heaven and earth is powerful. But it is not vague, and even more exaggerated because of condensation.

At this moment, Samuel and others naturally regretted not wanting, not wanting, and the Law of Heaven didn't mind using such an opportunity to erase the existence of some loopholes in the law.

Therefore, the ingestion of extraordinary power is reflected in them, and it has a harsh effect of being settled by the autumn queen. Barbara, the chef like Roshan, and William, who came out to entertain the three of Olaf, didn’t even last five seconds. However, because of the loss of the key transcendent substance, the body collapsed, and the vampire in the film and television was as violent as the sun was directly shot.

Samuel also used several life-saving methods in a row to be spared. The main reason is that the extraction of extraordinary powers from the birth of demigods is too compelling. It can be said to obtain what is needed directly from the molecular level, ignoring material barriers, unless it is a law-level domain protection, otherwise it can only be deprived.

In such a forced mode, Nicolas was unlucky not to be involved.

Even if Olaf’s awakening can be advanced two days in advance, the impact on Sacco will not be much, but Sacco completed the phased accumulation yesterday, and once again accepted the gift of Sarein, according to the method of gift, in Sares In a corner of the mansion, the so-called dark force point was found.

It was just a rift that led to the Emerald Nightmare that Sarin relied on his high strength and had a certain understanding of Sarres' mansion, and discovered and simply used it.

Nicolas didn't know how much he was in. He thought he was taking advantage of him. He even despised Sa Ain. He definitely couldn't be labeled as a ‘champion’.

Arrogance + greed, Nicolas took another big step on the road to death.

Kane didn't even bother to pay attention to him anymore. He fell too fast. Kane even felt that even Groom, the ineffective elder brother of Jacarly, would only perform better than Sako under the same circumstances. it is good.

However, when Olaf awakened, he gave Nicolas another chance.

Although the power of nightmare was drawn madly and the extraordinary strength stepped onto a new level, the result was just to reach the standard of attack, and in the case of unable to resist, it directly burned most of his life, but also understood the cause and effect from the level of the law of heaven.

Anyway, from Kane's perspective, Nicolas is actually profitable, and it can even be said that Qi Luck has not completely given up on him. He now relies on the base of the transcendent, coupled with the protection of the Dark Knight, to walk a pragmatic and transcendent path, and he will be among the elite within ten years.

Unfortunately, the authorities are fans, Nicolas himself cut off the last chance to go the right way. He gave Olaf a spiteful look, then took advantage of the special environment created by Olaf's awakening, escaped into the Emerald Nightmare, and then fled to the depths without looking back.

Kane looked at Nicolas with a special eye of law, and, as he expected, the light of luck returned to light, and then it kept falling into a negative.

If there is positive luck, there will naturally be negative luck. The performance of being unlucky is often doing good deeds and doing nothing, while committing a crime is handy, Hong Fu is close to him.

Nicolas was completely depraved at this time, blackening was not enough to describe his future direction, but demonization.

Of course, this is far from enough to attract Kane’s attention. Not to mention Nicolas’s current strength, he is at the level of an ordinary Sartre. Kane doesn’t think it can be anything for his character, strengths and weaknesses. event.

Relying on negative luck and prospering, it may be able to climb to a certain height in a fattening style, but in the end it will not get rid of the fate of pig fat being slaughtered.

In addition to Nicolas, Yakari is inevitably affected.

Her rune seed, which had not been completely digested, was taken away directly. Olaf's power in the power of order is not comparable to that of the ‘destined person’ of Yakari.

But again, in Kane's view, this variable is a good thing for Yacarly.

It is an indisputable fact that she has been brainwashed into a tool person by Rune Seed.

But brainwashing specifically depends on how much progress is made and how deep it is.

Also influenced by Kane’s preaching and teaching, coupled with the short period of brainwashing, Yacari’s free instinct as an independent individual took this opportunity to fight successfully and chose herself from the brainwashing process.

The inexplicable sense of mission is gone, and the ‘big love’ BUFF that always comes in force has also disappeared.

However, Yacari also paid the price for her rapid growth during this period.

Her Transcendental System, the part constructed by Rune Seed, is too high in proportion. Rune Seed is now suddenly withdrawn in an abnormal mode. The Transcendental System is naturally affected and has not collapsed. That is also because it is the right way and the magic method after all. Steady and majestic, in the metaphor of a construction project, it is not a tofu project. It is just to catch up and take some risks. Except for the situation, it has not reached the level of irremediation.

Yakali fainted, this is the brain's self-protection mechanism at work. The drowsiness didn't make Yacarly out of her sleepiness, but if Olaf was willing to help her, there was still great hope.

The divinity of the star god, Olaf has a higher authority than the general guardians of Azeroth (Loken, Lyden, etc.) in the Pantheon camp. Not only has he automatically acquired a considerable part of the knowledge and mysteries, but also absorbed After Rune Seed, another expansion was completed.

Therefore, as long as the knowledge is digested roughly, it is enough to help Yakali out of the predicament.

The most unlucky is the ring grandfather Charon, the moment he escaped from the normal cycle of life and death from the moment he hid in the special magic weapon ring, he became a stone targeted by the law of heaven.

Moreover, the divinity cannot be blasphemed. During the awakening process of Olaf, he naturally rejected all threatening factors.

At the same time, being struck by divinity and the law of heaven, Charon was wiped out before he could even resist. The mysterious elements contained in the ring, and even part of the information, became Olaf's nourishment.

Not only that, even Farian’s Arcane Vault was unearthed and appeared in Olaf’s vision...

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