Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 687: Natural disasters

There is a virtual spirit that is good at shuttle in time and space, and there is a wings of death as a key. The Burning Legion does not use Medivh to open the channel to Azeroth.

The position of the space-time gate lacked suspense, and it was still selected in the land of curse, and the dark gate was used.

But a series of events later proved that Archimonde opened the door here is very particular.

The place of the curse is located at the southernmost tip of the eastern continent, and the human civilization whose center of gravity is in the north is obviously a bit unattainable.

After the invasion, the first one to fall off the chain was Lord Allen, the ally.

Terenas was rescued in Alsace and became Queen of the Lich. His temperament changed drastically. Even the local nobles who saw him several times a year felt his moody mood, not to mention the nearby ministers around him.

And Lordaeron experienced the ravages of the Scourge, even if you can't describe it with the essence, a comment with a bad spirit can't run away.

Dalung area, which was once the ruined place, was devastated by the plague of the natural disasters, and did not want to recover for ten or eight years. The rebellion of a large number of nobles and the death of the banshee made many places lack organizers and leaders.

Many nobles are indeed assholes, but the place of **** is mainly manifested in greedy exploitation. Most of them have no shortage of technical skills in organization and management. Now that these people have disappeared in large numbers, the following people suddenly seem to be in a mess. They wantonly take it for granted. All kinds of chaos have caused social unrest and popular resentment.

Therefore, speaking of Lordaeron in the past few years when Kane was not there, it was really the work of the king and the subjects, and the subjects are the subjects. If the Kingdom of Ilken is radiated by its own system, it has solved the livelihood and employment of many people. The problem is that the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which was not destroyed by the Scourge, may disintegrate in the next few years.

In addition, the Paladins of the Silver Hand are also uncomfortable. The Port of Fau was established by relying on the Hand of Tyr, a family-owned city of the Hand of Silver. The Port of Fau missed, and the Hand of Tyre was naturally affected.

Can be said to have suffered heavy losses. One out of every two Paladins lost their loved ones in that disaster.

This also caused some Paladins to question the way of the Holy Light, or too aggressive, no longer willing to uphold the idea inherent in the Silver Hand. Among them is one of the five founders of the team, Saidanda Sohan.

The disagreement of ideas led to the internal division of the Silver Hand. Dasuohan, Old Abidis and Old Mograine established the Scarlet Crusade. Uther, Gavinrad, and Benedictus still support the silver hand.

There is another character worth mentioning, Tirion Verding.

Fording's qualifications are very old, and Uther and Dassohan are among the earliest five Paladins who helped Alonso Fawau to create the Silver Hand.

It's just that his sentence "I have seen noble orcs, and I have seen mean humans" can be said to be a portrayal of his life. This is a person who can't rub the sand in his eyes, doesn't look at the kingdom of the population, only asks whether justice is right, and looks at the world from a perceptual angle and makes judgments.

Fording was disqualified from the Paladin due to problems with the orc veteran Eitrigg.

The faith of the Holy Light has not extinguished in his heart.

Kane's evaluation of Fording is relatively high.

He used the original world of Che Guevara and Castro to compare Fuding and Uther respectively, not to talk about the comprehensive factors, but to look at it from the perspective of morality. That is to cherish feathers.

Fording is the kind of person who can ignore the name of his predecessor and the former for the sake of justice in his heart. His thoughts are more pure and pure.

For this reason, during the few years that Kane was in the lowest valley of Fording, the shadows cared for Fording and his family, especially his wife, not as killed in the Stratholme incident like the original historical line, but But failed to escape the change of Fau Port.

All say that scars are men's medals, all say that pain and disaster make people grow. Perhaps for Fording, it is necessary to experience these in order to truly mature.

Can't be said to be mature either. It seems more appropriate to describe it with painful determination and correct your own weaknesses. Ford's weakness in the past was the lack of leadership consciousness, and his inner arrogance made him disdain for the seizure of power.

After experiencing a series of pains, he finally gave up the past practice of avoiding the world and took the initiative to attack and try to control his destiny.

And the soulful and righteous people like Fording, who are infectious in nature, never lack fans.

Then, the Silver and White Crusaders were established.

An important reason why the Silver and White Crusaders can raise a flagpole is that the hands of the Silver and many people in the light sects behind it were attracted by some of their enlightened views and styles during the interaction with the Holy Temple, The silver hand and the Guangming sect had dissatisfaction.

In fact, the silver hand has been improving, but after all, there are invisible frameworks constraining, and there are some accumulated drawbacks, which cannot be changed in just a half.

But not everyone can understand this, especially in the face of disasters and wars, these shortcomings affect the probability and efficiency of solving problems, and those people who feel the pain of their own ca n’t tolerate this error. No change, and the senior executives of the Silver Hand believe that for various reasons, it is not suitable for rectification in this situation. As a result, these people abandoned the pit.

They disliked the silver bureaucracy, bloated and slow, they could not keep up with the times, but they were not accustomed to the radicalization of the Scarlet Crusade, and began to have tended to racism and extremism.

So he ran to follow Fording, this is how the Silver and White Crusaders were established.

The branch of the Silver Knights suddenly seemed a little bit out of place. This is also with the help of Kane Mingli secretly, with his own foundation, the development is relatively good, otherwise I am afraid that it has become an influential three forces.

Such a comment, a very important point is that the major forces active in Azeroth, no matter which side, at this time can not talk about the real vitality.

The Scourge seems to be out of luck, but after careful calculation, there is no more injury.

Know that Kel'Thuzad did not resurrect after being killed like the original historical line, but always carried its regiment. This is quite different. In these years, after so many battles, a group of talents must be cultivated.

Like this kind of organization, the most feared thing is the disconnection. People have died in politics for many years. Suddenly it broke and fell apart. Many projects that had potential have been floated. As long as the leader has always been in place and is not stupid, his philosophy is to accumulate over the years, and there are some achievements.

Kel'Thuzad belongs to this category. He successfully escaped from Kel'dalon. The psychic mage series and the bone series are very impressive, far stronger than the original historical line.

In addition, the Lich King has a supplement that the original history line does not have, the eternal dragon.

In addition to providing prophetic information, Eternal Dragon can also open the door of time and space. Moreover, not all the actions planned by it were like the old Hillsbrad hills, black swamps, and purification of Stratholme in the original historical line, which were prevented and ended in failure.

This is actually where the Lich King dared to betray the Burning Legion twice when the situation seemed unfavorable. He can strengthen himself by cooperating with the eternal dragon to obtain supplements from other time and space.

At the same time, the Lich King chose to rescue Arthas and be united with it, which was also affected by the eternal dragon. After all, after watching the past of multiple parallel worlds, Ner'zhul found that Arthas's potential was indeed. The version of Arthas in one is the strongest.

In summary, the Lich King seems to be defeated in the Southern Expedition, defeating the soldiers, leaving the betrayal, leaving the Northrend continent, and the gradually developing Freemasonry containment.

The technology of the Lich King is relatively high-level, and there are unique points. The joining of Eternal Dragon has made it possible to obtain resources from other worlds and strengthen itself. And the departure and treason of the Fear Devil and others can be regarded as the elimination of the discordant factors within the group, so it is still a pivotal pole, not paying attention, giving it time to develop, one day can let the whole The world is surprised.

Of course, Eternal Dragon is not Kaishantang. They cooperated with the Lich King mainly because of their skills and achievements in the field of soul and immortality.

There is a saying that the more people I have seen, the more I like dogs.

Bronze dragons also have similar feelings. The reason why they will blacken into eternal dragons is largely because they see more and more rise and fall, and then think that they see the so-called justice rice soup instilled by the Titans.

This is actually a point where Kane has always criticized Titan. The entrustment and appointment of management are too hasty, and they are all parties that have not really been tested by practice. It can be said that this kind of merchandise, the better the ideals, the higher the nobility, the purer it is, the easier it is to blacken and degenerate into the real world, and change from one extreme to the other.

In this respect, Kane clearly relied on the wisdom of the East of the world. The words "Zhongzheng Pinghe" have great wisdom in chewing carefully. To the left or to the right, too fast or too slow, and radical procrastination will all cause problems.

After thinking that they have seen through the world and no longer believe in the evils of Titan ’s speech, the bronze dragons will inevitably look for new ‘words’ to fill their blankness.

Then they found that chaos is the trend of the evolution direction of the universe, and darkness is truly eternal.

The tragedy is that, as a Titan creation, the bronze dragon is order-oriented and natural-oriented. It is one of many sampan boats that appear against the general trend of the universe.

In order to completely get rid of their own limitations, the eternal dragons started their journey and cooperated with the Lich King, but it was only one of the projects.

The key point of this project is that the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad have extraordinary talents in the direction of immortality and soul. This is not possible by relying on a certain time and space and skillfully acquiring the technology of the Lich King. Actively go to public relations to make certain eternal dragons satisfied ~ ~ mentioned the changes in the Lich King in recent years, you have to mention geological weapons.

Kane ’s hunch and plan to go to the Broken Isles to see if the geological weapons were activated by the super-magic magic circle there. If it should be won, the idea of ​​destruction and destruction is correct. There are second times, n times.

With this weapon, the Lich King succeeded in bringing a lot of losses to the Alliance in these years when Kane was absent.

Not only the city of Galin in the Kingdom of Falken, the Parales of Kul Tiras, the royal city of Gilneas, the city of Dalaran, Ironforge, and the Silvermoon City of Quel'Thalas To the blow of geological weapons.

Kane no longer said, and even took the Red Dragon Queen, Green Dragon Queen and elite backbone to the outside world, which greatly reduced the thickness of the bench of Azeroth's orderly and good camp.

The blue dragons are actively preparing for extinction following the mad Marigos in Cordara. The Green Dragon was already troubled by the Emerald Nightmare, and lost his core. The Red Dragon has not yet recovered from the loss of being enslaved by the Demon Soul. The Queen and the backbone have gone without a trace. The Bronze Dragon is playing with his left and right hands. It's pretty good.

So guarding the dragons is a waste.

Without them, the demigod Cenarius alone can't hold it. Besides, Cenarius is not idle, and its worms are about to move. Seeing that the second quicksand battle is about to start, Cenarius is always there Golo Crater, what do you want?

Against this background, Illidan made his debut on the stage, which greatly changed the global situation of Azeroth.

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