Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1427: There are many problems with the **** dimension

Seeing that Brocks had successfully completed the task, Kane didn't bother him again.

Let him move freely for a while, and heal his injuries.

It's really just by the way, Brocks' recovery ability is much stronger than he thought, and this injury is not too much in Kane's eyes.

Brocks himself has the feeling of unarmed rock climbers fighting for their lives to conquer a dangerous peak, which is both excitement and fear, as well as pain and exhaustion.

He really didn't want to stay here anymore, feeling that this place was violent with him, and once they met, there was nothing good.

So he left directly across the border.

His feeling is still a bit spectral, if he just returned from the shadow world to Wanghai Town in the real world, then he would just meet Sasha who organized the evacuation of people, which would be really embarrassing.

After all, the people of the defense team, including Sasha, wept for his death. Now that they are not dead, they are more or less annoyed by being teased. Instead, they are not beautiful. Give people a perfect heroic image of self-sacrificing and saving others.

Brocks appeared in the Broken Isles in the real world. Soon after, he felt the majestic power of the New World Tree. He even noticed the **** of nature Ethan, the **** of war Rosalin, and the flame bearer Olaf. exist.

This is the divine induction that units above the demigod have, which can be far from the existence of the same kind, and can even communicate regardless of distance.

But when he reached the level of Kane, he couldn't be detected. Conversely, Kane himself wanted to know the gods without being discovered by the gods, but he also needed to use secret techniques.

This is the premium version of ‘When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you too’. In short, there is no such thing as taking advantage and not paying in an absolute sense.

The Broken Isles is a strange land that has maintained its diversified characteristics so far. Various intelligent races have survived and multiplied here. Although humans are relatively strong, they are far from being the only one.

Kane didn't have time to appreciate those styles, nor would he envy Brocks' healing journey.

In the **** dimension of the Shadow Realm, the breakup of Matroxus and the promotion of the fortress is basically over, but Chuanyuan, Levindes and Blazing Fairy still have problems to solve.

In fact, the most important issue is returning to the country. That is to make all dimensions work again.

But if you want to do this well, you can't do it by awakening the arbiter of Olympus.

Even for reasons such as emptiness and inadequacy, Kane suspected that if he let the **** system run roughly now, they would soon collapse.

To sum up in one sentence, the six dimensions of hell, everyone is really good, which is a big problem.

Among them, the main problem for Levenders now is to pull the hips in all areas.

Wen Ersi can't do it, neither can the Rock Legion, nor the Mud Servant.

These are all the evils of Denathius, relying on his authority to make the entire system into a mess.

Not only were the executors of functions related to operation and maintenance abolished, but the world itself was also seriously polluted.

The corrosive power of the true **** is a kind of pollution, and the wilderness of Ravendes has become a wasteland of souls. It can also be regarded as a kind of pollution. Not to mention the urban area represented by Fort Nasria. It can be said that it is good. Throwing people on that land will be distorted over time.

It is not only affected by the humanistic environment created by Wen Ersi and other creatures, but also by regional laws. This is like an area where there is always noise.

Corroded like this, Kane was really determined to destroy Ravendes and completely replaced it with a new one.

But in practice, it is very difficult.

The main issue is the law.

Denarsius has long since left Germany, and not long ago, he completely shaken the pot.

This means that the evil spirit road represented by Levenders, the law of the road has actually been suspended, or it has returned to Levenders.

The Evil Ghost Avenue is the root and the backbone, the Seven Deadly Sins Order Stone Tablet is the branch, the dimensional world is the leaf, and the soul of the atonement after trial and transformation is the fruit.

Kane himself would not run into this muddy water. This is different from the position of the dark ruler. Although the shadow world and the **** system also involve the power of darkness, the core is actually the dark side of the reincarnation of the heavens, and the sun represented by the real world is both external and internal.

Taking up this kind of position is really turning the tide and sharing weal and woe with the WoW universe. What's more disgusting is that Ravendes is just a part of the **** dimension, and it is neither the top nor the bottom, nor can it be higher or lower, let alone the Lord of Hell.

If Kane picks up this stall, it is equivalent to a play of a guardian general playing King Qin. It has to be in and out of the rules, can't raise the flag against it, and has to withstand the suspicions and misunderstandings of other officials. And even if it succeeds, it is nothing more than fixing the **** system, and this kind of fixing is still a huge loss, the people's livelihood is withered, and it may not be restored for decades.

Why is this so troublesome? It's not shaking M.

But without such a flag-bearing pot, this stall really can't move.

Kane certainly paid attention to the seven fel warships that temporarily helped to operate the system, and there were 14 ships that guided the stream of death from the Abyss.

There is nothing to say about their operating status and work attitude. The problem is that they are continuously being infested by the relevant laws of the Warcraft universe.

The law of the universe will not be humanized to the point where it is helpful to helpers. It is a beating for everyone, so if this continues, the fel warship will be naturalized.

Losing some fel warships is actually nothing. Including Cthulhu, since he had reformed and changed his party at the beginning, it meant that he recognized that the meat was rotten in the Warcraft universe pot.

Then once he was naturalized, he was out of his control. God knows how these evil gods will be demons. Anyway, they won't continue to work hard to do what they are doing now. Otherwise, they won't be called evil gods. How appropriate are they called the gods of rules, loyalty, and love.

In any case, Kane has no good way to deal with Levenders. After all, he was seriously inadequate to detonate this big event.

In Fort Nasria, the nobles of different factions have already fought.

After Denarsius ran away, the heart originally controlled by him could be thrown out by him, like gold bars scattered all over the street, in order to create chaos. And it did succeed.

This chaotic mood even spread like a plague, and gradually the whole Levenders was immersed in the restless atmosphere, and everything seemed messy.

Kane didn't care. Since he had considered restarting Revendes completely, it meant that in his eyes this dimensional world was no longer worse. Let's make trouble.

In comparison, the blazing blue fairy field is not a little bit better.

Mainly the Queen of Winter is a brainy one. When the dimensional system was malfunctioning, the Queen of Winter adopted the strategy of shrinking power in time and losing the periphery to protect the core.

Therefore, those territories that were later occupied by Drust in the Destroyed Realm were basically abandoned by the Queen of Winter, led by the Faye, before being seized by Drust.

This orderly evacuation allowed the Queen of Winter to obtain more resources. Although he did not expect this to last for thousands of years, but the more this situation, the more precious the resources, the kind that can determine life or death.

Moreover, the Queen of Winter allows part of the woodland to decay, and actually cuts off the key law connection. The most important dream tree will not act on that piece of land, whether it is to obtain mental power to create mental energy or to send mental energy.

It can be said that the degree of harmony between the Queen of Winter and the Blazing Fairy Wild is top-notch, and the true glory is all the glory, and the loss is all.

And compared with the Archon who was promoted to the fortress, the Queen of Winter has a much lower bureaucracy, is more close to the people, and has good mobility.

However, the Faye of the Blazing Blue Fairy, the combat power is really rubbish, far inferior to the birdman Grien. To say that they are all professionals who take care of forests, not all.

The true soldier of the Blazing Blue Fairy is Vokayi, a deer creature known as ferocious and fearless. In fact, they are light cavalry, or more accurately, Lin cavalry.

In Kane's eyes, these creatures are not as good as the light cavalry. The best thing about the light cavalry is its mobility. The Mongol cavalry’s tactics of using arrows and kites against opponents are the correct use of the light cavalry.

What does Lin Cavalry have? Jumping in the forest like a deer?

This kind of fighting is not impossible, but this type of unit cannot be used as the main force to charge and advance at the critical moment or stick to the defense. Play a game of battle or chase the death to the north and kill the army.

You're so ridiculous when you swim, and you've passed Drust? They used bones, tree sticks, etc. to form individual puppets, and then let the spirits hide in them, just like an extraordinary mecha.

Moreover, the souls used by Drust are not only of the same kind, but also blackened evil spirits and evil spirits, including animals. That's why there are thorn beasts and wood tumor beasts. The types are not rich, but they are all. Practical, wolfhound war beast, aerial reconnaissance, siege colossus, there is no shortage.

But those mortal souls who have a bond with nature and signed a contract with Blazing Xianye after death, and will always stay in this dimension to take care of the forest. Most of them are druids and hunters who are accustomed to ordering or group cooperation. It still exists in the form of a spirit animal.

This kind of combat power, against Drust, the result can be imagined. It's often cold guns and cold guns, but it can still be like that. Once a big battle starts, even the north can't be found. Normally, it seems that there are gains in piecemeal beats, but in fact, most of them are material losses.

This is also one of the major reasons why Drust was able to corrupt many dharma nights later.

It's not that the Queen of Winter's strategy is not good, but that the night's combat power is not good, and there are always places where you cannot retreat. With the loss of troops, the loopholes in the defense area become larger. Drust's elite invasion can rob personnel and resources.

If it weren't for Drust's own problems, the Queen of Winter would not be able to fight for a thousand years without extinction.

Blazing Blue Xianye still has a group of weak existences, namely Lin Gui, Fairy, and Fairy Wood Spirit.

Lin Gui is like a wicked demon and a little devil, born with malicious intent. This kind of creature seems to be playing a prank, but it is very excessive, and more importantly, they are evil from their heart. There is no concept of joking. He takes evil as his business. It's just that his appearance and performance are a bit funny, so I say it is full of maliciousness.

Fairies are naughty bags and bear children. They are like a butterfly man because of their external charm. They are cute to be well-behaved, and bears are a headache.

If this kind of creature is in the usual way, it would be harmless, but in an extraordinary period, it will be misfortune. Their ability to cast spells is actually very strong, and after being blackened by Drust, it is a disaster.

Finally, the fairy wood spirit, this kind of creature is like a tortoise, usually slow and not easy to get angry, but if you really provoke them, you will find that they are actually very fierce. After this creature is blackened by Drust, it is no longer cute, stupid, or slow, but rather aggressive like a wild boar bull in heat.

All in all, the aborigines of these three blazing blue fairy fields have become a burden and a scourge in extraordinary times. This makes the situation facing the Queen of Winter worse.

The only good news is that they waited for him. After the Fel Warship intervened in the operation of the Hell Dimension, most of the dead souls after classification came to the Blazing Blue Fairy.

Kane also didn't let the Dark Machine Gods be able to comb and feed the dream tree that was dying. Instead, it scattered like the original one, and then operated through the operation mechanism of Blazing Blue Fairy.

There seems to be a bad thing about doing this, that is, the dead souls that are living in the area occupied by Drust may become Drust's strategic materials.

But in fact it doesn't. The Dark Machine Soul is fishing. In this way, the lurking Drust series is drawn out and eliminated.

I won't mention a concept here, that is, the existence behind Drust.

Without the protection of this existence, Drust would not be able to challenge the Queen of Winter. After all, he was the Lord of Dimension, relying on the force to kill the ordinary transcendent existence below the gods.

Kane has not yet fully ascertained how deep the water behind Drust is.

It was Muerzala, the **** of death, who had known it before tomorrow.

Muerzala was once a troll, and later became the **** of Loa, the death **** of trolls.

Including Muerzala, all the gods of Loa, in Kane's view, are considered to be within the scope of conventional godhood.

To put it simply, I am a bit of a craziness, with unusual talents, and doing things that ordinary people can't. I am worshipped by others. After death, before death, some people set up a shrine for it, praying and worshiping. , Please bless you. With the power of incense, or the blessing of faith, it gradually transformed and became a god.

That's basically it.

As a native of Azeroth, trolls once established a troll civilization that encompassed the entire ancient continent of Kalimdor. Therefore, both from the human environment and the number of mouths, they support the birth of gods.

Later, the troll civilization fell and scattered everywhere in the form of tribes, so that no matter what the war started, there would be a unit of killing trolls. There was no way, the strength declined, but it occupied the most Good land, who did the troll die?

For example, the war between the Amani troll and the Quel'Dorei elves.

The Quel'dorei elves are outsiders, and the Ghost Land is the hometown where the Amani trolls lived. It covers the land where Quel'dorei built Silvermoon City, both.

The Amani trolls are in decline, unable to control such a large territory, and the elves occupy it. But the elves were dissatisfied and continued to occupy them, occupying the ghost land as well.

The core of the ghost land is the Amani Fortress. When the ancient continent of Kalim did not fall apart, it was the center of a large continent. After the break, it became a corner, and as a result, the elves invaded most of the land of the ghost land, and the Amani troll only left a lair and its surroundings. How does this live? Trolls are not a farming civilization, and even if they are, they must have land for farming, right?

As for the elves, humans, and even trolls of many races, they are **** and barbaric.

People are **** and brutal about you, and you didn't eat or drink, you didn't ask you to comment and didn't disgust you. You comment on other people’s set of values ​​based on your values, and then come to a conclusion that you are absolutely correct. Isn’t this bullying?

What's more, when people established a glorious civilization, you were still cavemen who were rumoring and drinking blood. No, you are tool people who have no self at all. Where is the superiority that makes other intelligent races have to show civilized virtues and ethics based on your values?

Besides, even if it is your values, are you doing well by yourself?

So the essence is that if you fall behind, you will be beaten, grab someone's land, and give yourself some great reasons. Later, he wrote history as the victorious side and scribbled everyone else. In this regard, many races are very fucking. It really has nothing to do with good or evil.

The gameplay of eating and sleeping trolls became popular in the world of Azeroth for a long time. The trolls on the mainland were all driven to places where the horns or birds do not shit, which is better.

At the same time, due to the repeated decline of the troll population, God Loa was also very unhappy. Many of them were lost due to lack of sufficient worship and the need to sacrifice their lives for believers.

Among them, the Hakkari troll of the Northrend Tundra is a typical example and a microcosm of the demise of the troll population. In the desperate war with the Scourge Army led by the Lich King, they really used all the power they could use, including offering sacrifices to the gods, how terrible, they had to make sacrifices for the power of the gods.

But what about it, those who died in battle were resurrected by natural disasters. The Lich King held the Burning Legion, Orc Voodoo, and the undead technology from the Hell-dimension Abyssal Warden and Matroxus. Three in one. The troll who slapped Higure Xishan properly, and there are traitors inside the troll, which is strange to be immortal.

Of course, Kane did not sympathize with the trolls, but treated things like the rise and fall of civilization fairly and appreciably. From the perspective of trolls, the decline and even the demise of a troll clan is tragic and tragic. They struggle for survival, and they also have various shining deeds, including self-sacrifice, but the general trend will not be due to the noble ones. It was reversed, and to a certain extent, it really collapsed, and no one would be able to recover except for the super hang ratio

In this closing song, Muerzala was also finished.

Muerzala is Loa, the death **** of Sandfury Trolls.

Sandfury is a big tribe, unlike the Gurazashi trolls living in Stranglethorn Vale, it later split into a bunch of small clans, and it is always more unified.

However, the living environment of the Sandfury Troll is very bad.

Facing Tanaris, backing by Thousand Needles Forest, on the east is the sea salt-alkali Gobi, and on the west is the Un'Goro Crater, but a huge deep crater hit by a meteorite, it is very difficult to go down and get life resources from there. reality.

In short, Tanaris is the place where ordinary people can't live. The sandfury trolls survived, and they had to be torn up with the Qiraji people and later sand bandits.

Later, the rising alliance and tribe pushed the nest Zul'Farrak.

And by reading Zul'Falak's Sekah Tablet, the Alliance and the Horde knew the existence of Muerzala for the first time.

God of death, father of sleep, son of time, friend of night. These titles all represent a priesthood of Muerzala and correspond to a law.

The other opposite to Muerzala is Deloa, who is extremely important to the sandfury trolls, that is, Jibul-Elaka, the **** of tigers, the lord of beasts, the king of cheetahs, and the death of prey. Since the Sandfury Troll later transformed or degenerated into a fishing and hunting civilization, the Hunting God is the number one main god. Jibul and Muerzala, one in charge of life, the other in charge of death.

Muerzala later also directly or indirectly intervened in some major events in Azeroth.

But what Kane is interested in is that even the believers are almost dead, what kind of survival they rely on, and they are still alive...


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