Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 517: Prince Galin wants to be gilded?

The war between humans and orcs has occurred twice.

Human beings are the passive side and can be said to be ravaged. The farmland in the village was burned down, and the children, women and children were killed.

Even so, after the end of the Second War, the Alliance of Human Kingdoms still did not completely kill the surrendering orcs.

The core cognition advocated by mankind strives to distinguish people from beasts and stick to a bottom line. Do not let resentment affect your reason.

As Terenas once said: "If we did that, we would be like orcs."

This is not singing high-profile, but wise words, in the final analysis is for your own good.

This time it's aimed at the orcs, which one next time? Boar man? Tauren? Troll?

This is not a source world, but a world where multiple intelligent populations coexist. And human beings are a late riser.

There are some things that can be done silently with strength, but it cannot be proclaimed to the public, especially if it is not strong enough to overlook the sentient beings, and talking in a big mouth will cause serious consequences.

Visually, for a long period of time, Azeroth's humans have the need to unite and wisdom, develop together, and make the alliance forces bigger and stronger, and even necessary.

Even the split soul of Kane Sun didn't play the mass extinction this time, but chose to banish the orcs.

Kane felt that on this point, he should coincide with Lordaeron's current King Terenas.

However, under the background of his ‘technology to promote productivity and production on the road to prosperity and strongness’, Stromgarde ’s many years of accumulated disadvantages, such as self-reliance and speculative powers, have been taken advantage of.

Under the general trend, those hilltopists who had followed so many people in the past have basically become lonely and widowed. The slight pains caused by these people have been picked up. They have been selectively forgotten by people under the background of profit bottoming and optimistic money. Too.

Moreover, Kane is not like his cheap dad. Kane can be flexible, or in other words, with his economic acumen and ability to make money, it is enough to support his ratio of pretending to be a local tyrant.

So in the eyes of others, those who have been packed up, the end is actually not bad, it is no longer right, and even the land has been taken away, but there is money, even if it is to go to the Dalung area of ​​Rendam, Buy a piece of land not inferior to this area.

It is true that some people have done this. For this reason, the Rumbling dignitaries have made a fortune from the people of Stromgarde, so that in recent years it has been rumored that the king of Stromgarde has issued gold coins to his subjects. It must be oily.

In any case, the Kingdom of Stromgarde was the first of the seven nations to emerge from the economic decline caused by war.

This is not only reflected in the substantial improvement of the people ’s living standards, but also the official wealth, but also in the realization of centralization.

This is also necessary. There are only 50,000 people in total. If you still play the feudal state and build the country, the lords will do their own thing. Where can I find enough qualified workers?

But the situation in Lordaeron's kingdom is less sunny.

It is true that Terenas is the king, but his authority is mainly reflected in the immediate territory. Major events also need to be negotiated with major lords, not just one word.

In terms of how to deal with orcs, the Alliance has never had a particularly good solution.

The folks have suffered from the poisoning of the two orcs wars, and they have a lot of resentment against the orcs. This has to be considered.

The interests of dignitaries must also be considered. After all, the dignitaries also helped each other during the war. If the war is won, there will be rewards. Otherwise no one will play with them in the future.

It is precisely because there is no solution that is satisfactory to all parties. So it was imprisoned and delayed until now.

Kane believed that it would be fine for the exiled orcs to go wild.

But how to do it is specific.

There is no leader who convinces most orcs. Even if those orcs are released, they will not choose to cross the ocean and go through the hardships to create the future.

They don't have a long-term vision or plan for their children and grandchildren.

There is a slightly prestigious little boss or something that will become an organized looter like some remnants of the Dragonmaw clan entrenched in the wetlands.

Or three or more small groups, what can be done, including being poachers, looters, etc.

At least it must be like Drek'Thar (Shaman), with a clear Tao (moral belief), and a considerable personal charm and talent, in order to gather people, make the orcs believe something, and be willing to pay hard work for what they believe. And even life.

Therefore, Orgrim? Hammer of Destruction, or someone like Thrall, is necessary.

The united orcs are indeed more difficult to defeat. But now it is more beneficial for most orcs to unite under one banner and get away from Kalimdor.

It stands to reason that war has destroyed a lot of real wealth, and all countries are in the ascending state, and the demand gap is huge.

Comparing the history of this world and the history of the original world vertically and horizontally, it is not difficult to find that 20 years after the war can be said to be the golden years. Basically, everyone can make a good job without worrying about no sales.

However, if even the basic public security cannot be guaranteed, the official has to use the power that is not much to use in the military when the production is wailing, and then it will fall into a state of poor soldiers and a vicious circle.

In the seven countries of mankind, basic families have hard-to-read classics.

The departure of the high elves is also clear to this bad situation. I did not want to be dragged down.

Thoras, who participated in the League of Nations, told Kane about the situation at the time.

Lordaeron ’s dignitaries also had the passionate, face-to-face statement: "The Kingdom of Lordaeron will not forget the help of allies, and mankind will not forget the help of allies. Wait until the future, the kingdom will give back."

The high elf representative smiled and said, "We wait for feedback."

It means the second war between humans and beasts. Humans have owed a lot of high elves, just like the property has been mortgaged. Pay off this first, and then make a loan.

Kane had a more thorough view of this, and he said to Soras: "The relationship between countries is originally a relationship of interest. Not to mention different cultures, different populations with different histories, all have to plan for their own ethnic groups Avoid evil, seek benefits and avoid harm. "

"From this perspective, the high elves and their magical civilizations really have very low and low demands on us. At the time, they allied themselves with the humans led by Thoradin the Great, because their own people were not prosperous and fought against the trolls. Cannon fodder is urgently needed. "

"And that time, people paid the bill. Without the high elves, there would be no human caster organization Kirin Tor, and there would be no Dalaran."

Thoras said a little unhappy: "So, is Greymane (King Gilneas) taking advantage of the situation to leave the alliance, is that right?"

Kane Xin said: "Of course, how was the original history of the Kingdom of Stromgarde played? If it weren't for me, Stromgarde would be the barracks of the Alliance, and all the soldiers died on the battlefield. It has also been squeezed out. How can the remaining old and weak and women support the country? It can only be withdrawn. Terenas does not have a good solution to the problem. figure it out."

On his mouth, he also had to take care of the face of Thoras, and some of it was fun. It focuses on the reasons why different positions and different perspectives are used to look at problems and draw different conclusions.

In any case, because of the variable Kane, Stromgarde not only saved a large number of people, but also had a huge difference in economy and national power from the same period as the original historical line.

Even, the influence of his variable has already affected the entire human race.

For the simplest reason, without Kane and his industry, the cost of human beings to arm themselves is at least 50% higher than the current cost, and the level of arming is a big step lower.

In this period of uninterrupted small-scale wars and conflicts, the strength of the armed forces has saved the vitality for the human population. Although no one can figure it out, it must be a big gain.

Now, in the face of Terenas's request to send troops, after consulting Kane's opinion, Soras finally gave the allied face and dispatched combat power.

Thoras believed that he was old and that the prince needed experience, so that Garin Torbain became the supreme commander of this force, and was assisted by several old men.

On the surface, this seems to be an opportunity to gilt the heir to the throne in order to obtain more senior qualifications, and it will succeed in the future.

This is similar to the later Terenas sent Alsace to investigate the plague. Of course, Terenas had no idea that things would be so tricky.

Most people are not very optimistic about Prince Garin, and feel that Thoras has played a stinky chess. This is where he is prestigious for his son. He clearly wants to keep his old face and pit his son.

The opponent is the old sly Orgrim! Master of strategy, the means of tactics are perfect. The two human-beast wars have beaten the kingdom alliance to the north.

If it was not the critical moment, Gul'dan took nearly half of the combat power to develop the tomb of Sargeras, and the seven human nations were completely defeated.

Later, even if the coalition that had won the respite organized an army to fight back, Orgrim still beheaded Anduin Losa in the Burning Plains.

At that time, the human side had an absolute advantage and was a mourning soldier. This led to the old bone under the leadership of Turalyon (then was Losa's deputy), and soon afterwards, the old cargo was imprisoned from Stormwind City. Escaped.

Now that the elite of the league, such as Turalyon, are lost in the world of Draenor, Orgrim feels a little uncontrollable.

As for some people who said that Prince Galin was an apostle of the Holy Light, he was extremely powerful and rumored that he could beat hundreds of orcs alone.

The dignitaries and experts are very disdainful about this: Do you believe the folk rumors? Hundreds per person, how can he not go to heaven? Blow too much.

Moreover, is an excellent military commander necessarily related to individual martial arts?

Then Lordaeron ’s circle of dignitaries thought that the talented and talented Prince Torbain would usher in the first defeat of his life on the issue of orcs.

"It's difficult to say that it's a nightmare? No, it's not that difficult to look at the problem from another perspective." Kane told the commanders under his command.

And these commanders also acted very Dante, but they knew the abilities of their prince.

As an officer said, "God, is that difficult for Prince Galin? Some people, too self-righteous, do not think they can do others. Our prince will certainly achieve greater brilliance than Soratin the Great The great cause ~ ~ as long as there is that opportunity. "

The Falcon Legion moved, and moved quickly, and the specific action felt like a forced relocation.

In the South China Sea town, Tarummere, and the Ranch area, the Falcon Corps forcibly moved the population to the east of the long wall of Thoradin in order to protect the people.

This approach was naturally resisted by the locals, who had deep feelings for the land they lived for generations. Many people expressed that they were willing and able to guard their homes.

Then the Falcon Legion taught rudely. The battle front beat the unwilling militia boys, making everyone feel the gap between the militia and the professional army.

Some people cried and said, "You are so powerful that you don't want to beat the orcs, but come to bully us."

The grassroots officers and soldiers of the Falcon Legion said: "We don't understand the principle of the road, but we believe our prince, his arrangements are always correct, as evidenced by more than 10 years of diachronic events.

Okay, Galin? Childcare Bell is indeed a gold signboard. The people of Hillsbrad also heard from the ears ...

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