Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 670: collision

Helgra, the city of gold.

In terms of scale, the Gonk temple is ranked in the middle of many temples.

In Zuatu, at least there are sign units like the Tusk Riders, riding the mighty velociraptor, which reminds people from time to time of such a wild god.

But in Helgra, the leopard **** Besek is even more worshipped, and the leopard is even a symbol of Helgra.

As a rising star, and with similar priesthood Besske, it is natural to see and even hostile gonk. Correspondingly, the priests of Besek also had black-eyed gonk, and the priests were punished, which is equivalent to dividing their believers.

The Gonk family is suppressed, the temples are smaller, the believers are less, and the ranking is lower, which is naturally reasonable.

Two days and nights after Luohan took over the temple, the temple has undergone earth-shaking changes from the inside out.

From the outside, its general appearance is still the same, but it gives people a more ‘correct’ feeling.

In fact, this is because Luohan adjusted the size of the core building pyramid of the temple according to the `` golden ratio '', which has such a visual effect.

In addition, the golden dome of the pyramid was removed, and the tower body that once had obvious boulder gaps was now integrated into a complete piece.

This is nothing. After all, in the high-magic world, the magic of turning mud into stone is widely and commonly used. There are similar divine arts.

But the outside of the tower was etched with bronze and a lot of grooves of symbols and textures, which is very compelling. This is the shaping of divine power. Of course, the power of faith can also be achieved, but in general, unless it is like Uzula using the golden scepter in the Zu'atu festival, there is no power to regulate such a huge faith Control of shaping.

Now, no matter whether it is day or night, there is golden light like water flowing in these grooves. This effect can be said to be a magical version of the neon light system.

Luohan not only adjusted the core pyramid, but also the surrounding buildings, but also made a lot of changes. The original thick wall full of troll style murals was replaced by obsidian-like high walls. From a distance, it looks like a circuit board, with rigid lines and sharp angles.

It is this adjusted high wall that constitutes the boundary of the entire protection system, and the energy hood generator is contained therein.

With the core pyramid as the central column and the square high wall as the frame, a nearly transparent pyramid-shaped energy cover similar to the HP World Hogwarts magic magnetic shield completely isolates the inside of the temple from the outside world.

Luohan came up with this kind of thing, naturally not just for defense, but to open the ecosystem function.

The influence of negative forces such as evils does not exist here. In the area from the core pyramid to the high walls, most of the buildings have been demolished and turned into exquisite hierarchical farmland using space. The different plants that love the light and hate the light have been shaped by the extraordinary power, and the harvest is a matter of three to five days.

Known in a week, this is the human miracle that can be achieved under the condition of controlling high-end extraordinary technology and with the help of natural divine power.

And the selection of these plants is also carefully arranged. The interaction with the outside world during their growth, such as photosynthesis or the like, consolidates and strengthens the environment here. It has some characteristics of the asylum created by Kane.

The dark high wall outside is a buffer layer more suitable for the environment.

Luohan was very clever and did not work against the environment, but learned Kane ’s experience of using twisted wooden shelters to create this black wall.

Not only the wall, but also the floor is very important. The entire temple area has been closed in the 40th hour, becoming an independent space.

Inside the temple, believers are praying.

This prayer seems more formal and has a sense of style.

What Luohan came up with was a complete set of rituals of faith, including bathing and dressing, as well as various rituals before and after, and finally entered a state of prayer.

The power of faith they generate gathers and transforms into a filter, and Gunk puts his divine power into it, just like extracorporeal blood circulation, filtering out harmful parts.

One immediate benefit of doing this is that Gonk is weak and weak, but the consciousness is longer.

The long time for clear consciousness means that there is more time to deal with various problems effectively. This is why the Temple of Gonk can be transformed so quickly.

Luo Khan himself still seemed a bit lonely. In contrast, Gonk was a thin and dead camel that was bigger than a horse, but he had poor control and wasted and lost power.

The two have sincerely cooperated, and the results are just now.

Of course, Luo Khan will not be in vain, doing all the good things of others. He is also ‘charging’.

In a room in the pyramid, Luo Khan was placed in a tin can filled with golden light, the situation is very similar to Kane's early years when he trained the brain to insert the devil.

In fact, it is almost the same. Luo Khan creates a small environment conducive to growth in the container, and then strengthens it continuously.

Anyway, from the perspective of the container, his volume is large enough, as long as there are conditions, he can continue to improve without encountering bottlenecks.

In addition, he dominates the overall situation and needs the brain, not the body, so the practice does not delay anything.

In a room at the bottom of the pyramid, Dhaka was directing personnel to check the goods. He is basically doing his own job. It can be said that he is currently the big housekeeper of this group, and the entry and exit of materials must be handled by him. Otherwise, nearly a thousand mouths, it is very busy every day.

Semir asked the old priests about the situation of his staff and learned management experience. His appearance on the stage is generally a pass. In fact, Luohan ’s expectations of these temple warriors are not high, and they lack trust. Their positioning is almost the police, and it is enough to maintain the internal order. And this kind of maintenance is mainly based on a sense of presence and deterrence, rather than strict enforcement.

It is precisely for this reason that the temple warrior group now sells a lot better than in the past. Under the intervention of Luohan, the temple quickly rushed to produce a batch of training uniforms and dresses, and each time it appeared in front of the believers, They are all dressed in dresses, they look uniform and spiritual, very stylish and very orderly.

Of course, that's what it looks like. Now, if there is a battle, if these warriors can not stab the black sword behind Samma, it's a good thing. There are very few who are willing to spare their lives to execute orders.

Rohan ’s main hitters are the puppets of the Holy Light left by Kane and the shadow trolls who have been following him in the dark, as well as the two velociraptors and Kaka.

It seems that the power is very thin, but there are thin usages, such as shadow trolls, they will not go to the bright place, but stab a deadly knife in the dark, used well, may not be able to overcome the battle of hundreds of people What the regiment can achieve.

In fact, the Shadow Trolls have completed a confrontation with the Helgra Allied Forces.

Although the official crusade of the coalition forces is still in the preparation stage, there is no delay in the investigation.

Specifically, in addition to close observation, it also includes spying, and getting in touch with the eyeliner that can provide information inside.

Thus, a game between scouts started.

This time, I had the opportunity to eradicate the Gunk lineage of Helgra. In addition to the Temple of Sabe and the Temple of Besek, the **** of cheetahs, they were also very active. Their scouts were dominated by their shadow panther warriors.

The traits of the Shadow Leopard Warrior are very similar to the Warrior Claw of the Gonk Temple. They all focus on the three indicators of speed, power, and wisdom. However, the Shadow Leopard warrior ranks wisdom at the end and pursues short-term explosive power. , Just like cheetah predation, within a few seconds, you will see the difference.

As a result, I encountered a super trolling shadow troll.

These heroic combat powers spawned by the power of shadow can be said to bring invisible stealth to the extreme, especially at night, it is simply a wandering grim reaper, invisible, untouchable, but real, whoever encounters who is unlucky.

The Shadow Leopard Warrior who tried to destroy the black wall of the Temple of Nature, unfortunately encountered the Shadow Troll. Despite the twelve points of caution, after observing the surrounding conditions, he still could not detect the approach of the Death.

Then there is no more.

From the perspective of outsiders, it is often a sudden stiffness, then fell softly, and then shattered like a deflated tire.

Waiting for inspection in the past, I often see scorched dry corpses, just like they have been dead for a long time and have been smoked day and night in a thick smoke place like the crater ~ ~ After a while, try to find the cause of death Shadow Leopard Warrior, also died. Dead Fa is similar, all of them suddenly stiffened, then fluttered to the ground, and quickly shrivelled.

The Serpent Warrior in the Temple of Sabe does not believe in evil, and he does not care about the low-key. He turns on the Divine Protection, and then several people cooperate with him to try to use the energy of the explosive power to force the lurkers out.

The theory goes up, but it is actually unsuccessful, mainly because of the strength gap, the heroic shadow troll can be said to be an elemental body, and the body has been completely eroded by the power of shadow. In a word of comparison: The deep darkness is not penetrated by ordinary light.

The scientific explanation is that the light-absorbing ability is too strong to reflect at all, so naturally it cannot be seen.

So after a while, these golden and splendid feathered samurai warriors also died one after another, just like the shadow panther samurai.

When the number of deaths was moving towards double digits, the coalition side finally admitted that they had lost this round. They were not afraid of death, but they did not want to die because of their worthlessness. They could not understand what the other side was. In vain, no one wants to do this kind of blood loss business.

Originally I wanted to find out how to go back and go to the business, but now I just rely on the editor. The intelligence obtained by the high-ranking coalition forces was that Luohan had a very strong wraith guarding the vigil, and he did not mind the night action.

Then start the war during the day and be upright.

Luohan also likes to fight in the daytime. After all, he is not a contractor of the Dark Forces, but a son of nature. During the daytime, there is a continuous supply of the power of the sun. When necessary, he can also temporarily blowout to enhance the efficiency of acquisition. Being able to get rid of his arms is very active, so it is good to fight during the day.

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