Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 286: How dirty is Xiang Rong behind

Facing the muzzle of the black hole, Kane had no fear and scolded:

"You guys have blown their heads by the cold wind, are you sick? What robbing? Want to mess with the days, the tundra has been missing you to eat these days? Or is it missing you to burn? Robbing items to let go What can you move, what can you do? Take a broken gun and rob it, and it ’s all frozen to pieces? Come on, shoot in my head! "

A group of robbers looked at each other, and had never seen such a horizontal hostage. They trained them like three grandchildren and scolded them. Is it because they lack deterrence?

In Kane's view, it is indeed lacking.

A group of homeless people, broken beggars can show a sense of superiority in front of them, the road is not stable, and they are robbed. It is really crazy.

But after all, there are no poor people in professional robbery. Intelligence gathering, equipment and equipment are all expensive, and you have to have channels. If you count the cost of professional skills training, you need more money, which is enough. It's time to open a mid-range restaurant.

Therefore, anything that robs the rich and helps the poor is ridiculous. It is not like taking the right path and trying to get money fast. There is no way to play at the bottom. If you want to play, you have to die.

So the more professional it is, the more disgusted Kane is, whether in the name of the individual or the country.

"Go! There is no time to play with you, you are not welcome here."

The tallest of the looters said with a terrible face: "I think it's you who is broken in the brain, you silly aristocrat, what I hate most is that you are born to be human beings. The guy who looks at people. If you want to die, then I will kill you, and let your companions know that you nobles are nothing today! "

Say, ‘bang! It ’s a shot.

Fired, the gun was not as Kane scolded, and even fired was a problem. The gang of looters is not that much. I had been covering my gun with my body temperature before.

It sounded but failed to hit. Although Kane's brain puppet can't play the bullet speed, extraordinary reflex nerve and brain computing ability, he can let him predict the trajectory and avoid.

The machine gun will not work, but the single-shot rifle is very difficult to hit him.

When a shot was missed, the tall looters shot and Kane rushed over, while other looters shot one after another, also missed, and two were hit, but was blocked by Kane's big wrench bomb.

Then there is no more, and these people have only the chance to hit the bullet in the bore, Kane will not give them more time. And being close, so to speak, no one present could bear him slap.

This is not simply strength, but Kane's professional skills. He knows how to stack the strength of the whole body and then hit it, so his slap can slap a person.

With a punch, he knocked the ground down in a blink of an eye, Kane smashed all those guns on the spot, and then pulled the dizzy and looted tall looters, while walking towards the pit: "Like you said , If you want to die, I ’ll let you die. Like you, you ca n’t pass on people ’s words, no matter which world or era you are a tragic figure. "

The tall looter took some time off and wanted to pedal Kane with another foot. Kane twisted his foot on his head, kicked his mouth vomiting blood, dizzy, and lost his ability to control his limbs again.

The tall looters scolded, Kane did not look back, just sneered, dragged it to the side of the deep pit, and flung it directly. More than 200 pounds of people immediately flew into the deep pit of Baiduo meters and fell into a pile. Rotten meat.

Kane walked back blankly, patting the mud and snow on his gloves. Walking to the looters, he asked, "What are you waiting for here? When I leave you all?"

A plunderer begged: "We have hidden words, we have wives and children to raise, beg you, give us a way of life?"

"Yeah, yeah! Please." Several looters met.

Kane scolded: "If you have a weapon to rely on, you must kill this one, kill that one, and rob it everywhere. Without weapons, you will all become miserable, and you are forced to helplessly take this path. You are really shameless enough. Yes, I ’m not worth it for the man who was thrown off the cliff just now. He ’s so stupid. Look at your face. ”

Kane snarled: "How far away do I get before I change my mind, you scumbags who don't know how to love themselves, get out of their own way, and there is no mercy here for people like you. Hurry up!"

The looters walked away.

As for the grudged eyes or something, Kane only saw it. These things are incapable and ostentatious, and they don't even have the qualification to be his opponent. What about hate?

When he returned to a group of technologists, these people looked a little weird in his eyes, awe-inspiring, and some other weird things.

Kane knew what that was. The more than a hundred people who survived in New Cambridge, I am afraid that there are not many good men and women, and no one is carrying something, big or small.

Those weird and inexplicable emotions are actually a mixture of emotions such as guilt, fear, and anxiety. The death of the tall looters makes them a little bit sad and tragic. Maybe they know the person at all.

In most cases, human behavior is traceable, and these looters come here to rob, not necessarily without cause. Even thinking about people badly, maybe someone in the hunting group has reported it.

There are always some people who are not sensitive to honest and diligent creation of wealth, but are very sensitive to drilling camps or mastering guns. They just do n’t want to take the right path. Those who think that the right path is a fool are born to be slaves. .

When these people are in a bad situation, they engage in gray business and drill various loopholes. Once the situation is chaotic, they are like a fish.

For example, accepting foreign funding and encouraging people to make troubles and marches, they take advantage of the opportunity to smash and rob, and the situation is more chaotic, so what kind of anti-government armed forces ...

What kind of business do these people have, they have such wild and unreliable channels, and they love to make money, and their concept of "King Wang Xiang Xiang Ning" is like this.

For example, in Libya, how many of the organizers of the opposition who speak for the country and the people are truly honest? Go to the neighborhood to visit, there are few good things.

The roots are already rotten. Can you expect to produce good fruits? Before the revolution succeeded, we learned about corruption and corruption, and even had constructive new ideas.

The banner is to overthrow the "card", and the work is not as good as the card. For the sake of his own pocket, the group's nine cattle are sold cleanly. It is really worthy of it, saying: Which ruler has not **** under the **** ?

Kane has seen more of these bad things, and his heart is like a mirror, and he usually doesn't talk about it.

Now, in the face of people's glances, he had to say a few words:

"People think about themselves first, then people think about others; people love themselves first, then people love them, people first give up, and then people give up."

"If I think this is not easy to understand, then I will say it simply: there is risk in looting, and be sensible in life."

"Another one, you see the changes in this town these days. Is it a promising way? How did it come from? It was robbed? Or was it created by hard work?"

"You have been robbed before, and you have encountered unqualified leaders. But none of these can deny the fact of creating a better life."

"Robbing, there are always times when you can't move or don't grab. Those people just now, and those in New London, they thrive because of looting, and they will eventually die because of looting. If they don't grab, they rob each other. You Watch it! "

After some preaching, Kane didn't know how much people listened. On the spot anyway, these people grumbled and passed.

Kane did n’t lose much of his energy in farming because of this. He felt, ‘I ’m going to the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch’.

In fact, he has no special emotions, after all, he hadn't expected much.

While roaring to see the ceiling of the human spiritual realm at this stage, he had to put his emotions into it again and again, and then he was hurt and said it hurts. How cheap and hypocritical is it?

This is how human nature is. It is them who look forward to it and are willing to work hard. The world is chaotic. It is they who are the first to start with the vicious and cruel. They are miserable, they are the ones who bow down and ask for help. They are the ones who want to be dissatisfied and start to be demons.

Diaomin, is not just a joke, but thinking carefully, the content inside is very rich.

Despite the embarrassment caused by the attempted plunder, there was no other bad thing on the sixth day, and progress was good in all aspects.

Both Kane and the people of the City of Miracles were confused and exposed this matter.

They are all adults, have a bit of a mansion, thick skin, and tolerance, which is too sad for the real life, especially the current world is really not very good.

What are the advantages of having such a clear stand and clear edges and corners, and ultimately unable to play?

Of course, private discussions and gossip are inevitable.

There are actually a few people here who can't pass on people's words and only recognize roughness.

The world is not good, and the last one to live is mostly this kind of rough body and rough heart, which can't be said to be a stubborn commodity in Oriental slang.

Those who are delicate and sensuous often die because they cannot explain to themselves, or they collapse, or play with ‘I do n’t know the current affairs’.

These stubborn goods have a very low acceptance capacity for Kane's principles, and they don't even think about it.

But they often have a good thing, that is, there is meat to feed, they generally do not show their fangs, and are willing to let others scold Fang Qi. Many people in the West are willing to be such worry-free writers, not troublesome people. In their eyes, lawyers, politicians, businessmen, etc. are synonymous with savvy, cunning, not honest, not kind, not good .

Therefore, the Orientals will feel ‘oh! This time it's awesome, and cares about these people. 'Westerners think' look at that silly than working hard, the faucet at home is broken, call to complain to him, what? Don't control him? He is the district committee, so he has to control it, otherwise he will push him up to dry hair? ’

It doesn't have to be this way, but it does bring this kind of taste. Some people in New Cambridge, although they didn't say it, were stolen in their hearts, and finally came a dumb, responsible, and feel good, And let him do it. What a bonus, if you do n’t do it, kill him, demo! The big fist hammer of the rice bowl won't die you! ?

What happened during the day on the sixth day made these people dumbfounded. It really won't die! The guns can't be killed!

Of course, this is a bit cryptic. But the scene seen by many people on the scene is basically the same. A group of people hiding behind the bunker clearly saw that a dozen people shot at 20 to 30 meters away, and none of them shot Kane. Is n’t it evil? ?

They can not distinguish the difference between the budget track, the enemy response and the true bullet avoidance in such a delicate way.

They just think that this guy named Stephen Hawking, at least also has good luck with God's protection level, otherwise how can he both shoot empty, finally hit two shots, and still hit the big wrench?

And when I think about it, many things that I didn't care about have become mysterious. For example, the origin.

There is nothing to say about saving the three of Tom, it is thoughtful before this. Where does this person come from? Being calm and calm is not like a fugitive at all, but if he is said to have come out of New London, no one has seen him in these days.

Don't say anything else ~ ~ The airship is not something that ordinary people can privately occupy. There is an old airship lacking fuel in New Cambridge. The search team in New London failed to find out because it was originally packed. Otherwise, the steam core will be taken away without saying anything else.

In addition, this person also has magical food essence for making super delicious and nutritious soup, and the medical technology is also superb than people imagine ...

People used to think they were bears, and Kane was just a little smart and self-righteous fox. So there are some things they do n’t understand and do n’t care, anyway, they do n’t lose money, and they ’re not afraid that this person will be turned upside down.

But today, they found out that it was not a fox, but a lion. He dared to deal with the bandits in this area. He could squirt a group of big men's farts in a few breaths. The multi-pound bandit threw down the cliff without blinking.

Such a strong, hard-hearted character is not easy to grasp, they can ignore this person's almost omnipotent and versatile technical ability, but they have to be indifferent to a strong man who can kill them at any time.

If there is not much left in the conscience, the fist becomes the only reason to be awesome.

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