Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1470: The end of the iron snake gang

The latest website: the day drifts by, the night falls, and the online offline is another day.

Kane brings huge changes to this area every day.

On the first day, he sprinkled the Kabane virus and Naga virus and established the Castle of Light.

On the second day, he set up the umbrella building and cleared the downstream ferry, funeral mountain, and garbage dump. Viewed the underground dome system of the Bright Fort and the ancient Ankovya underground barracks.

On the third day, he wiped out the bandits in Tushan and killed a wicked thing. The protection zone was demarcated, production began to fall on the ground, and the virus force also had a structure.

On the fourth day, the bandits in Yashan and Tashan were wiped out, and four teams of wanderers were taken in and supplied them for free.

The fifth day.

After Kane went online, he first finalized the construction of Yashan.

At the southernmost tip of Yashan, a large lighthouse 100 meters high will be built.

It is both a mage tower and a lighthouse. It's basically an enlarged version of the guard tower on the edge of the zone.

With Alpha, Kane is fully capable of designing each creation in its own style. But he himself prefers this sense of order.

In other words, he deliberately used a similar style to deepen the impression of all those who noticed them, so that people always think of it and associate with the ‘protective umbrella’.

At the same time that the Yashan Lighthouse was established, the construction of the new port was also started. The future here will be a military port.

The main pre-construction force of the Yashan project is naga.

In the past few days, more than twenty large and small water snake clans have been merged and transformed, even to the point where they ran to the corpse demon swamp to **** people.

Such a fruitful series of expansion not only increased the number of naga to more than three thousand, but also greatly reduced the power of the water snakes in this area. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was wiped out.

The water snake people did not organize a counterattack, but whether it was a temptation or a hordes of murders, it was the end of meat buns and dogs, and the water snakes recognized it. They refused to come back to the waters that they regarded as the Bay of Death.

The naga male and female methods are more extraordinary than Kabane, and it can still be done in conjunction with the standard modules of the umbrella building.

However, since Yashan is to be developed, Tashan and Tieshan cannot be left alone.

The four-mountain’s “factory” layout is related to the layout. Tieshan is at the intersection of one horizontal and one angle, and at the corner of Tashan, the earth mountain at the end has been erased. In this way, the commanding height of Tashan appears especially important.

When the ancient Ankovians built a large guard tower on Tashan Mountain, they have actually proved its topographical value.

It can be said that it is the outer fulcrum of the ancient Ankovya Mountain City, staring at the road into the mountains.

Later this road was abandoned, but the road along the coastline was opened.

One quarter of this coastal road is a cliff on one side and a cliff on one side, and the remaining three quarters are winding in the mountains.

The starting point of its eastern end is the former Avic Prison and the current Fort Illumination. After a relatively flat road, it enters the mountain area. At this time, the first fork appears.

Going to the left, that is, to the south, you will soon see the gentle **** of the earth mountain.

Going further south, you will see the ransacked natural village of the Iron Snake Gang after letting Kane patronize.

If you continue to go straight west at the fork, you will pass the steep north and west slopes of the low mountains. After that, you will travel about five kilometers between the valleys of the mountains. The more troublesome thing is to cross a river.

The overall topography of this area is high in the south and low in the north. The water of the Ankowiya mountains flows to the inland sea to the north. This is one of the rivers that flows all the year round.

In this valley area, the only mountain with platform space on the top is Tashan.

Therefore, the outpost here can be said to be condescending to watch this section of the road. Just for this, Kane will also establish a military outpost here.

What's more, it can also be used as a forward base to explore the ancient city of Ankovya.

After passing the area seen by Tashan, I walked close to the coastline and passed through the southern end of the Yashan peninsula. This section is called Tianjian Gorge, which is like a sword used by the gods to transform the Ankovya mountain range. An extended cliff mountain was cut open from here.

There are cliffs on both sides, the widest place is tens of meters, and the narrowest place is a dozen meters.

After waiting for this section of the road, it is the only connection point between the Yashan area and the inland, called the Southwest Station.

This southwest is based on the Yashan Peninsula as a reference. It is in the southwest corner of the Yashan Peninsula, bordering the inland and coastal.

In addition, due to the twists and turns of the mountain road, and there are also sections near the cliff. Therefore, if it hadn't started from here early in the morning, the carriage would have to travel some night to reach Avic prison. This is dangerous.

It is precisely because of this that an inn has been set up here, and there is indeed business.

Later, it was even upgraded from an inn to a small town with dozens of families.

Specifically, there is a small wharf. The materials and equipment needed by Tieshan are often taken on the road from here and then transported there.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible for Kane to let go of this Yashan gateway and the important site of the west entrance of Tianjian Gorge.

The Southwest Station was originally occupied by the Iron Snake Gang, but now it will be built into a semi-militarized fortress town. Kane even plans to build a Luca here to better control the coastal road.

Continue to the west from the Southwest Station and walk about three kilometers, and you will reach another fork. Turn left to Tieshan, and continue to the west to the Tyrant Fortress.

The location of this tyrant fortress is at the end of the northwest foothills of the Ankowiya Mountains.

At the same time, it is the southwest corner of the inland sea, and there is also a big river flowing by its side.

In addition, it is also a border, and it makes sense to build a large fortress.

The Tyrant Fortress belonged to the Yashen Empire and was also built by looting the territory of Ankovia.

In the glorious era of Ankowiya, it occupies a great location and is condescending, looking at the Yakun Plain in the northwest and Weimar Wetland in the southeast.

After being disappointed, Ya Kun and Weimar joined forces to beat them up, but since these two countries were not interested in the land in the mountains, they each occupied a piece of favorable terrain and built fortresses. Thus serving as the southern gate of their respective countries.

Afterwards, Ankovia was seized at the gates of the northwest and northeast, and the initiative was lost, and it continued to die and then fell.

Until today, this mountainous area has not been included in Yakun and Weimar due to various factors such as national strength. They only sent people to looting their accumulated wealth when the country was destroyed in Ankowiya. The small national-level adventure team freshen up again and again.

In short, the two fortresses have lost their value.

The Weimar Kingdom continued to expand because there were still some eye-catching areas in the south, and the former South Gate Fortress became a prison.

On Yakun’s side, the country’s cavalry is said to be world-famous. Even in this era when firearms have become popular, they are still very sharp due to their extraordinary existence.

Kane suspected that the iron snake gang's ore trading partner was this country.

But what made him puzzled was that Iron Mountain was originally discovered and mined by the Yakun people. Now it is occupied by the Iron Snake Gang, and then the output is sold to the Yakun people. What is it called?

The only explanation he can think of for this is the reason that "what hurts is the public, and what is fat is private." If this is the case, Ya Kun's situation is probably not very good, so this kind of deception and concealment, making a fortune in the country.

In any case, he has this opportunity and clue to enter Ya Kun.

But in a short time, he was still ready to focus on the Weimar Kingdom.

After all, the current strength of the umbrella is not enough to support a big stall.

In short, the Coastal Road, from Guangming Fort in the east to the Tyrant Fortress in the west, is more than two hundred kilometers in length. It is the only land link connecting Yakun and Weimar. In Kane’s eyes, it is still quite valuable, so he plans to use it. Take down.

So after going online on the fifth day, after reading Alpha's plan on building Tashan forward base and Heyashan Southwest Station Fortress Town, and after confirming it, he went straight to Tieshan.

Sure enough, the Iron Snake Gang gangsters in Tieshan had already prepared. As soon as he arrived, he was warmly welcomed by artillery bullets.

What made Kaiendo pay special attention to is that these shells and bullets are fused with virtual energy.

There are even virtual crystal warheads and virtual crystal blooming bullets.

This is not simply polishing the virtual crystal into a warhead, just a cannonball.

Virtual crystal is a kind of energy crystal, which is extremely unstable in itself.

After Kane got his sample, he sent a few copies for analysis by Galactica, which had better research conditions.

The answer is that this kind of thing is very similar to the Tiberium mine.

Technological force is not as strong as the Tiberium mine, which is regarded as a cash crop by the Skyn, but it is far superior to the Tiberium mine.

The weakness is that it is too squeamish and not good enough for generality.

This is not a lack of optimization and improvement, but a habit more suitable for virtual spirits.

If necessary, with the blessing of the supernatural technology of the virtual spirit, the multiplication and expansion of the virtual crystal can be much faster than the multiplication of the Tiberium Mine.

However, the Void Spirit had no intention of turning this world into an extraordinary desert, or even a desert of life, so their overall strategy and tactics and the use of Void Crystals also had their own characteristics.

Kane is familiar with this characteristic, that is, the set of the transcendent, full of nobles with "clay legs unworthy of reading", and the petty bourgeois taste of "must have sentiment and be noodles".

As for the bullets and shells in front of him, Kane is also familiar with the technology.

He didn't think that the source of this way was a virtual spirit.

He thinks this is the handwriting of the humans in this world.

"It's no wonder that Snake Delaeus said that he wanted to build his own country. That's about it. He has his own scientific research team."

Kane would naturally not be hurt by this kind of blow, but it was a superficial use of extraordinary energy bombs to activate extraordinary matter by means of thermal weapons.

Analyzed from the perspective of kinetic energy, the power of this ammunition is approximately equal to the power of bullets and shells that use metal hydrogen as a delivery charge and explosive.

For this era when there is no smokeless powder, it is indeed a big step forward.

But correspondingly, extraordinary alchemy products, extraordinary technology, said that they can provide protection, and even attack bonuses, are not worse than it, and even the upper limit is much higher.

Therefore, its main value lies in quantification and lowering the threshold for use.

In other words, its application advantage lies in conventional warfare, corps warfare, and it is still a younger brother in the face of high-level transcendents.

In a world where there is extraordinary, and in a world where Weili can belong to one body, the key to victory or defeat is still the contest between high-level extraordinary.

The gangsters of the Iron Snake Gang naturally noticed that Kane was walking in the rain of bullets, and their hearts were filled with despair.

It has been a while since the news came back.

Even if they deny the messenger’s words and characterize them as scared mad, and deliberately exaggerating the strength of the enemy in order to conceal their incompetence, they must also admit that Tushan, Pagoda, and Yashan were all caught within two days. Completely erased.

Tushan is nothing more than that, it can be understood as the tentacles protruding eastward after the power has expanded at a high speed.

Tashan and Yashan are the basic plates of the Iron Snake Gang.

Among them, Tashan is the real gateway to the east and the main base for attacking the fugitive Weimar refugees to obtain supplies and population.

Naturally, no matter whether it is personnel or terrain advantages, it is far from what Tushan can match.

Many members of the Iron Snake Gang agree that Tashan is the number one among the four mountains if it is difficult to defend, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Tieshan can’t do it. What if the mine’s entrance is blocked by Tieshan, and there are mazes and traps all over the inside? Could people still feed on iron ore?

The Yashan base is the external window of the Iron Snake Gang.

As time went on, the number of survivors who fled into the mountains of Ankovya became less and less. At the beginning of the disaster, the prime time when there were dozens of carriages waiting to be robbed a day had long passed.

In this context, Yashan becomes more and more important.

The Iron Snake Gang needs the catch there, as well as the materials shipped by sea.

For example, coal.

Iron Mountain is not like Brandenburg. It has unique geographical conditions. Coal and iron are nearby, there is a large river with plenty of water, and artificially built reservoirs, as well as sufficiently spacious flat land and fairly good roads, and forest.

It can be said that Brandenburg lacks nothing, and is naturally the preferred industrial city.

If the iron mountain is not good, it will produce iron. What is the good condition? What about rare metals that are extremely cherished by alchemists in the associated mine?

Selling ore, as well as selling semi-finished products or even finished products, is not a price at all.

If it weren't for slaves to mine and simply sell ore, it would not be enough for iron snakes to help people eat and chew, let alone develop.

It was precisely for this reason that the Iron Snake Gang had learned from it, and set up a smelting furnace at the foot of the Iron Mountain.

Even a limited-scale blacksmith workshop model can at least be self-sufficient to a certain extent.

We must know that the current world is very chaotic, and there are problems such as poor circulation of materials and skyrocketing prices everywhere.

This makes mining equipment and utensils expensive.

But these are all necessities, no matter how hard the whip is used, can the slaves fail to mine with their hands?

Let's talk about this weapon.

In troubled times, who doesn't want to write weapons to increase the sense of security?

So this weapon, armor and the like are even more expensive.

The senior officials of the Iron Snake Gang yelled at him more than once, saying that the money was made by those black-hearted nobles and businessmen. Sooner or later, they will be roasted and eaten alive to relieve their hatred.

It is precisely because of this that the Iron Snake Gang has set up its own manufacturing system by cutting down on food and clothing.

And if there is no logistics channel represented by the Yashanzhai, the production system of this low cost and food will all have to be abolished. Without the means of production, what kind of work will be started?

Therefore, the investment of the Iron Snake Gang in Yashan is higher than that of Tashan, and the proportion of investment in the later period has repeatedly increased.

But Yashan and Tashan were added together, and they didn't last a day.

Is this not enough to show that the enemy is strong?

With enough people discussing, and enough time for brewing, the bottom gang of the Iron Snake Gang has long been shivered.

The morale to dare to fight hard is completely dependent on the high-level daily accumulation of prestige and big cake promises.

And now, the gangsters have witnessed the strength of the enemy with their own eyes. They are the gods walking on the earth, invincible.

So morale is like a cylinder of hot water poured out at minus fifty degrees, before it hits the ground, it turns into ice **** and freezing fog.

Those who think that they are not serious, just being trapped and wounding people have completely lost their fighting spirit. Even if there are core gangs similar to the military police, they can still paddle the water and shout the murderer. Soft like noodles.

Those who knew that they were guilty and who ended up with people were on the contrary, yelling and attacking fiercely. Some even stood up from behind the bunker and shot Kane while shouting.

Kane will naturally give priority to those who dare to grab their own attention. It was the same old thing, blowing up limbs to be humans, even the rumble of guns could not hide the full of screams of these people.

This works very well. The Iron Snake Gang hadn't waited for him to get close to the line of defense.

The core gang even killed a few people, but it didn't work, and then these core gangs were all killed by Kane.

In fact, some of these people are not up to the standard of evil red light. Obviously, they are only deeply bewitched by Snake, and they will not have time to do many detrimental things in the future, or they still have some moral integrity.

But Kane still sentenced them to death, but he didn't have to die tragically. He didn't bother to correct these people's ideas, it was too complicated, and it was easy to relapse.

This is a cruel age, and the cruel age requires iron-and-blood methods so that people can retain some humanity.

Among the scattered bandits, some ran deep into the mountains, and more drilled into mines.

Kane didn't care about those who went into the mine. Instead, UU read to deal with those who ran into the mountains.

They had been locked long ago, not to mention that they couldn't run far. Even if they could run a few kilometers in a few seconds, Kane could appear in front of them in the next moment.

After processing this ticket, Kane directly opened the space door to let the aftercare team enter the field.

Similarly, there are people from Fort Bright, and there are many people working this time. They will remove the equipment outside the mine to strengthen the production capacity of the blood cross.

Kane blocked the entrance of the mine with a spell.

The communication floating disc of the umbrella covered this area last night. This gave Kane a clear understanding of Tieshan's entrance and exit, and even the internal layout.

It can be said that even the iron snake gang who have been interacting in this iron mountain may not know it better, and only those old people who have been mining here for many years can match it.

Then, a few main passages, and then enter from the secret passage, it is a typical closed door to beat the dog, or even directly beheaded.

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