Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 163: screw

In Kane ’s cognition, the terrible place of the Virgin is not that the love is too rampant, trying to save others by self-effort.

If the Virgin is just referring to this, then he feels that there is no shame in the heart of the Virgin.

After all, a large part of the light in human nature is due to rebelling against the instinct to survive, preferring to sacrifice oneself, but also to reflect it by altruism.

This ‘he’ includes parents, wives and children, relatives and friends.

The terrible thing about Our Lady is that when he deals with things and thinks about problems, he always uses the concepts of good people, bad people, justice, and evil as the main measures of judgment.

Just like Laura Croft at this time.

Kane didn't think that Laura looked at the incident from this angle.

According to her way of thinking, her father Richard is a good person, very principled, and there is no way to survive. He must have followed Charlotte, and then found that Charlotte not only seized the treasures of the Carret family, but also tried to kill everyone, so he played the rescuer, but eventually failed.

To tell the truth, from the perspective of moral character (good and bad), Kane also recognized Laura's judgment.

He just does not approve of this point of view.

He thinks that looking at the occurrence of a thing should be objective and neutral. If he has to add a concept to infer things, he thinks that the first choice should be interests.

Bad guys may do good things for their benefit.

Good people may also be villains in one thing for the benefit of more people he thinks.

However, he is not interested in such a right or wrong debate.

Right or wrong, this is also a questionable concept.

Is awkward, why is your angle right? Why do others have to follow your values?

Once caught in this philosophical pit, there is nothing to talk about. After all, a similar problem has not been finalized for thousands of years.

Therefore, despite his disgust, Kane did not directly refute Laura's logic.

He said things directly, the specific goal was Richard.

"Richard, let me share with you the symptoms of your mental illness. If I guess correctly, you are out of condition while exploring the remains of the Wannian Garden. You have been in amnesia for about 24 hours. Staged seizures, hallucinations and hallucinations, you can come in 1853, and it has a lot to do with it. "

Richard looked shocked and blurted out: "How do you know?"

Understand that after Kane rescued him in a very polite way, there was no in-depth communication. During this time, his symptoms did not occur.

Laura was also surprised, she was surprised that the situation was actually caught by Kane, but Richard did not mention this important situation.

Carol is an expression of ‘I ’m not at all curious about how Kane knows, because he is such a god’.

Dumbledore was the most stable, holding a pipe, the old **** was there, he is now using Yuna Pacivar, this gesture makes him look a little weird. But if she is said to be a witch, everyone will think this is normal again.

"I don't know, but I have experience, technology, and abnormalities in your soul. I see it." Kane turned a little impatiently: "Talk about business, talk about your adventures."

"Speaking of that experience ... Alas!" Richard looked sad and said he came to his last adventure before 1853.

The story is moving because of the emotional elements, but this is not Kane's concern.

His channel will automatically filter out the content of emotional colors, and then remove the secondary branches and leaves, then the rest of Richard ’s story is nothing more than:

Expedition, accidentally discovered the secret realm, touched the extraordinary material, lost the San value more than 5 points at a time, crazy for 24 hours, and will randomly (may not be) have sequelae.

In the process of going crazy, Richard turned into a Valhalla warrior, killing everyone in the expedition, including his assistant for many years.

After sobering, he found that he had acquired a lot of inexplicable mysterious knowledge, could not speak it, or even had no concept, but when something was encountered, it would trigger, and he would know what to do (similar to the heroine in the legend of God Ghost 2 ).

He can solve the dusty puzzles, he can play parkour in the organ trap, he knows where there are items available, including the Bifrost Rainbow Bridge for crossing. Of course, the bridge is a high imitation, not the Asgard one.

Looking at the benefits of Libra, it seems that Richard is not too bad. The Nordic gods seem to be kind, at least from the moral perspective of the old gangs, it is definitely a **** of evil.

If you really want to understand this, you will be emotional and subjective.

Richard was n’t burned because his **** was weak. Under this background, it was like the famous saying in Xingye ’s domestic Lingling lacquer: just a piece of toilet paper and a pair of underpants have their own uses.

There are two kinds of spiritual powers that turn Richard's brain.

When he got sick, God's call, God's guidance, let him do things.

When he was sober, he was tormented by his guilt for the dead, his desire to solve his own troubles (including mental illness and self-redemption), and so on.

So he came, not to mention in 1853, he dared to break even if he added a zero at the back.

Why can I find Charlotte?

God's guidance told him that Charlotte is an enemy, an enemy that should be guarded against and needs to be eliminated, but can also be used.

Listen here, how many paragraphs are included here, this is Richard to be 007 in 1853.

Kane felt that after listening to Richard's story, the others present should not need to explain themselves.

"Don't you look at the character and order the dishes? Come on, now please judge what role such Richard played in the incident?"

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Laura was embarrassed to pack the ticket for Richard.

Carol looked at the situation and was swift and swift. He changed the subject: "Baron, I'm not very clear about the taboo of time and space shuttle. Can you tell the system?"

Baron, the Baron, is a kind of honorable title. Maria has not been registered as a knight, and the term is often used to call Kane instead of MyLord. Carol called it, and there is no problem. After all, whether it is this era or 1990 In 2006, Kane was a baron.

He felt that using this title was more respectful and appropriate than calling Aston, Baron Wellingborough.

In the eyes of Kane, Carol, who was originally an ordinary clerk, felt that he was an ordinary clerk, but because he came first with him, and he has always been obedient and eager to do things, becoming the most effective in this operation. Teammate.

This made him feel full of sarcasm, but also once again forked the hero unit in his heart.

In reality, the more powerful and powerful, the more self-esteem, self-confidence, and full personality. Nor will you listen to you willingly because what you say makes sense.

Subtext: All roads lead to Rome. Mine may not be wrong.

Bowed his head and bowed his head, even more afraid to imagine. Isn't the purpose of gaining the power to work hard to be a master? After Ning Wei is not the first of the chickens, the cows are forcing up, but they still have to find a dad to press on their heads. This is for how many?

Therefore, the general kings are all ‘spiritualists are kings,’ thinking about people and people all day long, struggling and balancing, the so-called imperial mind technique that sounds unconscious and powerful.

And this kind of "technique is king", sloppy, just a few words of obedient, less heartless worms. Don't get anything in the Lingyan Pavilion or Heroes' Hall, it's too much energy, and he's not the one.

Including the current kind, teaming up with people should also hold the Buddha mentality and play by yourself. As for whether others can get together, follow the destiny.

He knew that Carol was to resolve the awkward atmosphere, and he did not mind putting the knowledge of time and space through simple science popularization (Note 6).

After explaining the taboo of time and space shuttle, Kane turned the topic back to the original point.

"We do n’t have to investigate the mystery of the Carret annihilation. Not like this, I can accept that this is the end of a rescue mission. Those pre-work are not so wasteful or wasteful, I saw it in 1853 And enjoyment is also a reward. "

"I disagree because Charlotte and her colleagues who may or may not have caused great uncertainty to the incident."

"About her as an advocate or hinder of the genocide, let's not discuss it first. Another possibility for me is that she cannot be a variable at all!"

Laura wondered: "Isn't she a traverser?"

"This possibility is there, but it is already very small. I am talking about another possibility: she is a traverser, but she is not an ordinary life. For example, if she is the incarnation of God, he can not enter the pit of" variable ". "

"Everyone should have heard the beautiful words: present, past, and eternal ... It is not only praise, but also a statement. Despite the high price, and the bankruptcy of a bad god, should we bet? "

"..." Laura has never seen anything like Kane, describing the various gods in a human angle.

how to say? It's weird and peculiar, and Kane, who said such peculiar and peculiar words, is very attractive and fits the characteristics of this era.

Victorian people believe that science can change everything, almost reaching the level of blind faith.

Even God can deconstruct!

Sounds so arrogant and incredible.

But the person in front of him had done it, and it was not bad. He talked about it as if he were also a member of God, and witnessed their rise and fall.

At this time, I heard Kane say: "I do not bet on things. In my opinion, destiny is something that cannot be controlled. Gambling means to hand over the outcome to destiny. For autonomous destiny, we must first have reasons for victory or defeat. . "

"Because of this, I personally tend to put the result into practice. Laura and Richard withdrew first. The first half was a feature film and the second half was a magic film. You can't get in. Then Carol finished the duty Return after the mission. I will wake up the sleeping John Flint, and then bridge the woven memories with the enchanted curse to let him continue his life in the original historical line. And I and the principal Dumbledore face the clan extinction event. , It ’s time to see and kill. "

Richard's speech: "That's not good, I just leave the matter so that others can get rid of it."

Kane shrugged: "I think it's better to solve the problem by doing what you can."

Without his ability, save us dim sum, leave early and rest assured, don't be burdensome, Kane just meant that.

Dumbledore interjected at this time: "Let's discuss ~ ~ Is there such a possibility: Our victims in the genocide will use another ending to solve the problem. For example, Carre The Te family is dead, but the tribe is alive under another name. "

Kane heard it for a moment. After a while, he sighed: "Principal, is this your original intention? Change the fate of Yuna and the Carret family and let them survive in an alternative way."

"That's it, this is my highest ideal, and it would be perfect if I could also find out the" Revelation "at the same time."

Kane said, "Why don't you go to heaven?"

He held his shoulders and said: "To be honest, if I was told that such high requirements, I would not participate in this project anyway."

Dumbledore was also a little embarrassed, "We are not discussing the possibility."

Kane said: "You have taken the difficulty of the task from Normal to Experts as soon as you are a stick. What are you talking about with me? What is your attitude of doing things down to earth?

Kane suddenly realized that he spent so much time and energy, both explanation and analysis, and it was useless.

He started from the worst point of view with a trembling and abyssal attitude, and accumulated points.

Dumbledore they are: we can go faster, bolder, and run to the perfect ending.

Against such a background, all his plans are conservative and lack of courage.

Uses Eastern sayings: how bold people are and how productive land is. I dare not think about it, can you make money?

, Who had a bystander vision because he got the ultimate reward early in the morning, said: "Look, things have come according to my analysis? The difference in thinking is too big!" ............

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