Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1422: Give light to breed God of War

The price of the True God’s abandoning the pit is naturally high, not only the loss of power, the loss of real estate, the loss of a large amount of wealth, and the backlash of the great road.

However, he had already prepared to get out, **** was sure, but he wouldn't cut off most of his life in one go.

The main thing the true **** is afraid of is Kane. If Kane pursues him, it will be really difficult.

And Kane did remember the phrase ‘you should chase the poor with the courage left’, and has always been a ruthless act that can eliminate the roots and never leave trouble.

It's just that he can't spare no effort to do this now.

The broken dark boundary cannot be repaired quickly.

As the entropy is approaching, his main strength must also be placed on dealing with the upcoming war.

To put it bluntly, it is still poor.

After all, he is not a complete body, nor is he as wealthy as he was when Warhammer 40K started. In the early stage of Gradieus, he returned to the dark HP universe and redistributed the proportion of power.

And the investment in the early stage of Warcraft, including the evil fire extinguishing hundreds of millions of stars, was expensive, and now it seemed a little stretched.

Of course, confidence is still there.

The key now is to integrate forces as soon as possible.

There is always a lack of time, and he doesn't bother to complain about this.

Kane didn't rush to repair those cracks. The broken hole, an irregular circle about 3 light years in diameter, did not stop it.

However, he used his current dominance of the dark evil **** to create a large quarantine area. Pushing against the breach from the inside like a cork to slow down the interaction between the Warcraft universe and the disintegrating energy and matter.

Just like the deep ocean with its own ecosystem, there is not nothing in this negative special realm. On the contrary, compared with the void, the matter and energy here are much richer. The comparison between the two is like distilled water and sludge. The former contains almost no impurities, while the latter is silt. It just depends on whether it can be used.

In terms of utilization, Kane didn't dare to speak up, after all, it was the first time he dived to such a depth. Although the knowledge base is not bad, whether it is quickly transformed into tangible benefits, or whether it is unaccustomed to the water and soil, you will know only after comparison.

Now he has no spare energy to open these projects. His main energy is to take over the inheritance of the true God.

As the saying goes, there are still three thousand nails in a bad boat. Although it didn't take long for the true God to become the ruler of darkness, he was cruel and courageous, and his madness in making money was enough to make Kane think that he was also experienced, and he screamed loudly.

Of course, he wouldn't learn this kind of method of exhausting the water and fishing with endless troubles.

In addition, True God has another disadvantage that makes him look down upon, and that is the poor ability to utilize and throttle.

To put it ugly, it will only use money, not money to make money, sprinklers and waste are also thieves, this is the master of wealth, is the queen role of'watch him get up a tall building, watch him feast with guests and friends, watch his building collapsed'. The scene is lively, all chicken feathers, if you are too addicted, you will die.

As a picker, Kane is still willing to see his predecessor with this kind of failure, so he won't make any complaints.

The Dark Machine Gods are busy, and the New Burning Fleet is also busy.

Their power attributes are more suitable as executors to take over the real god's property.

If the Great River of the Dead is a dam built by the true **** and an artificial canal, then with the passing of the true god, this system will collapse.

It is impossible for Kane to take over this unscrupulous ‘tax collection system’, although the cost of resuming operations is very low, and the dividends are extremely attractive.

After all, he still did not have the consciousness to live and die with the Warcraft universe. Therefore, there are some operations, no matter how great the profit is.

But before the system collapses, it is okay to seize the time to make a wave.

There is also a law system that can take the opportunity to sell to the Warcraft universe.

The specific nature will not be done by him, but the puppets who have gradually fallen into the Warcraft universe.

For example, Ethan, who has already booked the position of God of Nature. And the dimensionality reduction clone Brocks?? White Claw.

Even the sons of destiny, such as Rosalind and Olaf, will also get benefits. This is not only a compensation for them, but also a huge reward for the law, which is more suitable for multiple people to share. There is also a pavement for the next series of actions.

After becoming the master of darkness, Kane quickly grasped a lot of situations, such as the void remnants in the Warcraft universe.

These ancient gods are important accomplices in reducing the dimensionality of the Warcraft universe, and the true gods need them to weaken the power of the laws of the universe, and for this reason to tolerate rape. He doesn't need it, he has similar needs, and it is more cost-effective than using the ancient gods to give it to the dark gods and the like.

However, he also noticed that in some areas of the Warcraft universe, the ancient gods have become the climate, dominating several star areas, are powerful, and look like they are impenetrable.

In such a situation, even the dark machine gods, if they act rashly, they will not be pleased. And the destiny sons of great fortune, it seems very appropriate to act as breakers.

So Kane decided to act as a destiny guide, instructing the children of destiny to embark on the glorious road of salvation heroes.

Rosalind, Skard, and Niinette, after separating from Brocks, tossed about, finally returned to the real world.

Tol Barad Island is in sight, and the people who have escaped to heaven are happy, but Rosalyn is not happy at all, but as the force of the team, she knows that she should be more excited and uplifted at this time, so she tried her best to make herself look Just like that, I also encouraged everyone to say a few words like we want to carry on the past and live up to the sacrifices of heroes.

In fact, her thoughts are pessimistic and dark.

The death of Brocks brought back some memories of Rosalind. This memory involves the fall of the strong, including her mentor.

Rosalind felt that, including herself and two of her companions, as well as the more than one hundred people from the Wanghai Town Guardsmen, it was not worthwhile for Brox to trade his life for the survival of these people.

She is not ignorant of reason, and it is not that she is not unaware that it is because of the heroes' dedication and deeds that encourage the various races of Azeroth to survive in this dark world.

She also felt at one time that younger generations like her would inevitably inherit the legacy of their ancestors, work hard, and might even do better than the martyrs.

But the facts have repeatedly proved that the overall strength of their guardians is shrinking at a visible speed.

The newcomer has not grown up, or in other words, has not grown up enough to take on important tasks. However, the old people at the Liangzhu level have perished under the circumstances of last resort time and time again.

Of course, in fact most of the time, ordinary members die more. But cruelly speaking, ordinary members are relatively easy to add, while the strong...

When she first joined the organization, it was also racially biased. For example, she doesn't see orcs and trolls, and Rondoley and Sindorei also disgust her.

But later, her mind gradually broadened, and she realized that her personal likes and dislikes were not important, what was important was the responsibility of guarding the organization.

Even if it is not in this organization, it is a valuable force to do something about the positive cause of protecting the world and protecting lives.

The same way, it is through these channels to gather together or act alone that the Azeroth clans have so much hope. It can be said that these people are the candles that illuminate the way for the survival of the race.

Against this background, the fall of Brocks can be said to be the extinguishment of a huge torch. In his past life, he used actions to light up the candle of hope in countless people's hearts, so that they have the courage to move on in the dark and suffering. .

Now, the big torch has gone out. Can the one hundred or so people here carry the heavy burden he has provoked? Obviously impossible, even if it is given enough time for people to grow up, it is impossible. Legends are not so cheap, let alone one out of a hundred, that is, one out of ten thousand, every race can sleep and wake up.

The fall of the legend is an irreparable loss. Rosalind seemed to see the road ahead of the tribes, and it was obviously a little bleak.

So she really couldn't be happy, just like someone complained to her: "If the strong can be born by faith, the tribes of Azeroth would have pushed the world."

After landing, Rosalind was in no mood to continue to take care of Wanghai Town. She briefly confessed to Sasha, and she was ready to return to Feralas.

Sasha was also very sad. Although the conspiracy of the dark elements went bankrupt, after a series of things, I am afraid that the most persistent people in Wanghai Town would not continue to live in Wanghai Town.

Therefore, the fall of a strong man ultimately only proved that the Black Miasma Forest was a huge dark pit. It's really a shortage of money.

"I think after I go back this time, people will choose to leave without special promotion. As for those who still refuse to believe the facts and insist on staying, let them stay." Sasha also gave a positive reply. .

Rosalyn nodded, so that she had no regrets. She has decided that this time she will return to Feralas, unless the organization achieves a decisive victory over there and needs a transition, she will not leave again.

Rosalind's organization is called Khadgar Way. Just by hearing the name, the organization takes the philosophy of the legendary hero Khadgar as its core philosophy.

Khadgar has dedicated his life to the cause of protection, and has not participated in any wars involving racial strife, such as several hegemony battles between the Alliance and the Horde. No matter what the reason, no matter who is right or wrong, he does not mix, his principle of neutrality in this regard has won him the respect of all races, including the races of the world of Draenor and the world of Argus.

The main enemy that Khadgar's way deals with is the so-called dark remnants of the dignitaries of the Three Kingdoms.

That's right, when the last ancient **** N'Zoth who was hibernating on Azeroth fell a thousand years ago, Enragi and Aqir were indeed remnants.

After thousands of years of latent development, they are no longer what they used to be.

The great sword that Sargeras dropped when he was sealed by the Pantheon did severely damage the Qiraji in Silithus, but the temple and the ruins of the city were still alive, not to mention that the Qiraji had been opened before then. Branches and leaves, Tanaris, Feralas, Un'Goro Crater, all have their branches.

That’s all about Tanaris, the barren desert region does not have enough resources to support ethnic development. Back then, the Qiraji people, who were also located in the desert Gobi, made trouble under the direction of C'Thun. The interval between the two quicksand battles was thousands of years. And the second time it was destroyed more thoroughly, it really took time to start all over again.

But Un'Goro Crater and Feralas are different.

Both are forests with abundant natural resources. It can even be said that after the natural environment of Felwood, Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Azshara suffered various poisons, Feralas and Un'Goro craters are already Kalimdor, and even the entire Azeroth There are countless, fairly healthy virgin forests.

The situation faced by Khadgar's Dao is that Un'Goro has been completely occupied by the newly born worm man empire, and Feralas is also at risk.

This is not a remnant, but a tyrannical military empire.

It is nothing more than the habitual strategy of the insects to save their families and prepare for the outbreak, and the emperor is far away from the mountain, so that most human beings do not realize this huge threat.

What must be pointed out here is that, as the absolute main race of Azeroth in this era, human beings have not fully realized the truth of'a big cow, but they must also be the first to overcome thunder.'

This is like aliens invading the earth. It must be human beings, and it is impossible for lions and tigers to go up first.

Azeroth human beings still deal with this kind of world crisis in a way that is difficult for everyone to handle, which is very problematic in itself.

In the past, for example, in the first battle of the quicksand, the night elves were the main force. They coordinated to guard the dragon and defeated that battle.

In later major world crises, night elves were also more active.

Even if they return to the natural way of thinking, in Kane's view, they are completely reversing civilization. But before the family is exhausted, they are indeed a force that cannot be ignored.

But now, the heroes of the year, Stormrage Brothers and Tyrande, even the legend has become little known. The night elves were burned to death by Sylvanas, the home tree of Teldrassil. The final foundation, the wave of Tyrande's incarnation of the Moon Night War God, can only be regarded as a flashback. Even the guardian dragon has been eliminated in various ways. Without its blessings, a world tree like Teldrassil is impossible to reproduce. , And the operation that the dragon helped to bind the shadow elves to the world tree to obtain a long lifespan ended with the end of the world tree.

The loss of homeland, and more importantly, the loss of a large number of people, coupled with the objective conditions of slow growth and low fertility rate, it is not an exaggeration to say that the night elves have suffered a disaster.

Therefore, the night elves withdrew from the Azeroth stage very quickly. Now, only the generation of Mount Hyjal can surely find three or two kittens, and the rest have basically disappeared in the forest silently.

Some people may think that the demise of the night elves is nothing. The wheels of the times are rolling forward, and the untimely will naturally be crushed.

There is nothing wrong with that, but the night elves are actually representative. According to Kane's hierarchical cognition, they are considered the people of silver, and their ending represents the official end of the Belle Epoque.

Regardless of whether it is stale or rumored to drink blood, the racial style of the night elves is actually biased towards silly, white and sweet. Most night elves possess more than one positive virtue. Of course, this virtue may not be able to give benefits to other races, and may even be used as a weapon to harm other races. But virtue is virtue.

If it is marked by the color spectrum, the dark night race is considered gray, and the human being is absolutely gray, and it is constantly swaying, and other races are even worse.

For example, the dwarf looks quite white, just like pranks. In fact, their mischief is just a manifestation of madness. Under the mischief, there are many horrible and gruesome information hidden. In ignoring life, they and the goblins are definitely half-brothers.

In short, the end of the night elves means that the overall brightness of the civilizations of Azeroth has decreased. In fact, this is also a kind of dimensionality reduction, like the darkness sliding down, and the world is walking on the road of hell.

Of course, most people do not have the ideas, willingness and ability to look at problems from this grand perspective. They will be very content if they can manage their life well and have less regrets.

But there will always be people of insight. They are like the small group of people who promote social development in reality. They represent people's yearning for beautiful things. They are different from those pure idealists. They are doers. He has done something worthy of praise and praise, whether others know it or not.

Rosalind and his little friend, even such people.

So in fact, Kane respected them more than Olaf.

And the manifestation of this respect is to not manipulate as much as possible, but to let them choose by themselves.

Therefore, when giving Rosalyn strength, she also appeared very rude.

Just after the new world tree grows into a sky canopy and brings waves of natural shocks to the entire surface world of Azeroth.

Rosalind and her two partners, as transcendents, were naturally surprised that their jaws were about to be dislocated by this wave of dramatic changes.

They felt that the vital energy in nature became a lot more active, and felt that the depressive haze and gloomy atmosphere was quickly whole world under the extraordinary vision was much brighter and more beautiful. The light factor that has disappeared has increased significantly.

Especially for Skard, he felt the most direct. The magic power of the Holy Light System had been increased twice, but it was still rising.

Rosalind felt like being blown by the spring breeze, full of vitality and spirit.

Ninett is a druid. She naturally feels the escalation of nature very deeply, and she inevitably gains gain. Her level has increased by three in one breath. The difficult climb in recent years has all turned into a accumulation of accumulation... …

In this context, Kane directly threw a seed of power to Rosalind. There is only one additional explanation: I will give the Seed of the God of Light, and the road will be smooth from now on. I only need to have a clear conscience.

When these words resounded in Rosalind's mind like Huang Zhong Dalu, she felt something in her heart, and then there was a surging power, with the pumping of the heart, using blood as the carrier, transported to the limbs.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The strong breath pushed Skard and Ninett away, almost falling.

"Crack it! The armor on his body and the weapons in his hand are all like being forged and beaten. The scum and light stars are shooting around. After that, there will be orange-gold rays surging and flowing, just like those legendary epic treasures.

"Rosalin, Rosalin! What happened?" Nainette yelled concerned.

Rosalyn closed her eyelids and blinked, then opened them sharply. Her pupils had turned golden, with an inhuman temperament revealing, but she still had a warm voice when she spoke: "I have gained the power bestowed by the heavens, and at the same time, I am taking on a heavy responsibility. , Is the guardian of all races, expelling the warriors of darkness!"


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