Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 276: Super cemetery is nutritious

At minus 22 degrees, the sea breeze roared, and the broken snow flew. ()

The flying eagle is not affected by the harsh weather. It is a mass of energy, a looming light and shadow. It flies in the air about 600 meters above the ground. It can hover and hover. Skim.

It can be seen clearly on the ground, just as it is at a height of 2 meters.

Kane used Flying Eagle's vision to see the port.

It was a magnificent picture with the theme of the death of ice, long enough to shoot more than half an hour without repeating.

Kane roughly calculated that at least 200,000 people died here. Judging from the scene of the large-scale ice sculpture mode on the scene at the time of the incident, it should have been a bomb cyclone.

In today's climate, the bomb cyclone is the first weapon of slaughter.

The bomb cyclone exploding here is not only large in scale, but also the height of the explosion should be tens of meters. It has formed an extremely low temperature in extreme time, thus constituting such a terrorist effect like meteorological weapons.

Depending on the situation, a sea trip was being organized here. A large number of people gathered in the port, materials were being moved, and people were queuing to board the ship.

Then the bomb cyclone suddenly happened, and most people didn't even have time to figure out what happened, and they were already frozen to death.

A small number of people panicked and tried to avoid, but that is, after three or two steps, the water in the body was completely frozen.

Kane estimated that the ultra-low temperature at that time should be below minus 120 degrees to have such a terrifying effect. It is necessary to check the details of the ship before it can be further determined.

With a sigh, Kane drove to the port, and on the way, he saw more dead people.

They are the more painful group of dead. The severe cold chasing them is relatively slow, and they have more time to feel the horror of death.

Kane did not know how many people ultimately escaped this sudden disaster. The only thing that can be determined is that the living people leave here without returning. They should be scared and collapsed. Most people may not even have the cognitive concept of the bomb cyclone. It is not surprising to regard it as a natural punishment.

The death of a large number of adults only makes Kane feel heavy, and the death of the child makes him feel terrible. The roaring sound of the cold wind is like the wailing of countless dead, frozen scenes, and countless ice sculptures, giving the whole city a strange and thrilling atmosphere.

To be honest, Kane Ningken is facing the battlefield of corpses and bloodsheds, and he is not far away from this ice sculpture **** that has recorded too many and too many moments of death.

However, despite his low mood, he was patient and completed a series of operations on this trip.

The steam core does exist, and the number is still huge.

Boxed energy tower components, too, can be grouped together.

There are also steam robots. The technology is more mature than he expected. The wisdom uses a strange black technology, mechanical computer.

After deconstructing the robot, Kane discovered that this AI built on a mechanical computer had a trained hound-level IQ.

Steampunk black technology has reached this level, and the technology of the original world in 1945 cannot be compared to any other. This is at least the level of artificial analog wisdom at the end of the 20th century.

As far as the bionic structure is concerned, it is very general, in line with the characteristics of the stupid and sturdy Mao system and the steampunk style with many valves.

Its appearance looks like an iron spider. Such a mimic object, Kane gave 9 points, and the mimic reduction degree was 7 points. It is already very good. Although the movement of the eight legs is slightly slower, it is more smooth and coherent. This technique The origin of the world has not been able to get it in the early 21st century.

Kane pays attention to the steam black technology in this world. Naturally, it is impossible to focus only on exotic creations. He will also pay attention to more basic subjects, such as material technology.

To deal with the extreme cold crisis, general steel materials and insulation materials are definitely not enough. If you don't have the skill in this area, you don't have to run to Greenland, you might have a way to drill hard.

After all, digging down every 100 meters can raise the temperature by 3 degrees. After digging into the mantle layer, the effect is better. As long as the planet ’s magnetic field is normal, it means that the earth ’s core is operating normally, and geothermal heating is the way out.

Kane didn't understand that the dignitaries chose to dig pits instead of keeping their homes in the polar region, but through a search in Lancaster Port, he basically tamed the technology mastered by the dignitaries.

He saw the composite material used for heat preservation. The cross section of the material is a porous structure, just like a coral reef.

He also saw a more advanced interlayer temperature insulation design. The interlayer is formed between the composite materials, and then filled with inert gas, which is not comparable to the vacuum interlayer, but it is stronger than the normal air interlayer.

After a rough calculation, it is concluded that relying on these technologies, there is indeed a greater chance of survival in the extreme cold crisis. But this high-tech creation, even if it is not laboratory-grade, must be produced in small batches.

Depending on the situation, the dignitaries are indeed ready to sacrifice more than 80% of the population.

Kane also learned from the scattered information such as logbooks, diaries, and freight lists that the high-end materials that Lancaster Port intends to deliver are not the goods ordered by the dignitaries, but orders from a combination of forces of several chambers of commerce. .

Kane can understand this.

The public is actually a very general concept.

To analyze it in more detail, the public also has different levels.

Networks, abilities, information channels ... everything is a measure of the gap.

The difference between high and low determines that some people can fight for their own future, some people can only be used again, and some will passively follow the wave, or even simply abandoned by the group, waiting for the trial of doom.

The dignitaries have already clarified themselves by using the wealth and power in their hands. They are afraid that they have already moved into a new city built somewhere in Greenland.

Against the background that they have saved themselves and a handful of people, middle class engineers, ordinary businessmen, civil servants, etc., are bound to work hard for themselves and their families.

They can't afford a ticket for a luxury ark, but they can use the facilities that make the luxury ark to find ways to build their own secondary ark.

At the same time, the top dignitaries will also try to continue to control and promote the birth of the secondary ark, they also need the population to serve them after the disaster.

In addition, they can tinker with themselves and understand that in addition to the use of power and money, there must be a mouthpiece, that is, a promise. Officers and soldiers, supporters, more technical backbone, and healthy men and women who are responsible for the future population structure are all needed.

So the whole thing is actually intertwined and intertwined, it is impossible to carry it so clearly.

This also means a towing effect.

When the top dignitaries have built their own refuges, the secondary refuges are almost the same.

If conditions permit, secondary refuges will expand further to accommodate more people.

This is where the city is built by the city and construction will not stop. In the end, there will indeed be a large number of people who will die. As for who lives and who dies, the lower the ground, the more you need to look at your face.

The whole incident is probably such a trend of eating big and eating small snacks, but what he is facing now should be in the final stage. The situation is getting more and more tense, and the deaths of large groups and large groups of people have already been staged.

"It's a waste! Do you want to play a killing game with bad weather?"

After Lancaster collected a wave of technology and resources, Kane drove along the migration route and continued north.

He already intends to turn on Terminator mode, and accordingly, his car has also changed.

On land trains, the iron pillars are transformed into steam locomotives, and they are combined with the half-reconstructed train cars, so that they seem to meet the standard of steam locomotives of this era.

The head of this steam armored train is Kane's car.

Inside, there are four columns with a total of 20 coffins. It looks like a locker. In fact, it is a coffin. Two columns lean against the carriage wall, and two columns stand back to back along the longitudinal centerline. This is where the puppet is left for the brain.

In the spectacular ice sculptures of Lancaster, Kane chose one of ten thousand, and selected 20 young men and women with pleasing looks to make brain puppets among the flesh puppets.

This puppet has low energy consumption, and does not need to use spirits, but is like a puppet, controlled by his multi-tasking.

This is also considered an energy-saving application. Because his mental strength will recover after every day of rest. Used to control the puppet, the desired purpose is achieved, and the magic power is also saved.

Although these puppets are wearing ordinary woolen fabric clothes, they are clean, neat and tidy, and people themselves are excellent clothes racks, which naturally look very good.

The front of the car dragged three carriages, the first two were sturdy tank trucks that looked solid, and the last one was a dining car, both widened and heightened models.

The stuffed tanker is pulling the materials collected from the port of Lancaster, mainly the ingredients, but it is not unusual, but the essence extracted from all kinds of ingredients.

This series of concentrated materials consumes some extraordinary strength, but Kane feels that this is a necessary pre-investment for profit. After all, if it's just ordinary ingredients, the capacity of the two section tank truck is relatively limited. The essence means that most of Lancaster's ingredients have been passed through.

The dining car compartment can accommodate 60 people to eat at the same time, and also includes a small kitchen.

The entire land train is cast iron color, and on the side of the carriage, written in white paint-Tianguo train.

After passing through the small town of Kendall, the Sky Train ushered in its first guests. A group of migrants who fell behind. Looking at the team's personnel structure, they knew that it was a vulnerable group lacking viability and competitiveness.

Seeing heavy armored vehicles, these people instinctively chose to avoid. Someone mumbled: "How come there are nobles behind us?"

"That group of vampires have warm and comfortable vehicles. What does it matter to leave later? Maybe after people left, they searched the entire city before leaving."

"Okay, complain less, and keep your strength to take a few more steps." The middle-aged man of the team leader said that his eyes fell into the distance and couldn't help but spy. The future of this team of people is just like the way forward in this snowstorm, and it is really unclear. It is really a step by step, one more day to live.

After the Sky Train surpassed this group of people for a while ~ ~ stopped, and after the team caught up, they found that the people on the train greeted them to eat for free.

"Fresh fragrant hot soup, drink a bowl of warm one day, free of charge, you need it!" The brain puppet's appearance is good enough, professional ethics is also full, shouting hard, smile is very sincere and makes people It's easy to feel good.

"Huh? Is there such a good thing?"

"Hah, I have smelled the scent, it's really sweet."

"Go for a bowl."

"Wait!" The team leader stopped. "Do not eat the food given by strangers. The children know it. This train is full of weirdness, and I am afraid that it is not good."

"Then let me be the old man to try it. I will have half my life left in the poor, and they will take it if they want it."

As a result, before the old man came back to test the water, more people took part in it. I feel that I am barefooted and have a bad life. What is so good about others? More importantly, the taste of the soup is really fragrant ...

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