Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 344: In tension

For someone like Kane who plays 'I am the World', working hard is already an inevitable part of his life.

The production fleet is on track, and it is expected that it will take a year to complete the comprehensive adjustment and finalization of the technical system. Then you can start the Zhao style of bursting the drone sea.

He couldn't help himself, armed with a gray beard and ran to Marsala to experience life.

Of course, the main experience is the upcoming tribal war.

On November 21st, Kane had been in Marsala for three weeks.

One thing that makes Kane happy is that the money went smoothly.

This is really worthy of happiness. After all, currency is just a convenient representative of wealth, and has no value in itself. With his network of channels, it is not easy for bulk transactions to come as desired.

However, he was inevitably stared.

Some people think that they have made a lot of money from Grey Beard, and told the trading representatives that the “Purple Badge”, which seems to be a hegemony, has recently focused part of its attention on the Port of Death, and Grey Beard is the focus.

The so-called "purple badge" refers to a group of founding families that are closely united.

The Federation of Theron is not governed by the President, but by the elders.

The founding family constitutes the main representative of the senate, and the ruling veteran was born in this circle.

Under the House of Elders is the House of Representatives, which is composed of the representatives of the various planets of the Federation. Their vote determines which veteran is in power. The term is 6 years, but they cannot be re-elected.

There is also a difference between the founding family and their close relatives. The Purple Badge is considered to be the oldest little league in the past 50 years. Including the ruling veteran who will end his term in two years, he is also a member.

The color purple usually stands for magnificence and nobility. The badge is a nameplate. This alliance is not allowed to be on the table and is not recognized by the Federal Constitution.

Kane didn't care, he got the dry goods, and he was about to start the fight soon. He believed that the group of "Purple Badges" would never be dizzy to hit him as the first priority.

As a lot of tickets were thrown out, more than a dozen ships that had sailed to the dock to dismantle scrap iron fell to his hands.

Scavenging is addictive, this is really not a joke.

For Kane, one of the joys of idleness is turning waste into treasure.

No one needs to be surprised, shocked, praised, or admired. Just to get it done through your own efforts, you are already full of accomplishment.

In exchange for certain reincarnations, in the tribal wars that are about to occur anyway, various military and civilian ships are destroyed by worms. Rather than being a target ship for Zerg, it ’s cheaper for me to still work, so grab the **** ...

Kane will not do this. As a lawful camp, he generally does not take the initiative to destroy the existing order, especially the right and wrong. He does not do the mob that takes advantage of the fire and loots, but is more accustomed to eating black There are rules of play to achieve the goal.

Those junks he bought that could fly have already arrived at the Port of Dead Man.

There is itself a super scrap station, a dismantling center, a production complex, and a converted holy place.

For example, the well-known Miller Han, who recognizes money but not people, has her own fully automated production space station, which can be produced from small unmanned fighters to large battle cruisers.

Mila Han, who has the remaining capacity, doesn't mind refitting the little money. Of course, for the gray beard with a bad reputation, you must pay the money first.

However, Kane had no money, so he sold Mila Han a message.

Simply put, the war is about to start.

Kane said: "This news says that it is worth 1 billion federal credits. I count you 300 million, you can not believe it, but if you do something afterwards, then I have the right to lose faith. Grey beard is not as good as you You are strong, rich, and powerful, but you can get this level of information, of course, there is a higher-end boss, you hinder the gray beard to take advantage of the opportunity to earn money, this account will be calculated sooner or later. "

"Yo! Greybeard, I just found out that you will threaten people too. You used to do it directly." Mila Han has always been a very unreasonable joke: "You forgot the most dead port Is it a threat to eat? I trust Wushuang Liangmila, but I wo n’t take the money and do nothing. However, if there is a problem with your news, your ship that is ready to transport pigs to make money, I will send it directly to the scrap station. "

Mila Han is obviously an elite. He wanted to understand at the first time that Grey Beard bought these ships that were about to be scrapped, just to serve as a space sampan and transport a large number of refugees.

In her private words with girlfriends: "I never knew what a long-term development of gray beard, in order to catch up with this wave, I was afraid that even the underpants were sold, only to buy a pile of tattered money."

As a result, her girlfriends were not fuel-efficient lamps, and they reported the purchase list of Grey Beard in the past few months.

Then it was Mila Han ’s turn: "Damn, you have to find a way to avoid the risk of funds, the Federation is about to die!"

After the federal government is finished, whether the new ruler of its credit currency is willing to pay the bill is absolutely a question. Even if it is willing, the purchasing power will inevitably plunge. Mila Han still has a lot of money to play with the investment company trick of making money from money.

From a certain perspective, Mila Han is also a microcosm of the channel class.

Compared to those well-informed or simply message creators who knew the wind and rain had come, and even personally participated in the wind and rain, Mila Hanneng would have to read Amitabha without losing money.

But compared with the people at the bottom, she didn't know where the prophet felt before. Most of the people are afraid to wait until the war and prices have skyrocketed before they realize that the little asset they have accumulated over the years of hard work will shrink quickly, or simply float.

What a prosperous location, what is near the mountain and riverside, the beautiful environment, the logistics is broken, so that you ca n’t live, you ca n’t live. The salary in the past month is not even enough for a week ’s expenses. Consumption is much more nutritious than eating carefully. Where else is it used to exercise to lose weight. Sudden reduction in eating and drinking and the difficulty of sleeping and sleeping in the future are enough to quickly lose weight.

Then there is the stage of shattering the face, consuming human relations quickly, and even discovering self-righteous human relations are actually stages of bad assets.

And then there is the moment when human life is like a must, and the feelings of family members are tested. If there is a pretty good wife in the family, or a daughter with a good youth, it will be even more lively ...

This is all serious thinking, you can imagine, and the probability of occurrence is very high. That's why I would rather be a peace dog than a riot. Don't listen to some people making a fuss, it's hard to realize what kind of pain it hasn't suffered.

Kane asked her grandmother when she was half-aged in her previous life: "Why should we make a noodle jar or rice jar?"

The reason for this is because there is such a tank, which leads to a lot of accumulation, slow eating, always eating Chen noodles and Chen Mi, and it is easy to grow insects.

Kane's childhood memory is that her grandmother always uses sieve noodles and noodles every year because of insects.

Grandma didn't talk.

Is it stupid? No, it is because the control is too deep. I have n’t tried starving all year round, I have never seen a general decline in immunity, died of exhaustion, or lack of medical treatment, and even parasites can toss people to death. I ca n’t really feel the pain and terror.

Kane later tasted it, and witnessed human tragedies at least once. Perhaps because of advanced technology, this world can produce artificial foods similar to those in the {Matrix Empire}, which makes people less thirsty and starved, but there are other factors that cause pain. There are really countless.

So Kane felt that, without delaying his enjoyment, he could still do some personnel, which should be done.

He clearly remembered that the original historical line, the number of people Jim Reno ultimately rescued from Marsala, is at most a few hundred families, because the initial combat strength of the Renault Rangers is a few hundred people, and each family is counted All were in gratitude and sent a representative to follow Renault, the leader of the corps, and no more than 3,000 people. This is definitely more than a conservative estimate.

And Kane's investigation task, which began when he arrived in Marsala, was also eye-catching. 1.3 million, at least 1.3 million people have not been infected.

Josala has 400,000 humans and Marsala has 3.1 million humans.

Kane estimates that he is similar to the federal mindset, and that he keeps his mind small, and those who are outside the larger community really have to look at their faces. Then, they will send armed transport planes to scan. How much can be saved.

As for the entire training camp, Kane said: "Lao Tzu sees it as a real Xinggang."

That's right, it is so grand that it is regarded as a reliable refugee evacuation point.

There is no Hydra in the video he sold to Sean Fox, and they do n’t know that after upgrading to the lair, the Hydra can mutate twice, master the skills of diving and attacking, and even achieve the ability to tear open Armored limbs on the side of the vehicle can sneak away, and ordinary human facilities cannot withstand such offensives.

In the original history line, many people thought that hiding deep underground is a good way, and the ants were pulled out by the worms.

From November 24, scrapped ships repaired by Mila Han ’s interstellar dock have begun to arrive in the Sara galaxy.

But Kane did not have much time to pay attention to the details of these ships at this time. Since the 22nd, he has fallen into a pile of entertainment.

The mountain is raining and the wind is full, and now the wind is blowing.

The training of the original militia was said to be 240 class hours. Training for 8 hours a day means training for one month.

As a result, a little more than two weeks later, it had to be interrupted. First, a series of vicious events in the area kept Jim Reynolds busy, and then more wild beast attacks made the militiamen also have to participate in patrol operations.

As I said before, the garrison is concerned about the main towns, and their staff is still too small compared to the entire Marsala, and Kane suspects that they are about to carry out certain tasks, such as observing the Zerg virus. The way of transmission.

In this context, the administrative staff of each town can only organize militia to protect scattered settlements outside those towns but within the jurisdiction.

There are always people who are stubborn and reluctant to do their home business, and then when something really happens, they are crying for the authorities and trying their best.

Kane can understand the difficulty of earning a pen, but what he can't understand is that he knows that there are no people's soldiers and efficient and responsible officials. Why do he still expect others to be responsible for his own safety? Why do we have to wait for the moment when death is imminent to realize the plain truth of ‘people are gone and everything is pulled’?

I have to say that this person and the person have the first difficulty in trust, and the second difficulty is communication. Various factors lead to not being able to pass on the person's words, which is really drunk.

From the perspective of Kane, a town that is willing to engage in dangerous work at this time is just a few people. This is not to say that the salary is better and the treatment is better, there are a lot of people. After all, this is an era in which most people think of themselves as porcelain, a group of people who speak to a degree even if they are hit by disasters.

Take soldiers as an example. Most soldiers in the Federation are criminals or rebels and have undergone forced neurological transformation.

This article alone is enough to show that civilization ’s willingness to join the army is by no means mainstream, especially playing ‘one radish, one pit, and flesh and blood as soldiers’.

Marsala, as a frontier planet, is considered to have strong civilian customs, and there are not enough official protections, and objective reasons for space bandits to rampage, so there are militia organizations.

And not all mayors are as smart and courageous as Dominic, let alone training militia, and even the weapons and equipment are better than the ruined. It is now in a state of ill health. I hope that the gray beard can help Straighten out the issue of public security, otherwise people will be panicked and the economy will be severely affected, resulting in great losses.

Kane has been busy socializing recently, mainly this.

"It is not impossible to count on all of us to protect a certain area, but I am afraid that my offer will make you feel insincere. In my opinion, each of my boys is worth the money, and I have participated in them at least ten times. The violent exchange of fire and the ability to live soundly is worth it now. So my offer is like this ... "

"One of our teams leads the local militia organization. In addition to paying a lot of money, you have to pay for weapons and equipment. Of course, not for my soldiers, but for the militia. After all, this is combat, not a big man ’s. At the funeral, the guns do n’t need to be accurate, and it ’s OK to start. "

"Of course, if you feel the pain of this money, you can contact my colleagues, there is no channel to come to me, of course, I will not make a guarantee. They are as elite as we are."

There is no doubt that Kane's stance of talking about business is very stupid. It is entirely about taking his own person as a treasure, a posture of "love to use, not to roll".

In fact, Kane's men are indeed treasure. They are counted as humans in this universe who know best how to fight against worms, if biological humans are also humans.

Someone gritted his teeth and the money was spent. Some people feel that there is no need to make a noise, and spend a little money to buy peace of mind, so that people can feel at ease, but if it is too expensive, it is better to spend less money to those media, anyway, they have already been unruly, distorted the facts, played word games Maybe you can get through the limelight.

In the limelight? The show is just beginning.

In fact, Kane has been thinking about a problem, that is, the impact of biomass on Zerg.

He has confirmed that Zerg can survive on desolate planets where humans are simply not suitable for survival, and even they deliberately choose such a harsh planet to temper the Zerg ’s sharpness and agility, and sometimes even call it a harsh environment. Play the forced experiment of 'die without evolution'.

He is not sure that if there is enough biomass, to put it bluntly, whether all kinds of meat, including human flesh, will help the crazy bugs of the worms.

Although he has participated in SC tasks in his previous life, more than once. However, the tasks arranged by the Vientiane gate system never make the reincarnations feel better, and most of them come and go in a hurry, and the cost to stay is not ordinary. So he didn't have a deep understanding of some situations.

For example, Chosala, Marsala, and other planets slaughtered by worms, whether the worms are mainly based on Divine Soldiers, or the nest is activated, desperately exploding soldiers, and then fighting to fight.

To be honest, he was a little bit not convinced that the Zerg had made a space raid on the original historical line without being discovered, or the message was completely broken.

It is not impossible, but human beings have never been their main target of attack, nor do they bother to be so careful and rigorous.

Then, according to the human technology of this era, it is difficult to imagine that a large number of foreign objects have appeared in space, and have been close to the planetary circle. They have not been able to observe them in time, and the messages have not been sent out.

This is not a problem of colonial investment, so that there is insufficient monitoring. After all, interplanetary navigation, detection is a big foundation. Even ships can have such a strong detection ability, accurately grasp the position, play a surprise attack, and set up a ground or space base station for monitoring the solar system.

What you need to do for trading on your own ship ~ ~ also needs related information. This is actually a business that can be compatible when the ATC tower of the earth age is upgraded to the space level.

Every time when the Zerg soldiers approached the city, they knew they had invaded. Such a gravity well-level warning net was too low.

This time he came to the Sara Galaxy to conduct a special investigation in this regard.

The answer is that since entering the interstellar age for so many years without encountering an exceptional star civilization, humans consider themselves to be a special case of the universe, at least the Milky Way, so they have relaxed their vigilance and have no habit of prosecution.

Let's elaborate further, if the monitoring level is too high, some gray and black transactions are not convenient. So in fact, the dignitaries have played a very negative role in galaxy monitoring.

In the words of some people: "Behind those space pirates, the gold masters are often standing. In order to **** the interests, they have already fought, including robbing and destroying each other's cargo ships and passenger ships in the name of pirates."

In the face of this situation, Kane could only do it himself and get enough food and clothing. He bought the relevant personnel of Marsala and arranged three observation ships on high orbit. He wanted to see, what is the truth?

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